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Tony S

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Everything posted by Tony S

  1. Most likely - based on the properties of Barex plastic - it is a couple of seconds at 300-350 degrees.
  2. It should lay flat after a press. If you hold the book in hand though, you will still often feel it sort of "sag" down the middle where the subs crease was at. Will look better after a press though. Like the others that have posted here, I've not seen a subs crease (that broke color) better than 5.0 - but that doesn't mean it has not happened
  3. Sometimes I wish I had put more effort into my board name. I just used my real name - Tony Starks - and just did the initial for the last name.
  4. I've reported it again too. what an . You'll notice the auction is only for one day. He's trying to get some money and run. Who auctions an AF15 on ebay for one day???
  5. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned - my bad for not reading all 27 pages - but the back cover he has pictured is from another AF15 currently for sale on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/AMAZING-FANTASY-15-FIRST-SPIDER-MAN-1962-VG-MARVEL-SILVER-AGE-/330946341082?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item4d0df068da#ht_2448wt_990
  6. EBay poofs the auctions now. A few like this have just vanished well after they were over. They don't want people doing searches and getting a feeling that there are scammers on EBay. I have "saved" serveral scam auctions (two AF 15's and a TOS 39) in my eBay the past two months. All three I notified eBay they were scams - all three eBay allowed to continue to the end. I saved them intending to notify the buyer - when they posted up negative - that eBay had been notified that the listing was fraudlent. But let it continue anyway. So if they give you any hassle on buyer protection - just mention that. As you mentioned, the auctions go "poof" when they go south. For the reason you mention - and so that people like me don't tell the buyer eBay let them get screwed. eBay is just rife with fraud. There's a fraudlent AF 15 listing 2-3x a month. How many of us have notified ebay on this auction - yet still it goes on. Why would ebay let a seller cancel a bid of 50K?
  7. Yeah, early this morning it wouldn't work with Internet explorer but came up with Chrome. Now it's not working at all. I downloaded a couple of submission forms this morning in case it stays down for the weekend. I guess their IOT staff need to get on Viagra, they seem to have trouble keeping it up.
  8. You paid extra because the standard economy service would be at least three months. You should call them and ask if they can't bust them out of QC.
  9. The OA has steadily risen. The art from The Crow was always hard to come by, and it has such a distinctive look. Also there were only 5 issues to the story (4 published by Caliber initially) so there was never a lot to choose from. The art market when the pieces were sold was far from the sophisticated, networked, transparent system we have today where you can track when pieces sell online, see who bought them on comicartfans or other sites, track auction results, etc. Back then pieces just disappeared without a trace. Not many people have ever seen the OA to the covers, and each piece that pops up now is a revelation. The scarcity of Crow art has really helped it tremendously. I found a DPS of The Crow facing off against T-Bird and his gang from the climax issue of the story. It was one of only a handful of DPS's in the story, and it was pretty much perfect. I remember buying it for $1500 or $2000 or so almost 10 years ago. I've been offered several times that amount, but I know I won't be able to replace it. There are several willing buyers for a very few amount of pieces, so prices have risen pretty consistently. When a couple of choice pages hit one of the auction houses a couple year back there was a blood sport battle for them. Pages that would have been $400-500 10 years ago went for $2000+. The pages were sold for $100 to $200, with covers and splashes going for more initially. The OA, like most of OA has headed upwards pretty steadily since then. Oh My!!! You OWN a DP splash from the original Caliber series?
