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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    I know I am not perfect, I never wanted to be, but I do want to give you something perfect to read.
    How do I do this? How do I transcribe a 45 min. interview in one single Journal? I can't. In fact I won't. It will take more than just one entry. The amount of information given to me was vast. I wish to be able to convey told me with a sense of professionalism that I do not know if I possess. I have written My Prelude to an Interview (http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/JournalDetail.aspx?JournalEntryID=8995) for CGC and am in the midst of transcribing my conversation with Brad Guigar of Evil Inc. but I do not wish to be atypical. I am writing it as I would write a Journal. I use my own style trying to give it a life of its own. If I can do that for Brad, can I do no less for CGC?
    This will be a slow process which thankfully I don't have a deadline. My 30 in 30 experiment in November of last year, although it was a success, really never prepared me for this.
    I had a set amount of questions I fired off to Paul and Shawn, they retaliated with answers, which spawned more questions. I want to capture the fan boy attitude they both had. I want to convey the professionalism they showed and I want to do it without losing any of the respect I think I have gained with the company itself and with you my readers I do of course want to do this again next year.
    Thanks for reading
    To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  2. Tnerb
    Originally taken from my Blog ashotofComics.blogspot.com because I feel that it fits here too.
    Once in a while I feel the need to rearrange my living quarters. I rent so I do not wish to call it my place, I just reside here. It is a small place but cheap and I find that it does suit my needs. Most of these times when I rearrange it is for the sole reason of being able to display my comic book collection with the least bit of clutter. I have over 5,000 books in my collection currently. This number was once more, much more. Life changes, things happen but I vowed never to have to diminish my collection for reasons of space and money.
    My collection of CGC books has increased to over two hundred; three hundred was my goal for the end of the year. This rearrangement process is done alone and takes some time. I had a great idea of separating my collection of CGC books and my raw books, this seems to be failing but as I have already disassembled my bed, moved it, and reassembled it I feel I already have to move forward with this endeavor.
    In my teens when I lived with my parents and my walls were adorned with poster after poster, comic book after comic book I enjoyed changing the look of my room. It felt wondrous to wake up to a new room. Now it is an apartment and this process takes longer.
    During these frantic changes of location of my d?cor I have yet to reread my comic books. This is something I did when I was younger which elongated the time it took me to complete my goal. I have not done that in a real long time. I would take my comic books; sprawl them onto my bed and read a story. The New Mutants are a title I read and reread. My issue #15, my original which happened to be the first book that started my collection was graded a 4.5. It wasn?t the first book I had but the one that without I would most likely not even be writing.
    Have you wondered if there was a point in your life that if it did not happen how your life would be? A certain movie when you were five, a first kiss when you were 12, A comic book at the same age, a child being born, a car accident, or a dreadful mistake. We are what our past experiences make us, but ask yourself this, what kind of person would you be without Comic Books?
    Thanks for Reading
  3. Tnerb
    Originally presented on my blog entitled A world Without Comic Books?
    Once in a while I feel the need to rearrange my living quarters. I rent so I do not wish to call it my place, I just reside here. It is a small place but cheap and I find that it does suit my needs. Most of these times that I rearrange is for the sole reason of being able to display my comic book collection with the least bit of clutter. I have over 5,000 books in my collection currently. This number was once more that this, much more. Life changes, things happen but I vowed never to have to diminish my collection for reasons of space and money.
    My collection of CGC books has increased to over two hundred; three hundred was my goal for the end of the year. This rearrangement process is done alone and takes some time. I had a great idea of separating my collection of CGC books and my raw books, this seems to be failing but as I have already disassembled my bed, moved it, and reassembled it I feel I already have to move forward with this endeavor. In my teens when I lived with my parents and my walls were adorned with poster after poster, comic book after comic book I enjoyed changing the look of my room. It felt wondrous to wake up to a new room. Now it is an apartment and this process takes longer.
    During these frantic changes of location of my d?cor I have yet to reread my comic books. This is something I did when I was younger which elongated the time it took me to complete my goal. I have not done that in a real long time. Take my comic books; sprawl them onto my bed and read a story. The New Mutants are a title I read and reread. My issue #15, my original which happened to be the first book that started my collection was graded a 4.5. It wasn?t the first book I had but the one that without I would most likely not even be writing.
    Have you wondered if there was a point in your life that if it did not happen how your life would be? A certain movie when you were five, a first kiss when you were 12, A comic book at the same age, a child being born, a car accident, or a dreadful mistake. We are what our past experiences make us, but ask yourself this, what kind of person would you be without Comic Books?
    Thanks for Reading
  4. Tnerb
    Without Bagofleas this never would have happened. Thank you.
    It was something I was eventually hoping for, something I wanted. That desire is about to cultivate into having the best New Mutants set on the registry. Of course this is by points only. I am still envious of not only Bagofleas having a gem mint #10 for issue #1 but he also has the Marvel Graphic Novel in a 9.8. My best condition for #1 is a 9.9 and if it wasn?t for Bagofleas I wouldn't even have that. As for the graphic novel, a 9.4 was the best I could find.
    I also like that fact with one good find he can take over the number one spot. There are a few others I wish to attain First Place in, X-Infernus, LongShot, and Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars to name a few. The last one I would actually just be happy to complete. Those are easier since they are miniseries and a lot more finite then let say Daredevil. I do look at Bagofleas collection a lot more than any other since there are so many that he collects that I would like to collect Like Star wars, Dazzler, and Groo. Even the Rom books I make fun of bask in his collection.
    I placed my order last week for the New Mutants books I coveted and my check is on the way. Once cashed, the books will be on the way to me via Fed EX, I don?t trust the USPS, even with a signature required. Once I have them in hand then I will add them to the registry until then I think I will just sit, wait, and watch.
    The New Mutants however weren?t the only ones I picked up. I finally got four more Longshots to add to my collection for a total of eleven books coming my way. I am still a far way off from my 300 I want by the end of the year. I almost have my 50 books together I want to send in, just need to pick 5 more and re-bag and board them. I like to keep the Mylar bags. The problem is, do I really think the 30 of them will attain the 9.8 I want. Although my latest invoice of three is now verified. I cannot wait to find out what Signature Series Grade my New Mutants #70, 58, and 59 received.
    Thanks for Reading

  5. Tnerb
    And I used to complain about minimum wage?!?
    I get paid $2.83 an hour. This is not a complaint, just reality. After taxes I make less, considerably less. My check would equal out to $1.40 an hour. Once again not a complaint but I wonder how many hours I would have to work to purchase the comic books I do.
    I am going to use a recent book I saw on eBay as an example. A book I would like to get is going for $140. The math is simple, if I want this book I have to work 100 hours, then to have it shipped me I?d have to work another 10. In other words one CGC graded comic book valued at $140 is equal to two full week?s worth of work.
    It could be argued that I also make tips. This is true but not every table treats you well. Recently I had a table and the check reached $38 and they left a phenomenal tip, about 80%. Then there was a check for $62.42. They gave me $65 and told me to keep the change. That's less than 4% and making that on a check is not a way to make a living.
    In my 20?s when Star Wars became rejuvenated I collected Star Wars action figures and spent an obscene amount of money, now I wish I bought comic books instead of action figures. I learned how to budget and I am responsible enough to pay my bills first. Once they are paid I can do everything else. I keep meaning to sell some of my things on eBay including some of the action figures I purchased all those years ago. I want to do this but only so I can put the funds towards other future comic book purchases.
    I try to work more, pick up a few shifts here and there and after what I spent last month at Wizard World I know I should hanker down and not buy anything other than what I promised myself or am indebted to. I would like to be able to pay all my bills off with my tips and use my checks just for comic books. Eventually this might happen, just not today. Of course what would be better is to pay off my bills with my checks and buy comic books with my tips. I can dream can?t I?
    Thanks for reading
  6. Tnerb
    Thank you for reading our comic book, find out what happens next month in the sequel issue #1 abcdefg with variant covers brought to you by the letter F,the letter U and the number 1.
    Seriously, does DC actually expect me to buy their comics just because they are starting over with issue #1?s? Fifty two of them no less, maybe dedicated to the 52 week program when they were releasing the title of the same name every week of the year, because they seem to like that. I like the Legacy numbering and for one have no desire to jump on the new number one system. Did I see the preview of the new Justice League, yes. Does it look good? Yes. So why am I not picking up the number ones? Easy answer, they did it before and it didn?t do very well.
