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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    Purchasing one book per a month
    So far I only purchased one CGC graded book in January, exactly as planned. I did pay for other books that I ordered last year that I was already dedicated to purchasing. I paid for one out of three that I subscribed to with a 9.8 service. This service allowed me to get books graded but I only had to purchase them if they were a 9.8. There are two more in the works. I was also able to save money by putting off the actual pay date. This of course does not help me now.
    I am still trying to win a copy of Daredevil 168 but, have lost in the bidding for three different copies last month. I know another one will be around so I am OK with that. I am more bothered by losing an OAK (a term coined by Bagofleas). There are no duplicates nor will there ever be. I will only be able to get it if by some miracle the proud new owner takes pity and decides to sell. It was not that I did not try. I placed an offer and it was refused. Then I tried to save up for a second offer but now it is too late.
    There are things I currently want and I am curious to see what I am willing to sacrifice (remember I am trying to save for a new car). About six years ago when I moved into my current residence I decided to fill a water jug full of quarters. Then about four years ago I added dollar coins to the mix. It is almost full and as much as I would like to save it all I have been thinking about treating myself to something big, not to mention my desire to go to SDCC this year.
    Any guesses to how much it holds. If I am lucky and calculate properly the jug should be finished by the end of April, possibly even sooner. The problem is there is something else I want and I am wondering if it is even worth it. It is not CGC but it is very relevant to comic books today. What do you think of what I lost?
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  2. Tnerb
    Sometimes the small conventions are better
    I was a five year attendee when I reported on my first Wizard World. This helped me know what to expect and what to look for. At my first NYCC I was in awe and if my life was a musical I would morph into Jack Skeleton and sing "What's This?" Never being at a WonderCon I was happy enough to read the articles of my fellow contributors. Between extra hours at work, sleeping, preparing for my first vacation in over ten years, and treating myself to the Philadelphia Comic-Con, there wasn't much else I could do?
    The major companies running these multi-million dollar conventions deserve our praise and our coverage but what about the little guy? What about the conventions that are held at Hotels and Inns, packing the rooms with dealers and collectors. The Philadelphia Comic-con is one of those events that only charges three dollars for admission, a bargain by today's standards. I hated paying these fees when I was younger, but over time I realized that this is part of what this hobby is about and without it these conventions would not exist.
    I have begun spending more money on the internet than I have at conventions but I still find good deals, specials, and rare items that make me part with my cash, not to mention I don't have to wait for it. The first comic convention I was ever at was just like the ones I currently attend. This was on City Line Avenue run by a company called Great Eastern Conventions. I don't remember how I got there but considering how far it was I imagine it started out with "Please Dad".
    The Philadelphia Comic-Con has been around for almost twenty years, they started back at the Holiday inn at 4th and Arch, moving to 10th and Packer before finally settling in at their current location at the Ramada Inn on 76 Industrial Highway, Essington, Pa. Three years ago I started to attend on a religious basis. This past Sunday, March 18, 2012 I arrived fifteen minutes before opening. When I got there I saw Rick, a dealer that I have talked to many times and have enjoyed conversing with him on numerous subjects, especially CGC. We chatted while he smoked and when he was finished he invited me in with him. I love being able to walk into a convention before it opens. But business had already begun as dealers were buying from other dealers.
    Rick asked for my help watching his booth when he needed to step away, whether it was to look for what he wanted to buy, a small bathroom break, or another cigarette, not to mention he gave me a really good deal on a couple of books. The major conventions are a spectacle to behold but don't forget the small ones because more times than not, this is where the love for our hobby grows.
    I might not be able to wait until Wizard World 2012 (especially with Stan Lee attending) but when April 29th comes around it is a sure bet that you will be able to find me at the Philadelphia Comic-Con.
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  3. Tnerb
    And for my next experiment...
    I had trouble saving. At times this trouble was caused by unforeseen circumstances, such as car problems. Other times I might have wanted to buy something and frivolously spent with no worry about anything other than getting what I wanted.
    Before I started waiting tables I managed a car wash. The hours were long, the stress was exhausting, but the pay was good. I brought home a substantial pay check that not only consisted of a healthy salary, a chance to make bonus every month (which I did), and I received tips as well. I thought the money would never run out Never once did I think about saving for the proverbial rainy day. I even went through bankruptcy. As good as things were, the floor dropped, but not before I had a conversation with one of my customers.
    In the exit area before anyone was called over to their vehicles, we corralled our customers. One reason we stopped them was for safety precautions, the other was we didn't need them pointing out every little detail until we were done the car. This spot was partially encircled by chains with a single egress next to a three foot high, one foot by one foot wide container. This hard metal object had a removable lid containing the word "TIPS" and a slit to slide them through. On good days it filled up nicely; on bad days... well, let's not talk about those. Mostly paper money was dropped but change would clang to the bottom too.
    While the cars were being dried off I was able to chat with my customers. Some were about the vehicles and what else could be done to protect them; in essence I was suggesting services that we provided here. One time while I was "policing" customers to stop them from approaching their cars prematurely, a gentleman asked how much change could the tip box hold. I looked at the box, began to calculate the area of the hollow space and guesstimate how many coins the container could hold, thought about the most likely scenario of dimes and pennies taking up the most space by quantity followed by nickels and quarters by size. After seconds of calculation I told him "I didn't know". He replied he filled up a five gallon water jug with $10,000 in quarters. I was skeptical by the amount and figured I wanted to try it. I had an empty water jug at home but couldn't figure out where it was.
    It wasn't till a year later I felt it better if I were to live alone. During my move I found the empty water jug. I started on the first day I moved in. I came up with a formula so I wouldn't miss the money that I was dropping, not to mention I wanted to know what was in there when I eventually would have to take it to the bank. It took time, patience, due diligence (I always wanted to add due diligence in a journal) and an amazing amount of self control but after six years and four days I finally figured out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop... Fourteen thousand and two hundred, now I only wish they were all $1 coins.
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  4. Tnerb
    If it came down to it, what would you do? Go on a vacation or buy an expensive comic book?
    I have not taken a vacation in... Okay, I have no idea when the last time I took a vacation. The closest I come to taking off from work are the three days I take off for Wizard World Philadelphia. Typically this happens in June. I didn't worry about what I spent because I made sure to save for it. In essence, this was my vacation. This year things are slightly different. I realized I can't make it to SDCC and I am glad I figured this out before I tried to get tickets. I read what everyone was saying and it seemed like a real cluster Fu...
    The reason I opted out was because the rooms are too expensive. I used all the Priceline and Travelocity type sites but realized I will have to save even more than I originally allotted. I thought $2500 would be more than enough. I was wrong. Of course taking a seven day cruise (my first) in the beginning of April slightly cuts into any savings I might have used for it.
    I am currently purchasing things I need for the trip like clothes, toiletries, sun-block, new camera (it's nice), clothes, sneakers, extra batteries, memory cards, and more sun-block (remember I work nights). I also need extra money for excursions and extracurricular activities on the ship. The last time I traveled. I drove to Toronto. It was cheaper because I stayed with a friend, so the $500 I brought was more than enough.
    If I plan on going to SDCC in 2013 I have to start saving now. I already started a new water jug experiment. I plan on placing all my change in there for a full 365 days. I started the same day I emptied it of my quarter experiment. I imagine (hope) by the time I am done I can save $1000, now only if I could save another $4000 by the convention I will be all set (if I can get tickets), but what if I like the cruise and want to go one another one?
    Wizard World Philadelphia is easy; I only need money for what comics I want to buy. The NYCC is just as easy if I decided commuter, but the SDCC is another story altogether. I will enjoy the vacation in one way or the other whether it's my water jug or squirreling away 10% I'll save for another one. As for comic books, I'll just work more.
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  5. Tnerb
    It is just a bottle.
    I don't get a large tax return. I earn $2.83 an hour and only have myself to claim. As many reading this, I have already received my return. I used it for bills. Last year I spent a ridicules amount on comics (not a complaint) compared to what I saved. This year started off slowly, purchasing a lot less in January but threw off all restraint in February, yet I still kept within my collecting guidelines.
    A little less than six years ago I decided to save using a calculated experiment, on June 5th, 2006 my life started over. I had yet to start collecting CGC graded comic books and my expenses were a lot higher. I tried saving but always had a new bill or some unforeseen circumstance swallow my savings.
    I decided to change my way of thinking. A previous customer of mine once told me that $10,000 in quarters fit in a five gallon water jug. I decided to find out if that was true dubbing it my quarter experiment. I started putting in a quarter a day, if you calculate that over a year it comes out to $91.25 (leap year with standing). That wasn't enough for me, nor fast enough. I added an additional four quarters every Sunday. This brought my annual total to $143.25. This still wasn't fast enough, so on the 5th of the every month (the date I moved in) I added another $5 and on January 1st I added $20.
    My total for a full year became $223.25. For that first year I dropped a quarter every day, $1's worth every Sunday, $5 worth for every 5thof the month, and $20 for the year. When the year was over I counted what was in there. My calculation was correct, what I had added on paper was what was in the bottle. The bottom of the jug was barely covered. I wasn't filling it fast enough. After the first year I added 2X the amount; after my second year I added 3X the amount and continued to progress this way after each consecutive year. I even started to use dollar coins.
    After my 4th year, the water jug stated to look like I saved something substantial. I was also getting tempted to just bring it to the bank. I stopped adding coins on a daily basis and calculated the allotted amount every month. I am three months shy of doing this for a full six years and I just added enough coins into the jar to cover the calculations up to June 5th, the beginning of my 7th year. I would have slowly added over the next 3 months but I am going on vacation in early April and I would rather not leave all that money lying around.
    I might not have gotten a hefty return but after this water jug experiment I'll have a nice amount to put away in savings, some for my trip, and maybe even a comic book or two. As for as a water jug holding $10,000 in quarters, it's a fallacy; it's more like ten thousand quarters. After six full years of adding coins, both quarters and dollars I came nowhere near $10,000. I calculated how much is in there but will let you know the exact amount after I take it to the bank.
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  6. Tnerb
    Damn those Marvel Value Stamps.
    CGC has been around for over a decade, digital comic books have been gaining popularity, and comic books themselves have been around a lot longer than I. As a reader of comic books for 35 years, a collector for 28, and an enthusiast since I graduated from high school my views on the care of comic books and the conditions they should be kept in have changed since I was 12.
    Between 1974 and 1976 Marvel instituted their "Marvel Value Stamp" promotion or MVS for short. These stamps were on or around the letters page and collectors were encouraged to "clip'em and collect'em". Occasionally, I'll go through a back issue bin (of various comic shops or conventions) and find a beautiful copy of a book I want at a decreased price. At times, this is due to the omission of these questionable collectibles. To date I have never seen anyone brag that they defaced hundreds of comic books to acquire all the stamps in one place, yet it has been done.
    There are 100 stamps in what is known as set "A" including The Incredible Hulk #181 (can you guess what stamp is in that book?) The whole idea was to cut them out and order a special 16 page book to place them in. The book, available through mail order only, was 50 cents, which was more expensive than the comic books themselves. The idea was so successful that Marvel issued a series "B". This set also consisted of 100 stamps, each one a piece of a larger picture. A second book, once again available through Marvel, could be ordered for 50 cents and the pages were set up to create the picture each MVS formed; one was even of Stan Lee.
    There were those that completed the set "A" book and were rewarded at the 1974 San Diego Comic Con, mostly with praise and admiration. Of course, without the stamp intact, the comic book is incomplete. This drops the value of a normally high grade comic book approximately 75%; maybe even more. This lone defect is mostly known as a Marvel Value Stamp Flaw. If a book is sent into CGC for grading this would normally receive a green qualified label if the grade is high enough and there is no restoration. If the book is a really low grade or there are other factors (like restoration) then the missing stamp will affect the grade.
    The closest I have ever come to anything like this was to meticulously cut the coupon from Valiant comic books Harbinger series volume 1, issues #1-#6, a desire I filled to acquire my pink, variant, mail away, all original, issue zero of the same title. I purchased two each of issues #1 through #6 for this to happen.
    Today, the digital age has arrived, and I applaud any company that gives you a free copy of any book you buy. Unfortunately, no company is doing this at press time. Only certain titles are being sold as a package deal, most recently are "The Avenging Spider-Man" and Marvel's Ultimate line. The earlier issues were bagged so the codes to be redeemed could not be used by a person perusing the comic books on a news rack. To note, "Avenging Spider-Man" #4 and "Ultimate X-Men" #7 came un-bagged and still offered the free digital copy with purchase, but how did they alleviate the problem with hiding the free digital code?
    I read each book from front to back and on the last page was the code for the digital replication. It was covered by a detachable sticker, which, once removed, would arguably lower the grade of the comic book. I was perplexed. Could I devalue the book just to get my free digital copy, will my desire to have the best grade force me to buy a second book just to use a code? Will I need to take a few shots of high grade espresso to garnish the courage to rip the sticker off? How would you feel about buying a book from the 70s, paying a premium price, and the MVS is missing? Let's time travel 35 years and wonder how you would feel if the sticker was missing from the books released today.
    Thanks for reading
    CGC Lee
    PS. The answer to what stamp is in The Incredible Hulk #181 is Shanna the She-Devil (Stamp #54)
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  7. Tnerb
    Should I be collecting something else?
    There are certain memories I have that I would swear by. I can remember my first crush (it was my babysitter), I can remember the first girl I loved (it was Kira, in first grade), I can remember my first Kiss (it was Nadja at Camp Council), and I can remember the first comic book I ever collected (it was New Mutants #15... wasn't it?).
    I recently decided to start making top ten lists. I wanted to make a list of ten "raw" comic books and the top CGC graded books I would like, along with the best "Spider-Man" covers I enjoyed growing up. One of these titles started me thinking of my earliest collecting days (it was Marvel Tales #154).
