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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    When a photo is worth a 1000 words, how many points is it worth?
    I have been taking photographs and adding them to my journals recently as a test to see how well I can take the picture without the flash appearing somewhere on the cover. This has not been an easy task. Sure there were methods that people on the registry told me, not to mention some friends of mine who like photography but nothing came out the way I wanted it because the other problem was making sure I can place the picture in the spot provided by the registry.
    As everyone knows the limit is 200kb. My problem was always that every time I made the picture smaller the size decreased and the clarity diminished. I want a crisp clear picture when I get back my signature series books from CGC and be able to update my whole registry. I figure I should do that now while I don't have that many books.
    As with the Journal before this one by Bagofleas and is "Oak" collectibles he had a beautiful copy of a Graphic Novel I never saw before (Bagofleas if you're reading this please show that Dazzler the next Journal I would love to see that one.) There are two Graphic Novel's I want in a 9.8 (OK Maybe Three) and I have neither. One of Course is the New Mutants, currently I have that out being graded, a second is now on E-Bay, and the third is Groo.
    I cannot afford the one on E-Bay right now as much as I want to. Plus there is a lot more good stuff out there and a craving for a new car is calling me. I wonder if I can give up collecting comic books for a year.... what do you think?
    Thanks for Reading

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  2. Tnerb
    "The Death of Groo"....
    "Now I will be what I always wanted....an only child."--- GrooellaSelling a TreasureI do have some things lying around that I want to get rid of, those same things I want to keep. Sure it doesn't make sense but sometimes I have issues of throwing things away. Recently I just sold a copy of "The Death of Groo" graphic novel for $20. I sold it to a co-worker whose boyfriend likes the character. I do have a few more to sell to her if she wants them even going out and buying some with the extreme hope she will buy those and I will make some semblance of profit. I don't need to make much, just a little bit more than what I got it for.I loved reading Groo, and maybe one day if it goes digital I will read it again but that $20 will go towards something else that I want....or need. I picked up a few other sand sold those as well and I am beginning to think about selling some raw books on eBay as well starting at .99. Yes I will be selling them for less than what I paid but I will still be getting more than if I traded them into a comic books shop. I will initially lose but it would go to someone who will enjoy it. Time of course is my main enemy. I just worked a broken up Triple on Thanksgiving Day and then proceeded to look around stores for Black Friday. The person I was with politely grabbed me by the ear and said "Hell No".So now I am home, sleepiness is beginning to set in and I think I should start to read the comic books I purchased on Wednesday because I only was able to read two before knowing I should sleep....and I am just realizing that since I got up Tuesday afternoon at 5 I have only had a total of eight hours of sleep. Of course that might also be why the spell checker is running over time. Translation....stop writing, post your journal, and go to bed. I should have just left all the typos just to show how bad this first draft is. Not to mention grammatical error, but I am used to those.Thanks for ReadingTnerbTo see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  3. Tnerb
    Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night....oops wrong Holiday saying.
    Two More Minutes
    I am at work preparing this journal on Thanksgiving Eve. It is two minutes before twelve and one of my co-workers is anxiously awaiting the proper moment to wish us all a Happy Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see what she is like on New Year's Eve. This is one of those holidays I work a triple, the shift going in and the last two going out. Pretty much I am working 18 of the 24 hours. I should go straight to bed but writing this journal seems more important. I also decided that whatever I make during this one day period will be what I allow myself to bid on a comic book.
    There is a little over a week left in the auction and as in a previous auction I was the high bidder until the last three days. My highest bid was $550, not including the 18% buyer's premium. The item sold for a little over $1000.00 with the buyer's premium. I wanted to bid higher but couldn't without effecting my budget in a majorly negative way. This bid, for this particular book is on ComicConnect. It's nothing like eBay where you can win in the final seconds causing some unknown person to scream in a jealous rage. A bid in the last three minutes will only had three more minutes and a chance for someone else to bid. I found this out when I bid for my New Mutants #1 in a 9.9.
    I will be at work when this bid ends. I can bid using my smart phone but there is the possibility that I won't be able to connect. The odd things do tend to happen at the most inopportune times. I figure before I go into work I will bet my maximum bet. I already have an idea what it could go for since I checked the GPA but I think I will wind up overpaying like I didn't with my only other ComicConnect auction but it will be so worth it.
    Thanks for Reading...
    ...and Happy Thanksgiving
  4. Tnerb
    Will the cut and paste work this time?
    When I was younger this was the worse type of day to get comic books. I walked at the time and it wasn't a short walk either. I made sure my books were double bagged and then I would be on my way. The whole time my books would be on the inside of my jacket. Today the weather was nice enough heading into Center City, but the forecast looked bleak. I brought two bags with me. Fortunately I had a few CGC books at my Parent's place waiting for me. They provided a stiff backbone for them since I forgot to pick up bags and boards, today of all days.
    As I left the comic book shop the sky still held fast. It took a good thirty minutes and halfway through the journey to get to the main terminal when the skies opened up. It wasn't a downpour but it was a steady rain. I waited for the bus skipping the first one that everyone was running too and waited for the next one which I knew to be larger. I was at my destination stop in no time, but the rain didn't stop. I opted to use the umbrella I brought and made the two block walk home. I was dry enough and my comics were safe even though I fear the little bit of moisture that might have made them "feel" damaged.
    I normally would read them right now but my sleep is going to be short the next few days. Thanksgiving of course is tomorrow and I get to work for a good many hours of it, but first I get to hang out with my best friend, something we haven't done in a while, unless of course if you include his making of "Cocktails for Zombies". I know that isn't up on YouTube yet, but I am sure it will be soon. Maybe I should suggest a "Collecting comics for Zombies". Anyway, I am still doing the thirty for thirty and the hardest two days to continue this will be the next two. If I do miss tomorrow's journal I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
    Thanks for Reading
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  5. Tnerb
    If I only got it for cover price.
    In the latest Comicconnect.com auction is a copy of Action Comics #1. I was going to place a whopping $100,000 bid on this item. I mentioned this to my peers and they asked me the one thing that any comic collector would know not to ask. "What if you win?" After the first two sold for a million (8.0) and a million five (8.5) they would know like I do that there is no way a 9.0 copy would sell for any less. Currently the bidding is a million three. I just thought it would be neat to bid on this historic book.
    I told my father this and he mentioned if I won that somehow he would get the money for me. I think he remembers the time he wouldn't loan me $300 for a Daredevil #1 in what was a near mint copy. Then again I won't let him forget. I of course had to explain to him that this book would never be mine (at least not for a measly $100,000).
    I missed the opening day and when I checked the bidding it was too late. It was already past $100,000. With 22 bids and the next bid that is allowed is 1,306,000.00 makes me think that might be slightly out of my ballpark. That's OK; I have my eye on one last bid for the year. I don't know it I will win or not but one has to try.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. Thank you for everyone adding their own journals, especially about the Golden Age of books an era I truly know nothing about.

