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Posts posted by stock_rotation

  1. On 4/26/2018 at 7:10 PM, fantastic_four said:

    This may have been true all along, but the last episode switched back and forth between a boxed version of the events, i.e. a black frame around everything on the top/bottom and both sides, and full-screen video that it occurred to me Hawley is trying to tell us something about the reality they're seeing with the black boxing.  At first I thought the boxing meant we're seeing the Astral Plane, and maybe that's exactly what it means, but I"m not sure of it.  Does anyone feel like they get what the black boxing is trying to communicate about the events we're seeing?

    This storytelling device has been around since the first episode. We first see it when David is on the phone trying to find out where Syd is, and Ptonomy and Kerry are chasing him. It switches from fullscreen to letterbox while he's on the phone, and switches back once he's been captured. In between, Syd shows up and explains she's not real, she's inserted herself into his memories.

    In my understanding, Hawley is letting us know when we switch from what I'd call 'the show's observable reality' to 'a character's internal thoughts/memories', which may or may not reflect the actual reality. It becomes a little tricky in the Syd-centric episode, because we're not in reality, we're in the Astral Plane, but the letterboxing lets us know when we're watching David or Syd's internal monologue. It's letterboxed when Syd's climbing out of the igloo, and it switches back when she's born. It's letterboxed while David finds his way through the snowstorm to the igloo, and switches back when you see he's entered the museum.

    Here's a cool thing you may or may not have noticed. Watch the museum scenes-- Syd's pants are overlong, and David's are too short. They aren't on the same wavelength-- David does not understand Syd's actions, and it's visualized by the mismatched pants length. Once Syd explains what she wants and David finally understands, their pants lengths return to being equal.

  2. On 4/5/2018 at 3:48 PM, fantastic_four said:

     I LOVE the visual aesthetic, and that's what's mostly keeping me going.

    Right? This show feels like someone went into my brain and found all the hot spots. Everything about the aesthetic of this show is fully in the red for me, Set design, lighting, casting, title and credit sequences... even font selection. I avoid TV superhero shows because they're all cheesy looking and have horrible design choices. I only fell into this one because I was a big fan of Fargo.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jaydogrules said:

    Wow this show's ratings went from being in the toilet to being in the sewer with the C.H.U.D.'s.  A big week over week drop (after an already remarkably weak Season 2 premiere) to a dismal 0.21 probably even has Fox executives wondering why, exactly, this pretentious, empty headed, vapid drivel was renewed.  


    Please show us on the doll where LEGION or Noah Hawley touched you.

  4. 4 hours ago, fastballspecial said:

    The only issue I see that might affect me is that as a seller I will have to accept both Paypal and Ayden so I will have to have 2 accounts which I don't like.
    In a few years that will minimize and I might even close my paypal account which I use 95% of the time on ebay only.

    Unfortunately ebay still controls the largest shares of buyers outside of Amazon. The only choice is to run your own site and drive traffic there. 15% is not a problem
    for me as my margins are very nice or I wouldn't be selling to begin with. Judging on the last few months its going to be a very good year for ebay comic sales.


    I have a strong suspicion Ayden is going to be invisible to buyers and sellers.  As a buyer, you're going to have the choice of paying by credit card or ACH, or using Paypal. If you choose CC or ACH, eBay will take (and store, for future purchases) your CC or ACH info and complete the sale. Ayden will do the behind-the-scenes processing. To a buyer, they're just paying eBay for their win. Sellers will get paid by eBay. Buyers and Sellers will not be transacting with one another, they will both transact with eBay. They are aiming for a seamless transaction, where you don't ever leave eBay to complete your purchase, just like buying on Amazon.

  5. 8 minutes ago, spreads said:

    Good stuff, thanks.  Well I gotta run out to dinner, maybe tonight I'll post more when I get back.  

    Alternately, you can just go to comics.org, type in the name of a story from any of your books and it will likely return the issue it's from. Thousands of books are indexed there; unless you have really obscure books, you'll likely get a hit.

    Not to take away from the 'guess the book' game (which is pretty fun), but if you have a stack, comics.org will be quicker than posting pics.

    ETA: put the title in quotes, otherwise it will match keywords. When you get a hit, you can check the entire contents of the book for comparison. It's only story listings and credits (not images except for covers), but it's a great resource.

  6. When I gave up on comics in the early 90s (maybe 1991 or 1992), I traded with a guy I knew (who has since become a full-fledged, multi-store owner). I scored a boatload of Commodore 64 gear and software. I made out like a bandit! I had a whole box of games, disk drives, 2 computers, etc. That chump ended up with a bunch of low-grade garbage from me like ASM 5-13, Avengers 4, Daredevil 2-10, JIM 85, and a handful of single digit and low double-digit FFs. I even got him to take a beater IH 181 that I bought off the stands. For some reason he was not interested in my multiple copies of Legends of the Dark Knight 1.

    I still have those LDK 1s, if anyone wants to trade for pet rocks or cassingles or beanie babies. PM me!

  7. I'm pretty sure this stretches the boundary of what constitutes a bronze-age comic, but here goes...

    Does anyone have a line on either sellers or communities that might deal with newspaper comic books? I'm talking about those handful of newspapers who packaged their Sunday comics in a comic book sized package instead of the standard tabloid page. This page has a good overview: http://www.nemsworld.com/newspaper_comicbooks/

    I'm trying to complete a Jack Kirby Black Hole run, and I've got incomplete runs of all three books in which the strip ran. I watch ebay and have checked mycomicshop, but I'm still unable to find the few I need.  I didn't put this is WTB because I'd be grateful for even information on where to find other collectors.

    Thanks in advance!

  8. 12 minutes ago, sfcityduck said:

    I cannot link it because the address uses the dreaded four letter name of a competitor. 

    Ah ha.... that's why my post was hidden. I was trying to post the same thing. There is also a graded coverless AC9 from a different seller (same grading company) and it's the same book as the AC8 in the OP.

  9. On 9/28/2017 at 10:25 AM, cmixer said:

    I am 100% okay with 'paying' an artist since it takes their time;

    But what do i get for my money?
    Do i get to keep the pages?
    Do i get to keep the reproduction rights since you've already been compensated? 

    Good conversation ... thanks ... 

    You're typically going to end up in one of two scenarios:

    1) You hire an artist as work-for-hire, and you own all the end product.

    2) You partner with an artist and he/she reduces their per-page fee for a percentage of ownership.

    Both sides have their pros and cons. Either way,  get a lawyer to draw up a contract. DO NOT DO THIS ON A HANDSHAKE.

  10. I am quite pleased to raise this thread from the dead to contribute. I thought there was some other thread with more examples, but I've just done a search for BATMAN BONER and JOKER BONER, and my search history now needs to be scrubbed. Before I go, this, from Miss America v7 n38. Georgie being in bed and dreaming of Jeanie in a nurse's outfit is just <kisses fingers>...