    I can remember seeing the cover of New Mutants #15 crying out for me to purchase it. I read it over and over and over becoming immersed into a new world. I enjoyed it so much that I couldn't wait till issue #16. Sub Mariner #38 was another monumental book. This one was released before I was born and I read that numerous times as well. Most of my silver age books at that time were given to me. I have thought about how I could possibly have gotten them and have arrived at the conclusion that I most likely got them from my Aunt Rozzie. Her son, my cousin Michael is a full ten years older than me and they probably were once part of his prized possessions, by the way, my earliest memory, it was his Bar Mitzvah, April 5th 1975.
    I turned 12 in 84' and I remember changing my hiding spot from behind the right stereo speaker in the basement to my sock drawer. This is where I kept such titles as Marvel Tales, Fantastic Four, and Star Wars. I had numerous issues; all released before the publishing date of New Mutants #15. The thing is I can't remember when I got them. They were never bagged and boarded so I am sure I didn't buy them at a comic book shop. They weren't older titles so I don't think I got them from my Aunt. Could I have bought them at 7-11? Was I collecting comic books before I even knew it? Could my New Mutants #15 not be the catalyst for my collection I think it is. And if that is wrong, then what other memories could be slightly askew.
    I had an oversized Star Wars treasury edition. I was five years old and more times than not my feet stepped on it when I got in my Pop Pop's car. I remember a rainy day and rushing in the car rather quickly (well as quick as a six year old could) stepping on the already worn comic. I picked it up not wanting to ruin it (more than it already was) and placed it next to me. I don't know if it was issue #2 or the complete treasury edition but I do remember the last page had a photograph of Sir Alec Guiness and George Lucas. I tend to feel that this was the comic book that got me to read other comic books which led to my fateful day purchasing New Mutants #15, but what if my memory is wrong?
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  8. Tnerb
    one way or the other, it is only paper.
    Last year I was addicted to finding the books I needed online. I was doing my best to create the best New mutants set I could. So far I have accomplished this. There are a few others that I need but as of now, they are unavailable. I collect new issues every week but that doesn't seem to fulfill the need of completing something. Currently I have every single issues of Daredevil from the first volume except number two and three. I hope to have those this year.
    I decided to create two lists of ten, both of which would cause a great sense of fulfillment and will not be cheap. One list will be of 10 books graded by CGC in the best condition available (or that I can afford). The other ten will be books that should be part of a must have list for any collector, including a copy of Amazing fantasy #15. As I said, this will not be cheap.
    A collection also tends to have or need a holy grail. My such comic was and is the New Mutants #15 in a 9.8, but only because it was the comic book that helped start my collection. The other book is a Sub-Mariner #38. This was a book that I had read over and over before I even knew the significance comic books would play in my life. I lost in the bidding on that book.
    This has created such thoughts of Why do I collect? Can I stop other than because of financial reasons? Why would I want to stop? My collections consists of Star Wars memorabilia, action figures, fine art work, original comic book pages, statues, novels, shot glasses, raw comic books along with CGC graded ones.
    My Wednesday haul tends to be read on the way home from the comic books shop. I save every week so I have extra money at conventions, even if I don't buy. When I was younger I purchased without any thought of the consequences. I have since seen the error of my ways. All that time I was spending on frivolous things I could have had an Amazing Fantasy #15. SO how am I rectifying it? I tend to think before I spend, but occasionally...I forget.
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  9. Tnerb
    Originally presented and written for Comicbooked.com
    Have you ever wanted that one special comic book? You know the one that is slightly out of your price range and you need to borrow money from your parents to get it. The one you begged and pleaded for. The one that got you "no" after "No" after "NO", with maybe a few profanities placed in between, but enough about last week.
    I was 16 when I was becoming enamored with Daredevil and I was doing everything I could to purchase the back issues between #158 and #191 along with the new releases. At this point of my life I lived with my Father who had no problem with me collecting comic books, not to mention he allowed me to walk to my Local Comic Shop once a week.
    ComiCards, my original LCS had just purchased some key back issues and conveniently placed them on the wall behind the register. They were safely placed in Mylar bags and boarded for their protection, (you know before CGC came along). A few books caught my eye, of course there were only two that I vividly remember; both of which were in beautiful condition (as beautiful as a new book straight off the shelf).
    After three years as a customer I learned to trust their judgment on what to pick up and what to pass on, although I still stayed away from The Watchman (what can I say, I was a Marvel elitist). I can almost recall some X-men around issue #100 but what I remember most were the two beautiful copies of Amazing Spider-Man #129 and Daredevil #1. Spider-man I liked right away (who didn't) and Daredevil I learned to love. I started to get into a number one craze, but the silver age books I couldn't afford unlike Power Pack, ElfQuest, and Cloak and Dagger(to name a few).
