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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    Or is it report card time already?
    I had no idea how to take care of comic books when I first started collecting. My first thought about their preservation was closer to deciding where the best hiding place was so they weren't thrown in the garbage. As I collected from the age of 12-19 I slowly adapted to protecting the things I cherished. My New Mutants series is a testament to that. I will send in ten more next year, but will I send in my books that were closer to my issue fifteen which garnished a 4.5 or closer to the end of the series with my second to last issue achieved a 9.8.
    Two of the most sought after of this series are issues 87 and 98. Both with multiple first appearances. The latter being the greatest book to make it out if the nineties after Harbinger #1. A goal of mine is to have my original collection of New Mutants graded by CGC. About a fifth of them already are, including 87 and 98, both of which achieved a 9.6. Neither one was pressed and I'm curious if I should crack them, have them signed, and re-grade them with an initial trip through CCS.
    Could they increase to a 9.8 and why aren't I happy that they are a 9.6? They each look great. Do I really want to spend the money once again? Of course I could work on every issue around the ones I have graded. This time having them signed and then graded, without worrying about how they grade. I like my 4.5 copy of The New Mutants. I even like my .5 copies I have purchased throughout this past year and since I like those, why can't I be happy with a 9.6?
    Thanks for Reading

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  2. Tnerb
    What a great three Days.
    I first met Paul Litch in Philadelphia. I set up an interview with him and Sean through a PR rep from CGC. I was writing for Comicbooked.com at the time and as my fellow writers were scrambling to get interviews with comic book super stars I was happy with getting to talk to the people that handled the grading aspect of comic books.
    In the early part of the 1800's Philadelphia, Pennsylvania opened up Eastern State Penitentiary. At the time it was as state of the art as a prison could get. It was so successful that many prison around the world followed the design. Each convicted man was given their own cell and even their own small little court yard. In today's world the space is more akin to a cubicle at most office work spaces.
    When prisoners were first corralled into the prison system they were given a number. Their name was not used. This was in the hopes of rehabilitating without anyone ever knowing you were in there after you were released. They hoped the enclosed space was enough to make the man penitent for his aggressions. When your time was up you would be released back into the world. Hopefully never to be back.
    Comic books going through CGC are the same. A sentence of a finite amount of days are placed on the comic book. In essence the books are given a number. Their sins not yet registered. Their small cell (bag and board) has the most basic of information. The process is simple if not repetitive. And after being finished the anonymity is still preserved, the book after serving its sentence will leave and be able to go out into the free world a better comic book.
    As for ESP, their first inmate was Charles Williams. He served two years for stealing. And my first comic book I got to look at, well that's a whole nother story.
    Thanks for Reading

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  3. Tnerb
    It's easy to have a single comic book placed in front of you, look at the front cover and then the rear, peruse the inside and grade it, but what about hundreds?
    My first day was somewhat easy. I won't get into that. If you read yesterday's journal you'll already know that I am attempting to land a dream job, Instead I'll talk about how great sixty eight degrees feels in Florida compared to the eighteen degrees I left in Philadelphia.
    Last year at ECCC I had the distinct pleasure to dine with Ronnylama and other boardies from the chat boards and registry, Steve Borock amongst them. It has always been a rare occurrence when I can geek out.
    At Philadelphia Wizard World I did the same thing. This time with Matt Nelson sitting among us. Last night was the coup de grace. I was sitting among four others that quite possibly graded my New Mutants 15 and my Amazing Spider-Man 129 and I have to say it was great being among their company.
    But can I do it? Yes, I can grade a comic book. The question is can I grade hundreds all day long.
    Thanks for Reading
    Editors note. This was written six am Wednesday morning.(1-29-14)

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  4. Tnerb
    Or Flying above Cloud Nine
    I'm in flight going on a journey. And I'm putting my money where my mouth is to see if I have what it takes. At last I heard there were fifteen graders, the last to be trained is Gemma. The longest there is Paul, I am hoping that will change. I'm hoping to make that fifteen into sixteen. A few already knew of this endeavor and I thank you for your confidence. But now I'm ready for everyone to hear it. I am ready to be a CGC grader, I just hope they think so too.
    I sent an email to Gemma to forward to Paul somewhen in October. With all the cons and how busy they have been Paul contacted me in December. We made a tentative date in January rather than just meeting up at my next scheduled convention. That date became engraved in the cost of a flight out. This is where I put my actual money on the line. Not only will I miss work, but I had to purchase the airfare.
    Currently I'm 10,000 feet in the air, maybe 12,000 and I'm heading into Atlanta, from there I'll be flying to Sarasota after an hour plus delay. If I continue to write, I fear this will become my longest article and somehow lose how important this single entry is to me.
    I think I'm going to bask in the morning sunrise and look out the window while I debate if I should post this when I land or in parts when I finally get the job.
    Thanks for Reading
    Tnerb... Future CGC grader?

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  5. Tnerb
    Or Thank you CGC
    This weekend is filled with conventions. I believe there are three going on. The first one I plan on attending is in March...and so is the second one. I never did back to back conventions before and I can only imagine what it takes to work for CGC and do this day after day. On the weekends they are at the various conventions throughout the nation and during the week they are at the CGC offices going about their jobs. To think, that is a seven day a week job.
    How many of us work that much? I have one last invoice that is verified. I am patiently waiting for it to change into the next category. CGC will be accepting thousands of new books, possibly over a thousand invoices itself. The past month there have been no complaints about CGC and how long they have been taking. Forty days will no longer be forty days.
    I'm hoping that this is the year they might higher another grader or two. After researching a bit about the beginnings of CGC I realize it was never about the grade, but about the integrity of the industry. People will always try to make money off of comic books and there are those that make money off comic books not caring about the purchaser. In essence ripping off a collector. Steve Borock wanted to make sure that the integrity of CGC meant something, a way to protect the buyer.
    CGC has now been around for 14 years. In essence I am relatively a newcomer, collecting for less than half that time, I didn't know the history of the company when I first started. Now knowing some of it, I can respect it a bit more. I do look for 9.8's. This is because they are most likely the best possible book available. And yet I also collect .5's. I like having the books encapsulated. And after five years now, I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is.
    Thanks for reading
    Ps. Be patient with the graders, they want to make sure they get it right

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  6. Tnerb
    Or Collecting CGC
    Below is a sample of my latest article. It was basically written for those new to CGC or those who have no idea about this great portion of the hobby we are in.
    I might have to start this article with what is CGC? For decades, collectors wanted to buy the best possible comic book. Originally comic book enthusiasts would clamor for a pedigree because they were of the highest quality. I found out about these sought after collectibles from a list published in my first Overstreet's Price Guide. At one point the OPG was the be all to end all of comic book price gathering amongst trends, recorded sales, and even speculation. Since then, other magazines have come and gone. Wizard and CBG are some examples.
    Now with the internet, an up to date price guide is only a few short clicks away. EBay started to change the comic book industry in September of 1995 by allowing others to bid on comic books. A copy of Amazing Fantasy #15 could be found without ever having to leave home and at the price one is willing to pay. In 1999 the industry would greatly change once more, eventually escalating prices.
    CGC is a subsidiary of Certified Collectibles Group, or CCG. Comics Guaranty Company also known as CGC was surrounded by sister companies NGC (1987), SGC (1998), and followed by its younger sibling PMG (2005). CGC officially opened in 2000, but was created in 1999 amongst criticism, after all comic books were meant to be read. If you ask a fan of Marvel Comics who was mainly responsible for the creation of the Marvel Universe, the answer would be a resounding Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. If you ask who was responsible for CGC, the answer might be a little more difficult to come by.
    If you like it, or wish to finish it, please visit...
    at the very bottom is a facebook like. If you feel it is good enough please click on it and share. I had fun working on this and want to Thank Steve Borock and Paul Litch for answering my questions and Bagofleas for the help with the edit along with one other person who told me that if I ever got her into collecting CGC graded comic books, she would kill me.
    Thanks for reading.

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  7. Tnerb
    Or, I was Truly a
    Today all those years ago I was still a whopping five years old. I would be six soon enough. Star Wars still played heavily on my mind and at that age I was Luke Skywalker. Ever since the summer before, I couldn't stop thinking about being part of that universe a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
    I can remember playing in the halls of a synagogue shooting StormTroopers as they were running after me. I made my own sound effects. One which my whole family remembers well. The hall way stretched towards a pair of doors further into the building and then retreated away into the opposite direction at the same angle. Both doors at the end of the hallways exited back outside. Apparently allowing a five year old child shoot, holler, and scream up and down a religious building was totally ok. Besides who would kidnap a five year old child, one that kidnappers would probably pay my father to take me back.
    Only once during those times did I bother looking further into the building. To me it was just another day, even though I was told it was a special day. The only special day I ever attributed was by birthday, and those eight days I got to play with fire. The center doors had two windows that allowed me to look in without having to open them. It was filled with people staring at the stage. I glanced up in heartache as I saw my sister, my step-brother, step-mother, and father standing there. I wish I was there too, but only for a moment. The ting of regret subsided, after all I was saving my Dad and new Mom's wedding day from the StormTroopers and the evil Lord Vader.
    Happy 36th Anniversary Mom and Dad. I love you both.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. They never did thank me.

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  8. Tnerb
    Or what makes you buy what you buy?
    There are done covers that just "pop". It doesn't matter at this point what's inside, only that the cover is so amazing it's worth picking up. If the comic book is good, the next issue is purchased. If not, it's a one and done. A book that I decided I really liked the cover was on World Wide comics. As I was piecing together my New Mutants collection I saw a 9.8 copy of The Incredible Hulk #109. At $1200, I knew it was a book I had to save up for, eventually I passed.
    About a year later at the Baltimore Comic Con I found a pretty nice copy. Matt Nelson was in attendance and he helped me make the decision of purchasing the book. He thought it could get a 9.6 with a press. I bought the book and decided to take it home to read it before I turned it over to Classics Incorporated for the service. Everything changed the following month at the NYCC. Herb Trimpe was in attendance and I thought his John Hancock across Zabu would be ideal. I could always press it later.
    The book is not hot at all. It's not a key issue. There is nothing special about it other than what a great cover it is. After being returned as a 9.4, I was very pleased with owning it. One day I might press it, or just try to sell it to purchase a higher quality copy. Of course that all might be a moot point.
    Thanks for a Reading

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  9. Tnerb
    Or the opposite of 451
    It's a bit nippy out on the east coast which make me wonder how cold is too cold? At one point of time I had my books in storage. I of course had more than my comic books, but it was those Collectibles that had me pick a climate controlled storage locker. My addiction called this place home for the better part of five years.
    My current location houses my full collection and normally when I leave the house I lower the temperature to sixty degrees. The unfortunate problem is when it's windy, as it has been, my place becomes a lot colder than I feel comfortable with. If I put the heat on seventy, it might actually be sixty five, and though I know there are mini home remedies to help insulate better, I don't because I rent.
    So I wonder what is the optimum temperature to keep books healthy, whether it is an encapsulated graded comic book I own or my numerous raw copies. When it gets hot, how cool should I keep it; when it's cold, how warm? Will a move in geography help or hinder the destruction of my collection caused by time. Is CGC encapsulation the answer, and if so how could I pass in ever reading them again.
    Thanks for Reading

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  10. Tnerb
    Marvel and Star Wars: Two Great Things Together.
    When Dark Empire was released I was ecstatic. I had an additional story to add to Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire, and in comic book form no less. Two of my greatest addictions together again. Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy weaved a tale worthy of not only the Star Wars name, but of my imagination. I purchased Dark Horse titles from time to time, but it was the licensing of George Lucas' brain child that solidified trying new titles. Hellboy, Ghost, and X included.
    After Disney purchased Marvel I thought it was only an amount of time before the Star Wars licensing would revert back to Marvel after more than two decades. And when Disney purchased Star Wars and Lucas Arts, that thought solidified into future fact. Official word has now been passed down through Mike Richardson that 2014 will be the last year Dark Horse produced any comic with the Star Wars name.
    Mike states "In the meantime, 2014 may be our last year at the helm of the Star Wars comics franchise, but we plan to make it a memorable one. We know that fans of the franchise will expect no less. The Force is with us still."
    Apparently with only a year left, Dark Horse isn't going to slow down. Will the torch be passed on? Will Marvel continue with what Dark Horse has given over twenty years of story continuity? Or will one era end and another begin?
    I stopped collecting the Star Wars comic books after Disney purchased Star Wars. I knew a good thing was ending and simply decided to use my money elsewhere. I might have to get back on the bandwagon since I expect with a year left of story, Dark Horse will indeed push the boundaries before their fire is extinguished, much like the Jedi once were in a galaxy far far away.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. Random acquisition below.

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  11. Tnerb
    I am comforted by the camaraderie of the journals.
    I love reading about everyone's acquisitions I did better at the NYCC than I ever would have expected. One invoice with five books came back to me. I graded three of those as 9.8's, and two as 9.6's. I was happy that I was eighty percent correct. The book that I was wrong on was a free giveaway from Image.
    Over the years I never paid attention to the greats. They were before my time. I paid no heed to Stan Lee or Jack Kirby. I cared for naught about Infantino, Adams, Giordano, Cardy, nor Steranko. The artists that I started with were Claremont, McLeod, Buscema, Layton, John Romita Jr, and for which I never would have collected, Tom Mandrake. These are my legends; my greats.
    Recently I have been trying to get everyone to sign my New Mutants #15. An error occurred that CGC said they would fix. The signatures affixed across the cover were not posted properly on the label. Unfortunately for me I had already turned it back over to CGC for it to be corrected the first day of the NYCC.
    Tom Mandrake was there for one hour signing with J. Michael Strazynski. It was Ten Grand that I had signed. But it was Sidekick that gave me the chance to talk with an icon. I blathered on and thanked him while showing a 9.8 copy of my New Mutants #15. He asked what I wanted him to do with it. So now I have to wait. I will one day have my New Mutants #15 signed by the creator of the cover for which I place all credit on to my collecting endeavors.
    The free giveaway was a bit mangled. I wasn't going to have CGC grade it. I figured I would be lucky to get a 9.6 with a press. And why would I want something that was only a 9.6? But it was Tom Mandrake, how could I not? But if it wasn't for this community I would have kept collecting like I always did, silently.
    And it was because of this community that had me start seeking out signatures and actually meeting these creators. In essence, my life is better for it. May everyone have a great collecting year for 2014. I look forward to reading what everyone has to say and what they get.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. I would have taken a better picture if the Sidekicks comic book, but my cat is making sure I don't go anywhere by sitting on my lap. Happy New Year.

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  12. Tnerb
    Or, I now know what it's like to go through withdrawal
    Day One: I wanted to write. I started to journal about my cats irregular bowel movements. Opted out. Started to write for my blog, tentative title "I have forgotten more than you will ever know, and have since forgotten that I've forgotten, I'm sorry what were we talking about?". Decided on "The Cost of a Grade"
    Day Two: I wanted to write again. Received great news on two of my books. Both retained there 9.8 status after signatures were applied at Wizard World Chicago. Keegan at Comics to Astonish helped make this happen. Texted younger brother good news, had bowel movement while texting younger brother good news. Invoice was received and changed to verified for five books turned over at NYCC and after some time at CCS.
    Day Three: At doctors's writing to Steve Borock and researching for "The Cost of a Grade" since it is becoming a larger endeavor than I originally thought it would be. Realizing his wireless reception is worse than mine at home and on a side note his receptionist is still cute as all hell. And my iPad doesn't like to spell hell and would rather spell he'll. Added comment to the chat boards.
    Day Four: Picked up comic books as I do every Wednesday. Also received East of West 3 and 4 that I ordered in a 9.8, and an invoice changed from graded to grading quality control and then to shipped. My 9.8's retained and a book I purchased for a quarter received a 9.6
    Day five. Bad news my annual dropped to a 9.6. After three signatures added I was hoping it would keep the 9.8 status. I'm disappointed but surprisingly calm since I knew the possibilities. Another book I sent in was so terribly mangled but still pulled off a 9.8 after a press.
    Day six. Invoice confirmed. Package on the way. Second invoice also confirmed. And a Recap: Unfortunately my greatest fear happened. My annual dropped to a 9.6. It might have three signatures but is there a lesson to be learned. Will I never crack again, ah who am I kidding, Longshot...bring on art and ann
    Day seven: no changes, after all it's Saturday. I'm having trouble believing I haven't written in a week on the registry. Nor have I written on my blog which I should be, but I secured an interview with Steve Borock on Tuesday. I can't wait to find out more on how CGC got started.
    Editing note... I stopped editing
    Day eight. Went to a one day con. Didn't buy anything but heard a terminology I didn't like. Priced up. This dealer prices his books to CGC prices. I feel that if you think your books are that good, then send them in yourself. I will never buy from this guy. It snowed a good but today and the eagles win a great game. Dying to write a journal.
    Day nine. I have a cgc box scheduled for delivery tomorrow. I'm also continuing my article but will have to add once my interview with Steve is over. I found a comic book I really want but have to pass since I wasn't going to purchase any cgc graded books that I didn't already promise too.
    Day ten. A good day. I reclaimed the top spot again against my brother. Although he will reclaim it again, and soon, I can't wait until he realizes it and sends me a text. I can hear him now "release the fleas" I also had a nice chat with Steve Borock. Once again it was a good day. Tomorrow more CGC books due to arrive. One is more disappointing than the other.
    Editing note... Did I mention I stopped editing
    Day eleven: new comicbooks today's, more CGC comics arriving, and an email from Paul Litch. My article is nearing completion but I got lost as I was writing it. Still like it, but wondering if it matched up with my original title. Have to return an email.
    Day twelve: received more books from CGC even though one of my favorite books dropped to a 9.6... It has three signatures and it still looks beautiful. It has the same flaws it had as a 9.8, I'm sorry to say it was finally graded correctly. Apparently I repeat myself when I don't write as much.
    Day Twelve sub paragraph A: just got another 9.8 new mutants annual 1
    Day thirteen: I really want to write a journal. I always enjoyed Friday the thirteenth. Today was no exception. I have another 18 days before I can start to scour the internet again to buy more CGC comic books, but after I added up what I spent in the past two years, will I?
    Day fourteen. This is our third day of snow this month. I expect it will be slow at work so I have a chance on working on my article for my blog. I got word that Bagofleas will be getting some books in soon, and I'm still waiting for him to realize he lost first place.
    Day fifteen. Confirmed more packages were delivered to my parents. Still working on an article.
    Editing note... I'm repeating myself
    Day sixteen...
    Day seventeen. I went to Comics to Astonish to pick up the books he had done for me. Noticed one had a mistake and will have to ship it back to get fixed. I'm happy my New Mutants annual two and three had kept their 9.8 status.
    Day eighteen. New comicbooks more graded books, including one I never thought I'd get again. Had a good conversation with Paul Litch. Had a bad conversation with the car mechanic and currently on my way home on a very crowded el car. Picked up two copies of East of a West five.
    Day nineteen. Sold a book on eBay. An invoice changed to quality control. Hoping that the other one will switch and maybe just maybe they will be marked shipped safe before Christmas. Finishing up the complete first draft for "The Cost of a Grade". My brother took over first place again. I knew it wouldn't last. Have to put the itching powder on his sheets again.
    Day Twenty. My best haul. A 22 book invoice changed to shipped/safe. Every book but the one I decided to keep hit a 9.8. The one I allowed myself to add to my collection, was a 9.4.
    Day twenty one: my books were shipped and I hope the second one that was right behind this one will be shipped before the end of the year. That leaves me just one invoice at CCS I'm slowly paying off what I owe and then Megacon and eccc...
    Day Twenty two, Twenty Three, twenty four. My books were shipped, picked up a copy of asm 194 for a friend, since the person who he won it from wouldn't ship to Canada. At first look I graded it a seven, closer examination and I would grade it an eight, with a press I give it a chance to get a 9.0, possibly a 9.2. My other books are on the way. I graded three a 9.8 and two a 9.6. I'm getting 4 9.8's and one 9.6
    Day Twenty Four: Also picked up new comic books
    Day Twenty five: working means money. Merry Christmas.
    Editing note... I should have edited this entire journal
    Day Twenty Six. Having a nice day off. Expecting my comic books to arrive tomorrow. Still working on my article and doing my best to make sure it's perfect.
    Day twenty seven never got my books. It was attempted after I already went to work and now I have to wait until Monday. Bagofleas switched his set around taking away any books that are not 9.8's. I reign supreme. Realizing it's been awhile since my last bowel movement.
    Day twenty eight. Wow is Stan Lee really 91? Finally finished

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  13. Tnerb
    Or None in thirty?
    Now that the thirty in thirty is over, what is next. At first I wasn't sure I would able to do it so I decided to start in October. After 31 days and 31 journals I felt that if I didn't complete a challenge that I initiated originally to my self, but now handed the reigns over to others that I would somehow be incomplete.
    A thank you to Lee K who finished by grinding his axe, literally. His journals were most intriguing with all the pictures of his Go-Go books. Brandon Shepherd equally showed off many of his books including one that he thought was a contender to his top ten "safe" book from a purge.
    Now I have to debate on my next challenge of not writing at all for the next 30 days. I want to try to dedicate myself to getting some of my creative writing done and paying more attention to my blog, but if I do post maybe I will with my creative writing for your consideration and criticism. Thank you all for a great year.
    Thanks for Writing

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  14. Tnerb
    Or Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Justice League...
    Since I started collecting comics, the longest I had to wait for the next comic book to be published was a month. There were a few exceptions, but for the most part I could count on my comic shop to put aside my titles month after month. After deciding what to collect next (I really have to give another clue), Bagofleas and I discussed the possibility of purchasing all the books from Marvel and DC from our birth months. As I thought about this I became more and more excited about the prospect of putting together a set just as old as me.
    I looked through the internet and came upon a list of twenty Marvel titles and twenty-five from DC. Each one I marked on a wish list within my Collectorz App. All twenty Marvel were ready to go, but DC had a problem, two of them had to be crossed off because they weren't from my birth month as previously listed. I researched a bit more and found a few photos of CGC graded books and sure enough had to omit them from my list, a Green Lantern/Green Arrow book was among them, and even further I realized there was no World's Finest to be had.
    The Batman/Superman book produced only seven issues in this twelve month span. The numbering ranged from 209 through 215 and 216 was released in 1973. I was mortified. I looked further and realized Wonder Woman was also not to be added. I get a Batman title with Detective Comics but none under his name. There is no Aquaman covers for me either, not to mention anyone else who wants to put a birth month set together for 1972, issue 56 was released in April of 71' and the subsequent 57 wasn't until September...of 1977.
    Even the Justice League of America skips my birth month. This title at least has one more than World's Finest with eight issues published in 1972. Of course this could be more blessing then bane, some of these books could get expensive. What birth month books do you have or want? Could you get them all? I fear trying to get all the books from my son's birth month since not only is there DC and Marvel, but I would also have to get Image and Dark Horse, at the very least.
    Thanks for Reading
    I added a clue after all, pictured below

