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Posts posted by Aces



    This is actually a symptom caused by poor storage in the good old days.

    It's commonly found on books that were stored in cling wrap before

    comic bags were around. The rich/deep inks would transfer to the cling wrap

    as they were stacked upon each other. Once the book was removed from the cling wrap it would unevenly lift/transfer the inks.



    Red_Hood!? For a second I though RedHook had sneaked back in here. :D


    Like JC said... good catch.


  2. Why are people ragging on this guy? He wants to get to 50 posts - it's not like he's hiding it.


    If he's posting inane things in order to do so, that puts him in company with about 99% of the boardies here. You're acting like he's some kind of scammer. He wants to participate in the PIF thread, and he knows what the requirements are. Look, if he ends up joining in and junk-donkeying up the joint then by all means bash him. Otherwise, give it a rest.


    If you really want to rail against inconsequential posts, go and stalk Kav or something.

    Why in the world would you try to encourage people to rail against Kav? He may annoy some people with his posting style, but at least he's making an effort to contribute to the boards and engage in genuine conversation.


    You've been here long enough to know that nobody is "railing", "ragging" and "bashing" this guy and treating him like a scammer. But if someone is going to try to circumvent the spirit of a rule (without technically breaking it)...then they should expect to take a few jabs. Especially after 50 posts of "nice book". Beyonder took notice of this effort on the 26th at 8 p.m.....and by 9 a.m the next day, the name change had been requested and granted. Coincidence? Possibly...but a pretty strange one.


    Appearances to the contrary aside, I don't really feel strongly enough about this Cemetary guy to engage in a big debate over semantics, but just quickly: I don't know that what he's doing is circumventing the spirit of the PIF rules at all. It's not uncommon for new boardies to be encouraged to go elsewhere and up their post counts so that they can participate.


    "New boardie posts a load of rubbish and changes his name" is hardly newsworthy, is it? Forgive me if I read the earlier comments as people thinking they were cleverly unearthing some kind of scam.


    Oh, and on Kav - I was (flippantly) encouraging people to rage against inconsequential posts, not against him in particular. Although I will confess to being annoyed by the frequency of his posts, if not the style.


    New member signs up and bumps 25 marketplace threads with the same "amazing books" comment.


    Changes name and does the exact same thing again.



    Are you really jumping in to defend this behaviour? Really?

    You mean that last post in my sales thread (that was removed) was just spam and not from the heart?

    I so disillusioned... :sorry:


    A change I think we could make and I believe Arch might go along with if there was a consensus for it would be converting the kudos threads to feedback threads. Unfortunately, there is some very vocal opposition to doing anything that might inconvenience sellers.


    I think the probelm with getting this kind of change in place is that there's no regulation on a thread, and they would quickly turn into a downward spiraling festival of modifier notifications and scrubbings, and CGC mods understandably dont want to get into that business.


    Think of all the administration surrounding ebay feedback... and they are BUILT for this kind of stuff. CGC Message boards arent.


    I agree it would be useful, but the overhead/admin makes it near-impossible to implement.

    If they allowed negative kudos there would be an explosion in the pernts people would be getting.


  4. I would agree the only part I don't understand was the what 8 months he was on it. Did no one tell him?


    If someone does get put on PL do they receive a message telling them that?


    Nope. Not as a part of the process anyway.

    Maybe when someone is place on it they should get a PM. hm


    I mean normally there's a big hullabaloo and they know what's up but there's always the chance some smuck might not know anything is wrong if they're not posting here then come back in six months and start a sales thread and then be told they're on probation.


  5. Don't think I can nominate this person since I did get my money back through eBay resolution, but buyer beware if Mikegg in the boards.


    I bought a book from him on the boards and it took abou a month to ship. He ten key me know he would be auctioning off a higher grade copy on eBay. I won the higher grade copy and waited about two weeks. I contacts him and asked about the book. He said he didn't have the book in hand but just go it and would be sending it.


    I waited another two weeks and sent him another message statin I didn't have the item. eBay automatically opens a case now so he responded to te case saying he couldn't find it, but just found it an coul still send it. I said I would still like the book and to send it. About 10 day later still no word so I sent a message askin about it. No response.


    I finally decided to escalate the issue last night and got a refund.


    I still want the book, but it doesn't look like that's happening.

    Under normal conditions I would say no since you got a refund.

    But there are two important factors in your case.

    1) A third party(s) (eBay + PayPal) forced the refund. If not for that you might never have been refunded.

    2) He's been on the list before. Funny how that works.


    I don't know if that's enough to tip the scales. hm



  6. So here is another question for you guys. I had a transaction here with a boardie. The boardie has done absolutely nothing wrong. As such I am not saying his/her name. However it was an international sale. I received a check from the boardie and deposited it in my bank. After a few days I mailed out the book and the boardie thanked me and said it was received perfect. The monies from the check have still not hit my bank. Again the boardie has not done anything wrong. I called my bank and found out that apparently they say you have to wait 6-8 weeks for a foreign check (off of HSBC for those that want to know) to clear. This was 5 weeks ago. From a PL prospective could I have been nominated for holding the book until check cleared (since it could take as long as 8 weeks for the check to clear, and I am supposed to complete the transaction within 30 days) Just want to say again that the other boardie did nothing wrong :)

    Absolutely not.

    No one could be nominated for holding a book until a check clears.


    Wasn't the check issued in US funds?


    Shouldn't take more than one week then.

  7. Well even though my poll was mess, the voters have spoken and 39% of 66 votes have said that yes PIF transgressions should be eligible to be included on PL. So the voters have spoken, lets end this debate and PIF transgressions are eligible for PL.


    You were not around in 2011 when we spent weeks working out the PL/HOS list. Weeks. Not just a poll and suddenly that is law. It don't work that way.


    As I suggested to Beige in a PM and in General Discussion (or to anyone else that wants to spearhead PIF type probation list), work it out amoung the interested members. Go into the current PIF rules, solicit suggestions, look for loopholes and expansion/clarification where needed. After working everything though, have votes on member approval. We had a few rounds of posting the PL/HOS rule set and each round brought up new things to consider.


    As I mentioned in my previous post, this may be a good time to incorporate other contribution based events like Secret Santa into the mix as, with the PIF, they are not sales


    Then go through the mods and ask if they can create an area for this the way we did for the forum sales.



    I remember when David created the first probation list post. We had about ten people on it. Funny, we had a bad month were we went from like five trouble makers to ten and we decided we needed a list to keep track of them. It was a long haul to get those rules in place. When it first started out I was actually opposed to it since the rules for getting off the list didn't even exist.


    It should take some super majority type consensus to amend the rules and procedures.


    I still don't like the idea of people getting on the list for off-board stuff unless it was really bad, like out right theft or other criminal behavior.