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  6. Tnerb
    More comic books please
    At the Con
    By: Tnerb
    Posted: 11/21/2011 4:14:30 AM | Views:0
    More comic books please.
    The main reason I went to the Philadelphia Comic-Con was to pick up at least two CGC boxes. Every time I went to this convention, the same dealer in the same spot always had them displayed. Every time but this time, the time that I needed it. I walked around a bit longer than I normally would have but I had a purpose. I also spent more than I thought I would. I left with raw books only, nothing graded and my wallet was $76.00 lighter. One dealer I haven't purchased anything from in a long time and would like to the next time I see him, another dealer I don't think I will purchase from him again.
    I looked for deals, as does everyone. I purchased a few books for memories sake, but mostly I purchased things to sell, or at least try too. I purchased a few hardcover's and already placed three of the four on eBay. The one I want to keep, OK I want to keep all of them but I figure I only spent $76 to hopefully get a little bit more. I even picked up a few really nice looking variants. I skipped on the JLA #1 in black and white because the grade would not have received the illustrious 9.8. The books I bought however I will use for the means of teaching myself how to grade the CGC way.
    If I am lucky I will be able to send it in but if I am lucky (because of Keegan at Comics o Astonish) I will at least be able to send it in with the best information I have at my disposal. The next con isn't until Jan. 15th 2012; this will give me some time to either save up for something good, or to try a full year hiatus.
    Thanks for Reading

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  7. Tnerb
    My second comic book store in the same day.
    On the way back from the Baltimore Aquarium and after a couple hours at "Comics to Astonish" my friend and I headed to another comic book shop. At Phillips (where we ate) we used Google.com and "Comic Mania" was listed fourth by distance and the second by choice. The first one we picked was closer but closed at eight. By MapQuest's calculation it was an hour and 37 minutes away. It was 6:30; we would never make it. "Comic Mania (2 minutes farther) closed at 9 and that gave us time.
    We pulled into the parking lot and walked into a spacious well lit store. In the approximate center was a life sized replica of a Predator. It had a large gaming area in the back of the store with an equally impressive amount of stock. I was told the back issues only went back to the early nineties and the few silver age books they had were displayed on the wall. Bronze era books seemed to be nonexistent. The staff was young (which made me feel slightly older) and when I asked about CGC they replied they really didn't sell silver age books and pointed to the wall I already saw. I decided not to clarify.
    Did I mention the awesome life sized replica of the Predator behind plexiglass helped compliment the small phenomenal collection of Statues (some by Sideshow Collectibles). I was tempted to purchase the Daredevil statue priced to sell. Damn budget.
    Since I was in a new comic books shop I had to purchase a comic book. I picked up a new issue, one I purposely did not get at my LCS. If you're looking for a large selection of back issues predating the nineties this store is not for you. If you're looking for a store for new issues, statues, and games then you can't find a better place.
    Thanks for Reading.
    PS. Now off to the Philadelphia Comic Con.