    I asked Dane (the proprietor) if he could hold them for me and he said yes, even if he was a bit skeptical. Mind you I was a teen so maybe in the store owner's eyes I was never going to be able to afford either one, but he could have also remembered how I spent over $70 when I was just thirteen and paid with a $100 bill. I might have been young but I was a regular. He gave me a week.
    Daredevil #1 was my first choice and I had to figure out how to ask my Father for the money. The $300 value was a bit out of my range, the Amazing Spider-Man #129 was a bit more realistic to my wallet priced at $100. The comic shop fortunately took trade-ins (if they needed them). One of the ones I had of value was a copy of Iron man #1 and a few other books I have forgotten. I thought I would get more because it was a number one but was still naïve enough not to realize it wasn't a first appearance. I was offered about $50 for the Iron Man, a few extra dollars for a few others (some were turned down), along with cash and the Amazing Spider-Man #129 was mine. I held onto this book for years eventually getting it signed by Stan Lee and John Romita, then graded by CGC.
    Today, all these years later, I tend to point out to my Father the book that I did get compared to the Daredevil I didn't. I don't mind that he said no, but I do like to point out that the $300 he could have loaned me for a Near Mint copy of Daredevil #1 (9.4)now goes for (approximately) $25,000 and the ASM #129 ( 9.4 signature series) last sold for about $1300. It took twenty five years but I finally have him trained to realize that when I need to borrow money for a comic book or original artwork he lets me. Of course the original artwork I am mentioning, I just paid three times the amount for two pages compared to the $300 I originally asked to borrow those two and a half decades ago. I guess my credit is now good.
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  10. Tnerb
    Where can I put it all?
    I am at the point where I either find a new place to live, rent a storage place, or turn my bedroom into my comic book room. Getting a new place means less money for other things as does a storage place. The idea of turning my bedroom into a comic den means bringing my bed into my living room. I am slightly creative on how to decorate my living quarters but how can I do it with the limited finances and limited space that I have.
    I also collect artwork, artwork that I need to frame but I hesitate because of the wall space. More shelf space means more places for my comic books but no place for my artwork. By the way does anyone want to buy a Boba Fett Gyclee? I only purchased one CGC grade book last month but received my twenty back from Florida. I currently have them placed on a book shelf since the last few times I tried to purchase a couple boxes they were sold out.
    I also might (one hour from this writing) break my one book a month. I won one on Heritage auctions, one I might have bid slightly higher than I should have, but isn't that two you win these things. Two more are ending on eBay and I think I might give it a go. Although to be fair I also sold one on eBay too. If I can sell two more than I still fall into my guidelines to what I can collect in 2012. Of course I still need to buy frames, comic supplies, a new car (late 2012), and continue with my cost of living.
    The picture below is of one of my corners in my living room.
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  11. Tnerb
    My Final 20 arrived
    I was getting bored. In fact I wanted to lie down for a nap. It was almost one in the afternoon and I was called into work early. I hoped I would make some money in that extra hour but already told work that I would not be in until my package arrived. The second book I took out to look at was my New Mutants #99. Ever since I had my New Mutants #15 graded a 4.5 I wondered if I would get the coveted 9.8 grade. Issue 99 proved I would.
    My sixteen was frayed, chipped, and stressed still looks good in in its carbonite encasing. I do not regret sending these books ins. I regret more sending in a book I hope to get a 9.8 and get a 9.6. I am still in awe that the New Mutants 99 would be the one to achieve the 9.8. The white cover shows so much more.
    Even my Copy of The Sandman #8 looks impressive at a 9.2. I am going to hurry and place these on my registry leaving the others aside until later, the final five much later because they do not even have a set for them...unfortunately.
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  12. Tnerb
    I do not know when I will be shipping any more books back to CGC. Work is slow. My budget is getting tighter from alternate purchases. I have to sideshow collectibles statues that I need to pay off before they ship. I also started to collect original artwork. Although, this started a few years ago it just become my largest dollar amount purchase.
    My collection seems to revolve around the New Mutants and CGC graded books, and I also must admit shot glasses. I would like to put together an entire copy of New Mutants 15 but that will not happen now since someone bought the cover before me. I was trying to keep secret about this hoping if I kept quiet about it no one else would buy it. I just did not think anyone else would save more than me. Of course I could use that savings towards a new car I have been thinking of, a purchase still a year away.
    This brings me to the books I sent to CGC. All of them were my own, one or two, I might try to sell, but the others, the ones that were graded so low that it was told to me to just leave them in Mylar and read them whenever I wanted. I thought about this for a long time before I ever sent in my first one. If I were collecting for the points I would do this. I would save my money and send in what I thought were guaranteed 9.8s. I would even pay the extra money to have them pressed (I have to get back to that topic).