    Green Lantern, Emerald Dawn was a great six issue mini. They started over with number one after these issues were over?I was done by issue 14. Justice League didn?t get that far for me. Superman, a powered down Superman, who was it that put Kryptonite in his water. The Flash started with a number one, I didn?t even bother to pick that up. I would rather pick up a sensational story at 903 then a mediocre one at issue #1. No offense DC but this number one thing you have going stinks of #2.
    And Marvel, why (the hell) are you following DC starting with a new number one. Why are the Uncanny X-men to start over at a number one? I loved the fact that they were in the 500?s. Even Amazing Spider-man was started off at a number one and now they went back to their Legacy numbering. Apparently they realized that a fan loved the higher numbers. With issue #666 the story seems to be picking up steam. Start a New Universe if you want to start all over again, The Ultimate universe is doing pretty well, and you?d have to kill off Spider-Man to get a new number one over there?.oh wait.
    I am not a fan of Daredevil being taken out of his book and being replaced by Black Panther. Why wasn?t he given a new number one? No, he took over as the Man without Fear title. Thor?relegated to number one and his numbering went to Journey into Mystery, you know the same title that was changed for Thor in the first place. Is this a rant, yes! I am sorry I couldn?t help myself. I would love to know if the new numbering system has you clambering for purchasing all 52 new DC books or will this new idea make you forget about DC altogether. Not to mention all those 9.8 Action Comic books #1 there is going to be. I hope no one confuses them with that 8.5 copy that sold for 1.5 million dollars
    The other side of the coin is comic book companies want new readers. I like Marvel?s point one system. That is something innovative. I didn?t pick up any of the books I normally pick up though. I believe you either collect comic books or you don?t.
    When I stand in line and a Cosmopolitan magazine is staring me down with a gorgeous woman on the cover I am not thinking whatsoever of picking this rubbish up and placing a number one on the cover won?t change my mind. To any comic book company deciding to read this rant I will tell you one simple thing that would make me part with more of my money on a good comic book and try a new title. Lower your prices.
    Thanks for Reading
  7. Tnerb
    More questions answered by CGC graders.
    After only a little bit over three minutes in. I calculated this interview would take awhile. I only had two hours sleep and I wish I brought some coffee. I had already finished it during my commute.
    This next question is very relevant to anyone that has books at CGC right now. I know that when I sent my books I was getting frantic about the turnaround time and it was nowhere near as long as it is now, I only had to wait one extra business day. Some people are waiting almost two (if not 3 or 4) times the allotted wait time. Convention times seems to be the worst time to send books to get graded since business days are cut from 5 to 4 a week.
    The week they were in Philadelphia was on a Thursday, so that is another day. If you take the Friday out of the equation for a convention the 20 business day modern age tier goes from 4 weeks to 5 weeks. But what about the Travel day for the majority of the graders, they do have to get to the city they are presenting at. Now we have a three day grading week and four weeks becomes five and a half. I don?t want to guess the ratio of how many more invoices they get at these shows. If they accept another 500 invoices at a show I would imagine it would add to the time you have to wait considerably.
    Working as a waiter, I time the pulse of the kitchen. I watch as other servers enter their food orders. Although I have no idea what they are putting through to the kitchen I do know three servers placing orders at the same time will back my order up. So I wait. This wait might only be two minutes but it is enough for the kitchen to begin to exhale and I am able to place my order, get my food, and not argue or fight through my coworkers. I think I would rather wait before I send my comics in after a five hundred order invoice weekend then maybe a ten invoice day.
    I continue: When would you recommend to a registry member the best time to send in your books to be graded?
    Shawn: I think other than peak convention season any other time is good but it also depends on the tier because you have value tier, and economy tier which is right away 40 business days (and I wonder how many of us really use those two tiers.) Which right off the bat is a longer tier? period! But convention season because of the sheer number of books that we get, right around peak?right around?.what would you say?.peak times?.
    Shawn Passes off to Paul?.I think they should be holding a CGC graded comic book as story tellers around camp fires would pass around a flashlight when the next person wanted to speak. I also think it should be a 9.6 graded copy of Daredevil. This way I can at least hold it.
    Paul: The convention season this year?.every year it gets bigger and bigger. I think we really start to get busy around March and April. Especially when once people get their tax returns back we really get a lot of influx from that. The end of the year; the beginning of the New Year is probably the best time to send in your books.
    I only sent books in once and want to send in more. Twenty I know will not get the coveted 9.8, but I am sending them to complete a collection. The other 30 I am thinking about I would only want graded if I can get a 9.8 or higher. I wonder if I could send in 20-30 and still be allowed the pre-screen along with the twenty I actually wanted graded no matter what. My problem is with my member ship expiring mid August. If I send them in now and they don?t get graded until after my membership expires, what then?
    Of course I have to mention PGX, they are another third party grading company, basically your only competitor
    Paul: I didn?t know we had a competitor?. They laugh
    I did say ?basically? but With PGX having cheaper prices and rumored to have better slabs. Why do you think people choose CGC?
    Shawn: The name, the reputation. Paul mumbles an agreement
    Name recognition?
    Shawn: there is ?the company (CGC) was started by people that were in the industry for a long time. And people submitting books know what they get. They are used to it, they trust it. PGX? We don?t know much about them. We don?t know who?s for the company and I think a lot of people feel that way too. We have been around for so long we built this reputation we are trusted; we had to earn that.
    Paul: yea we had to earn that
    Shawn: If you are going to come into this market with this kind of service. You have to earn that trust
    I think I am a perfect example of that. Last year I had one of my books graded (OK more than one) it was graded a 4.5. I had the book since I was 12.
    Sean: Absolutely
    Paul: That is great, that is a true collector.
    Am I to understand that you are the head grader (to Paul) Are there any books that come in that ou must grade. That you want to grade. When I asked this question I think I might have been misunderstood, but I am glad of that because the answer is so much more than I could have hoped.
    Paul: You know there is a disconnect between receiving and the grading room because the graders don?t know whose books they are grading so when it comes into the grading room all we see are bar codes numbers and the books. I have no idea what book is coming in so I can?t say to receiving ?hey? make sure I see this book when it comes in
    I cut in trying to get the answer I want. I mention in a somewhat geeky sort of way that an Amazing Fantasy #15 comes in. it has to be me. I have to grade it.
    Paul continues talking about if a book like that comes in it normally goes through the walk through service. For the majority, a book like that will go thru the walk through service which Paul see?s the majority of anyway.
    So pretty much higher grade books, key issues such as Incredible Hulk 181, Amazing Fantasy #15.
    Paul: Yea the higher value books will usually go through the higher tier which are the ones I see regularly.
    Of course recently in the past year 4 books hit the million dollar mark. Did you grade those?
    Paul pauses, whether for dramatic prose or just remembering. ?Me, personally??
    ?Yea? I reply
    Paul: I believe I graded all four of them.
    Were you shaking?
    Paul: No, I was excited
    Shawn: there are exciting times in our room when we get books like that.
    Paul: There comes a point where you don?t get jaded but you get
    Shawn: Desensitized?
    Paul: Not desensitized you realize you?re handling a very big book but you can handle it
    Almost like me with my pool tournament.
    Shawn: Yea
    I am shaking, my first one
    Shawn: you almost have to forget about that aspect, you can?t really get excited (I don?t think he is talking about my pool tournament but I can feel his love for his job in the tone and crescendo of his voice as he speaks). because you have to grade a comic for what it is
    Me: you have a job to do
    Shawn: When you get a Tek 27 (I am sorry I have no idea if Tek 27 is a book or a term, although I know a Nu-Tek 27 is a bicycle tire) WOW great book Action #1. You know those kind of books they can be intimidating but u can?t think like that. For us to be subjective you have to grade a book for what it is.
    I am sorry this is taking longer than I thought. I was not expecting it
  8. Tnerb
    This is what I wrote for Comicbooked.com. I felt like I had to share it here. I am curious if people who collect these slabs like I do think I described what we so love.