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  8. Tnerb
    How far would you go to see a comic shop that you have never been to before?
    I don't take vacations time, well at least I haven't in a long time. Next year is the first year I plan on taking a legitimate vacation. I work six days a week and if I am called in for my seventh I usually say yes. My normal day off is Thursday Night. I say night because I work the graveyard shift? My Wednesday into Thursday is an eight hour shift (11pm to 7am). Since I work so much my manager had no problem allowing me to leave at 3am. I went home, slept a few hours, and in the morning I left for Comics to Astonish.
    As far as MapQuest's calculation it takes me a little under two hours and thirty minutes to drive to this out of the way comic book shop. On Sunday Nov. 20th Comics to Astonish will have a booth at the Philadelphia Comic Con. They would have brought the books I had ordered (My CGC SS 9.8 New Mutants). With hat knowledge why did I travel over 127 miles to a comic shop I have never went to before.....because it was worth it.
    If you are within 50 miles of this store there is no reason for you not to travel there. I admit it won't seem like much from the picture below but after saying it feels cramped there is nothing left negative to say. They made an area in the back for gaming (Card and "Clix" games), back issues galore, New releases, CGC graded comic books, action figures, game cards, and a knowledgeable proprietor.
    Keegan and I of course talked about CGC. How slow they have been, the benefits and pitfalls of collecting CGC (my main pitfall is the addiction). He also did something that I can't remember other store owners talking to me about when I first started to collect. He informed me. Some stuff I knew, some I didn't. I even took about ten books up there for him to look at and give my opinions of a grade. He took his time and showed me things I didn't see before. Of course out of all those books I decided to leave one bring fr pressing and grading. If you look back you will see what I think about pressing. I am waiting to see if Keegan will change my mind.
    The store was well lit and although I didn't spend as much time as I would have liked (I was with a good friend and we were off to the aquarium after this stop). The store is well stocked, not cluttered. Everything had a place and everything was in its place. The trades were in order, the action figures were together and bags and boards could be purchased to protect your collection. I almost wished I lived closer.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. I will be writing more about this store and another that I visited. This is no way an advertisement or am I receiving any compensation fr these words. I have been a customer of his through the convention circuit and will continue to be so on the books that I feel are priced right. If they are not then I go somewhere else. The fact is Keegan has treated me well. On the way home, after the aquarium I made another stop to a shop called Comic Mania in Delaware. I will write about them too.
    Write a journal, tell us about your LCS and maybe "Not So" LCS that you enjoy, and maybe one day I can go and visit

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  9. Tnerb
    This time by Bob Mcleod
    I had a great day today. I went to Baltimore Aquarium with a really good friend, so good in fact she had no problem stopping off at Comic to Astonish with me before going to see the fish. When I was there Keegan was in the midst of putting away some comics he just got back from CGC. Although I was still waiting for the Stan Lee signatures I did have the ones from Bob McLeod.
    Issues #1,2,4, and 5 all came back in a 9.8 signature series. There are 11 signature series in a 9.8 for issues #1. As far as the other three I currently have the only signature series in a 9.8. I don't know why signatures became so important to me but I love having the yellow tag above the book. The other New Mutants #1 dropped to a 9.4 from a 9.6. Maybe I should try to add a Claremont signature as well.
    I know there is a single New Mutants #15 in a SS 9.8 and hope one day to add one to my collection. I have not yet decided whether or not I will try to upgrade everything to a SS because quite frankly I am unsure if they will keep the grade. For instance I still have the only copy of issue #47 in a 9.8 as well as issue #81. I would fear getting them signed and dropping to a 9.6. However once I do find SS copies in a 9.8 I am sending another collector an e-mail telling him I will need a home for the unsigned copies. There is a number #47 under the signature series but couldn't make that 9.8. These are the only graded copies.
    I also visited a second comic book shop on the way home but with so much to tell I will wait for another day. I slept only a few hours and right now I want to bathe in the glory of adding these to the registry and will work on taking the photos to update my registry.
    Thanks for Reading.
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  10. Tnerb
    When will teleportation tubes be invented?
    I was home by four in the morning for work. Normally I stay till about seven but today i decided to go to a comic book shop I never been too before. Comics to Astonish is about a two and a half hour drive and with nothing else to do my friend and I are making a day trip. This is also the place that got some signatures for a few comic books for me before I even knew I was going to the NYCC.
    The books I am getting are New Mutants #1,2,4, and 5. I hope I remember those correctly. All of them are still a 9.8. One that I already had signed by Stan Lee is coming back a 9.4. I am going to take some pictures of the store. I never drove to a place to see a comic book store (OK only once.....wait maybe twice) but if I was already there and I passed one I had to stop.
    I am looking forward just to be able to walk around and see what they have and how it is displayed. I remember mornings like this when I anxiously awaited to leave for a vacation. I know this is just for a day and might be silly for some but it is a comic book shop I never went too and for me that seems to be enough.
    Thanks for reading
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  11. Tnerb
    The picture does not explain the journal but who doesn't love a good dead slab of clay?
    I started writing on this site two years ago. My first step testing the waters turned into a full daily immersion. Two years ago I only had a handful of graded books and now I have more than the characters allowed in a "BASIC" line of code(265 if I remember correctly). I am approaching the 300 I want but it will take slightly longer than I planned and/or hoped.
    I really have to look at what my goals were for this year and see if I accomplished any of them because to be honest with you I wrote about it (twice) and then slowly forgot what I wanted to do. I like to think I accomplished a lot with the journals. I reached out to others and in turn they reached out to me. Some people gave me ideas, others gave me the drive to write better. Some of my journals suck while other I like to think i did a good job and I hope I can continue to do so, don't get me wrong, some will still suck.
    I am four away from a complete New Mutants set, five away if you count them all in a 9.8. Do you know how hard it is to get one of the Marvel Graphic Novels in a 9.8? Mine was only a 9.4, but soon it will have a signature to it. Four more will be added by Monday and I hope that I will be able to take decent pictures of them. To everyone who has read any of my journals I thank you. I hope you will continue to read and I hope that those who took up the mantle of writing some will continue to write more.
    Thanks for reading