    The truth is I wanted to get my original set sent in so I can discuss them and show them off. My New Mutants 15 might not be anything to look at but it is something to talk about, not to mention being signed by Chris Claremont. Did I mention the lovely point value of a 4.5. As I checked today I saw that my books are now in the shipped/safe category and I cannot wait till I egt them back. So even though they were my final twenty I have to get some of my books ready for my First 25.
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  13. Tnerb
    As I felt in the Force my books are graded.
    After I placed my journal up for everyone to read I checked to see if my books were graded. They were. All twenty of them. Of course there will still be some time for them to be shipped back to me. The book that I sent in as a gem mint ten by PGX is coming back a 9.9. At first I sent that book in to make sure I collect them all but I think that I am just going to be happy with reading the series and I plan on selling the few that I have on eBay.
    The ones I am really happy to get are my New Mutants, the ones that I had purchased from my local 7-11. Issue #16 was my lowest grade and I thought they would be a bit lower. My Sandman #2 was lower than I thought. I really have to learn what the difference is between a manufacturers defect and a defect. Following the journal on the chat boards will be a list of books and grades while still omitting those mysterious five.
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  14. Tnerb
    These aren't the troops your Vader told you about.
    At the moment I am ranked 501 in the registry. Shortly I will break through the 500 barrier. I think I started around 748 when I first joined. Breaking through 700 felt pretty good. Breaking through 600 felt even better. Now I am on the threshold of breaking through 500. I have all the registry numbers of the books I bought in the past few months but I am waiting not only to have them in hand but once I do break through I don't want to go back above 500.
    I also want to do my best in not getting more than one book a month through online sources and I already have a bid on a book for a couple hundred dollars. I have two days left and am prepared to lose. It isn't a defeatist attitude as much as it is a money issue. Besides I do believe another one will come along and I am patient. This same book sold at a record low the same time last year and if I get it even lower, so be it.
    The holidays are now officially over and whatever extra money I thought I would make up in tips never fully materialized. Now the challenge begins. I hope that as I work on my sets that this will keep me busy enough to pretend I don't need that new book after all, especially since I have a few more New Mutants being graded and they don't count in my one book a month plans.
    Anyway, I just got done work and since last year I winded up having the first and last journal of the year I decided why should this one be any different? Happy New Years!
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. I am going to try to add a picture to every journal. This book is not mine, but a really good memory.

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  15. Tnerb
    When writing becomes more than a passion
    Comicbooked.com Part Two
    I have still been writing as much as possible but have slowed down on the registry. I have been writing on a regular basis on comicbooked.com. I think not being on the registry as much has saved me some money by not being enticed to buy as much. I tried to keep track of what I spent on Comic books but lost track somewhere in June. I have once again tried to keep track of what I am spending this year. I even bought a small "Moleskin" notebook for this purpose. In January of 2011 I spent $807.24. The majority of which was on CGC graded comic books. Fourteen of which were on my New Mutants collection, including my "Holy Grail" New Mutants #15.
    Writing on Comicbooked.com has helped me fulfill my love of writing. As my 30 in 30 projects it is a learning experience especially learning with SEO's. I am trying my best to be a better and better writer about what I love the most (other than family) comic books. For January 2012 I have written an article for every Friday and every Sunday. On Friday I blog and on Sunday I have my pick of the week. I am also thinking about working on a new article dedicated strictly for CGC. I plan on keeping track of one book and seeing what it does over a span of a month. My first one will be about Daredevil #168, my second grail.
    I was hoping that anyone reading this would also head on over there and give me your opinion. The following are links for this month and this month only. If you enjoy them I will ask you to check out my others and follow me there as much as here.
    And then my blog
    As for my CGC collecting I have kept with what I promised to myself and only purchased one CGC graded book. Surfer 99 tried last year to not buy any and his recent journal showed what he did buy. I applaud his attempt but denying yourself with something you want doesn't work. I love collecting these things and if you go back to some of my earlier journals I have admitted that I didn't like CGC in the beginning but now my addiction took hold. My book that I picked this month is below.
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  16. Tnerb
    Books were scheduled for Grading
    My books are my books.They are precious to me and even with all the hysteria going on about the price increase I am not troubled by it. I will still use CGC instead of PGX and I will still purchase cheap PGX books to send to CGC in the hopes of a similar grade. I sent one in this past December and am waiting to see what it will be graded. If all goes well it will stay a ten. If it drops however....then it drops.
    I also sent more of my own New Mutants collection. Maybe I should send another 20 in as soon as I can. I want my collection in a 9.8 and since i get slightly distraught over anything less then it would be emotionally sound to send in my favorites. I have previously decided to send in both my New Mutants and me Sandman series. It will not be cheap.
