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Posts posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. Is this a comic book message board or soap opera central?





    Oo, sorry buddy, were you looking for soapcentral? Here you go: http://soapcentral.com/soapcentral/index.php


    thanks, but there's enough entertainment and butt hurt around here most of the time to fill in the blanks. start gearing up for my Christmas contest, it will be here before you know it. :acclaim:


    Between the butt hurt and hot air, we should all start selling inflatable seat cushions instead of comics... I honestly think we'd make a fortune :D



  2. Speedy... you've been on me like flies on other flies lately.


    If I've done something to offend you, why don't you PM me so I can apologize for it.


    Jesus man... your constant shoe licking is getting quite tiresome. Like I said, if I've wronged you... just pop me a PM and we will clear it up.


    Here's you another wink ;)

    I don't know what shoe licking is but it sounds gross. :shrug:


    And there's nothing more going on with me than meets the eye. I can't always tell what you're saying because sometimes you're overly cryptic, but you seem to think the mods have it in for you, I think that's probably not the case, so I say so. Fret not, I don't have it in for you.


    Again... as I stated before Speedy... I do not think the mods have it in for me.


    I do think that certain members here... and I use the term members loosely and with underlying meaning :insane: ... have more "mod ear" than others. Just another unfair practice around here which everyone but a certain few have to deal with.


    So to clarify... moderation doesn't have it out for me... nor do I feel that way.


    Got it? .... and another wink ;)


    Hey Rupp mate - :acclaim:


    Good to see ya!


    What's up Beige :applause:


    Hope you are well buddy :D

  3. Speedy... you've been on me like flies on other flies lately.


    If I've done something to offend you, why don't you PM me so I can apologize for it.


    Jesus man... your constant shoe licking is getting quite tiresome. Like I said, if I've wronged you... just pop me a PM and we will clear it up.


    Here's you another wink ;)

    I don't know what shoe licking is but it sounds gross. :shrug:


    And there's nothing more going on with me than meets the eye. I can't always tell what you're saying because sometimes you're overly cryptic, but you seem to think the mods have it in for you, I think that's probably not the case, so I say so. Fret not, I don't have it in for you.


    Again... as I stated before Speedy... I do not think the mods have it in for me.


    I do think that certain members here... and I use the term members loosely and with underlying meaning :insane: ... have more "mod ear" than others. Just another unfair practice around here which everyone but a certain few have to deal with.


    So to clarify... moderation doesn't have it out for me... nor do I feel that way.


    Got it? .... and another wink ;)

  4. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman together in one film? My God, what super powered villian could take on all three? Oh, Lex Luthor again. zzz


    Don't forget about Otis, Miss Teschmacher and Lenny Luthor.




    What - no mention of Richard Pryor's August "Gus" Gorman? You guys are getting soft in your old age.




    I enjoyed that movie :applause:

    I liked it too when I was a kid. It's gotten such bad reviews though, I'm scared to give it another shot. Best just to keep the good memories.


    Actually, it might have been my first intro to Richard Pryor. If not, it was certainly before I realized that he was a Jimi Hendrix-level genius at his craft.


    Still love the scene where Vera is transformed into a robot and she opens up her robot eyes ... sent chills down my 15 year old spine :whee:

  5. Clooneython 18.6 is coming to a close after a pretty spectacular run with almost 3700 views and will close sometime this evening :D


    As always, I thank all the entire Rupp Foundation for their Make-Me-Rich efforts... and ClooneyLovers for their continued support and good humor (worship)



    Just a reminder that a recap was posted here...




    ... and that EOS discounts are now in effect. If you are too dense to travel to Mixed... then the less dense will get what you won't ;)












    Will close this sucker up Wed night and pop out invoices soon thereafter :D

  6. I've purchased from Chip both here and off of Ebay and was always satisfied.


    One does need to note that all Chip's Ebay auctions have a generous 14 day return policy. Plenty of time to agree or disagree with the grade.


    Regardless of assumptions of who can grade a book through a "computer scan" here or "in hand" there... I don't think Chip is the kind of guy that's out to "screw" someone.


    xxx ooo



  7. I commented on two people who said something Michael...that was all it was, discussion.


    I thought it was a discussion thread. If you want me not to discuss things maybe you shouldn't bring them up in a discussion thread...because that's what I thought the thread was for.


    Perhaps you are being a little sensitive.


    IF I post something here for discussion, I'd hope to have people discuss it.


    Discussion doesn't mean I have to agree does it?


    If it's just venting and you don't want people to comment...maybe you should post a "venting" warning at the top so people will know.


    I understand that Sharon and again no ill will intended :foryou:


    I just wish that when you post your disagreement with someone, you would be more balanced.


    Take last week when I pointed out a sales rule violation. I didn't matter that I was fully within my right to point this out, yet instead of stating "why yes that was a rule violation and hey I'm glad it all worked out and everyone walked away satisfied"... you had to tell me I was wrong in doing so. That I was mad or something. Now I'm being sensitive :facepalm:


    I'm constantly amazed by the level of favoritism you bestow on certain people... which again is your right. That's not sensitivity... its just an observation. Just saying, in your eyes, I ALWAYS am on the wrong side.