    CGC (Certified Guaranty Company) changed the way I collect comic books. They were founded January, 2000 in Parsippany, NJ. and are currently headquartered in Sarasota, FL. CCG (Certified Collectibles Group) presides over them along with NGC (Numismatic Guaranty Corporation for grading coins), NCS (Numismatic Conservation Services for conservation of coins), PMG (Paper Money Guaranty) and CGC Magazines (the same thing CGC does for comic books).
    CGC travels around the country accepting comics at conventions. They also occasionally have on-site grading. Although this costs a bit more, there is a 95% chance you will get the books back the same weekend. Philadelphia, Chicago, and LA are just some of the city?s that have hosted comic conventions with CGC performing this service.
    At conventions where CGC does not offer on site grading they will accept your comic books, fill out an invoice and safely package them up to transport them back to their headquarters for grading. You can also submit books under your own membership number as a registered paying member of the Collector?s Society (free memberships are also available). Once your books are in Florida and accepted the process begins. After the allotted amount of time your book will be encapsulated in a tamper proof slab (the terminology for one graded book) with a numerical grade for the comic book.
    In case you're curious, a perfectly graded comic book is considered Gem Mint, numerically speaking a 10 or aesthetically pleasing as Bo Derek. A 9.9 is the next grade down or Mint. Both of these grades are extremely difficult to achieve, not impossible but rare. The likelihood of getting a Signature Series in the same grades becomes closer to the odds of winning the lottery. For example, there is currently only one 9.9 Signature Series copy of The New Teen Titan's #26. The selling price is $1500 compared to a Universal 9.8 which averages around $45 (This average is a compiled amount over the past 12 months). There are 39 copies in a 9.8, 10 of those are Signature Series books.
    You can have any grade in any of the following categories: Universal (Blue Label), Signature Series (Yellow Label), Qualified (Green Label), and Restored (Purple Label). A Purple Restored label could also be mixed with a Green Qualified, or a Yellow Signature label. More on these break downs another time. Let?s concentrate on the high end numerical grades.
    A 9.8 seems to be the grade that most registered registry users are happy with. The majority of my collection is a 9.8 or Near Mint/Mint. I have one 9.9 and two Gem Mint books. I hope to increase this number. Then there are 9.6 or Near Mint Plus and 9.4 also known as Near Mint. These two grades are out there and more desirable with books from the 60s and 70s and more affordable then a 9.8 from the same era. So what grade is good for you? Which ones should you collect? And what is the first thing you should know about collecting CGC graded comic books?
    The first thing is space. How much of it do you have? A long box holds about 300 books, of course this all depends on how you bag or board them, or combinations of both and what bags are being used. A half box holds approximately 150 books. Once again this depends on your bag and boarding procedures. There is only one size CGC box and although the box is wider and higher than a half box, it is not as long as one, ok?well maybe slightly.
    I purchased shelving units for the main purpose of holding my comic books. I got these from IKEA. And unfortunately they no longer make these. Each shelving unit safely holds five boxes of comic books, which is about 750. What if I take the same five slots for CGC boxes? If each CGC box holds 32 to 35 slabs then we are talking about the shelf holding about 160 graded comic books compared to holding approximately 750 raw (Ungraded) comic books.
    Using my New Mutants collection as an example I can store in one half box volume number one issues one through 100, Annuals one through seven, the Special Edition, Volume Two, issues one through 13, and Volume Three, issues one through 20 with all the variants. One CGC box in the same space can hold issues number one through 33 of the same series. If you can allot the space for it (you can always start off small), I recommend thinking about the next question. How much are you willing to spend?
    Just recently I purchased a copy of Uncanny X-Men #183. I?ll give you a second to think of the issue I am talking about, never mind here is a picture(picture below). There's nothing special about it, no first appearance, no signature, and no reason I spent $45 on this book other than it is a 9.8 with white pages. I don?t like to spend any more than that on a non-key issue from this era. By the way it looks a lot nicer in my hands.
    Go on eBay or check out Overstreet's and the books high price will most likely be three dollars. So why did I spend fifteen times the going rate for a book, other than I liked it, or wanted it. It is because it is the best book possible that I can afford. I tried purchasing it twice before and each time the bid went higher than I wanted to pay. Don't let the thrill of bidding carry you away. Decide what you want to spend and DO NOT GO OVER that amount. The book you win could cause regret later.
    I would be very happy with a 9.4 for any book from the 60s and can be just as happy with a 9.2 from earlier in the same decade which would be considered a Near Mint Minus. I have a copy of Daredevil number 90 in a 9.0 which is considered a Very Fine/Near Mint book. This is one of the first CGC books I ever got, and it was cheap. The higher grade the higher the price, this goes without saying but having a third-party grade it increases its worth exponentially.
    The other item you might need is patience. Out of the New Mutants set some issues do not currently exist in a 9.8, on others there is only one. I need 11 more in a 9.8 or greater and all I can do is wait.
    Next we'll go over the labels but until then thanks for reading.
    Any questions can be asked in the comments section below or you can reach me on twitter @CGCLee or CGCLee@Comicbooked.com
    I hope to have part two of my interview up next....and answer When is the best time to send in books for grading.
    Thanks for Reading

  9. Tnerb
    This has nothing t do with my CGC Interview other than to give me time to edit the next entry.
    My father asked me a scary question. It was a simple question; one I had an answer to but not readily available. I stalled telling him as such. Once I got home I would call and let him know. He wasn't falling for it. He asked again. How much do you spend on comic books a month?
    It wasn't fully unexpected. He's my father and prone to worry. His main concern is how much I'm spending in general but he knows that I have no greater luxury than my comic books. He stated a dollar amount and I stalled again. I needed to know if he wanted me to include the month of June because the amount he wanted to know about was the same as what I spent at Wizard World Philadelphia 2011, in one weekend.
    Every purchase I keep track of, that is if it has anything to do with comic books. I became curious how much I truly spent. I keep track of all my bills so why should my comic books be different. The last six months of 2010 I spent almost $4000 on CGC books. At the end of the year I'll finally have that number for a full year, this year, for anything comic related.
    I think the last six months of this year will be spending more than the first six months, even with Wizard World over. I am dying to make a large purchase with money I don't have, but I need to be patient because I haven't seen a Daredevil #168 in a 9.8 with white pages show up recently.
    I hope my Father doesn't ask me this question again when I have my paperwork in front of me because I won't lie to him about it. At least this time it is different than when I was a kid, now I can backup my purchases with the reasoning that my comic books are more than my hobby, they?re also my investment.
    Thanks for reading
  10. Tnerb
    Tiers and defects, the manufactured kind.
    When I first found out about CGC I was upset. I thought how could they mess with my hobby? I said as much as we sat down; they even agreed with me. I continued to tell them how I was baffled when I picked up my first two CGC books. One was a 9.8 and the other was only a 9.0. I told them I had two other interviews with only ten questions but for them I had so many more. I described the background of the company I thought I knew. I felt like I was in confession because even before I started I was telling them everything.
    I transcribed my Interview with Brad Guigar using my own style and finesse. I don?t know if I can do this with CGC. Maybe eventually I will get into each question with depth but until then I will be as straight forward as I can. My First question was about the tiers they have. I wanted to know if grading on one tier was easier or quicker than another one; for example grading a modern age book from five years ago to a book maybe from the Seventies or Sixties. Shawn said go ahead for Paul to take lead on the question and the lengthy answer was ?yea?. Yup?difficult answers, but Paul Continued anyway.
    Paul: The main Difference between the eras is how they were made. The Manufacturing defects, other than that there are page counts, restoration checks. The main difference with modern age books you have to know how they are made now just like for the silver age books you have to know how they were made then.
    Me: So pretty much manufacturing defects really do not come into play, when grading?
    Paul: well they do come into play but only in the higher end grades
    Me: So you are talking about a 9.4, a 9.6, 9.8?
    Paul: Once you get up there, manufacturer errors do come into play.
    This helps me understand a few things about my own books, the ones I purchased already graded. My Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #12. This double sized issue has two corner chips. I couldn't understand how this book with such an obvious flaw could be labeled as a 9.8. If they were all like that in the high end then I understand why a manufacturing defect would not affect the grade. Another example of this is my copy of Sandman #1. I thought the spine was so damaged that the grade I would get would be no higher than a 7.0. The staples were strong and solid but it looked flaky from top to bottom. Although it had the qualified label, it was a 9.2 because it was a manufacturer defect.
    I like the thought of a tiered system. It means (to me anyway) that you won?t have a modern age expert grading a silver age book and vice-versa. Not to mention all the other comic book eras out there. But what about my next question. I the past few months I have read journals and chat board entries about how long it is taking to get books graded. I wanted to know when the best time to send in books because we already know convention season is the worst time.
    Thanks for Reading
  11. Tnerb
    Am I trying to do too much?
    I am not happy. It is more with me than anything else. It has been almost a full month since I sat down with CGC and talked to them about, well?.CGC. I never knew how difficult it was to transcribe anything before my interview with Brag Guigar. I haven?t even begun to tackle what I have with Mike Grell. With CGC I thought what I was writing became too long and it felt like something was missing. After a single press of the delete (OK it was more of the mouse click and move to the recycle icon) key I was about to start over.
    I am going to tackle this one question at a time, maybe two depending on how well the questions coincide. I?ll string them together for Comicbooked.com in its entirety when I am done the individual journals right here on the registry. So what has been happening recently? I helped someone with getting a comic book into their collection. I came one step closer to completing a set. I found another New Mutants book I needed and one I wanted.
    I am writing on my schedule rather than someone else?s and I have decided to start collecting Locke & Key. I already have my first issue but I am not telling which one yet.
    Now that I am able to take pictures a lot better I plan on updating all my sets. If you wish to take a look at my X-Infernus set you will see what I am talking about. I wanted to write about photographing slabs but between my laziness, lack of knowledge, and constantly working I was not able to take a good picture without a reflection. I still have the reflection but it is not very noticeable. After all this time I can work on ?The cost of? Photographing Slabs.?
    I have also been making a conscious effort of upgrading my New Mutants set to a signature series. My duplicates will eventually sell, but I might try getting them signed first. I do have two copies out for a recent Stan Lee signing, which stopped me from getting anything sent to CGC for Joe Quesada. The two books for Stan Lee I am having Comics to Astonish take care of are X-Men #10 and Daredevil #7. I am currently praying for grades around 6.5 or 7.0. I would be happy with a 6.0. The other books I plan on getting signed are from my New Mutants set?.. How could I not have Bob Mcleod sign them?.and I hope down the line Chris Claremont.
    I still need to send in books (50) I want graded but it looks like I will need to update my membership first. This following year I hope to actually use it especially if I want to have 300 slabs by December 31st. I do have three books I handed over to CGC when they were in Philadelphia for SDCC. I am hoping for a signature from Louise Simonson, two were my own and the third was the 9.6 copy of issues number 70. I hope the slap presses it into a nice 9.8. Which is what it looked like to me? Thank you for supporting me, thank you for reading my thoughts, and thank you for helping this hobby become so much fun again for me. Next up?.
    ?My First Question?.
    Thanks for Reading

  12. Tnerb
    How much would you pay, for a book you normally do not collect.
    How much is that doggie in the window? You know the one encapsulated in the plastic, with the 9.8 in the upper left hand corner. At the top of the yellow label in the center it is noted that the inside is filled with white pages. I am happy to say it is currently only one of two. The cover is vibrant and normally would not be a book I?d ever pick up but Joe Simon?s signature adds to the cover like hot fudge adds to ice cream. Now that it is part of my collection how can I ever let it go? It almost reminds me of the first CGC I acquired.
    I have found that I am willing to spend a bit more money on a book that might be higher than average just because I want the best. Have you ever done that, whether with a comic book, or a new car, or maybe even an AKC certified puppy? At Philadelphia Wizard World I picked up another book also signed by Joe Simon. I paid a small fee on a book I didn?t even collect or read. This for me is unusual. I like to read the books I buy and it is very rare that I have a book encapsulated that I have not already read, Daredevil #1 being one of them.
    One of the Booths had an amazing selection of CGC books. This was ?Comics to Astonish? from Baltimore, Maryland who has visited the Philadelphia area numerous times at the Philadelphia Comic Con in Essington, Pa. which is where I met the proprietor. We chatted each time I went and found that we had a few things in common. A small camaraderie formed between him and I which allowed me to relax (seriously, how many dealers have you visited that just want your money). I have learned to trust his judgment?as well as part with my hard earned cash with him. I found him to be very reasonable on his pricing and you really should check out his website (http://comicstoastonish.com/); once I am able I will take the trip to go see his store in person. Although the books I have been buying off of him are higher than I normally would pay, this is only because the ones I have been purchasing from him are from the signature series and are very limited.
    The other thing is since I do trust him I know he won?t rip me off and that keeps me going back again and again. He showed me two books last month. The book I picked up at Wizard World was Siege Captain America #1 (http://alturl.com/gzym6). I fell in love with how it looked and I was stuck purchasing only one. Siege was cheaper so I purchased that one with the condition he would hold the other, Steve Rogers Super Soldier #1 for me. This one was more expensive but very much worth it. This causes me to wonder, if I am willing to spend so much on a book I don?t collect, how much would I spend on a book I would collect?
    What about you? What would you spend?

  13. Tnerb
    My First transcribed interview. Should I write out the CGC interview this way...or Question answer format. Please let me know.
    I am sitting down with Brad Guigar, not walking past him, not buying anything from him (although I did that too); nor am I just passing the bull in transit. No, I am sitting down next to the Creator of Evil Inc. He has this look about him, this all too friendly face with an Errol Flynn smile. Not only is he at Wizard World waiting to meet his legion of fans, he is also hoping to recruit new ones, which is why he has his youngest son here with him today. He says it is just babysitting until his wife picks him up, though I think it is a dastardly plot instigated by none other than Evil Atom, rather than something good by Captain Heroic to get people to stop. This was proved to be true, because on Sunday both of his sons were handing out flyers.
    I had to know why, or rather how, Brad came up with such a dastardly, diabolical plot to have evil legalized? So I asked him. He jumped right into the conversation like someone was manipulating him from afar. I looked around for someone controlling him or making him answer, but I couldn?t find anyone as he spoke about GreyStone Inn?s failure to attract readers.
    The sad part is that the comic strip was good, it just wasn?t making money? or not enough, anyway. While I did enjoy this strip, I admit I?m strangely glad that it did fail, but only because that is what gave Brad the impetus to create Evil Inc (or maybe we were meant to think that).
    Brad told me Evil Inc. was a simpler concept that could be followed day after day without giving a thought to rhyme or reason. He pulled back while condensing the story with more mature art to allow make it easier for readers to jump on board. He thought a corporate super-villain environment would be better understood than the comic strip GreyStone Inn (which starring a gargoyle and sometimes didn?t seem to be about anything). (I wonder if DC got the idea of all #1?s from him?maybe Brad is Evil Atom).
    Living in Philadelphia, I can read Evil Inc in the Philadelphia Daily News, but I also read it online. I had to know if other places were being taken over by Evil Inc., but I was thwarted when Brad told me he self-syndicates (that sounds so wrong) his own strip. Many newspapers picked this comic strip up, you know the smart ones on the Atlantic Seaboard. This might also be the reason that Daredevil never stayed over on the West Coast or why the West Coast Avengers just couldn?t cut it. The villains of the west coast most likely used Oculore.
    Is Brad the first to have web comics? Is he the pioneer I think that he is? He has been fortunate that in the past eleven years he has been able to achieve the modicum of success he has today. He told me that although he thought he was a pioneer at first, he realized that there were a few before him, Scott Kurtz for instance. It was in the year 2000 that Brad Guigar, along with a plethora of others, stormed the gates of web comic domination.
    Are web cartoonists tight-lipped? Is there a secret code? A handshake? Are there secrets buried that they wish no one to know about? It seems that whether you are writing for a website about comic books or designing your own web comics, the information flows freely (Evil Atom must put a stop to this!). This seems to be the only way for the readers to get better content and more quality work. This might be one of the reasons that Brad also runs workshops from time to time.
    Brad wasn?t always that busy, so he had also been drawing a Monday cartoon column in the Daily News called Phables. This ended some time ago, with only one recent edition that took a full day?s shift to create. Would Brad start this again? Could he? Brad looked worried as he answered this. I checked around waiting to see Lightning Lady, Miss Flame, or possibly Dr. Muskiday making sure Brad answered to their whims.