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  12. Tnerb
    I tried and thankfully I didn't prevail....this time
    I had a bid out for $530 on one item. At the time I placed the bid I was financially able to afford it. The bid was placed ten days ago and then about seven my funds began to dry up. Four days ago I started to worry. Yesterday I re-budgeted trying to figure out a new way to pay for what I would eventually win. Although I really wanted the item in question I feared struggling over the next month just to pay it off, and it wasn't even a comic book.
    My car is rather old. In fact next year I think I can get "classic car" tags for her. I was sitting inside waiting for her to warm up and decided to check my e-mail and sure enough this morning I got an e-mail telling me I was outbid on the item. I was disappointed. I really wanted that item. Of course in the back of my head is crying "Hey insufficiently_thoughtful_person...you were saved."
    Have you ever bid on anything you truly wanted but couldn't afford. Or maybe bid on items beyond your means because it just had to be yours. BagoFleas has written about two things on here that I take to heart. One is patience, and when it comes to patience on a comic book I agree. But what if it is a "OAK" (I hope he won't mind me stealing his term.) What if it cannot be duplicated? What if it isn't a comic book?
    Thanks for Reading

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  13. Tnerb
    Do they have teacher conferences when a grade changes? Is there extra credit to make up for it?
    Back in June I turned over three books to CGC for a signature series with two of my own personal books. The ones I bought off the rack. I thought it would be cool to have some of my own be graded with under the signature series banner. One of the books I sent in was originally graded by another registry member. The book only received a 9.6. I still bought it from him.
    The thing is though I thought the book was not graded correctly. I felt so much that this grade was wrong I sent in the book again. I know I would have been over joyed with getting the book back in a 9.8 SS. I was shocked that it didn't get the grade I though is should have had in the first place. The problem was it dropped a grade. It could be argues, but at least it is signed.
    Of course that would be like buying a an Amazing Fantasy #15 on e-Bay, sending it in to get graded and the book received a .5 and then being told well, at least it can't go any lower. Another book that I had signed by Stan Lee that I sent out as a 9.6 is now a 9.4. This bothers me and makes me feel hesitant about sending books in for a regrade and signature.
    I am trying to learn the nuances of a 9.8 book and a 9.6 book. My friend picked up a JLA variant cover and I would love to send that in to see if it will get a 9.9 grade. The book looks beautiful. Out of the other books I sent in the 4 9.8's are coming back just that. My X-Men #10 and Daredevil #7 have both been graded. I feel that should be a journal by itself.
    Thanks for Reading

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  14. Tnerb
    It's just like a band aid....rip it off.
    A year ago I decided to attempt to write 30 journals in 30 days. It was an experiment that I succeeded in. I am wondering if I can do it again. I have been writing more this year than I did last year. I have many ideas of what I want to write about and have a small list of subject matter based off the titles I created. I guess this time is to see if my grammar has improved (god knows my typing skills have not)
    I hope the subjects I picked will be of interest (I am also up for some ideas). I also hope that my CGC collection will grow. At the moment I have a total of eighteen books out and hope to have them back by the end of the year. I am still procrastinating with my first fifty to send in (lack of money helps that procrastination even with the help of my Dad). I picked up some Ka-Zar but don't know why. I watched Paul from CGC unslab MY ASM #129 for an additional signature and found something else to take my moey. Some major auctions are coming up in November. One with Action Comics #1 and the other with Showcase Comics #22, both in a 9.0
    At this moment....this very moment I am waiting for Fed-Ex to drop off my new USP port for my internet service since I am having so much difficulty getting online. Which only makes doing a journal everyday for the next 30 days a trifle harder. I was in bed but thought I heard the door and decided to check the status of my one invoice with my ASM #129 on it and to my surprise it is marked.....Graded.
    I still have yet to check allowing the excitement to escalate...and even the fear. What will it be. Are getting signatures on already graded books better than purchasing signature series books? I have had this book for a long time and shows I could have taken better care of my collection. Or I can wait till the book is at my door and allow the fear to never open the box.
    Whether I check or not...I'll know in the next few moments what I decide to do. You won't know till tomorrow.
    Thanks for Reading
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  15. Tnerb
    I had this book graded three times.....and it was worth it.
    Between GPA and the price guides I have not to mention what people try to sell on e-Bay I have a pretty good idea what some of my books are worth. About a year ago when I first got my ASM #129 signed I write about a few things. One was about the change of page color, not to mention the increase in grade. But what was it worth. I checked the census and at that time and I found out I was not the only one.
    I didn't yet pay the monthly fee for GPananlysis.com so I would frequently check Heritage Auctions for some past sales and E-Bay for current ones. I couldn't find any from Heritage but E-bay had a copy of the same book I had, condition and all. The asking price was $2500. I felt that would be great if it sold because if it did, conceivably that would mean my book was worth that much as well. Checking today on the GPA as I am writing this a few books in 9.4 signature series sold, each one for over a $1000. Some came close to $2000.
    I don't know the page quality and still wonder how my book was in a slab and the paper deteriorated. I don't think I would ever sell this book. I know right now I won't but I do not know the future. I do have a story behind the book and that is what makes it quasi-valuable. What would you pay for this book? What would you want for the book? Then more importantly what would you pay for the book you truly desire?
    Thanks for Reading