    Any books that I hope will get a high grade I have opted to bring to Wizard World 2012 for instant satisfaction. No shipping and handling charges and no waiting. My books are my books and I hope to be able to share them with you. One day I will have my New Mutants collection up dated even though I fell behind my schedule. Work is slow and when an extra shift is offered I take them.
    If my gut is right, sometime next week my books will be graded. I will share the fifteen of the twenty I sent in and leave the other as a surprise. By the way my favorite CGC graded book till date is still my New Mutants #15 in a 4.5 signed by Chris Claremont.
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  17. Tnerb
    At a Local Convention
    Between work, writing at Comicbooked.com, and just getting some other personal issues swept aside I have been lax in creating a journal. Then again I was writing everyday and I almost felt it was too much and yet not enough. I have yet to buy a graded book this year. I have placed a bid on a few books but lost and I even went to the Philadelphia Comic Con and passed on a few books. One I was just going to buy just for the hell of it but money has been tight. No one seems to be tipping as much anymore and they don't seem to realize I have a habit to maintain.
    The Philadelphia Comic Con is a small venue con. One I find great for picking up books. I was supposed to pick up three graded books I had gotten through a vendor but an emergency kept them away. But what was pretty damn cool was getting to meet another registry member, DuckDuckMike. Of course having a warped sense of humor I was thinking of about inquiring if he picked that name because he was a fan of Duck Duck Goose?
    I quickly decided not to ask because of the two friends he had there and thought an impromptu game Duck Duck Goose would break out. Seriously who does not remember the joys of running in a circle. He had a small little booth in the corner. He had some CGC graded books. Not many were highly graded and they were ALL reasonably priced. The book I was actually thinking of getting was from him because he offered me a good price. The problem is I am picking up extra shift just to get a little extra cash and I was afraid of spending at this show (economy recovering my ).
    I did buy a couple readable copies of Thor and somewhere else I bought this.....
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  18. Tnerb
    Not a hiatus but pretty close.
    My latest bid attempt was thwarted with only four minutes left I lost the bidding. I only placed the bid because I thought it was a different book. I for one am glad I did not win. This has not been the first time that I placed a bid on a book I did not want. If I won I would have accepted the book with open arms. It was a nice book. The problem is I would have felt that I must get every book in that series.
    I want to try to complete some of the sets I currently have started. Of course I also noticed that Pedigree Comics is having one of their Grand Auctions so if I won the book from Heritage Auctions I would not get to bid again on anything else, at least not until February.
    At least I have the small Philadelphia Comic Con arriving this coming Sunday. I have to purchase at least two CGC sized boxes. Not to mention a box for my raw copies. I have mentioned my storage problems before and it is becoming more and more likely that I have to get rid of some things or at the very least be more creative.
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  19. Tnerb
    The Battle Begins again?
    Last year I joined the APA. I was lucky enough to join a team that was already in the playoffs. Apparently they liked something about me and then asked me to join another team. The first team was an eight ball team. The second team was all about nine ball. The Captain of the eight ball team was on a nine ball team. The nine ball teams Captain was also on the eight ball team. The conversed with the other members on both team and I found myself quickly on both teams.
    I have now finished my third session and I am getting better. The person that asked me to be part of the team has decided to leave. This last Thursday we were kicked out of the playoffs. Fortunately we are already on the city championship from the previous session. Since she left the team Captain thought I would be leaving too. I guess I surprised her because I told her as long as she would have me that I would remain on the team. To say the least she was overjoyed.
    Last year both teams made it into the City Championship. Last year the championship was the same weekend as Wizard World 2011. I have always been a team player and was ready to give up the whole weekend. I did not have to. I was able to attend Friday. Saturday I played pool while tweeting the Comic event. I had someone text me all the kooky things going on. On Saturday was our first games and I won the first one. I felt great. I went ahead and lost the other two and unfortunately so did the team. I was a go for Wizard World 2011 but what about this year? Can I go? Can I envelope myself around comic books?
    I can. This year the pool and comic gods smile upon me. The weekends are back to back. I have one full weekend of pool and one full weekend of comic books in June. Now I just have to see how I can get off the two weekends from work.
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  20. Tnerb
    When the comics stop coming.
    I have twenty books at CGC still in the verified process. I have three copies of the New Series of New Mutants getting graded by a third party (issues #31-33). I have three books already added to the registry that I will pick up at Philadelphia Comic Con on the 15th. I have two more at my parents place and I need to figure out how many signature series of the original New Mutants I have coming in. All in all, that's a lot.