    Mr. Guigar (speaking of his own volition) let me know that as much as he would like to comment, he could not. There are reasons beyond his control (he looks around again) but as with everything I know about Brad, I am unsure that selling his soul over to Evil Inc. has stopped him from talking about any other strip than Evil Inc. Brad also has a heart that it is neither cold nor sinister. He draws a one panel strip for Courting Disaster. Although it is not the advice that he offers in his strips, he draws a panel based off the question. The advice is answered by two others, but Brad might get all the credit.
    After a day on the job, I know when I am done how hard I have worked. What about someone that sits at an art desk? I asked Brad if he feels like he works doing what he does? He jokes about the April 15th deadline; which is how he knows it is a job. He also, on numerous occasions, has worked 17 hour shifts. I think this is akin to slave labor. I picture him, pencil in hand, creating the villains of Evil Inc. which in turn are telling him he must draw quicker and draw better. So either he really loves what he does, or it is back to Evil Atom threatening his creator.
    Brad doesn?t seem like the guy to take all the credit. His generosity and love for what he does also extends to other web comics, which is how I found out about Gutters (and not the ones on the roof of a business I had to clean). Every day I look forward to a new Evil Inc., and because of Brad I look forward to my Gutters fix. But why does he do it; why does he tell other people about other web comics rather than tell everyone his stuff is great and their stuff is ? I guess friendship and camaraderie are stronger than Evil Atom?s hold on the innocent artist before me (I still wonder if this is a front). He explained that he did a guest page for Ryan (creator of Gutters) and they also share the same colorist (is that like someone who shares the same hairstylist?). I see Lightning Lady and Miss Match now sitting at the beauty parlor discussing vile things.
    Brad doesn?t seem like the creator of such an evil company when he is so willing to help promote other things out there. A new one I never knew about was Frankenstein Superstar. I checked this out (a review for another time) and I like the fact that someone is helping their peers. Have you ever worked as a server? Sure, your fellow servers will help you in the short run, but once they find out you got a bigger tip, or more tables, then the friendship is off.
    Who is Brad Guigar? Is he an advice columnist guru, a web comic master, a podcast enthusiast, or even a blog syndicator? I asked him straight out, hoping his masters were not paying attention if this really was the world of Evil Inc. and he worked deep within their bowels. His answer: the mail room.
    Thank you for reading! Please check out Evil Inc.! For one it is free; two it is good, real good; and three because in this comic genre-centric world, the only time a good thing stays is when people talk about it and Evil Inc. is truly worth talking about!
    I don't want to say this was practice. However, everything I write, I like to tell a story. I am working on transcribing the interview with Brad and Shawn and wish to do them justice. I want to know what you would prefer.... something akin to this or just a question answer format. Please send me a message and let me know.
    Thanks for Reading
  14. Tnerb
    This is an apology.
    I have enjoyed this website for quite a while now. Through that time I have written many, many journals. And from those journals I have had great conversations through e-mails. Some have even put me on their friends list, and I have done so with them as well.
    Recently I found myself on an ignore list and I wonder what have I done wrong or said wrong to this person. I know at times my sense of humor is sarcastic or even dark so I must have insulted this person unintentionally. My intention with this short journal is to let them know for whatever I did I humbly apologize.
    I didn?t realize I was on an ignore list till recently, if I realized it sooner, this journal would have been written sooner. I noticed my friend list status dropped by one and I was curious but never looked into it until I decided to write them through the journals, but I couldn?t. If I had their e-mail address I would have sent them an e-mail to say that I was sorry, but what better way to show how sincere I am than putting it up for public view. I thought about this all day at work, and it was most likely the reason why work felt so dismal because this person was one of the first to befriend me and one of the first I felt at ease with.
    Whether this person accepts my apology or not is up to them I just hope that they do. However if they don?t accept I still wish them well in all their endeavors, collecting and other wise. As for anyone else reading this if I ever say anything, write anything that you feel I might have slighted you, or wronged you, know that is not my intention.
    Thanks for reading
    Once again to the person I have wronged I publicly, humbly apologize.
  15. Tnerb
    What do you want to know? Just ask.
    This was originally written for comicbooked.com and edited for the registry. If you wish to see the original please visit http://www.comicbooked.com/wizard-world-2011-prelude-to-an-interview-with-cgc/. The changes are minimal, very minimal, kind of like the difference between a 9.9 and a 10.
    I am amazed that one question, one simple question can amass such a response. The reason why I say this is because CGC gave me such a wealth of information with my interview. I feel I could write an article for each question asked. I hope you will be patient with me and tell me what you think. You also might learn something, I did. I write with my own style. I like my words to form a picture and although I can state my question and their answer it doesn?t tell or show you anything. I mean to entertain. Comments are not only welcomed, they are desired. I hope you enjoy.
    I sent an e-mail to CGC through their ?contact us? portion of the site. I got no response. I did so again not even two days later. Wizard World was fast approaching and I wanted this interview desperately. I already lined up Mike Grell with the help of a fellow registry member and Brad Guigar who I have spoken with many times over the years. This was different, this was a company that changed the way people collect comic books. If you don?t believe me then answer me how four books that they graded reached over a million dollars?.each.
    I couldn?t pass on the chance to be able to talk to them. Eight days before the event, I called. I was told Harshen Patel, Vice President of Operations would be the person I would want to talk to. I gave my number but they said it would be better to call him on Friday. I did and had a great conversation with his voice mail. I left my info and figured I would call back. I didn?t have to, he called me.
    My conversation with CGC on the Monday before Wizard World 2011 netted me an interview with Paul Litch, the head grader. I just had to call Harshen Patel on Thursday morning to coincide when. They flew in Wednesday night and I called at ten A.M. the next morning. Harshen and I quickly discussed when would be good for him. I never expected ?how about now?. I told him I would leave in fifteen minutes. He didn?t know I worked nights and I only had less than two hours sleep. I got ready, made sure I had my questions and my recorder; then left.
    The public transit ride was uneventful. Even the homeless guy with the old cardboard stenciled with the words ?please help? didn't garnish much attention. Being in a comic book frame of mind I picture the Fifth element with ?Lelu? asking Bruce Willis? character for help. After the guy walked out of sight and I went back to thinking of my first interview, an interview that has been over twenty years waiting to be done. Not many people know but I joined the newspaper club in High School. My first assignment was to interview the cross country captain. He kept making excuses day after day. I kept showing up. It took a week when he finally stated ?Run with me, you can interview while we run? I think he expected me to back out. I didn?t. I never got the interview, he was too good of a runner, but I did get a spot on the team. I never went back to the newspaper.
    I would like to tell you I was nervous, or scared, maybe even a little bit insecure. I wasn?t. I was excited. I was going to meet with a company that I became hooked and addicted to for the past few years. The El made its way under the city streets. Once at my stop I rushed above ground calling them to let them know I was close. I entered the convention center; security tried to stop me. I waved my hand and said these aren?t the droids you?re looking for?.then he asked again can I help you. I Left my little fantasy and let him know I had an interview with CGC. He waved me along?.the wrong way.
    I called Harshen again and was told where I was to go. I turned back around, walking past the security guy again?..I have to say not to intimidating but once I rounded the corner to 115a?. down at the far end I saw three guys waiting. This is where a spike in my adrenaline soared through my good fortune. My first interview before the convention would even start. I met Harshen Patel first and he introduced me to Paul Litch Vice President and Shawn Caffrey Senior Grader. He let me know that I would be chatting with the two of them and if I needed to know anything about the operation I could always call him.
    I introduced myself to Paul and Shawn and let them know I was planning on recording it so I wouldn?t forget anything. They didn?t have a problem with this. I set the camera up not caring so much if any of us were in view of the camera lens just that our voices were picked up. We sat down and the interview began.
    Thanks For Reading
  16. Tnerb
    A Gene Colan Daredevil Set maybe...issues 20-100
    Daredevil was a side character I never knew about until a comic shop owner informed me about Frank Miller having Daredevil?s best run, this in turn invited me into Daredevil?s past and then I was introduced to Gene Colan. It is difficult to find anyone else with such a large resume of work. Gene worked for DC and Marvel but many other companies as well, especially in his early days selling his artwork to anyone who would buy it.
