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Posts posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. Hulk #181 over GSX #1 and X-Men #94 any day, every day.


    Those three (other than a Marvel Comics #1) were the holy trinity for me growing up. Hulk #181 consistently over the past 20 years has grown at a faster, steadier rate than GSX #1 or X-94, and I don't see that not being the case anytime soon.




    I agree with Jim and support the notion that all X-Men # 94s are worthless and should be sold immediately to me at a maximum of 1/3 GPA :D


    xxx ooo





  2. First comic store I went to was Super Giant Books in Asheville, NC ran by D.W. Howard.


    I had met D.W. at the Asheville flea market a few months prior on a trip with the parents in 1981. He sold me my first new Overstreet (#11 with the LB Cole cover) and gave us directions to his shop which we visited a few weeks later.


    Things I remember snagging that day was a Green Lantern/Green Arrow # 76 with a dime size hole in the front cover for $5 and some Iron First back issues for $1 a piece.


    D.W. had a rule that you could not break and that was to not handle the new comics unless bringing them to the register. Not the best sales technique... but as he himself stated in his distinctive voice... "collectors don't like damaged books".


    Something about Asheville, NC is that in those mountains rested all kinds of comic book collections and D.W. probably touched most of them. He always had sweet wall books on display including GA from every genre and always a bunch of ECs.


    Tried to get to his shop at least once a month and went to a few of Super Giant Con's that he put on. Met Forry Ackerman, Al Williamson, and Butch Guice at the 1983 one and had a great time.


    I tried to visit his store more often after that, but the distance and high school became a problem to accomplish this.


    Last time I saw D.W. was at his shop sometime in '94 or '95 or so... which I believe also doubled as his home upstairs.


    I wasn't able to go back since I had started my own store around that time and from what I understand, he passed away a few years later.


    Good memories.



  3. I think Awake meant the other 13 people who voted no and were not being vocal etc.


    I don't think he meant anyone on the 'list' per se


    It's not a lot of fun to sign on and see your name on a "list" and those comments.


    Why do a list, Hector? What was the point?

    This concerns me as well.


    Might as well put me on Hector's list as well. I voted "no" too.


    Deals must usually always be completed or one ends up on the PL. This is what has happened with Hustruck.


    One thing that does occur in these lynching type scenarios (trust me I know) is that in all the posts and torch bearing, some info gets left out and then certain falsehoods become truths.


    In the last few pages of this feather and tarring, Red84 mentioned Paypal reversals...



    He admitted his own guilt. He stated that he was allowed to not finish the deal because of the "rules" he used, which by the way had nothing to do with what he was talking about. He then did not deny sending the cracked case photo. We have the email from the person he was trying to drop ship from talking about all the sketchy things he was doing. He has had multiple transgressions involving payments being reversed. What more do you need? People get too many chances here. It's as simple as that. Either you conduct yourself in a professional manner or you don't. There's no reason to let the latter stay here.


    And to nip this one in the bud before it's raised. His silence here is DEAFENING. The CGC boards are not a courtroom nor a government entity. We can assume guilt from his silence.


    Don't get me wrong here... Red84 is a good egg and a nice fellow. BUT when things of this nature are posted in the middle of pages and pages of weeks and weeks of blocked text... then ALL of the story should be posted.


    As it stands above (that I highlighted in red), it looks like Hus had deliberately reversed payments to boardies.


    Now weather he did actually reverse the charges or not, who knows, we never will know ... but what is known is that every boardie who had a Hus payment reversed, received a bank check or money order from him to settle the debt (as far as I know from reading it all here).


    Hus made good on his debts and it was reflected by those affected here... and in his feedback thread.


    That bit of information was not in Red's post.


    My point is that if you post partial info... then eventually over multiple others chiming in... that partial info has a chance to become perceived fact.


    Torches get lit so easily around here... so if you have gasoline handy, just make sure it's placed in an appropriate container ;)


    When Hus purchased from my last sales thread, he tried every way in the book to get a bigger discount. All the way from asking for free shipping, additional discounts for buying more, low offers etc. I can't fault him for that, some buyers just instinctively go that route. He paid for what he purchased, and that was that.


    Trouble does seem to follow Hustruck. He may be accident prone, but he's not HOS material.

  4. I recently received a package from a boardie that charged me $10 in shipping.


    When it arrived... the postage label said $4.42.


    His response to my PM... " I had to buy a box".


    A box that was both possibly used and too small to ship what was inside btw.


    3% in hidden, added-on fees isn't so bad... one can suck that up.


    Paying 53% + more in hidden fees... well that stings a little.


    xxx ooo



  5. eBay bidder hollijth-36zcliw2u made me a $179.99 offer on that X-Men #94, I accepted it, and so far, that person hasn't paid. I don't know why the bidder would send you an e-mail about it. I guess I should open up an Unpaid Item report, are you saying it's a fake bidder? Thanks for the heads up.


    Looks like it Joel. Obviously this guy is trying a fast one.


    My apologies... I will edit the above since you are a victim in this as well.


    xxx ooo



  6. This is very surprising. This is the first bad thing I've heard about Joel Elad. I met Joel back in 2009 and saw him as recently as Baltimore Comic Con this year where he was volunteering for the Hero Initiative. I've bought several books from him over the years and handled a few signature series books for him as well. Payment and shipping has always been prompt and packaging has never been a problem. Joel has always been a solid buyer, seller, and all around good person as far as I've known him.


    Perhaps he can chime in and hopefully clear some things up. :wishluck:


    Yes that would be nice. Like I admitted, I wasn't the easiest person to deal with, but being new on eBay, I wasn't too aware of protocol. He was a pretty big jerk to me.


    I can understand an accident happening once or twice concerning a book slipping through the cracks... but his feedback is reflecting this as an ongoing occurrence.


    I personally feel if something is up for auction... and it sells... then it should be waiting to be sent to the buyer. It shouldn't be sold xxx amount of days earlier, and if it was, the auction could have been canceled before it ended.


    Just looks like he doesn't want to pay to have reserve price and then when the merch doesn't get the price it "should"... it somehow ends up sold before the auction ended (shrug)


    That LOOKS like bad business... and that IS bad business :tonofbricks:

  7. Avoid this ebay seller...




    Won a X94 slab (4.5) last night at a fair price based on current GPA and I get an email from the fellow to not pay for it since "he doesn't have it anymore.




    I don't care for this type of selling... so there is no reason you should either, block this gent fast. Note his feedback is starting to reflect his selling practices. He will have another neg on there as soon as the mandatory 7 days elapse and I can throw one on there too.


    xxx ooo