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  16. Tnerb
    How come your $#!T is stuff and their stuff is $#!T "George Carlin"
    90% of my collection is protected and accounted for. If my internet continues to be a problem I see that number slowly lowering, the accounted for not the protected part. 98% of my collection is listed but once again my problem falls into the category on where to put it all. I tried a climate control storage place before but now it seems like a waste of money.
    I could move into a larger apartment. The increase would be about the same as the cost of a climate control storage unit but at least I would have everything together. Either option takes away from any additional funds that I would have for my collection. If I chose one of the two it would be a larger place since I would like to display them for my pleasure and not just to hoard them.
    As far as work is concerned I have stayed there for so long since I am making my money for my bills and things I want. Recently though this has become increasingly difficult. If I do make the change will I be able to save enough to learn any new job I have and stay away from collecting or will I be able to send some books in strictly for sale and whatever profit I make be able to sell off to then buy what I want? And if I am successful at this where do I put my stock?
    I would love to be able to take my time and sprawl my comic books all over the apartment and properly grade them. This off course takes time and space, neither of which I have.
    As far as touching base on what Lee K said about boxes, I know I have to pick up another box and I get them at the conventions, my local comic shops do not carry these, although I think I can get them from one in particular. CGC is written predominantly on the side and fortunately they fit very nicely into the shelving units I have. I did try the magazine holders in the beginning but with at least 265 books owned and more coming I think I might have to learn to be more creative. I do not know of any places (yet) that ship them out. Any suggestions on storage would be appreciated.
    Thanks for Reading.

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  17. Tnerb
    Can I skip a week and still keep my geek status?
    Wednesdays are the days that not only do I spend breakfast with my Dad but I get my new comic books too. Yesterday was an exception. Fed-Ex an My Dad had other plans. The delivery company decided that was they day they were doing to deliver a package from ComicLink. Wednesday seems to be the most frequent day that packages arrive for me. Since making sure that all packages that come my way need a signature I have to be home to get them.
    More times than not I still head down to see my father for breakfast and I just expect to sign for the packages the next day when they redeliver. My Father's other plans were with his wife, my Step-Mother (who is more like my mother). They both left for New Orleans for an extended weekend. This gave me the chance to stay home, wait for my package to arrive and call and argue with Verizon Wireless on their sub par internet service.
    Between what came in yesterday and what arrives Saturday I added 14 graded books to my collection. 11 books were from Ka-Zar The Savage and every one of those was from the Golden State collection. The other three were auction wins. All but one were added to my registry already. the last one will be added later today. I am trying to slow down my purchases and have an idea to quit altogether next year (but only for the year ala Surfer99).
    A new car is not needed yet but wanted and I think if i only purchase new books and no graded ones I should be able to save pretty well. Of course certain stipulations would apply like any New Mutants I don't have or upgrades in the same series to SS. Of course if I don't go to the comic shop today my haul for next week will be much greater. As far as comixology.com is concerned I have nine books on my pull list for this week.
    I think I need a change though and am still deciding what that is. Sometimes money is an issue and I start to thn what I can cut to make things easier for me and it seems my phone, internet, and comic books I might be able to do without....
    ....yea right.
    Thanks for Reading

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  18. Tnerb
    Fed Ex says it is on the truck.
    I always wondered how safe my books were on a delivery truck in this weather. My son's birthday just passed and I remember one of the things my sister got for her nephew was an ant farm when he was much younger (maybe seven or eight). He had the farm but the ants were to be mailed later. My son's mother was happy that when the ants arrived, they arrived frozen.
    I received my ASM #129 this past Monday. The express service was very much on time. The book was cold, damn cold and I wonder what that does to a book if anything. I have three books to be delivered today. Currently it is 10 degrees above freezing and when I checked on the book through my work shift I believe the temperature was slightly colder.
    These books I won off of ComicLink and they were originally shipped out of Maine and after only a few days they are about to be delivered. I am waiting patiently and after being on the phone with Verizon Wireless for a little over an hour with no internet access and sleep deciding to settle in I can't wait for the delivery. In fact once I finish this little tidbit I am going to bed.
    So what am I getting? One book is a copy of Spider-Man #1. I think it is the green cover. I am getting a copy of Iron man #131 in a 9.8 and a copy of Tales to Astonish in a 9.2. I am looking forward to each and hope even though I will not be getting to 300 books by the end of the year I can at least break the 500 barrier.
    What auctions do you use to buy your already graded books? What is your grade of choice? If not a 9.8 would you settle for a 9.6?
    Thanks for Reading
    Should I get this book graded?

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  19. Tnerb
    I am sorry for all grammar mistakes but nothing else...
    Since everyone is discussing the lengthy turn around time for CGC I might as well add my two cents. I had a few other journals scheduled to post but I thought this would take precedence. The first time I sent books to CGC was in October of 2010. The 20 day estimated turn around time was 21 days. I can lie with that. Skip ahead to now.
    I have books at CGC right now. One book is through a John Romita Signature Series, another two are a Stan Lee Signature Series, and a third invoice was five books through another Signature Series, this one by Bob Mcleod from the Baltimore Comic Con. Each one of these I won't comment on since I don't have all the information.
    The invoices I will mention are the three I had sent to CGC myself under my own membership number. Two of the invoices I sent to CGC in Florida for them to take to the NYCC this past October. I was going to go the whole weekend but a wedding stopped that. The only day I was able to attend was the 16th of October, the last day. CGC could not guarantee they would be able to get all the books (10) signed if I brought them the last day. I arranged with Joe Pierson to have the books shipped to CGC care of him. This was a good two weeks before the convention. An Invoice was not created on the site ad I wasn't charged since they didn't yet know if they would attain all the signatures.
    I sent in nine modern books and one graphic novel under the signature series "Modern" grading service. Seven of these books were already graded, the other three were raw. The first invoice was marked received on 20-Oct-11. What scared me was there were only nine books marked received and I sent ten. I had previously confirmed that the books got to CGC before the convention and to make sure I did everything properly.
    I sent an e-mail to CGC with my concern and the reply was that since the graphic novel is a magazine size it would have to be placed on a separate invoice. this invoice appeared 5 days later (3 business days) on 25-Oct-11. I was billed separately for each but was told they would still return to me together. The third and final invoice for an eleventh book I brought to the NYCC myself. I was told that the signing for this (John Romita) wouldn't be till Monday the 17th and I could drop it off at the show.
    The book I brought for the signing was my AMS #129, a book I had previously signed by Stan Lee. CGC was the first booth I went to when the doors for the convention opened. I said hello to Paul Litch and was introduced to Joe Pierson. I saw him before but was never officially introduced. Paul opened up the slab and handed the book back to Joe. The invoice was written up, a ten dollar donation paid, and my credit card was turned over for the $90 CGC charge and the $29.80 to ship it back to me.
    The Modern service is listed is listed as twenty business days and the express is listed as five. If you calculate the days for the two "Modern" invoices they should be graded and ready to ship by the 17th and 22nd of November provided they are on time with their listed estimated turn around times.
    The third invoice with the express option was handed to CGC o the 16th of October. The book was signed under witness the following day. From the 17th till the day it was marked as received(27-Nov-11) my book was listed nowhere....that was ten days the book stayed in Limbo. However by the 2nd of November it was marked as graded and the 3rd the book was marked shipped/safe and an e-mail was sent to me with the tracking number. The express service was on time.
    Do I expect the "Modern" books to be on time? No, I don't. Different graders grade different books. A grader who grades golden age books will not grade a modern age book if he doesn't have the knowledge to do so, likewise a modern age grader won't grade a golden age book. I believe I can grade a modern age book (1980 to present) pretty well. I might even be stricter than CGC because I have some slabbed books that I feel should have been a 9.6.
    Saying this I will put my money where my mouth is, even though I am only a cashier and a waiter I would be willing to relocate to Sarasota, Florida and accept a job as a grader. I am fortunate because I also have experience in shipping and handling so I would be able to do multiple jobs. It would also be cool to be able to write under a more secure staff position rather than just under the "journals" section.
    I don't know how much they get paid but my resume of getting comic books goes back to the age of 5 (Star Wars Over-sized treasury Edition...thank you Pop-pop) and collecting comic books since the age of 12. i have learned a lot in the past few years and know I have to learn so much more but I am willing to learn. Gemma if you are reading this please let me know where to apply. Although I would have to be allowed to still purchase the last issues I need in a 9.8 for the New Mutants set.
    As for the other item...the long wait. As a collector i have no problem waiting, if I were a dealer the wait would kill me because I would be suing that money to reinvest into my store to buy more comic books, pay employees, bills, and other finances to keep afloat. And as a collector where does it matter where my books are, if CGC doesn't have them lined up to be graded they would only be sitting in a box at home on a shelf.
    http://www.cgccomics.com/services/services_and_fees.asp I don't know how up to date this link is but what i would like to see, maybe under the numismatic trivia question how far behind (or how on point) the grading is. Or just a list of dates where the waiting time is double (or triple the allotted wait time). Maybe along the lines of "Please excuse the elongated wait time of 2x during the convention season between March and October (OK , it could use an edit)"
    I did ask Paul what the best time to send books in and he told me after convention season which is October till about January, only four months. The things is though if everyone decides to send in books during this "best" and we all listen then wouldn't that "best" time become the worse time.
    I have yet to send in a full invoice of books I plan to sell but when I do (using the Modern tier) I might be more inclined to be less patient than I am. I love the on site grading CGC has at Philadelphia and wonder if more on-site grading would be an answer to their onslaught of books. After all i did have to pay an additional few for this service.
    If they could higher part time graders for each city to expand for the larger workload. Mind you any PT grader would have to go through a rigorous test (I was thinking a five mile run). There are many things CGC can do but would anyone really be happy if it meant an inferior product.
    PGBeckstrom's journal's pertaining to this issue is justified and whether you agree with him or not is entirely up to you. Go back and read his journals along with others and come up with your own conclusion. One thing to do is to keep writing journals bout what you feel. Another is to send direct e-mails to the staff over and over again, while a third is to stop sending in your own books and just buy them when you find them available. The journal "Occupy CGC" had a huge response through the "Discuss on Chat Boards" link, the longest I can ever remember on a journal entry (good Job PG) with a lot o
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  20. Tnerb
    How long will it be in Florida?
    On November third I received an E-mail from CGC stating that the USPS has picked up my package. Today being the seventh the USPS still has the package marked as Processed through USPS sort facility. To me that is like having your books in verified status for a couple weeks longer than it should be. The only difference I hat the verified status means you know exactly where your books are, the processed through sort facility could mean they are lost.
    In the past two years since I started collecting CGC books of he internet the USPS has lost 5 of my packages. The sixth one which could have been lost was signed by a postal employee. Talking about being brazen. Every time I complained I was told I had a thief in my building. One time one of my packages I was following was sent through the same sort facility three times. I can picture a postal employee looking at the package and saying "yup, still there."
    I can't boycott the post office because it is convenient but I have started to use them less and less. I was never much of a letter writer t my bills have been getting paid online. My rent I take there myself. Packages I started to use Fed-Ex instead of the USPS. I will check on the status of the package and wonder if it will show up at my door before they update the status.
    Thanks for Reading
  21. Tnerb
    I never thought I'd get here.
    Over the past two years I wrote about may different things. The majority had to do something about comic books. Every 25 journals I wrote about other journals I read or wrote, mostly wrote. Not including my 75th journal and if you go back that far you will find out. I normally only went back the bast 25 in case one was missed. I do so like my stuff to be read.
    One of my recent journals I unveiled what my ASM #129 was returned after a small worry of a decline in grade. This was called "Wight on the Break". It is probably the first journal I didn't mention anything about comic books until the very end.
    On the 16th of October I wrote two journals the same day, the first one was on the way to the NYCC and the second was a little after I got home. An experience I cannot wait to revisit. I am working on another article for comicbooked.com if I can just stop fighting with my internet service provider (this fight might be ending soon). The two journals were "Fez's are Cool" and " Leaving the NYCC"
    I also discuss my disgruntlement in "Fed-Ex vs USPS" since for some reason I have trouble getting my packages shipped to me, so frustrated in fact I started shipping my packages to my Father's. Of course being the loving guy he is he tells me nice book...how much did you pay for it? I never lied but if it gets really expensive I can always ship them to a friends....sorry Dad.
    I have four left to go with the New Mutants and I have been upgrading them to a signature series but I mention that I have a new series I am thinking about getting in Locke & Key vs the New Mutants" One of the four is available and I will write on that topic later but the last journal I am going t mention to you that I would like you to read isn't even mine, but it is the one directly before.
    I was able to read this at work at 6 in the morning which would have been seven if not for the clocks going back and although I like the movies I wasn't a fan of the comic book so much. Even thought at that age I picked every comic book up I could with religious fervor. Check out Anung Un Rama!!! by Clouded9. It is nice to read something that someone put so much time and effort in.
    Thanks for Reading
  22. Tnerb
    Would a 9.8 Signature series of the New Mutants be possible???
    A couple months ago before I knew going to the NYCC was a definite I dropped off some books to Keegan from Comics to Astonish. Occasionally he makes the trek up from Baltimore to sell a couple books at the Philadelphia Comic Con, but of course not during foot ball season. Once I found out Bob Mcleod was going to be there I decided I needed to have some of the books I have signed by him.
    Even though the books I chose were already graded a 9.8 I am wary if some of them are a legitimate 9.8, after all just recently I had a 9.6 drop to a 9.4. The other reason I chose the numbers I chose was because duplicates were available online and if I wanted to keep my set legitimately all 9.8's I would have to take the loss and purchase them again.
    I figured since my books from the NYCC were verified then the ones from Baltimore should at least be graded. I sent an e-mail off to find out and found out about four of the five. The fifth one sent was a 9.6, so maybe...just maybe.... plus the 9.6 was already signed by Stan Lee. The 9.8 books though, the ones I was worried about I no longer have to worry. I was told that they were still a 9.8. No more Universal blue label these babies have the yellow Signature Series label. This gives me hope for the ones I turned over for the NYCC.
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  23. Tnerb
    I wish they were all that quick.
    It never fails that every day I check out the registry. Even with my internet giving me problems I still have the ability to read any new journals or to check out people sets and watch as my rank lowers. Apparently people are starting to get their books back because for a while I went from 550 to about 575 before I started to get some books. However once I send books in I start to check the "Order Status" function a lot more often.
    The books I turned over at the NYCC were listed pretty quickly. It seemed that everything was juxtaposed though because the last one listed was the first one graded. The other two invoices of course are still in Limbo. However checking their status day I find that my ASM #129 is on its way back to me. Yesterday morning I saw that (my morning is the afternoon) my invoice for that book is now marked as shipped/safe and I received an e-mail a bit later with my tracking number.
    I know the other two are still marked verified and will most likely be until the end of the month before they are marked scheduled for grading. I mentioned before I am patient. They are already paid for so I don't have to stress about paying them off so it almost feel like I have free comic books coming to me. The only part I stress about is thinking about them retaining their grade. As time goes on I will keep you updated. As for the picture, these are the books I got this week.
    Thanks for Reading