    Gene was born September 1st 1926 in the Bronx. He was enlisted in the Army Air Corps and once discharged worked for Timely comics (better known today as Marvel). In the Sixties Gene Colan mostly worked for DC, for a boss (Robert Kanigher) whom he did not get along with. Gene decided to persuade Stan Lee for a job over at Marvel. Gene was hired and originally wrote under the pen name Adam Austin, not wanting Rob K to find out. Eventually Gene?s style won him the right to work on Iron Man and (drum roll please) Daredevil. He dropped the pen name and was credited under his own name.
    I never met the man, never had the chance. It is safe to say the industry would not be the same without him. In a time where everyone was trying to be the next Jack Kirby, he was trying to be the first Gene Colan. As I read more about this icon I realize I want to learn more about him. When a movie star has passed I watch their movies, a singer; I listen to their songs, and of course a comic book icon, I read some comic books. I think it is time for some Daredevil.
    Gene passed away at the age of 84 passing away on Jun 23rd 2011 at around 11pm. He had some great words so I will leave you with two sentences and a thought. ?I?m not beyond Fear. I?m fearful about death.? Gene for as long as there is a comic book, for as long as there is a fan, for as long as your art is viewed, you shall never be forgotten.
    This was written for Comicbooked.com but I thought this was too important to leave on one site.
    Thanks For Reading
  17. Tnerb
    ?Still don?t know what I was waiting for? David Bowie
    I love the new change in the registry. Instead of slowly trying to find everyone that is following me I can click on the ?Followers? and easily find out. I started to check out who was following me so I could see what they collect and maybe find out more about them; get a few ideas on a couple more articles or even something new to collect. I am still waiting for Lee K to write about the ?Go-Go? collection.
    I wrote a Journal called Making Friends. I had only 20 friends follow me then and I tried to find out who they were to return the favor, at the time I was only able to find seven. This new change to the registry helps me to do that. I also got a kick that some follow me and no one else. I feel honored by this. I am beyond words that 29 people (29 was when I wrote this at work, and now 30 since I am typing this up at home) are currently following me. Pleased seems to egotistical; happy seems weak. I encourage you to follow others. This way the registry grows even more.
    The other change I am still discovering is being able to look up a journal in the new search area. They still might be working on this because when I type in CGC vs. PGX my Best Laid Plans journal shows up. I thought maybe it looks up by title but it seems to also look throughout the text of the journal as well because when I typed in CGC, a lot more journals showed up. After my third try, my CGC vs. PGX title showed up along with ?Less than 24 Hours? and ?My 50th Journal?. I just had to type the title exactly how I posted it.
    All in all, it is still pretty cool. I don?t know how well this link works but I decided to try entering New Mutants in the search box, and it seems that 101 out of the 153 journals I have I had something to say about them?.definitely obvious that they are my favorite title.
    Every time I get a response from a Journal and every time I find out someone new was following me (either here or on twitter @CGCLee) I wish to write more. There are so many things I want to write about. I have my interviews I have to transcribe to paper. I need to inform you about my 5 minute cursory glance in ?Ten to Send Part Two?. I want to tell you that I finally got insurance for my collection. I'm about to research how to photograph slabs and let you know a manufacturer's defect won't count against you.
    With this change in the registry and more and more signature series being offered I wonder what else CGC has in store for us. I guess we can do a couple things to find out, the main one: suggest to Gemma what we would like to be changed and wait.
    Thanks for reading
  18. Tnerb
    Why didn't I bring more money?
    Last year at Wizard World I wrote a journal for each day of the show. One of them I wrote while I was at the show itself. This year was different. I ?tweeted? the event under the moniker @CGCLee for Comicbooked.com and amassed information for future articles. I interview Mike Grell from Green Arrow fame amongst other comic books throughout the years (Thank you to Lee K from the registry for the help on that one.) I interviewed Brad Guigar (http://www.evil-inc.com/ (reading this is a daily thing for me; it should be for you as well) which was an absolute reverie. Even before the show started I had a great time with Shawn and Paul from CGC interviewing them although they never revealed the ?Secret Sauce?.
    While even though this took place the day before the convention it was one of the highlights I had. The second was at the end of the convention when I spoke with Gemma; an amazing person. She was very pleasant to talk too and as we spoke I realized she cared not only about what I wrote on the journal boards (which reassured me of two things, one that I should keep writing because CGC does care about the opinions and concerns of their fans and secondly if she cares about what I write she cares about what others write), she goes to great lengths to make sure we are satisfied. As a fan and someone who has performed customer service I would say that she is without par, but before I praise her too much I must refrain because this is about Wizard World not CGC (I do have those coming).
    I actually had eleven books graded rather than the ten I said originally state, there is always room for one more. I purchased a beautiful copy of Siege: Captain America #1 signed by none other than Joe Simon. I wonder how often I thought that I was not going to shy away from my firm decision to finish my New Mutants set. But this was beyond beautiful. I wish I had a picture of this to scan?..and as soon as I do I will post it.
    I purchased a few back issues from a dollar bin for some reading. I purchased Volumes 1 and 3 of Locke & Key that I read almost immediately after buying. I am afraid that I might have to add the title to the sets I wish to get. First I would like to at least finish one of the sets I am currently in the midst of completing. I purchased Magik #1 and #2 in a 9.8 Signature series so I only need #3 in a 9.8 signed or unsigned, completing this one seems easiest?.HAH! I purchased some original artwork from Evil Inc. as I do every year. I recorded the interviews and wish I knew what I was doing because I would love to get them up on youtube.com for viewing but they are not of that caliber, maybe a 2.5 by CGC standards. I am using them for resource material.
    If you have the chance, if Wizard World is coming to you please go. Support the hobby check out some local works. Meet artists, comic enthusiasts, and CGC. Paul, Shawn, and Gemma were all wonderful to talk to. I enjoyed finding out how they loved this hobby (well Paul and Shawn do, as for Gemma, How about an interview next year?) and how much they care about us as fans of their grading service in a hobby we all love.
    Interviews will be for comicbooked.com since they were the ones that helped me get my press pass and have given me the opportunity to talk to those I interviewed. In fact I think I should cut this wrist band off?and Jerry if you are reading this I thank you again for the pass and hope next year?a badge, badges are cool.
    I have mentioned though that this is my first love for writing so I will have a second version here all the while linking to the original. I hope you check out both?and then maybe my blog too to find out what it is like for a comic book collector to collect comic books off of tips and $2.83 an hour.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. By the way, they said they didn?t mind me calling myself CGCLee?might switch my profile here?.nah
  19. Tnerb
    Comics, Signatures, and CGC
    In years past all I did was go to fill holes. I would write a list out and do my best to complete them. This year was going to be different. I had one book on my list, one book I would be looking for. I also was fortunate enough to have my interview with CGC. The plethora of information they gave me was just too much for one Journal entry so I plan on quite a few. The main reason I was able to go in was because I went as ?Press?. This was the first time I did this and hope to do so again. I will write about that over the next few days, here, Comicbooked.com, and maybe even revitalize my blog. If DC can start with number one?s all over again, well why can?t I?
    I will also tell you how I faired with grading my own books with a cursory glance, but that is for a journal all in itself. What about Wizard World 2012? There were certain vendor?s that I didn't see this year as I did last year. I don?t know how much it costs to get a table at one of these events but I am sure it I not cheap. I was fortunate because there was someone there that I was happy to see, someone who is going to help me get two more San Lee signatures. This time on the X-men #10 I picked up and a Daredevil #7 I purchased off E-bay. The X-men #10 at my best guess was a 5.5/6.0 and the Daredevil I would say a 4.5/5.0. Both these books will be my first books I ever got pressed. I still don?t know how I feel about this, but they are for me and not for sale.
    I did Purchase a Magik #1 and #2 both signature series through someone that I purchase books off of continuously. They are both signed and now all I need is issue #3. This book was also difficult to attain back when I was a teen. I feel like I have gone full circle. I will talk about those books later. I am trying to continue to collect in my guidelines. I have been good, but I have stepped out, way out. I purchased a Variant cover of Captain America Siege. It is considered a sketch cover, at least that is what CGC has stated and it is a 9.8, but best of all it is a Signature Series signed by Joe Simon.
    There were many guests. Brag Guigar of Evil Inc. was there. Mike Grell from Green Arrow fame, both were willing to interview with me and I must say both of them were very pleasant to talk to. I even got to watch Mike Grell do a commission as I spoke with him. I was distracted by how well he drew and watched as ?Oliver? came to fruition on the page. I wish to continue, but the pool table beckons.
