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Everything posted by MatterEaterLad

  1. Weird thoughts at 5:00 am: 1) There are more venues hyping books. In sports betting you'd call them touts. More podcasts, youtube channels, and Instragram feeds (though I like the IG claim sales and think they're great, especially in a year without cons). Lots of these venues are all about spec, from pushing quasi big books like Hulk 180 to stuff like ROM 1 (there were rumors of a movie). All of this hyping up the market to serious collectors and comic fans with budgets large and small. 2) Then there are those who aren't into comics but get sucked in by the hype. Comics are like bitcoin to them. There was a non-collector in a FB group this week who said he was selling two rental properties to buy comics and wanted to know what he should buy beyond an AF15. I told him the ultra-rare Squirrel Girl #1 Adamantium Edition in 12.0 -- keep looking, it's out there!
  2. We could create a whole thread of "selling too soon" regrets. Mine would be selling three 9.9 Miller DDs about a year ago.
  3. Beautiful book. GLWTS. If you don't mind my asking, has it already been dry cleaned?
  4. I wouldn't. I sent in something similar (with the finger bends, not the stain) and it went from a 9.0 to an 8.5
  5. A concern is that because of all the wild speculation and record-setting prices a TON of books are being sent in to be graded at the moment -- possibly more than the market has an interest in. I wish I knew how much of an uptick CGC or Voldemort have seen. If it's 5x or 10x there could be a glut in about six months as people who might send in 20 books a year are now sending 200. When all those books hit the auction sites we could have more books out there than the market can sustain. (I think high-end keys will be fine, but the rest could be in for a severe correction).
  6. My most recent walkthrough was received 3/9 and shipped 3/10
  7. I don't think the three major shippers let you insure that high on your own. I think the limit for FedEx is $5,000 online and any higher you have to go in person. Something similar with UPS.
  8. I hope they can figure it out. They're close to my house, so fairy convenient. The new manager seems to be what I call a "Sales Prevention Specialist" -- someone who, instead of seeking solutions, finds reasons to not do something. I told him that two months ago they shipped and insured a comic for me, worth $30k. He said, "Well, that wouldn't have happened if I'd been there."
  9. Thanks again. And I smile every time I see that Frank Robbins pic
  10. If those treads are gripper marks from the printing press I don't think you'll get dinged for them. Guessing 5.5
  11. Thank you! Do you know if CGC downgrades for these? Or are they treated like a date stamp (I love date stamps).
  12. The sad thing is I've sent lots of books via that store. But now they have a new manager.
  13. I just picked this DD up in a collection and was wondering what that stamp is? At first I thought it meant June 10 -- like some kind of weird date stamp. But isn't "d" used for pence? If so, then what's the 6 for? Thanks for the help.
  14. Well, this just happened... Me: Hi, I'd like to ship this item and I'll need it insured for $XXXX. UPS guy: What is it? Me: It's a comic book. UPS guy: *Calls someone on the phone. Hangs up.* I can only send a comic if there's a certificate of authenticity. Me: Well, it's graded by a company called CGC. They grade, authenticate, and encapsulate collectibles. UPS guy: Then I'll need to see inside the box to confirm. Me: *blank stare* Fine. Open it up, as long as you pack it back up again. UPS guy: *opens box* What is this? Me: It's a graded comic book. UPS guy: I need a certificate of some kind... Me: See that barcode there... UPS guy: No, I need a signed certificate of authenticity. Me: *pauses* From who? UPS guy: I don't know, someone. Me: Like...Stan Lee? UPS guy: Is he a comic specialist? Me: Thank you, this has been fun. I'll head over to FedEx.
  15. Another one. All that grime is on the inside of the slab. A horrible look for a book graded 9.8. Even worse on black covers.
  16. I have a degree in design with a touch of OCD. If I keep the book, the crinkles in the red would drive me nuts. For me, comics like this are like classic cars, I enjoy tinkering with them.
  17. Honestly, it's just an OCD thing. I've looked around for a back cover but it's not a comic that's readily had. Though I suppose there's a possibility of finding the back page of a contemporaneous book with the same ads on the outside and inside back cover and marrying the two.