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  15. Tnerb
    Today is Thanksgiving and it is also the first day of Chanukah. This will never happen again in my life time...as well as yours.
    I'm sitting at home with the heat on to break the chill. I have both graded and raw comic books to put away. I finished reading most of these but I had to pause to remember and to give thanks. Especially on a day never to happen again, which is equivalent to every day we have lived.
    I am not a holiday person. Age and time have long distorted the days I had once looked forward too. I haven't enjoyed a Thanksgiving for a long time, but I am a thankful person for all that I have...and all that I lost. I sit in comfort. And once in a while when I think about it I know that I am blessed.
    So today I could talk about the comic books I collect, or I could tell you what a horrendous day today was, or I can just be thankful and thank you all. For any kind word that you have given me or another. For any kind deed you acted on or thought of. And for any time you asked for help for another. I thank you and I hope whether it be this day, or maybe tomorrow, and quite possibly that day when your CGC graded books come back better than you thought or imagined. May today be a great day and May tomorrow be slightly better.
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Thanks for Reading

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  16. Tnerb
    Or Preparing to use Flea Powder.
    I just received seven more of my New Mutants issues graded by CGC today. If the other three would have been the 9.8's they should have been I would have reclaimed the number one spot on the registry for the New Mutants set (by two points). I can only imagine as my books were being graded, multiple graders began to itch their legs. Or maybe fleas walked across the pages and were slapped by the graders as one would swat a fly. I can picture reading the notes now..."an otherwise pristine copy, if not for the flea guts on page 15".
    I still have more to arrive, but then so does Bagofleas. And we helped each other attain the signatures. He has a lot more to return. The number one spot is his, for now. The issues that returned are pictured below. I still need to add more descriptive technology about them but has Lee K and Brandon Shepherd have been finding out, a 30 in 30 is not that easy.
    I still have 34 books to wait for, all of which I hope to get before the new year. 22 of them are books I had graded to sell. Will I make a profit, break even, or add to my collection? Whether I do it again, I'm not so sure. There are so many others doing the same exact thing, with a bigger wallet. But what happens when a book is only a 9.6? Is it the book you are actually buying, or the grade?
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. Is Superior Spider-Man Superior?