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  24. Tnerb
    I'll eat my Hat
    I was never a fan of hats until I got my haircut. My late teen years up to my early thirties had my hair reach down my back, halfway almost. My Grandmother said to me before she died that she thought I would look good in a ponytail. It was years before she died after she said that but that was the last coherent thing I remember her telling me. I told my father this about the same time I had my hair cut and his response was "...but she was crazy."
    After my initial haircut which coincidentally was right when I got back into collecting comic books but still a couple years before collecting CGC graded books. I picked up a few baseball caps through out the years and finally began wearing a few. I wore out the 2008 Phillies World Series but earlier this year I did something different. I stopped off at Hats in the Belfry on 3rd and South in Philadelphia and purchased my first "real" hat. It cost around $85. My second hat which was only purchased a few weeks ago was $45. The other one I wanted was $135, of course I never would have purchased these hats if it wasn't for CGC. It made it easier parting with my money for a premium grade comic book so why shouldn't I spend it on something I would wear (almost) everyday.
    Of course I don't think I'd be able to purchase a couple hats a month like I do comic books (nor do I think I would want too). I tried keeping a log of how much money I spend on comic books but lost count in June. I still have the receipts (somewhere) but have yet to find the time to gather them and make my tally. I think it is safe to say that if I didn't purchase these comic books I'd have a lot of hats (or money).
    I do want to go get that other hat I passed on and I figured out a way to budget for it. At a guess if I saved $5 for every CGC graded book purchased for the month of November and December I should be able to purchase a hat of my choice by January and if I use this idea starting from the first of this month that means I should have to already put away $55.
    Thanks for Reading