    The only explanation I can assume from you doing that is you believe certain boardies are above the stated rules...and the rest of us lowly serfs should just accept that and go on. I just don't agree with you. :foryou:



    I actually have no idea what you are talking about...but if it makes you happy, it's fine.


    I'll tell you a secret about how I answer on this thread. I have it on watch. IF I happen to be at my computer and IF I happen to see it in a pm, and I read it...and that's a big if lately, I may click on the thread. IF I think I have something to say that I think makes sense...Like last night when Beige asked something, I'll answer.


    I used to answer a lot more, but I'm getting tired of the kvetching.


    The other day I was called out in another thread indirectly for using first names. I go out of my way to try to learn names because I think it's friendlier. I actually am terrible with names (ask Dan who I called Dave) , so I really try, but this particular boardie, who is friends with the people you THINK I favor (I think, I'm really not sure) thinks that's it's a bad thing...


    You can't please everyone every time. Sorry if you interpret something in another way.


    I was merely making a suggestion that I thought would help you. Not because I'm looking to favor people you don't like, but because I thought it might be something you didn't quite get and it would HELP you.


    Sorry if you saw it another way.


    Again Sharon... its not bad to have favorites, but when one of your favorites bends or breaks a rule or does something wrong... it's "just mischievous behavior" and its ok with you.


    When its the rest of us... it's "clear violation of board policy purposely brought about by his anger issues" .


    There is where your bias is coming in... and you (and others) do it all the time (shrug)


    Again... I don't agree with your stance or tactic of doing this... but I still think you are awesome :foryou:


    Watch what your actions will do to this thread before the day is over due to this tiny bit of interaction that we are having right now. Trolls are already seeping up from the woodwork just like they did last time we "discussed" something that you didn't agree with my handling of it. It's like a Catch 22 with a double edged sword. :(

  8. I commented on two people who said something Michael...that was all it was, discussion.


    I thought it was a discussion thread. If you want me not to discuss things maybe you shouldn't bring them up in a discussion thread...because that's what I thought the thread was for.


    Perhaps you are being a little sensitive.


    IF I post something here for discussion, I'd hope to have people discuss it.


    Discussion doesn't mean I have to agree does it?


    If it's just venting and you don't want people to comment...maybe you should post a "venting" warning at the top so people will know.


    I understand that Sharon and again no ill will intended :foryou:


    I just wish that when you post your disagreement with someone, you would be more balanced.


    Take last week when I pointed out a sales rule violation. I didn't matter that I was fully within my right to point this out, yet instead of stating "why yes that was a rule violation and hey I'm glad it all worked out and everyone walked away satisfied"... you had to tell me I was wrong in doing so. That I was mad or something. Now I'm being sensitive :facepalm:


    I'm constantly amazed by the level of favoritism you bestow on certain people... which again is your right. That's not sensitivity... its just an observation. Just saying, in your eyes, I ALWAYS am on the wrong side.


    The only explanation I can assume from you doing that is you believe certain boardies are above the stated rules...and the rest of us lowly serfs should just accept that and go on. I just don't agree with you. :foryou:



  9. They probably thought you were Rupp.


    I'm guessing that means something to you, Rupp and movie posters?

    A hint perhaps to those of us who aren't Rupp (shrug)

    He's been convinced that the mods are out to get him, deleting his threads for no good reason, etc.


    No Speedy ... that is not correct.


    I have never thought the mods were out to get me.


    I do believe that moderation on the CGC boards shows extreme favoritism based on the individual boardie based on who they are (or think they are).


    Some rules apply to some and don't apply to others... is all I've ever really complained about. ;)


    Moderation is getting better at answering questions and getting back to the lower tier boardie though.


    The answer I received as to why my first attempt at CT 18.5 was pulled was because I used the words "carried", "over", "from", "place", "to", "not", "be", and "named" are too descriptive of terms to put in a thread title and shine promotional light on the competitive forces of CGC and the CGC boards.


    I'd say eventually those terms will soon be hidden by the same high tech, filter technology that will forever prevent us from offering praise to Mr. Giordano. :(


    I would have called Dena... but my level of board membership hasn't allowed me access to her or any mod phone numbers yet... but I'm hoping one day :wishluck:


    xxx ooo




    I must be totally dense...because I can't understand why you would use those terms if you thought a place couldn't be named? It's not like you didn't know.


    It's pushing the envelope, why do it ? Or rather, if you are going to do it, why get upset if it's pulled?


    You remind me of Stu, he can't help pushing envelopes, he LOVES it...then again, he's been banned a zillion times ...but he doesn't get upset...and I'm always telling him :makepoint::makepoint:


    Thanks again for your input Sharon.


    Again, I never thought it was that big of a deal... but obviously it is... and CT 18.6 was changed accordingly.


    It's not like I said "or will be moving elsewhere" or "to sell at another venue". Maybe "these didn't sell the first time not here"? How about "these didn't sell on Ebay so I brought them here"?


    You have to admit, there is little difference in the above terms.


    I do wish I could get out of your crosshairs Sharon. It does seem like every complaint I have had lately, you are quick to comment.


    Whatever slight you perceive I have done against you, I apologize. Perhaps if we become better friends, it will allow you to see what others do as well and you won't be so biased. :foryou: