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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    What the #*&7 do you mean it isn't a 9.8?
    I don't stress about the grades I get as much as if i will even get the package properly. I have bid on numerous auction sites and have stressed more on hoping to get that book I really want. Currently there is a comic i want to get but i feel the asking price is a bit to high and I sent my best offer. i was never n=answered and yet i am not stressing about it. If I get it, I will get it.
    My concern over a grade change is what do they look for and what causes one grader to change a book from a 9.6 to a 9.4 or a 9.2 to a 9.4. At work as a server i am not allowed to cut cakes for customers. the reasoning is I will cut an extra large piece to help increase my tip, but on other days when I am a cashier or a manager I am allowed to cut slices for others. One would think if they are trusting me with the keys to the establishment that I would be able to cut a piece of cake in the proper quantity whether I was a server or cashier.
    I believe grading should be uniform, after all a defect is a defect. i talked to two graders during Wizard World and with unfortunate distaste I have been unable to properly get what i filmed transcribed but either way they did mention other than their secret sauce they do have a consensus. If two feel that the book should be a 9.6 then it will achieve that grade but if the two over ride with a lower grade, then of course a 9.4 is what is would be, regardless of any previous grading.
    But what about PGX? Shouldn't something they mark as perfection be perfect over at CGC? The graders also stated they don't know how they grade so they cannot fathom why a book for them in a 9.9 would become a book for CGC a 9.8.Overstreet's has a guide that mimics the numeric grading scale used by CGC. I mention that I have some books out getting a signature series and although they might go down to a 9.6 I can still use the 9.8 number since it does not go into a limbo (to my knowledge).
    One of the books i did send out to get signed by Bob Mcleod was a copy of New Mutants issue #5. this was originally grade by PGX as a 9.9....subsequently the little bit of information on this book was that it was the only book graded on the day Michael Jackson died. I know...strange tidbit....damn useless information. Will whoever is grading that see that it should be better than a 9.8 again. Will Bob Mcleod's signature be placed on the only copy of a previous PGX 9.9 become a CGC 9.9. Will the grader be kind, strict or have an afterglow from a really good night. I don't know, but either way although I do care..... I am not stressing. I'll save that for working a shift overstaffed and I only get sat with three tables.
    Thanks for Reading
  2. Tnerb
    This is the quickest I have ever had an invoice change from "Verified" to "Scheduled for Grading". My other two invoices won't even be close to changing until the end of next month. I am OK with that but I am slightly exhilarated that I will soon know what my double signed ASM #129 will be graded and of course I'll tell you about it.
    I have two others that were signed by Stan Lee months ago but those were send in by Keegan with "Comics to Astonish". I handed over a copy of Daredevil #7 (1St Red Costume) and X-Men #10 (1ST Ka-Zar). I had purchased a few graded books from him on previous occasions so handing them to him at Wizard World Philadelphia seemed the wisest of choices. I didn't have the money at the time and he allowed me to pay it off at a later date. There was another reason I used Keegan's services. He thought pressing the books would be beneficial to the grade.
    I am still on the fence on how I feel about pressing and even wonder how many of my books I purchased were pressed? Part of me "cries" restoration, the other part remembers how crisp old bills became after spending time in between the pages of an encyclopedia. This is something I plan on talking to him a bit more, maybe I just need to be convinced.
    Keegan did give me a good example using the very book I am hoping will retain its grade. Of course when I first handed it over to CGC at (what else) a Wizard World I swore it would be a 9.4. I was wrong, it was a 9.2. It became a 9.4 after I sent it in for a Stan Lee signing that CGC hosted. How? Why? ( I did write about this previously as you can tell by my teaser entry). He explained to me that the book was pressed while in the slab pressing the spine flat. Is this true? or hypothesized? Either way once I get the books back (ASM #129) I plan on taking pictures and posting it up on the site. Here's hoping it returns a 9.4 and praying it is a 9.6.
    Thanks for Reading
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  3. Tnerb
    Wish me luck or Only time will tell
    I check regularly the status of my invoices. (which one of you doesn't?). Two are marked as verified, the third is still marked as received. The funny thing is (ok maybe slightly amusing) is the third was the first one listed. At first I was shocked because it was marked only nine books. I sent in ten. All ten I wanted were for the signature series and could only figure out that one of the books could not be signed due to conflict of scheduling.
    I found out the reason for it was that since the book in question (Marvel Graphic Novel) was a magazine size that it had to go on a separate invoice. I could live with that. With that in mind do they also go through a separate grading process. That invoice which was dated a few days later was also the first to be marked "Verified" In fact that was marked Verified before my third invoice arrived (hmmmm third invoice).
    Onto that third invoice. This one was my Amazing Spider_Man #129 already signed my Stan "The Man" Lee and has now been signed by John Romita. But what of the grade. This book meas something to me, so if I ever sell it that other book or item better mean a whole hell of a lot more. This book symbolized the learning of trade. There was another book I wanted but at the time of purchase was way outside my means, especially after being turned down by a loan from my father (and you thought banks were tough).
    Four years ago at Wizard World this book received a 9.2 white pages. Stan's breath alone brought the grade up to a 9.4. This time the pages suffered. I hope beyond hope by this time next week I will know the grade that it is. Will it stay a 9.4? Go back down to a 9.2, or maybe John has magic breath too and it will increase to a 9.6 ( I can dream).
    I have been told to be happy with the signature...and I am....especially since I sent in my 4.5 copy of New Mutants #15. Yup big Money on that book. The other books from my first invoice were mostly 9.8's. If they don't come back as a 9.8 will I stop trying to get signatures? Will I only get signatures when they have it signed and graded the same day which is probably the only day why I enjoy Wizard World Philadelphia so much.
    I still have few more out there but these were signed outside my means, including a Amazing Spider-Man #127 by Romita......
    Thanks for Reading
    PS, this is not my actual book but someone who had the same book on e-Bay. I just used the picture for cataloging purposes before I knew how to take a (partially) proper photo.

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  4. Tnerb
    I think I might need to put a leash on things.
    This time I used ComicLink to win a book from my youth. The book I won wasn't one of those books I had no idea how I got. I originally got this book (among others) after I became enthralled by Marvel. The issues I bid on (and won) was a copy of Iron Man #131. I love how Bob Layron drew the classic Hulk "Smash"...um...well...Hulking above Tony Stark's body guard (remember the time when no one know Tony as Iron Man...or an alcoholic?)
    The other book I placed a bid on was a book I never had. This was a copy of Incredible Hulk #109. The cover just seems to call to me. Damn Ka-Zar appearance (although I am thinking that it might be the idea of the Savage Land. Dinosaurs are cool.) I lost by the way.
    Did I pay a high price for the issue? Probably, but I love the cover. The problem with ComicLink is that is costs the same to ship one book as it does to ship three so I have my eyes on two more.
    I don't know why I am starting to collect outside my designated area (again) but isn't a GREAT cover a worthy excuse? I could purchase them cheaper by buying them raw (or I never should have gotten rid of them in the first place). The thing is if I don't buy them CGC graded then how can I share them with you?
    There is a copy (was a copy) of The New Mutants #17 on E-bay. (Actually, he had two available). Currently that issue is one of the four I need to complete my set but the problem is what the seller is asking for is above what I think the book is worth. I tried communicating with the seller but he ignored both attempts. I have no problem spending money on a comic book, I just don't like to spend more than I think it's worth.
    The October auction for ComicLink is almost done (it is). They plan on following in November with one even larger. ComicConnect plans on following suit but Heritage is already leading the way. I have a fear that November might become an expensive month for me. I won't hit 300 by the end of the year even with the 50 I decided to send in especially since the 50 I now hope to send will all be under the 9.8 screening process. Of course I have to make sure I sell them and hope nostalgia doesn't take over and beg to be kept because IF all of them are graded a 9.8 and IF I can sell all of them then the larger purchases can begin.
    Thanks for reading

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  5. Tnerb
    Nya Nya Nya Nya... hey it is a teaser line
    I am about to find out how my internet is working. The last post I um well posted took forty minutes after typing the thing. Let's see what happens now. Thank you to Surfer 99 and Lee K for thinking of me and filling some space....horror covers huh? Anyway back to me regularly scheduled post.
    I bought a comic book and I don't know why. The cover is not magnificent. It is not a key issue. I have no idea how many points it will give me on the registry. I know I can look but I am not going till I enter it into the registry. In fact the only reason I even bid on the book was nostalgia. I have a finite amount of books that i had as a kid and have no idea how I received them. Were they gifts or something to give me to shut me up. I never did color well. The book was low in bids and I figured....why not?
    Recently I missed out purchasing on an Action #507 (and whoever has it if you are on the registry...please enjoy that book) which was another book from my pre-collecting days. This makes me wonder if my affinity for the books I had will change the way I collect? Will I be able to stop at the one book or will my completest desire have me harrowing for more. I am so close to completing my New Mutants set and as close as I am to completion I am so much further from completing a graded Daredevil set. So why am I pausing to purchase an Incredible Hulk issue with a giant foot? Can I stop with this one? Or am I that addicted I won't be able too?
    After NYCC when I had the option to purchase a Daredevil #43 in a 9.6 (kicking self?) I still had some cash in my pocket. I took a look at what e-Bay had to offer on my phone (once again...we will see how long this new portable USB device works) and I bid on two books. I won both. These books, as with every other purchase brings me closer to breaking through the 500 barrier but I feel if I start collecting for points alone will I lose the love of collecting.
    When I get the Incredible Hulk #244 I know I am going to be proud to have it (will have to find a raw issue to read) especially since it is signed but will I have to start searching for #245 (another nostalgic issue)...or 107....maybe 181.... #377....or.....
    Thanks for Reading

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  6. Tnerb
    Collecting other than what I collect.
    I asked Stephen from World Wide Comics to bring three books with him to the NYCC for me. I chose each of them for different reasons. The first book was Marvel Team Up Annual #6. I think it is safe to say that anyone who has been following me knows why I picked this book up, not to mention it has a good story too.
    The second book, also by Marvel, is Uncanny X-men #200. This story against Magneto for crimes against humanity has a great cover of him in shackles. I do enjoy the X-men and feel that there is entirely too many for me to get so I am limiting myself to certain issues and #200 fits somewhere in the middle.
    The third was Action Comics #507.
    World Wide Comics was my first stop for comics (I had to see Brad Guigar from Evil Inc. First). I said Hello to Stephen and after returning my greeting he mentioned we had a problem Apparently since I didn't purchase the books off the site that someone one else purchased one of the three. Due to my misunderstanding since I did place an order off the site just not the three that he was bringing with me. he one that was purchased was the one I put the most thought into getting, Action #507
    He brought the book with him and was giving me first crack at it. I passed. I do want the book, but I am patient and I didn't want to cause any problems with the person who purchased the book of the website. I could have been selfish and said I wanted it and would most likely have if it was one of the other books.
    Stephen has given me lots of help completing my New Mutants Collection that I didn't want any animosity between a buyer and him. Apparently i surprised Stephen with wanting that book. He even asked me why since it was outside anything and everything that i have ever purchased from him. I answered telling him about the book and what it meant to me but for the journal I will answer "pure nostalgia".
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  7. Tnerb
    I could have spent so much more.
    This is the second half of Fez's are Cool. One was on the way in....this one was on the way home.
    I was in my glory. I didn?t spend more than I brought, in fact I spent a lot less than what I brought. There was a Gyclee I wanted to get for $1300, and that was after they knocked off $400. I might call them and see what they can do for me. But I did get two out of the three books I wanted. I should have those up by the end of the week. I almost purchased a copy of giant Sized X-men for $400 in a 7.0 but could have also spent $450 for the same book in an 8.0. I found a copy of Uncanny X-Men in a 9.8 for issue #121 but opted to get a raw copy instead that I feel might be a 9.4 for a lot less, plus I wanted to read it first.
    The event was huge, beyond huge. I was enthralled and of course the first booth I went to was CGC. I said hello to Paul and he helped me unslab my Amazing Spider-Man #129. I was shaking the whole time because unslabbing a book is a lot more difficult than it looks. Talk about tamper proof. I was afraid that he would mess up taking it out of the encapsulated piece of plastic and although he knew what he was doing, I had no idea. I chatted with Joe and filled out what I need to for the added signature for the book. Will it drop back to a 9.2; will it stay a 9.4 or maybe even become a 9.6? Grading apparently is also subject to the grader.
    I looked at original artwork and briefly had the opportunity to say hello to Bon Mcleod, maybe another time I will chance getting an interview. I do plan on writing a slew of journals about this event; maybe so much I will be able to do another ?30 in 30?. So how will I feel when Wizard World comes back to Philadelphia? I would get into that but that should be an article in itself. I talked to Steven at World Wide Comics and plan on asking him a few questions about his business with CGC. A few others I also plan on committing to a series of questions as well because apparently with as much business as these guys do, they are also having trouble with CGC getting books back to them on time.
    My ASM #129 came back rather quickly the first time I had it signed and hope that it will do so again. I also think that I could probably get 50 books graded at Wizard World next year for just as cheap as sending them out. I have to realize what I might be saving in shipping and handling. The train ride is rocking back and forth, my best friend and his girlfriend sitting next to me and my phone battery slowly dying. I am content but part of me is wondering should I have bought more books? I even found a copy of Daredevil #43 in a 9.6 for $400 and part of me is asking with my father?s credit card in my pocket why didn?t I buy it, of course I might tell him anyway that I bought six of them.
    Thanks for Reading

  8. Tnerb
    On My Way to NYCC
    I am sitting on board New Jersey Transit. I have not done to New York in who knows how long. My journey is filled with hesitation thinking what if I am on the right train. I became a little more relaxed when I saw a youngster with his mom board the train. The mom has a Doctor Who Shirt on and The kid, well he is the Doctor, fez and all.
    My teaser was going to be the title of my journal entry for the day but after seeing someone dressed as the Doctor, something I actually dressed up as what else could I entitle this. Doctor who is ingrained in geekdom as much as comic books and I for one have enjoyed the two over the years, more so recently then before. I am still waiting for the train to depart and have already made sure that I have my ticket multiple times even though I have my press pass with me.
    I would have been there already but a wedding the night before has delayed my departure by days. This will be my first con outside of Philadelphia and I cannot wait. (the train started to roll). My excitement is mounting. I am going for a few reasons, one of which is CGC will be there and I am bringing my copy of ASM #129 with me for an additional signature.
    This 9.4 copy signed by Stan Lee is dying for one additional signature, that of John Romita. I hope it will retain the 9.4 grade because when I first had this book graded it was a 9.2 with white pages. It changed...and for the better. It could always change back but this book means something for me because it has been part of my life for so long. I even traded an Iron Man #1 towards it from Dane, a person who has passed but left in me a memory that will never die.
    The ASM that I purchased never should have been if My father loaned me the money for the Daredevil #1 he had. That condition looked to be the same as the ASM copy I do have. Maybe I could get into it later but for now the train is steadily on it's way, and I can;t wait to get there.
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  9. Tnerb
    One fourth a con is still better than no con at all.
    This four day event starts tomorrow and although I only will be attending one day of this event I am already glazing over the idea of buying some serious comic books. World Wide Comics will be there so I placed an order for them to bring with them. Only three books and one I normally wouldn't get. This is a copy of Action Comics.
    I am bringing a finite amount of money but my father said here's the credit card just in case. Why couldn't he do that for me years and years ago?
    I am going to try to write a whole bunch about the event since i will be going under a press pass as I did for Wizard World back in June. The thing is I also purchased a ticket since I didn't get my credentials till recently. The tickets are so much nicer than Wizard Worlds, bracelet program.
    I have never gone to a con outside of my living area and those that have contacted me about it say how great it is. I'll probably tweet about it under twittter (@CGCLee). My main reason to go to this event is (to buy comics) to see how CGC has changed the industry, to purchase a few comics books (maybe a Daredevil #1), and to prepare myself for San Diego next year.
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  10. Tnerb
    Before getting ready for the NYCC I better figure out what I want.
    The past couple of months I have not kept up with cataloging my collection. My New comic books for the past two months have gone unlisted. I even had trouble placing them in their proper boxes. I use Collectorz software to keep everything organized and without my internet access being reliable I can?t download the new issues I need to keep it up to date. I first tried this software a couple years ago after I purged my collection. The app for the iPod touch is what made my decision to use Collectorz.
    Lately I have been thinking about condensing again. This time I?ll use e-Bay rather than an LCS to off load my books. I am not looking for a huge profit so much as getting my money back which of course will go right back out again. I plan on doing this after I either purchase the same books in trade or digital but also after I have a CGC graded copy. Of course that will get expensive. I don?t need the room this time. There is no necessity to condense 45 long boxes into something more manageable like I did all those years ago. I am still in the same junior one bedroom but how I have my half boxes are more than able to hold my current collection with minor room to grow.
    After breaking my toe I didn?t do much around my apartment. Slowly as it healed I began to straighten up and clean which was left unattended. In fact the only thing I kept up with was my cat?s litter box. I can now lift my half boxes and walk without a limb allowing me to once again put the books in their proper place even though my internet has still given me troubles. My past few journals have taken up to thirty minutes to post. The length of time my internet has been taken makes me miss dial up.
    Once I separate my comics into two categories (keep and discard) I will start over in organizing them in my Collectorz software. This time I am going to try to have a category for my raw books an my CGC copies. Thankfully I love this hobby because keeping organized is hard work.
    Thanks for Reading
  11. Tnerb
    Let me ask, who didn't start their collection in their sock drawer?
    When I graduated to y first box I didn't use bags and boards. I would place my books inside (unprotected) by company, title, and issue number. These were also placed in order of how much I liked them. Of course the New Mutants were first. The only time any book was bagged and boarded was if I bought them that way translation: back issues). It was about three years after I started collection (or 3 to 4 boxes later) that I started to protect my books with this process, but only with my favorites.
    Without them bagged and boarded I was able to take off the box lid and count the spines without having to rifle through with my fingers. I would use a notebook and write the numbers down; adding it up when I was finished. At the age I was I was happier with the quantity of my collection and not the quality (how times have changes). The more my collection grew the happier I became.
    My collection reached 12,000 (45 long boxes) when I opted (for this necessity) to reduce and expunge the majority of my collection. The 3 titles I decided to retain an continue collecting were Daredevil (3 more needed), The Uncanny X-Men, and The Amazing Spider-Man. Everything else (with minor exceptions) would be traded in. As I was separating what I was keeping and what I was shedding, two other titles were spared: The Spectacular Spider-Man and X-men.
    I purchased software to keep track of what remained. I added everything and kept it up to date until a couple months ago. The latest count before I started to fall behind was slightly over 5,000 comic books. This number includes my CGC collection. Lately I have been falling behind. After working 42 days straight (the answer to everything); some of those doubles, sporadic internet service, a broken toe , and pure laziness my collection has become disorganized. I do plan on fixing this but I think I might count my books like I used to by perusing through the box and taking a visual count of the books I have starting of course with my CGC collection, after all I still want to be at 300 by the end of the year.
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  12. Tnerb
    No wonder the USPS is having difficulties...
    This is the first time I ever posted two journals on the same day, or at the very least so close together. It is almost midnight and after working for 42 days in a row (some of them doubles) I finally have a day off. My internet has been sporadic at best. It took me a full day to download an episode of Doctor Who, which is slightly quicker than the last episode I downloaded which took three days. The upsetting fact is if I do not cut and paste to get these journals on?.they won?t be posted. In the past I have had numerous problems with the USPS. Most recently was my last package which was in Limbo a few more days than it should have. Fortunately I got it.
    This past Monday I received two notices. One from CGC and the other from ComicLink, both notices were about my books. ComicLink sent a tracking number with Fed-Ex stating they were on the way and I was able to track each time my package moved as you will see below.
    Oct 6, 2011 9:47 AM
    Philadelphia, PA
    Signature Service not requested.
    Oct 6, 2011 3:39 AM
    On FedEx vehicle for delivery
    Oct 6, 2011 3:29 AM
    At local FedEx facility
    Oct 5, 2011 9:06 PM
    Departed FedEx location
    Oct 5, 2011 5:15 PM
    Arrived at FedEx location
    Oct 5, 2011 12:30 PM
    Departed FedEx location
    Oct 5, 2011 4:47 AM
    Arrived at FedEx location
    Oct 4, 2011 8:42 PM
    Left FedEx origin facility
    SACO, ME
    Oct 4, 2011 6:45 PM
    Arrived at FedEx location
    SACO, ME
    Oct 4, 2011 4:47 PM
    Picked up
    SACO, ME
    Oct 4, 2011 8:58 AM
    Shipment information sent to Fed-Ex
    I was able to follow my books with no problem and my mind was at ease. The books I sent to CGC are more valuable?not so much by what they are worth on the market, because they wouldn?t be worth anything to anyone else. Two of the three were books I bought at ComiCards when I was a Teen, and the other was sent in by Lee K to be graded for me hoping it would be a 9.8. It wasn?t, it was a 9.6 and now it is a 9.4. These three books are irreplaceable.
    I have decided to stop using USPS when I have another option. Fed-Ex hasn?t failed me yet. I sent my latest batch to CGC through UPS. I also chose to spend the $50 for the ten books to be sent back to me even though the USPS is cheaper. The problem is the post office has been failing me in such a big way. The following is what I have from the post office for a package that was shipped out the same day from Florida as the package sent Fed-Ex from Maine. This is my Current status as of this writing.
    Your Item's Status
    Your item was processed through our SARASOTA, FL 34230 facility on October 03, 2011 at 2:17 pm. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
    Today is the ending hours of the 6th of October. Why isn't the package closer. I feel like my package is sitting in a warehouse in Florida collecting dust. Sure there is the possibility that it is in Philadelphia already but why don't I have confirmation of where it is. I cannot believe after four days my package is still down south.
    When I first mentioned to my post office about a mussing package they blamed it on my neighbors saying I had a thief in the building. Their advice was to get my packages with signature required. When I was waiting for one of those packaged with signature required and I was able to track it through the website my post man did not have it in his bag. When I inquired if he had a package for me he said no. I pushed further and told him that the package says it is out for delivery. He said he would have to checks his truck and came back with my package. Why didn?t he have it on him in the first place?
    Another time a postal worker signed for it?signed and forged my name. I followed up on this right away?got the package and talked to a supervisor who seemed very concerned with my plight, so imagine my surprise when I called up the post office to find out what was going on and I asked for her by name and no one seemed to know who she was. I collect in this hobby because I enjoy it immensely but I do not need someone who also enjoys it trying to take what is mine. I can go on about this and I will but has anyone else suffered like this? Would you spend the extra money to guarantee your comics safety? What was the most valuable comic you ever lost (if any) and I don?t mean financial. My most valuable comic is at CGC right now and it is only a copy of New Mutants #15 in a 4.5.
    Thanks for Reading
  13. Tnerb
    How much to bring vs how much to spend...
    This is the first comic convention I am attending outside the Philadelphia area. I can?t wait to experience the feel of a comic con other than Wizard World. I already have my train ticket to and from New York. I originally wanted to go the whole weekend but a wedding (not mine) on Saturday has stopped that idea. The wedding is probably saving me a few hundred dollars. In fact the first real comic convention I ever attended was a Comic Con in Philly back in 93?. The NYCC is also my preview of San Diego in 2012.
    I found out Brad Guigar of Evil Inc. will be there. This means eight dollars is already spent on an original artwork strip. I am also going to gamble and bring my ASM #129 in a 9.4 to be signed by John Romita. How can I pass on that?even if I am slightly afraid it will drop back to a 9.2 (the voice in the back of my head cries?..but it is John Romita.) If I am lucky I will have $750 saved by this event. Currently I am at $450 (give or take an extra $.12).
    Earning $300 in less than two weeks will be difficult, especially since my bills will come first. My eBay bids will have to be placed aside (even though I am still waiting for the person who owns that New Mutants #17 to get back to me). My train tickets have already been purchased and the schedule is hanging on my door reminding me what time I have to leave. Of course once this event is over I will have to start saving for Wizard World 2012 in Philadelphia and consequently San Diego in the same year.