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  25. Tnerb
    Shot Glasses, Playing Pool, and a graded Comic Book
    Tuesday happened to be a good day. My friend in the hospital had a successful procedure, my Father offered to watch either Captain America or Green Lantern instead of our usual Wednesday morning ritual. I am here right now sitting here on the couch with him and we picked Captain America. And I probably played the best games of pool I ever played.
    I left for practice earlier than I should have, in other words I should have slept more. However, being there benefited me. No one else had yet arrived which gave me additional time to practice. At first I threw the balls on the table and practiced making random shots.
    Eventually a member of another team (this other team member is on a Monday night league with a member of my Tuesday night league team so at least I knew him). He asked if I would mind practicing with him for a bit, after all it would be a better practice. We played three games.
    I don't know his (Ace) rank, I only know that he is ranked higher than mine. The first game Ace won by the sinking the eight. I met the challenge taking my first win by doing the same thing. The tie breaker was among us. I felt confident. The third game gave me my second win even though it was an early eight. He still had a ball on the table and while going after it missed and the cue had enough speed bumping directly into the 8 which was pushed into the pocket. A win is a win. We shook hands and he parted. I was still waiting for my team to arrive.
    I occupied my time by practicing my break and runs. The first break, one ball. On my second break I dropped four, two high and two low; on the third I dropped the eight, an instant win. I was so glad that Joe (the bartender) was watching for my bragging rights.
    When the rest of my team got there we practiced a bit more. I was still playing well but knocked out after the first game. I was OK with that since I was already warmed up. The opposing team showed up and took their practice time.
    Every Tuesday night I play 8-ball (Thursday night is 9-ball) and we play a total of five matches. There are eight of us on the team so not all of us get to play. If I play I am normally entered in one of the first two matches. We start a little before eight and I have to go home to get ready for work. The team captains tossed the coin to put up first. It was me.
    I didn't know the level of my opponent and if I played like I practiced and if he played anything like he practiced (he was one of the ones I watched) I was confident that I could take him (a feeling I never felt before). My skill level is a three (consider it a 4.5 CGC grade) and so was he (even though I didn't know it at the time). It was to be a race to two games.
    I lost the lag giving my opponent first break. In three innings I won. I broke the next game and after nine innings we shook hands to my 2-0 victory. I stayed and watched us win the second match and the third before I had to leave to get ready for work. i found out later we won the next two innings giving us a 5-0 night. This will be my second 5-0 patch and the thing that started off this really great day was finding out what my Amazing Spider-Man #129 with not only Stan Lee's signature but now John Romita's was graded.
    Thanks for Reading
    Oh by the way it was a 9.4 Off White to White pages...I can live with that.

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