    The books I sent in will not give me a lot of points. In fact out of five of the books, I should receive five points. Another five don't have a set, and ten more will have to be debated on when I get them back and listed. Three I should do well in, it's the other seven that won't give me any prestige.
    I have one bid on a book right now. I won't go any higher (I say that now). I stopped looking on eBay as much and trust the search engines I filled out will let me know when a book I want has surfaced. In fact my biggest problem is going to World Wide Comics and finding books like his one.....
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  21. Tnerb
    When Paper and Pen is not enough.
    The first year after Star Wars was out in the theaters I cannot think of a night I didn't go to bed where I wasn't Luke Skywalker. I am pretty sure this happened after The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Eventually in my dreams I became a mutant and traveled the globe saving the word with my favorite team. Illyana Rasputin, yea she dug me. But then I got older. I still imagine what these heroes would do but no longer and I part of the scenario.
    I like to write, and not just blogs but fiction as well. I haven't done nearly the amount of writing I used to do when I was part of writing groups but I still write. I do a lot of my writing here and now I am back to writing at Comicbooked.com. I don't want to overlap what I write there and what I write here but as with my experiments during November to see if I can do it, I am doing it again there. This time I hope to have a new article out every Friday.
    Of course on the registry we talk a lot about CGC and our memories about particular issues. About how long it is taking CGC to catch up and how happy we are when we get a high grade book back. I don't know exactly where I am going with my writings but until I do get there i would appreciate some company along the way. If you could follow over there and read:
    I would greatly appreciate it.
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  22. Tnerb
    I loved this book, my first crossover between DC and Marvel
    There is something about this book, the back and front cover, the story inside and it as the first major crossover between the two major companies. The cover art simply screams buy me. As I decided to buy five more books to help me with the Ka-Zar the Savage this book popped up too. I had to have it especially since I know I would be limiting myself this year with my purchases.
    The problem is I want to show this book off and I cannot find what set this should go into. I thought maybe the complete X-men for which I already have a set but to no avail. This is one of those books that points mean nothing to me and that is something I really need to bring up. How is the Magik limited series more points than the New Mutants? I might have to ask for a change.
    I would love to get this book again in a 9.9, or even a ten....and a 9.6, 9.4....OK I really like it but could anyone tell me what set this is in if any.
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  23. Tnerb
    My First Digital Comic
    The computer I have is pretty nice. It has an HD touch screen monitor. Not bad to view HD movies on or let's say Digital Comics. My first digital books I got were the free ones with the exception of Infinity Gauntlet #1 and #2. Today, I bought two more, Infinity Gauntlet #3 and the Quintin and Wolverine book. They were the same price so why get a book I cannot hold.
    I love books in my hand but as space is rapidly diminishing I needed a solution and the digital print might just be that solution. I don't fear change, and although I might not embrace it, I can learn to use it. It took no time at all to read the thing (can I still call it a book). Including the digital book I also purchased five books at the comic book shop. I read two on the way home but I can't bring those to work.
    I wish they would give free digital copies for every hard copy you purchase. It would be cool to read a few comic books at work using my phone on those really dead days. Speaking of which, I think I have to get over there right now. Thanks for reading and let's see if my theory proves true. I don't think this will make it to the chat boards because of the commas and the apostrophes, let's find out.
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  24. Tnerb
    If I win or if I lose.
    I have thirty minutes to go before I find out if I win or lose on the eBay item I am bidding on. If I win that means no more books for the month. If I lose it means I will just have to look again later. I would be comfortable with either a win or lose. I am hesitant though for either one.
    I want to win because it will be an added book for my collection. One I have been seeking over a year for. If I lose then I save the money for something else. I budget well and every time I see myself getting closer to having a safety net underneath me I yank it away.
    I do not know which one I am hoping for. If I lose I will be disappointed. If I win I think I will feel the same way. At least I have the photos to keep me busy. I have the first ten photographed. The next ten will be finished by the end of the week. I just need to try a different approach.
    Either way...tomorrow i will let you know if I won or lost and what I bid for.
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  25. Tnerb
    I do not like the 200k limit.
    I started. I took pictures of all my New Mutants from one through ten. Of course being limited to 200 k a picture has somewhat limited my hopes for something spectacular rather than just...OK. Other ideas have started to turn. Of course that is because other options have started to surface.
    I do not know what is going to work. I do not even know what is not going to work until I have every single one completed. Every ten I am going to try something else. As I am doing this I will also be updating my original set which I have the first ten and some select random numbers after.
    The first ten I have cropped and re-sized. The second ten I think I might just re-size and use a lesser setting on the camera. I might even use a different camera. I do not want to scan and this is for two reasons. One is everyone scans (most everyone) and the second is my scanner sucks. Any tips would also be appreciated.
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    Just a glimpse

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