    Thanks for Reading
  14. Tnerb
    When the computer goes down.
    My internet access and I have been at odds and on the one day off I do have I realized I did not put my phone on the charger and now have to wait till it is fully recharged before I can call my internet access provider to help me resolve the issue. Since then I have not been able to properly write a journal or answer anyone else. I am overjoyed that so mane y people are discussing this great hobby.
    What sucks about it though is that everyone is discussing how LONG CGC is taking grading books this time of year. Last year I sent in my books around October and they went one day over the allotted time that they said it would take. I think I might wait till then again before I ship my books out. I do have one invoice out. This invoice only has three books out. I have them to CGC back in June during Philadelphia Wizard World for them to take to SDCC for some signatures.
    All three of course are from the New Mutants series; let's face it who didn't see that one coming. One is an issue they had graded and I feel that they were wrong. I hope that when it comes back I will get a 9.8. The other two are from my copies that I bought when they first came off the shelf. I expect a 9.4...and of course they are in that dreaded status of invoice received.
    Many journals clamored for CGC to hire new graders. If they do I will apply and move there if I have too. I can still collect CGC graded comic books but under different rules. For instance I would have to get permission to buy any books....I cannot sell books though. I have so much writing to do I will get into that.
    I am OK with how many graders they do have and it is not because I am patient. I hate that I am reading that it is taking so long for books to be turned around that it is stopping me from sending my own in. I am OK with it because I know that they are looking at my New Mutants #58 just as diligently as they are looking over that Amazing Spider-Man #1, although it might not be Paul who is looking at it.
    I will continue with my interview again but fear i will just be writing it in Journal form and how I found out about it and maybe just maybe if I feel I can do it justice I will transcribe it when I have time, until then I'll just write. When I talked to CGC and they were trained to grade books, yes they were trained after they were evaluated for the love and knowledge of these books, and yes Love is a proper word there. They are fans just like us.
    They weren't paid. They worked in different areas of CGC and on their own time decided hey I want to grade a few comic books. Maybe CGC is slowed down because they ca't find anyone that is willing to be trained for free. At my job I train the majority of the new servers. They don't get tips but during their training period they get a larger hourly rate. If I am busy while I am training them I don't mind but if I have three tables getting paid that $2.83 an hour sucks.
    Do I want CGC to update their site more often on turnaround time, yes I would and as much as I feel that everyone I have ever talked to there was anything but polite I would love if the turnaround time was posted on the message boards rather than the same page day in day out saying anything but the information they have posted which is the time amount and that they are on schedule when they are clearly not. I feel the same way from a certain website I buy comic books from still says an order is pending and you already have had the comic books in hand for two weeks.
    I can go on and on....and will but CGC is an addiction for us, just as encompassing as reading comic books themselves and in a few months from now there will be no journals on how late they are but many many journals on what books everyone is getting back. I look forward to those as I look forward to getting my three measly comic books but they are my three measly comic books.
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  15. Tnerb
    No, really I don't gamble.
    As I am sure that you know by now i have a hankering to have the best New Mutants collection. I recently attained the #1 spot, but is it the best? I did find a copy of New Mutants #70 in a 9.8 but before I did I had a copy in a 9.6 that I was fortunate to get. the copy looked beautiful and i felt that it should be a 9.8 without a problem so back in June I handed the book over to CGC during Wizard World Philadelphia.
    They took the book with them along with a raw copy of #58 and #59, I did not have these books either at the time and I thought these were the best chance of getting a SS 9.8. A few of my friends go to the casino's, a few more play the lottery with an abundant amount of scratch offs, and I have my friends who bet religiously on sports, but I don;t gamble....or do I.
    As many of you were waiting and waiting....and waiting for your books to come back from CGC so was I. Maybe not to the extent of others but I am waiting for still more through other means. The three that I turned over in June though are on the way back. It did take forever to go from verified to about to be graded. Once it changed it only took a week to become marked with "shipped/safe" But what are my grades?
    Did that 9.6 get that 9.8. Was i going to have another beautiful signature series book. I looked at the numbers. My raw 58 was a 9.6. I am OK with that. My raw 59 was a 9.4. I can deal with that. My #70 which was previously a 9.6 was now a 9.4. What happened? How did it go down. Did Louise Simonson drop it, maybe sneezed? How did it change.
    I know that CGC does not guarantee a book grade and I am OK with that, but I realized I do gamble, but with my hobby. I sent more books to CGC with the hopes of them becoming a SS 9.8 rather than just the 9.8 that they are. I am gambling with the hopes they will keep their grade rather than on the Eagles winning a football game, or the Phillies winning the World Series.
    I have more books at CGC but I had someone else send them in from the Baltimore convention and I sent a few to Joe Pierson at CGC for NYCC which I will be attending the last day and I might gamble with one more book to get John Romita's signature but what do I do if my gamble's don't pay off. What if I lose more than I gain? What if I feel I will never have the best New Mutants collection?
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  16. Tnerb
    This turned into a prelude to a points journal I am thinking about writing.
    I decided to collect Locke & Key after FCBD 2011. I purchased all the trades that are available and am currently collecting the recent issues as well. I decided that I would collect this series with certain stipulations. The first one is other than the current issues I would only buy graded copies of this series. The other major stipulation is I will not purchase anything below a 9.8 Signature series with white pages. If I get anything below that grade it will be because I sent it in myself hoping I picked out a mint copy or it would have to be a really good price.
    I have noticed Signature Series books of Locke & Key are cheaper than the New Mutants in a Universal grade which brings about questions on points. I know an algorithm is used but I don't understand it (probably because I wasn't given all the information). On Average Locke & Key has more graded issues per issue then the New Mutants (not including #87 and #98), so I wonder is this why the points are higher for Locke & Key than for the New Mutants. The latter of the two from issues #1-15 and 16-85 are 25 points apiece in a 9.8 and only an extra two points with a signature. Locke & key is 32 points apiece and an additional 3 for SS. How is a series that begun in 2008 worth more than a series that started in '82.
    Currently there are 139sets of The complete New Mutants and 9sets of the New Mutants Liefeld set. There are only 35 Locke & Key sets. Shouldn't popularity come into play hear bringing the points up for a set that has greater quantity? Not to mention that paper today has better quality. A current Locke & Key book is a lot easier to take care of then a book from the early eighties.
    Of course I would like the New Mutants to be more points especially since it would help me overall on the registry but let's be honest how is a gem mint copy of the New Mutants #1 only worth 60 points. It should be 100 at least (if not 5x that amount). For a small period of time since I joined the registry issues #16 had a greater point amount until they adjusted issue #98. Then what about the X-men? Issue #1 of the New Mutants came out round the same time as issue #165. Between 165 and 200 a 9.8 copy is worth at least 80 points compared to issues #1-#35 of the New Mutants which is only worth 25 points apiece. Those same X-men issues are graded so much more than the New Mutants, so does popularity count because of the amount graded and not the amount of sets or do they both multiply the point system?
    I sent Gemma an email and she told me about the algorithm she uses but I would really like to know the actual formula. She mentioned she enters the information and that is how we get the point grid. Of course at 3:30 in the morning when I am writing this I can't reference the information...and as I am typing this into my computer at 4:30 in the morning I can't seem to find it.
    Signature Series books also have a higher point value due to signatures but shouldn't a Multiple signature book give the issue a higher point value. Then there is age color (or quality). I am sure Gemma has her hands full but these are just my thoughts. I even like Bagofleas idea of buying a book low for it's higher point value but am hesitant to collect a book on value based on points alone. For an example there are ten DC graded books I want (not cheap tough) that would help me in points but I don't wish to get them just yet because of my desire to complete a set.
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  17. Tnerb
    Winning feels so much better than losing.
    I don?t know why I did it. I just did. They weren?t necessarily a book I wanted to collect but I won on three books on one of the latest comic book auctions. The books were three different issues from Kazar. Each of those issues was from the run he had in the eighties. I never collected them when they came out since I just started collecting comic books and really didn?t know about him. I was too busy immersing myself into the world of super heroes to be worried about Tarzan reject.
    My curiosity about the character started years and years later, most likely with Vol #1 issue #12 of Daredevil. I still never searched for any of his books until recently, but still didn?t pick any up. I was too enthralled in completing my New Mutants collection. Now that collection is almost complete I also decided to collect Locke & Key but I wanted to collect something else. Something older and Kazar wound up being that title but only because they were so cheap?.and I felt like winning an auction. My losses were piling up.
    I won the books and am now trying to think maybe I should have bid on the others because when I checked eBay out for other issues, none of them were that cheap. I think this series will take me a long time to complete because I really do not want to spend that much on them. I also have to decide if I want to collect the other Volumes too because the title character also had small runs in 71 and 74. I think these will go nicely with my copy of X-men #10 (Stan Lee?s Signature Series) which is out in CGC Limbo of verified but on a side not at least the books I had g to San Diego are know in the Waiting to be Graded status.
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  18. Tnerb
    Is the third time the charm?
    I once thought I would win a signature series New Mutants #98 in a 9.9 for a $1000. I was wrong. The fact of the matter is two hours after the opening bell, the first bid was a $1000.00 Even after thinking of bidding a little more, the end result wouldn't have mattered because there is no way I could of topped the actually selling bid at $6,601. If I did my research i probably wouldn't have bid at all since the first universal grade of New Mutants #98 in a 9.9sold for $12,500 (if I am not mistaken).
    Pedigree's September auction had a 3rd copy of New Mutants #98 in a 9.9, this was also a universal grade and not a signature series. I decided to place a losing bid ($300) just to get an e-mail on it. I think I was the winning bidder all for about two hours. I do have a 9.6 copy (this is my original copy) and a 9.8 SS copy I bought from Comics To Astonish. I also tend to look to upgrade any book on the New Mutants set if I can. Hence why many of them are signature series. Issue #98 might just be the only issue i didn't buy a universal grade first and then upgraded.
    Even though issue #98 has a slew of first appearances(3) and the more popular character is appearing all over the Marvel map I do not believe that book is worth that much. Maybe I should possibly ay it isn't worth that much tome but since the average price for New Mutants #98 in a 9.9 is over $6000 I could be slightly wrong. If a fourth one comes up I will bid on it again but not an amount that it would be more wisely spent to purchase another book, let's say #168 in a 9.8
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  19. Tnerb
    All I needed was the perfect box.
    I have the paper work all filled out. I have my ten books ready to be packaged up and after my trip to the comic books hops I have a good strong box to ship them in. The only thing I was afraid of was the graphic novel not fitting. It fits, barely. I will be going to sleep first and I will box it up tonight. I tend to budget close to the wire at times and it hasn?t been this close in a while. Fortunately I get paid tomorrow so I hope that printing out a shipping label after 6 tonight should have the payment clear out of my account by Friday giving me an extra day for my cash deposit to verify.
    I am excited and nervous at the same time about sending my books in. The first fear is what if they disappear. Sure I plan on insuring them and will claim the money for them but this isn?t about the money. One of my most valuable books will be in this grouping. Sure it is only a 4.5 copy of New Mutants #15 but I bought this from a 7-11 rack all the way back in 1984. If this disappears, there is no getting this back. It is also the only 4.5 on the registry; I know I say that like it was a gem 10.
    The excitement part is because they will be a signature series soon and I have really been trying to get those. At the moment I think My New Mutants Collection is compiled about %20 with signatures. I personally feel that it is pretty cool. The thing is I was never one for standing in line for signatures so it is even better that someone else is doing it. I also am not so much into the points as some other people are but let?s be honest I would not have been able to claim first place in the New Mutants set without them. But how did I start collecting the Signature series, what made then more special to me than the universal grade and why am I willing to risk a book that is already a 9.8?
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  20. Tnerb
    I started to get worried that I would buy something and then have to pass on something I really wanted.