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  17. Tnerb
    Or My First Birthday Book.
    I was walking around Wade's Comic Madness outside the Philadelphia area. For two years I frequented this place once a week for my weekly haul. This was at a time when I worked in the neighboring state over ten years ago. I shopped there because it was easier to pick up my books after work on Fridays, not to mention I worked seven days. That time has long since passed, but I still like to frequent the place from time to time.
    I had a few hours to kill before seeing "The Day of the Doctor" and besides getting dinner I decided to do a bit of shopping with a friend of mine. The main reason I wanted to go to this comic shop is an amazing selection of trades, but it was a certain "wall" book that caught my eye.
    I have still yet to decide how I am going to do collect my birth month comic books. Will I buy them all raw and upgrade later? Will I get the best available? Will I try for all that I get to be graded a 9.2 symbolizing the year of my son's birth? Will I try for a signature series set? A 9.2 signature series set? No matter what I do, I had to start somewhere and what better place than to start with a copy to read.
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  18. Tnerb
    Or, I still need to add up what I spent this year.
    There is a bit over a month to go before 2013 is little more than a memory. Although my spot on the registry is slowly dropping I am happily placed closer to four hundred than five hundred. A few well purchased books would change all that. And maybe in 2014 that will happen.
    My goals for 2014 will have to be listed out and I will have to limit myself to a finite amount if books and activities. However, I might try to travel to five different cons. The first two being in March. The fourth and fifth cultivating in Baltimore and then New York, while the third is still a curiosity.
    Wizard World is my home convention. I get press emails all the time with "guess who we have", or "now attending". The thing is I'm not interested. Out if the multiple emails I get about guests, only one of them announced a comic book artist, and he wasn't even the top billing. Even some of the professional cosplayers are getting more if a celebrity status. I have seen how Wizard World has changed and I'm unimpressed, maybe they have to start over at a number one.
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  19. Tnerb
    Or, why aren't my 5AM journals rarer than they should be?
    14 hours later
    My normal Saturday now consists of breakfast with one of my best friends, a nap, and an eight hour shift. That did not happen this Saturday. My friend was in New York, I slept late, and I left work 14 hours after I started.
    I know the amount I have to earn every week to pay my bills. If I take off from work for a vacation or possibly a special presentation of Dr. Who on Monday, I lose money. I guess luck would have it that the night shift was going to be down four servers. I was asked to stay. I am glad I did. The amount I made makes up for the day off I'm taking and then I'll have an extra five hours on Thanksgiving day.
    I'm proud of myself because this is how I have to act over the next three odd months. I have two conventions I need to prepare for. Both will be across country. Then I need to save for what I plan to spend and have enough for food. Knowing I can work a 14 hour shift allows me the peace of mind to know even though I am only working five days, I'm not lazy.
    I also was able to overcome the desire to bid on some items. It's safe to say I am not as addicted as I was last year. My goals for next year are forming. A budget better than this year must be set. And I hope I can follow it.
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  20. Tnerb
    Or Going above and beyond
    Fixing a dreaded fear
    The latest invoice that changed to shipped/safe was not shipped/safe when I found out the grades. I originally called the offices because two invoices that were marked as such had no tracking numbers sent to me. This was odd because I normally have an email in my inbox from Kim. This time, it was not the case.
    A friendly call had me get both tracking numbers I needed. I threw caution to the wind and asked about my 14 books from Baltimore. They were marked grading/quality control but was finalized and about to be changed to shipped/safe. I asked for the grades. I was knocked for a loop when the third one read off went was now a 9.6. How did this happen. They were 9.8's. Did I not turn my head quick enough when I sneezed? Was it to close to the pizza with extra sauce? How did all my meticulous planning change from the desired result. I hung up the phone disappointed.
    I decided upon a gamble and called back. The person that gave me the grades and shipping numbers was not the same person that answered the phones this time. And after the automatic sequence was finally answered I found out I had the pleasure of talking to Molly. I told her the situation (and don't believe her if she said I was crying) and asked if she could pull them from the invoice for pressing and get graded again. She said she could...if she liked me...then hung up. I was lost, I was fearful. I wondered if I should call back and ask why I was treated with such disparity.
    I quickly thought about the nickname running through the CGC building she has and even the few times I used it and felt, so much for the idea of her helping. Ok, in actuality, she put me on hold and I listened intently to all the information a prerecording gave me about NGC. And once Molly came back on the phone she took my number and said she would have to call back. An excruciating amount of time later, she was as good as her word. Six of the books that did not attain the 9.8 grade were looked at by Matt Nelson. Four of the six he felt could be improved. I decided to have it done.
    Molly needed me to write a letter stating I wanted the four removed from my current invoice and to begin the process all over again. With my credit card on file, my books were once again going through the process, this time starting from CCS. Would I have saved some money if I did send them to CCS first? Should I have listened to the sage advice from my younger brother (and let's face it, who really listens to advice from a younger sibling?) However, if I did, I wouldn't have found out a very valuable fact, Molly does indeed like me.
    Thank you Molly for being one of the reasons why I like CGC so much. Your customer service and brightly lit attitude makes it a pleasant experience every time I have to call.
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  21. Tnerb
    ...and I answered.
    Journal 550
    I was nerve wracked when I had my 9.6 ASM 129 cracked. By any collectors standards having this book attain a 9.6 with three signatures is paramount to being a holy grail. I was asked if I had the chance to add a fourth, would I? I told him originally I would, and that was after thinking about it for a few seconds. Now, four invoices later, I'm not so sure.
    The first two signatures on my ASM were via facilitators. The third was traveling cross country (And I must add a heartfelt Thank You to RonnyLama for which this never would have happened). The latest scrawl was added at ECCC. I was relieved when I found out that it retained its 9.6. The relief I felt equaled the disappointment after I found out my 9.4 dropped to an 8.5. Another invoice has begun to trouble me. One that I even feared to look at.
    Out of fourteen books turned over to get signatures at Baltimore (for this invoice), a majority of them were for signatures on some of my New Mutants by one of my personal favorites, Sal Buscema. Three cracked 9.8 slabs dropped to a 9.6. So devastating was the news I immediately went to eBay to see if any of the issues were available for purchase.
    None of the books from this invoice went through CCS, although one of them, issue 85, I meant to turn over along with 15,16, and 17 (this invoice also included The Incredible Hulk 271) but, I forgot. The first Liefeld New Mutants issue worried me the most. Fortunately, it was one of my 9.8's that are on their way back to me. The invoice was marked shipped/safe late in the day. A side nite must be added...yes CGC is behind, but they have extended hours until ten at night to get more done. This dedication is one of the reasons why, even with drops in the grades they previously were, make me dedicated to getting more books graded.
    Now I will have to wait until I get them back, box them up, and ship them back...or will I.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps... Random book quote...
    "And I would have you believe, my sons, that the same Justice which punishes sin may also most graciously forgive it"

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  22. Tnerb
    Or Five more to go
    My first book back from Baltimore will be a signed copy of Amazing Spider-Man #181, due today. This was graded a 9.6, after pressing while retaining the previous grade. Was pressing a waste of money or did it save it from dropping to a 9?
    The next two invoices were both from NYCC and marked shipped/safe the next day. The first being the one I previously wrote about, my original New Mutants Annual #1 which dropped to an 8.5. The second of those two was a raw 3-D cover of Forever Evil #1 which was signed by David Finch, Joe Prado, and Ivan Reis.
    I spent a bit on this variant hoping to flip a 9.8. I even spent the extra money to have it fast tracked. At first I was going to have it pressed as a precaution but was admitted that they were really unsure what the heat would do to the book. The first two 3-D covers I sent in were 9.8; 9.9, respectively. Those I also purchased to sell, and fortunately succeeded. Will I succeed again.
    I feared anything less than a 9.8. Being modern books anything less would be tantamount to one ply toilet paper. I opened the link and was happy to note the 3X signature book received a 9.8, but what I fear is the next invoice from Baltimore. The majority of which are books I cracked for Sal Buscema to sign. Will I wait until they arrive before I find out?
    These previous 9.8 copies of my favorite series were not sent through CCS and my trepidation is growing. What if they drop? Is pressing by CCS only an insurance policy to retain a grade? Or maybe a gimmick? Has CGC become more stringent in their grading? Are the rookie graders aware of manufacturing defects? Or am I just really beginning to doubt my ability to crack a slab and gingerly place the comic book into a suitable bag? Maybe I should use two-ply.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. Next journal up... The worst has happened

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  23. Tnerb
    Or Something Upsetting
    I am fully aware a book won't necessarily be the same grade after cracking it open. I had a 9.8 drop to a 9.4 which makes me wonder, should it have even been a 9.8 to begin with? I cracked the universal label to get a signature added. I was decimated when it returned.
    At the time, I was still learning everything I know today. Although intellectually I knew it could happen, rationally I couldn't believe such a drop could exist. At least it came back to me during a time I wanted to learn about pressing. I turned it over to Matt Nelson and had him press it before sending it to CGC. The desired results made it's way back home, a 9.8 universal finally became a 9.8 SS. Was a catastrophe averted?
    Years later, my New Mutants 9.8 annual #1 had me tremble while cracking it. I vowed if I could ever have it triple signed I would, but as I prepared for the NYCC for this to happen, I couldn't find any of my raw copies to pre-prep a bag. The obvious choice was to crack my universal 9.4, the same book I bought from ComiCards, my first LCS.
    Three invoices this week recently changed to shipped/safe and me being me, I checked my grades. As patient as I am, I am not privy to wait until my packages arrive. I expected a change in grade, whether it was up or down didn't matter, just that I expected it. What shocked me is that it didn't move a little, it moved a lot. I would be just as shocked as if it jumped to a 9.9, which has me equally appalled as its fall to an 8.5.
    So now I'm curious as to what the notes say. How does the 9.4 differ with the 8.5. What did they find? Or what did they miss? And how bad will my 9.8 fall, especially since I was so worried to crack it the first time.
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  24. Tnerb
    or We Have a Winner
    I was milking it. I know I was. At first I figured three clues would do it. Those three clues were going to be the full covers and it was Bagofleas who recommended smaller portions. I thought it was creative to use 29 for Copper, and maybe I shouldn't't have answered that clue myself. I thought it was cute to use the picture of Hawaii for Aloha and a few Star Wars books, one including the name Leia. I almost was going to go to South Philly to get a picture of a sign for Steve's Steaks.
    I remember when issue 32 of the New Mutants came out. I was so thankful that the artist that did 18 through 31 was finally finished. Of course I no longer feel that way about Bill Sienkiewicz, but it was Steve Leialoha that really had me grasp the New Mutants again. I mean come on, look at Rahne and her bad@$$ self go. Steve followed with two more issues and then faded into obscurity. I collected what I liked when I was younger, but I never asked where those that I liked were.
    Steve has approximately 45-48 Marvel covers, ones that I found anyway. Starting next year I plan on making a list of books. A top 100 if you would, Steve's books among my birth month desires will be among them and for one year I am not allowed to go outside that box. Of course I will have my New Mutants clause in there and my crack my own slabs for signatures clause in there too. And then there is allowed to get my own books graded clause. I think I might be good at these excuse.
    Garlanda, thank you for playing, your official Tnerb No Prize is in the mail.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. I wrote previously a prologue of something I was writing. Would anyone like to read Chapter one?

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  25. Tnerb
    Or There's always room for one more
    So after perusing World Wide Comics to look at all the things I vowed not to buy...yet, I found another book I could add to my birthday month list. Wonder Woman is listed by CGC with two months on the label, and the cover itself is listed properly for addition to the comic books I can add. I did check Justice League and I still can't add that, nor can I add a Batman either.
    I thought about what grade to get these in. Do I start raw and get them graded? Do I buy no less that a 9.2? Do I buy old 8.5 Universal Labels, crack them, and then have them signed, pressed and re-graded? Could a full compliment of Signature Series books be in my future that could celebrate a birthday with me?
    And then there is the other set from the copper age. Approximately forty five books will be in there, three of which I already own and are already part of a set. I have given clues, of which some are very obscure. Please check out my past journals and place your guesses, I will reveal what the other set I hope to collect shall be somewhere around the twentieth.
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