  10. The Crow opened #1 at the box office. $50 million is the US take. Like all movies, it played overseas where it took in 94 million more. Thus 144 million. On a $23 million budget, so it earned 6x it's budget - also another number that makes the hollywood crowd slobber. It also did these numbers as an R rated film, which always makes it harder. Wiki routinely has nice overviews of movies, but Rotten Tomatoes does too. I don't know where you are getting your numbers on Walking Dead. First your comparing Walking Dead to the worst season ever of AI. But depending on what numbers you care to look at, AI is still squeaking by WD. WD averaged 11.42 million viewers last season. We don't know what AI's season average will be, but Nielsen says for the week of April 8 AI had 12.2 million viewers on Wed and 13.2 on Thursday. According to other sources, viewership for AI has recovered and notched up the last two weeks on AI but the most current posted Nielsen numbers are for April 8, 2013. Regardless, a comparison to a Network show that is in it's 12th (and can we pray last) year to WD isn't the point. My point was that the most watched cable tv show isn't close to the most watched network show. To it's credit, it looks like last year it would have been close to cracking the top 10, just falling short of #10 Criminal Minds with 11.46 million viewers. But the number one watched network shows are often in the 20-25 million range.
  11. You're clearly missing my point here. Walking dead has far more substance then the Crow story wise and even in the 90's no one cared about the Crow movie sequels. Why don't we look up the reviews on those films...? The Crow was mainly popular because it starred Bruce lee's son and it was based on a comic book during a time when Batman and TMNT were enjoying a lot of mainstream popularity. The soundtrack was good. It branded that era in music really well but that does not a good comic book make. . Others have commented on this comment, but only on the comment about "wanting to see the Walking Dead fall". But jeez, I gotta comment on The Crow angle. Let's be clear - The Walking Dead has built up an impressive run on the comic book, and the Walking Dead TV show is top rated - ON CABLE. Which means it is King of a relatively small hill. The first Crow movie (1994) was a huge critical and financial success. $144 million at the box office, 83% rating at Rotten Tomatoes (10% better than Amazing Spider-Man) and one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. It doesn't really matter that the sequels sucked. The first movie had the sort of success filmmakers spend their career hoping for. Time will tell if the WD will ever convert to a blockbuster movie. I'd probably enjoy a movie more than the TV series, because movies demand a beginning, middle and end. Even the fiercest defenders have to admit the TV show has stretches where it seems nothing will ever get resolved. The Walking Dead has more substance? Than what? Airgel? Angel food cake? Neither concept - zombies or an avenging spirit of death - is exactly unique, groundbreaking or intellectually deep.
  12. Ahh Man. I am sorry to hear this. My pets are like family - and my dog is on her last leg as well (just very old). I don't have any great words of wisdom for you, but I know this is tough.
  13. That's only Before they get married. Then it's semi-annual after that. Some people never marry... -slym Some married people get laid on hump day. To quote Peg Bundy of Married With Children: "Do you mean when was the last time I got it....or when was the last time I got it good?"
  14. Sexism. If I'm also cavalier about referring to women as four-year old boys when they're doing something immature or dumb as opposed to overly-sensitive in order to exaggerate a point, am I still a sexist? Yes. Wow, no points at all for perpetuating stereotypes about BOTH genders? I like to think of myself as an equal-opportunity chauvinist. No points, but you are being consistent. Consistency is a virtue. Most of the time anyway.
  15. Yep, I've tested how often people call for mommy that exact same way, not to actually do it myself but because it lets you know when someone else already has. Some people clearly have it on a hair trigger. Two posts - and I learned two new things today. I had no idea posting "mods notified" is normally a joke. Geez. How dense of me And I also had no idea that clicking on mods notified would let you know if someone else already had. At least I don't feel so dumb for not knowing that - I've only notified the mods two or three times my years here. For the most part if people are arguing and ridiculous I go find another more interesting thread. Or if it's really good I sit and watch the train wreck unfold... Thanks for the info....