    Passing on Books
    I was recently at a small convention called Philadelphia Comic?Con. There were two CGC graded comic books I was interested in. The first one I saw was a copy of Eternals #1 Sketch Variant in a Gem Mint. They wanted a $100. The second book (at another booth) was a copy of ASM #119 that was graded a 9.2 which made me lose hope that my ungraded copy of ASM #127 would ever attain such a grade. In fact, my book looked awful in comparison.
    I brought my ASM #127 to drop off to Keegan from Comic to Astonish, who I originally met at a previous Philadelphia Comic-Con. I met him some two years ago and have purchased comic books from him ever since. I also purchase from an acquaintance of his (I met them separately, old clich??small world) and asked if they could bring them to the show. I have had multiple problems with the USPS and this seems to be a satisfactory way for me to get my books. This month, the five I was due to get, never made it due to an unforeseen issue.
    I went to the show anyway so I could drop off a check and a comic book to Comics to Astonish. The check was for two previous signature and grading fees. CGC still has these. This time I wanted John Romita?s signature. The first book I had in mind was my CGC 9.4 SS copy of ASM #129. The problem is once the book was un-slabbed for the process there would be no guarantee that it was Stan Lee who originally signed it, the #127 I have was my next best choice, condition wise anyway. The #86 would have been lucky to get an 8.
    That ASM #119 had a $160 price tag to it and I was thinking I would buy that and send that along in addition to the raw #127 I just handed over. I wanted too, I really did but with the NYCC arriving next month I needed to hold off. I already purchased a ticked for Sunday and currently have ten books I want to bring with me to get them signed for the signature series. However, planning ahead I knew the one day would not be enough so I called and e-mailed CGC hoping I can send the books to them in Sarasota, FL. They said yes.
    Seven of the books are already graded, six of those have a 9.8 grading. Three are raw. My Marvel Graphic Novel #4 is only a 9.4 but how great would it be to have both Bob Mcleod and Chris Claremont sign those. Eight of them will be re-administered into my collection while two others I am hoping to be able to sell. The only reason I am even thinking about selling the others is because it would help me reclaim what I am selling. I don?t want to make a living (yet) out of buying comic books just pay off what I am spending.
    I was thinking about sending my 9.8 copy of New Mutants #15 but the longer I started at it the more I wondered if it was a true 9.8 or a beautiful 9.6 so I decided to send in my original 4.5 copy instead, a book I hope to have signed by everyone involved. I still have books at CGC, which many of you reading this still do. One set if from the San Diego Comic Con and the other set from The Baltimore convention. Most Likely I will have this next set handed over to CGC before I even get the first set back and I realize if I keep collecting this way I might start to have more yellow Labels than blue ones but only if I keep passing on Books
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  21. Tnerb
    If DC can do it, why can't I?
    I have rambled, investigated, interviewed, blogged, and questioned amongst other various subjects over the last 174 journals. Some were easy to write, while others were more difficult. Some I enjoyed writing while others felt forced. It has been almost 2 years since I enveloped myself into the CGC world, both collecting and journaling. Due to Gemma?s help I am hoping that all my future entries will be added to the chat boards as well.
    I have read journals that informed, bragged, complained, and even slandered others over the same amount of time. I have enjoyed reading the journals as much as writing them, well all except the slandered. I have tried to become part of the community is much as I am able without applying for a job. I also write on my own blog ?A Shot of Comics? and continue to write for Comicbooked.com. The former was nonstop for about 45 days. I missed 18-Sept-11, that is what I get for working too much. This is not a complaint, just a fact.
    I made friends, associates, and have been ignored. My collection has changed over the years and the greatest reason for that is CGC. Every 25 journals I have listed either ones that I have written were ones that I have enjoyed and since this is my first Journal and not my 175th I thought it would be more prudent to thank CGC and to anyone who I have interacted with whether they know it or not.
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  22. Tnerb
    How would CGC grade these?
    I can?t remember the first pre bagged book I ever picked up and I am not talking about back issues either. I remember X-Force bagged with Variant Cards, I remember Spider-Man bagged as well. Both those bags were clear. The Death of Superman was the first bagged book I remember that was not see through. The black background accented the Red S. I bought more X-force books than I ever should have and I learned to curtail my spending for the Superman bagged issue. I only bought two.
    So many people thought that would be the next best book, the book that would send their kids through school. I wanted one to read, and one to keep bagged. My readable copy is gone. I still have the bagged copy in between a thick plastic holder much like they use for baseball cards. Variant covers were another gimmick but at least now you have a choice to purchase a ?rare? cover, much like a fellow collector on the registry was looking for the 1 in 200 copy of JLA.
    When I spent money quicker than I was earning it I would buy comic related cards as well and felt like I won the lottery when I found a hologram card in one of the two packs I purchased. If I remember correctly it is a card of Spider-Man and Venom. I still have the card. I just don?t know where it is. There is something magical about being surprised by the unexpected, much like Christmas Morning. I feel that DC is pulling off a huge gimmick with their whole line starting over at #1 that a lot of people are overlooking the Ultimate line bagging their number one books.
    So why are they doing this? It can?t be to stop the readers from gazing through the book. All the new #1?s that the ultimate line is doing are bagged but the variants are easily accessible. Most shops have them bagged and boarded with a price hike. I would have no problem unbagging one and looking through the book to see if I wanted to buy it, much like I did with the September 7th DC books. I can understand why they did it with the last issue of the Ultimate Spider-Man. Does he die or doesn?t he. I?ll admit I was wrong. I thought Peter would live. So why bag the other number ones?
    At my comic shop today, a day I wasn?t going to go, I picked up a fair amount of books including a single DC #1. My LCS was busier today so I was able to talk to the manager and he asked me a question. He asked me if I knew why Marvel was bagging all the #1?s. Admittedly I said no. I chat with many people about Comic books now that I am writing for Comicbooked.com and even started my own blog with AshotofComics@Blogspot.com but no one mentioned what he mentioned to me and I am curious enough to post this article/journal entry/ blog entry on all three avenues of communication just to find out if it is true.
    I have a copy of Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man which I had the option of buying a variant but decided since I was already buying another variant I would have to pass. I only wanted the book to read anyway, not collect, maybe a CGC copy down the line, which was the reason why I bought the other variant. Anyway, what I was told that the reason for the bagged copies was inside were random variants which were signed by Stan Lee? Is this true? I don?t know but I would like to find out whether a reader could tell me, or who knows maybe I will be lucky enough to find out right now??.