    Thanks for Reading
  20. Tnerb
    CGC at Wizard World 2012
    Wizard World is almost here. Last year I went the full three days and each of those days I brought books for CGC to grade. I was worse than a junkie needing a fix. This year I do not have the abundance of extra funds or the time. The same weekend that Wizard World will be swooping into Philadelphia at the Convention Center I will be playing pool. I joined the team in February and after joining I found out that the championship was the same weekend as the convention. As much as I am into comic books once I found out we made it to the championship (both my 9-ball and 8-ball teams) I couldn?t let them down.
    This isn't stopping me from going or bringing anything. I plan on getting closer to completing my appointed sets and although it would be cheaper to send them to Florida for grading I want the signatures as well. CGC will not guarantee the grade on the books that are already a 9.8 and I figure the less time they have the books, the better the chances my books will remain a 9.8. In my New Mutants set I have a few books belonging to the Signature Series, the majority of these are by Rob Liefeld and Bill Sienkiewicz (that was the first time I can officially say I spelled Bill?s last name without looking).
    Bill Sienkiewicz will be there, Rob Liefeld will not. I have issues #23 and #29 all ready to go. The paperwork is filled out and I am the most confident in those two issues to retain the 9.8 grade. There are a few books I have that are graded a 9.8 and I question the validity of them since I think they would be re-graded a 9.6. Plus, these numbers are readily available if I need to repurchase to keep my 9.8 collection alive and well. The other two books that I am bringing to Wizard World for the Signature Series is another 9.8, this one being issue #74 and a raw copy of issue #86, a book I don?t have graded at all. This one is from my own collection. These two I plan on having Bob Wiacek (I had to cheat and double check the spelling on this one) sign.
    This will increase my Signature Series collection a bit. With the three I mentioned hopefully retaining a 9.8 what about the others, what do I think they will attain? When I play pool I noticed my first impressions are usually the right ones. A couple years ago when I had my copy of Daredevil #158 graded I was sure the book would grade no lower than a 9.0. After all I spent thirty minutes trying to find out (Overstreet?s grading guide next to me) what grade the book was. I was very confident that the comic would be the grade I graded it at. The Daredevil #168 that I wanted graded was a copy I glanced over for nearly two full minutes. In that time I decided it would be a 9.4. How did I fare? Issue #158 was an 8.0 (boy was I off, was it even my book?) and issue #168 was a 9.2.
    With this little lesson learned, did I spend three and a half hours grading the remaining seven? Nope, I spent five minutes, less than a minute a book. I decided to go with my gut, plus I was at work and it was pointed out that I don?t get paid to grade comic books?. although I can dream. The first one I?ll tell you about is New Mutants #86. I looked it over for less than a minute and I honestly believe this comic will be a 9.6 Signature Series barring no mistakes by Bob Wiacek applying his signature to the book.
    This leaves six more; four of which are from The New Mutants. I?ll begin with issues #79 and #93, both of these I bought when they came out. I currently have neither of these numbers in a graded condition. I am unsure if they achieve a 9.8 which set of mine will I put them in? Either way, I don?t think I have to worry about that since I think these two will get a 9.6. The next two are issues #100 (2nd print) and Annual #4. The 2nd Print only has one spot to go since I only have the one Liefeld New Mutants set to put it in. This I am grading a 9.6, but what about the Annual? What will that grade? Currently there are none graded. Will this be the basis of all other New Mutants Annual #4 to be graded? I seriously hope not because my cursory glance gives this a 9.4. I feel there might be a slight spine roll to the book but that is how I remember purchasing it?.(side note this is being edited after my interview with CGC, I will have a journal in mind dedicated to what they told me about this book).
    There is a chance that they could be graded higher than what I am think. I like to lowball what I think they will be allowing me a glimmer of joy and hope that I might get a higher grade. They could also drop. They might have been read when I was eating Lucky Charms and a marshmallow happened to just jump off my spoon onto the page. I am sure a rainbow of colors would lower the grade on any book. I would love that to be on the label?. ?Marshmallow stain?
    That is eight, and if the last two aren?t from the New Mutants series, then what are they from? As a teen I purchased the majority of all my books from ComiCards and when I started to buy back issues there were a couple series on the wall that craved to be purchased. One was Longshot (this was first) and the other was Neil Gaiman?s Sandman. There were others like the Daredevil Miller years (Only #158 and #168 were on the wall the rest were in the long boxes).
    I purchased the best copy of Sandman #1 I ever saw (at the time it was the only copy of Sandman #1 I ever saw) for $20.00. Price tag complete with Mylar bag. I knew I had to have it. I remember it being a lot nicer, a lot cleaner than the copy I have now. BUT, (notice the capital letters) it is signed by Neil Gaiman. I know this will not get a signature series, or even a universal label, but should get the qualified label, my first qualified label. I am ok with that because I was the one who met Neil Gaiman to get this signed. I don?t make that much of a big deal about meeting famous people whether they are in the Comic Book realm or Star Wars, sports stars or other personalities, people are people but it did give me a good story, and I love good stories.
    So what do I think that my Sandman issue #1 will grade after my forty five second stare?.I think I will be lucky if it gets a 7.0. The spine is just so riddled with stress and the corners are not sharp as much as they are chipped. This is only the first of all my Sandman books I am going to have graded. I don?t know why they have such a high standard in my memory but I have the whole series bagged in Mylite and boarded. Is it worth getting the #1 graded, yes because it is not an investment in money as much as it is memory. The other is the black cover issue #50. This I believe will be much higher. I did have trouble debating between a 9.4 and a 9.6 since black covers are so difficult to get a high grade. And I still struggle with what I should tell you that it is?so I am going with the gut, grading low and saying a 9.4. How do you get finger prints off a black cover anyway?
    There they are my predictions for my Ten to send. Now my main problem will be, if my pool tournament extends to Sunday, and they are not ready by Friday afternoon, how do I get them? Should I send my Father? That would be interesting; he would have no idea what to do or where to go? My best friend who is going to take pictures for me for my articles? That would be the better bet. I do hope that I can get them right away.
    This was written a full week away and made its final edit the day before the show; and the whole time I was thinking I cannot wait to be th
  21. Tnerb
    Should I just start over like every major comic book company out there?
    If I were DC comics I would be introducing you to ?My First Journal? instead of my milestone 150th journal. My fellow writers I have heard them call the old numbering system the legacy numbers. I am a fan of those. That is why I keep track of my own and label every 25th journal. Only in one case was it pushed back and that was because of a death of a person that helped guide my collecting. With every milestone journal I have written whether it was my 25th journal or my 100th journal I picture a cover. I can still see Cyclops blasting away at Magneto, aren?t they friends now?
    When I reached ?My 125th Journal? I did something different. Instead of telling you about my past journals, much like I am going to do in this one, I mentioned about some of the journals I enjoyed reading. As I wrote some of my journals became lengthy and I wanted to continue to do this. I wanted a way to warn people that they would be reading a longer journal entry entitled a series along the lines of ?The cost of?? Two I have written were ?The cost of a ? Grade? and ?The Cost of? Insurance?. The latter being the most fun and difficult.
    A lot of records were broken in the past year. Between Action Comics, Detective Comics, and Amazing Fantasy, it was the first appearance of the Amazing Spider-Man that really made the impression for ?Million Dollar Comics?. My goals and ambitions for collecting CGC have only diminished by my funds available but I showed my dedication in sending in my own books in ?That?s it, I?m Done.?
    I have more than a handful of sets but anyone who has been following not only my journals but my home page will see that my main love is the New Mutants. I mention how I am ?One Step Closer? and am happy to say I am closer still. I thought closing in on completion would have taken me a lot longer than it has. I am so close that I am right behind Bagofleas who is currently in the lead (man I still love his collection) and I asked ?Is this Cheating?? because I really want to know what would happen if I graded the last nine I needed out of my own books and use them, even though they will not get a 9.8.
    I wrote about breaking a record in ?Less than 24 Hours? which broke all records and one of my most important journals I am listing here was one that I had to apologize in: ?Being Ignored?, a journal I hope was read for who it was intended. I even wrote a letter to CGC hoping for an interview at Wizard World 2011.