  16. Are we expecting moderators to read every single post on these boards? Absolutely not. Did I imply that? I don't think I did. I certainly wasn't thinking it. No - it was just a question in general but I thought it might be appropriate to what you originally posted. What I was certainly implying was that people hump the mommy button far too often, and I'm curious as to what the primary reason is since things are largely civil around here--at least compared to plenty of other forums I'm familiar with. I've seen forums that are more civil and as RMA suggests, it's due to a higher moderator presence where regular contributors act as moderators. I think I've notified about a half-dozen times for two reasons--bot spammers and outright threats such as that one Mark sent Jason's way. I may have never actually notified due to threats since they're rare, but I have on other forums. I'd probably hump over very repetitive trolling, but I can't remember ever seeing it. I'm fairly certain you are correct in your assumption that some forum members are more likely to notify the mods (or button hump as you so eloquently put it ) It just seems logical that there are people that see it as their duty to do such. But is this an assumption - or is there some way of KNOWING that are certain indviduals notifying the mods much more often than most? It's very rare that I ever see someone post up "mods notified". Just asking if there is a way to be certain.
  17. I just read this entire thing. Did I miss something here? Is there no one - Arch or other board members - that can/will explain WHY this thread was started? Do the mods think the tone of the board is worse than usual? Or did someone(s) manage to complain enough or to the right persons about the job the mods were doing - resulting in mods being scolded? I thought for sure if I read all 30+ pages I'd get the rest of the story as to the why of this thread. Instead it's just mostly a discussion of those that dislike the job the mods are doing arguing with those that like the job the mods are doing - being read by most of us that don't know or care what kind of job the mods are doing. Maybe we should try self-moderation, like Yahoo's comments on news articles. Readers can vote thumbs up or thumbs down on comments. If comments are way unpopular, they disappear
  18. Second chance offer declined 9:30:01 EDT It can be and often is an indication of getting shilled, but not even close to "always". I had an auction just two weeks ago where some nitwit emails me one minute before auctions end say he "accidentally" bid. Not enough time left for me to cancel their bid and of course they emailed me instead of trying to cancel the bid themselves. His feedback score was low but not a newbie. I immediately made the second chance offer to the underbidder - someone that had purchased from me before - but they never replied. I'm sure thinking just like you that a shill was involved. So the insufficiently_thoughtful_person ruined a sale, probably soured a repeat customer's opinion of me.
  19. Is it really that far fetched? It's close to the GPA 12 mo average for 8.0, and right at the last sale for an 8.0. However, this book does have some "break out" sales here and there. A 6.0 sold for $300 on July 30, 2012. And 8.0's have gone as high as $600 in years past. It's a strong sale, for sure. And while the front cover looks much nicer than 6.0, the back cover is showing some pretty substantial staining.
  20. Purchased a raw ASM 120 that Adrian graded VG/FN. Received better than that very quickly! Thanks!! Tony Starks
  21. No, it's not. Dealers have deals like this fall apart all the time. The sale was cancelled before you had anything more than a few emails and phone calls invested. The seller's behaviour is lacking - but not probation list worthy
  22. About 4 months ago I had 22 books on a 30 book submission change grades from when they were "scheduled for grading" till they were actually graded. They were all cracked-out 9.8s that suddenly dropped to 9.6 yellow labels, but when the grades were finalized, went back up to 9.8. Even though I'm by no means new to subbing books, I must admit I was a bit freaked when I got the preliminary grades by email - I ended up mentioning it to CGC at the next show I was at, and they told me they were training new modern graders and I shouldn't pay attention to the grades till the books were actually slabbed. I realize that people, in general, are pissed at CGC for the long turnaround times and seem intent on complaining about every single thing that CGC changes, but how does it make sense to allow people access to grades until the books are finalized? There's zero benefit to CGC in doing so and it could very easily lead to confusion & ill-will amongst new submitters when they don't realize that the grades they're seeing aren't "real". I understand why CGC says the grades aren't available until they are final. Now they say that grades aren't final until in the shipped/safe status. The rub is simple. It is one more thing that for the customer that isn't quite as good as it used to be. Why - after years - for this change? A couple of months ago - and for years before - the grades were available when graded. Now they are not available until sometime after that. Days at least - sometimes pushing a week. In the grand scheme of things this isn't that big a deal. Personally, I really don't care. But let's not sugar coat it. People aren't just "complaining about every little thing CGC changes." Less is less - and this is a little less than customers used to get.