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  23. Tnerb
    I have fifty but what do I send them in?
    I have always wondered if the type of bag you send your books into CGC helps the grade. If a book comes in a Mylar bag will they automatically assume it is a higher grade or are they just as diligent as if you send them in a regular bag. There is a part of my collection that I have bagged in a Mylar and since they are more expensive than your typical bag I don?t want to lose them. I wouldn?t mind so much if they returned them but since they don?t I am unsure of how to proceed. My next ten to send in from my New Mutants collection I don?t mind but that is because I got them when I just entered my teen years. I plan on sending in issues #11-20, with some minor variations.
    I also plan on sending in ten more Sandman issues which I have bagged and boarded using a Mylite bag. I won?t change either of those twenty, but what about the ones I want to sell. I want to send in thirty more books with the hopes of selling them on e-bay. I don?t care so much if it is a nominal profit as long as I can then turn that money back around and send in another fifty and so on and so on. I am down to the last few that I need for a complete New Mutants set in a 9.8, so why not see about completing the whole set regardless of grade.
    But as I mentioned what about the other thirty, do I send them in a Mylar so they look better? Do I not even bother and figure they will grade them for what they actually are. I am still learning to find out what CGC looks for. My ten to send which I should really write part two showed me the difference between defects and manufacturer defects. My Sandman issue #1 I thought was going to be dreadful so I was happy that it was returned a qualified 9.2. It did have Neil Gaiman?s signature. Are there any suggestions; any thoughts?
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  24. Tnerb
    Do you know how many more comic books I could buy if I could just give up sleep?
    Working nights hinders the ability to enjoy the day, but every once in a while I escape from my humble abode and walk out into the sky to go pay my rent. This slight escape allows me to bask in the sun and try to darken my pale skin. I make this trek every month and I follow this by creating a budget on how the next month is going to be. This pre-planning helps me collect the comic books I enjoy so much. I am at the end of my New Mutants run that I have diligently pursuing for about over the last two years. I am happy with my collection and what I have accomplished in that time.
    The second part I have decided to do was send in fifty books for grading and encapsulation. This has been a hindrance for me because I do not have the cash to accomplish this in one lump sum. Of course this is where my Father comes in. I owe him a little bit more for the computer I have since he put it on his charge card and they put out the money for me to get the insurance on my comic books. If all goes according to my budget I should have that paid off and then I can send in fifty more books to get graded. Twenty are for me. I hope this amount will be mixed between my New Mutants that I purchased off the shelf and copies of my Sandman series.
    The other thirty is the tricky part. I have decided to send these in for a minimum grade of 9.6. Sure I might not be able to get a premium price but I can most likely recoup what I spent. For instance I have a copy of WildCats Gold #1 that will probably get a 9.6. Should I send it in with a pre-screen of 9.8 and be denied the grade I was hoping for. A 9.6 would sell for a minimal price and I am OK with that because then it will be in someone?s collection that will cherish it. My collection is growing, although I do not believe it will be at the three hundred I was hoping for by the end of the year it has come a long way from the 166 I had about this time last year.
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  25. Tnerb
    ....and for my next set.
    As much as CGC changed the way I collect comic books I wouldn?t be collecting the way I am if they weren?t good. A few months ago on FCBD I picked up a whole bunch of comics, both free and not. One of the books that I decided to try was Locke & Key. As with past FCBD?s the comic books were mostly reprints. This was true for Locke & Key but since I haven?t read it before I was enthralled. I was also skeptical?was it really that good. I read it again. It was a quick and easy read and yes it was that good after I read it for the third time. When I read the original in its trade form I noticed the reprint was also edited (formatted to fit your screen). I read the comic book one more time when I realized I had to get this story.
    I found book two in a Barnes and Noble and purchased the book deciding I would wait till I purchased book one. With Wizard World Philadelphia approaching the very next month I decided to wait to read it so I can purchase the trades at the show for a discounted price. Unfortunately the first and third trades were at full price (still a bargain at $24.99) when I bought them and I couldn?t wait?. I already read book two. It was after I purchased the other trades that I decided I wanted to get this series in a CGC 9.8 ?white pages? or better. I checked out eBay and found a Gem Mint ten. I bartered and bought the copy.
    When I got the book in I was thrilled to have my second Gem Mint Book. I was going to check out the registry and add it right away when I saw the person who was in first. His set was amazing. I felt once again how I felt when I first saw Bagofleas in the lead of the New Mutants set, which was pretty much I?ll never be able to get a better set then this guy. I was ready to quit before I even started and didn?t even bother with adding the book. I have been checking out eBay and other sources and decided that it was worth collecting.
    I started the New Mutants set not because I wanted to be first, but because I wanted them all. They were (and are) my favorite. So after some thought I decided to collect the Locke & Key books after all but I would on get them if they were a 9.8 SS or better. Something I started to do with the New Mutants. I hope to get no lower than a 9.9 but will settle for the 9.8?s. I knew if I was going to get a set of this series then it would be because I like the series not that I have to be the best. I added my set only recently and then saw the person that had the first place was gone.
    I don?t know why he is gone but I wish him well. Many other people who are collecting Locke & Key have purchased books from him. The ones that I have noticed have even mentioned this thanking him. It will be a long time before my collection of this title goes anywhere since I will have to be patient. I have learned patience. I only need a handful more of the New Mutants so I feel comfortable in moving on. There are others I thought I would have enjoyed collecting and I might have before Locke & Key but now I feel like selling them off because if they are not something I want to collect, why should I?
    Someone wrote how there are collectors who need to complete the whole series. ?.. This is how I am for eighty percent of my CGC collection, okay maybe ninety. There are many DC comic books out there, yes DC that I want to get and have no desire o get anymore. I just want them because of the memories they bring. They are also a bit of money to just get and not have a set. I feel odd buying a book just for the one copy and then using it for points. I have to remind myself I am not using it for points. I am getting it because I like it, which of course is why I am starting with the series Locke & Key.
    Thanks for reading