    There?s my breakdown. I hope you look back and check out some ones you might have missed. If you?re new to the registry, Welcome. I have 150 done; let?s see not if I make it to 175 but how long it will take me to get there. I can picture Madelyne Pryor as Dark Phoenix on the cover already.
    Thanks for Reading

  22. Tnerb
    Am I that good?
    Some records cannot be broken and getting over 1000 views in less than 24 hours is one of them. It would be closer to the truth if I said 1000 views in less than two hours (no more help please). Before I went to work on June 4th I checked my views. My journal "Less than 24 Hours" was at 27. Almost 2 hours and 975 views later I was at 1002, seriously 1002.
    At first I thought it was a glitch until I checked again a little bit later and the entry was at 1004. I discussed this with a few of my coworkers and one in particular thinks one reader was overly eager to open the journal and read it apparently becoming frustrated that it didn't open and kept clicking on it until it did. That's more clicks than a quarter arcade junkie playing Asteroids for the first time.
    I am a bit more skeptical. Do I think one person did this? Sure I do, but I cannot fathom why. Was it malicious or in good fun? I prefer thinking that it was the latter. At the moment it looks like the post has been read over 1100 times. This journal will help if I make it part of a portfolio (unless they are reading this one now). I prefer to know people are reading my stuff because they like to and the view count shows that people are at least looking at it.
    I believe there is no way "Less than 24 hours" reached over 1000 views in this time allotted especially by regular means. I tend to get about two responses every journal; I wish that number was more. The only response I received so far was a question along the lines of ?how did he get so many views??If I have to keep track as I like to do I think I'm just going to subtract 975 from the total count.
    I've been writing more and more to the point I am feeling stressed out. Am I writing what people want to read; is it interesting; is it grammatically correct? I like to keep what I write on the registry separate from Comicbooked.com and my blog (which I have neglected). The other site though does not allow me to see how many people are reading my articles, and my blog, well I hope to change that. The registry counts my views and I feel proud when I accomplish something, like a journal reaching over 100 views in less than 24 hours. Just recently ?My letter to CGC? accomplished this as well unless of course it was all a glitch.
    Thanks for reading or should I say thanks for adding to my views
  23. Tnerb
    They didn't answer me there, so maybe they will answer me here
    I have been a registry user for about two years now. I have been writing for a little over a year and a half on your registry. This has caused me to enjoy my hobby all over again in such a greater fashion then I was ever able to do before. I was able to combine my love for comic books and writing all about it on your website. I wrote so much there that I let my blog fall behind, but something happened recently, something grand.
    I started to write for a website called Comicbooked.com and I never realized that there are some (most likely many) out there that do not know the benefit of collecting through the means of CGC. I have been hired on primarily to discuss and report the collecting aspect of it. A great part of this is about third party grading.
    CGC graded comic books have sold for millions of dollars collectively and individually. When I started to write for Comicbooked.com they had no idea what CGC was. I was astounded. With all the news coverage there has been I could not fathom how they did not know, let alone understand what this has done for the collecting medium the past ten years. I wish to help close that link.
    We have press releases from all the major comic book companies and I was wondering if you had something akin to that. I get my information from various sources, your home page for one; GPAnalysis for another. This allows me to try to write informative articles both for Comicbooked.com and right here on your registry. I wish to continue to do this not only with your blessing but with inside information.
    I wish to be able to report on where you will be and when you will be there. I wish to try to inform the readers with how comprehensive your grading process is. I would love to see how you do things on Friday June 17th at Wizard World Philadelphia so I can report to our readers at Comicbooked.com not only to hopefully increase our readership but to also increase the knowledge about the service you provide. I chose Friday since this year my Pool team made it into the city championship and painfully the tournament is the same weekend.
    I know you are on Facebook, with only about 305 people that like the page. I would also like this to increase. I will be dropping off a few books for the signature series to add to my collection first thing Friday morning and I was hoping as busy as you will be during this show that I can arrange for someone to talk with me briefly and show my how it all works. I do have two other interviews set up that day and I was hoping to add you to my list of responsibilities.
    As I end my Journals?.
    Thanks for Reading
    I sent this originally through to CGC by use of the contact us link. In the past I have had more success with them paying attention to me in the journals. I hope to do the same thing here with this. Besides, it never hurts to ask
  24. Tnerb
    If only sending in books to CGC was this quick....of wait!
    I check my views mainly because I like to know my stuff is being read. I have mentioned this before...possibly numerous times. My latest Journal (well before this one anyway) ?Is It Cheating?? was the first journal of mine to reach over 100 views in the first 24 hours. Something I am rather pleased about. I wish a lot of my journals were like that because I also like to communicate to others on here. I'm still upset I offended somebody unintentionally and without malice. I wrote a Journal entry as an apology and I hope it is accepted.
    I check my views a little bit less than I used to but I still like to keep track. Another one that was record setting for me was ?CGC Vs. PGX? which was viewed over 500 times. I decided to write another with almost the same title for Comicbooked.com. I am thinking of posting that here as well, but I was happy to write about the original one here first. This one took a year to hit that number.
    As a lot of you are sending in books to be graded and writing about the long-delayed wait I am thinking that the 30 to 50 books I hope to send in before my membership is up in August. I might delay that since they will be out of my hands longer than I would want. Advice on this would be great.
    I do have a bright side because at Wizard World Philadelphia CGC will be on site to grade books. This means I will get the books back within 24 hours. In times past I had even gotten books back the same day but I'm going to mostly go for signatures this year, so this might take a little longer.
    My New Mutants in my set are already a 9.8 (all but two) and I am bringing only the ones I feel are solidly a 9.8 for signatures since CGC will not guarantee a grade. There are three others I am thinking about bringing without a care for signatures. One of them is Annual #4 of the New Mutants. So far there is not a single one graded and although I think it will be a 9.6 I am hoping for a 9.8 and expect nothing less than a 9.4.
    I believe the annual would be benefited by pressing but I still question about pressing getting a universal grade rather than a purple label. The other book I have is New Mutants#93. Another one I feel should get no lower than a 9.6. But if they both get 9.8 which set to put them on and should I bring more books with me because at the very least I'll have them back within 24 hours.
    Thanks for reading
    After editing this, I am even questioning the amount I plan on bringing just to have graded since I have my pool tournament the same weekend, and my fear is getting greater that the books will not retain the 9.8. I have two graded books I plan on bringing, and three more that are ungraded for a current total of five. I would like to bring ten, 5 for signatures and 5 to just have graded.
    Thanks for Reading more
  25. Tnerb
    But, I am so close.
    I need 10 more graded copies to complete my New Mutants set. That?s 99 out of 109. I have the Graphic Novel in a 9.4 and issue #70 in a 9.6, the latter courtesy of Lee K. I even had my own copy of #54 graded last year at Wizard World. It received a 9.6. Would it be considered cheating if I sent in the last 10 I needed myself (nine, as I mentioned #54 is already graded)? Even though I sincerely doubt any of them will achieve a 9.8 (with the possibility of issue #93). This would allow me to complete the set ahead of Bagofleas, but do I really want to pass him in this manner?
    I am trying to complete the whole set in a 9.8 or better, the same as Bagofleas. His goal is to have them all with white pages where I feel stronger towards the direct market covers. This might also be because two of my other books, issue 19 and 62 are off white to white pages and I am just happy to have them in my collection. They are both 9.8?s and part of the Signature Series. What happens if I find them in a 9.8 with white pages? Is it an upgrade without the signature? #19 is available; #62 is not. Now granted I do feel strongly that a 9.8 shouldn't have anything but white pages but what's more important, signature or page quality?
    I am bringing some 9.8 books with white pages to get signatures. I hope they retain that grade because CGC does not guarantee that they will stay a 9.8. I had one book I sent in for Stan Lee?s Signature change, but for the better (I have written about this). One excuse they gave me why a book grade may change was the artist might mar the book during the signing. My thought is CGC might realize they had graded it wrong in the first place. I am choosing ten to bring with me. Out of those 10 six are readily available in case I am upset that the 9.8 dropped to a 9.6. It's a gamble, a big one. I just wonder how I can compete if they do lower the grade. What do I do? I can still use the same number and pretend it is a 9.8. How do I then categorize the same book with the new grade? And if my set is not full of 9.8's and I decide to send in the last nine to get graded is that considered cheating?
    Thanks for reading