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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    Or Will the next set Please stand up
    I posted about a week ago my last clue. I even showed a partial of a cover and that is what you will see from below. Let's recap for a moment. We are dealing with Marvel. This is the company that I fell in love with, if not the first company I purchased comics from. The second clue (29) signified the copper age of comics, especially since it was 1984 when I never looked back, I was 12. The third clue was point blank and blunt. It is not currently a set. I still have yet to ask the powers that be to make this set. The fourth clue was a partial of the cover. Which I do believe brings us to our fifth clue. I hope I placed them in order. But let us digress...
    The New Mutants was an easy set to pick for me, as were Longshot, Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, and Magik. Only one of these four have I completed. There are other sets I am partial two, I am on two pages worth, which I never wanted to be. I was always interested in having a finite graded CGC set. OOPs. Now I even have sets that have a single graded comic book, a few that I decided to collect .5 specimens, and then there are my original copies I sent in, like my New Mutants #15 for example? What makes us pick a set to collect? Is it an artist, a writer? a combination of both? Or maybe just a good memory that lingers on.
    I picked a few sets that I wanted to collect and then lost that loving feeling. There was no passion behind it; no love for it; no go go go about it. I knew if I were to start another set, I wanted it to be a set I could get behind and really want to complete it. If I do this I want them all I a 9.8 or better even though some I am going to have to go after are limited or do not exist, like my New Mutants #58. So I decided to be gracious and go a little bit larger. This might give it away and it might not, but if this clue doesn't, the next one is a doozy.
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  2. Tnerb
    or, Yes, I Bought DC Comics too.
    A comic I had and read over and over was none other than World's Finest #271. This comic boasts of the retelling of the Superman-Batman Team. Did you notice it wasn't a number one issue either? This issue is dated September, 1981. This is a full two years and seven months before I picked up that fateful book that had me never look back. What makes a reader of comics choose between one and the other? Why is the line drawn so distinctively between Marvel and DC? What made me choose to buy this book for a dollar instead of going to my usual 3 for $1 Richie Rich books?
    Superman is iconic anywhere you go. The Batman one day will rival Sherlock Holmes as the ultimate Detective. The two of them along with Robin were indeed the World's Finest. I enjoyed this book and can think of no reason why I didn'didn't pick up the next issue, oh wait I was nine and going to the comic shop was an after school trip to far and few between for me to collect, not to mention many times I went was more like sneaking a treat than anything else. And I wasn't privy to the magazine stands at the local 7-11. They were always located in the back of the store and I never went past the candy aisle.
    So what started me to think of this great issue? I have seen one available for a beautiful price, or should I just buy it raw to read again and again. A digital copy perchance? Could I give up collecting the modern age retellings and relive the Bronze Age, an age I grew up during, which was then solidified throughout the copper age. How many Comic Books are out there that I never followed through to the next issue? Batman #314, Detective Comics #503, or even World's Finest #272.
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  3. Tnerb
    Or a The Choices we Make
    It has been a while since I purchased a graded CGC book. My last graded comic book I bought was off of Bagofleas. I made the decision to have a few books graded in Baltimore and a bunch more in New York. My most recent purchase was a raw copy of one of my holy grails along with My Weekly Haul. My reader books are part of a separate budget.
    I did get the grades from Comics To Astonish on my New Mutant Annuals two and three. These books I wanted as they were, in other words, no pressing. They graded 8.5/9.0 consecutively. Two other books are coming back as well. These were sent for my first part of my grade to sell experiment. One a 9.2 and the other a 9.6. Will I make my money back, lose, or gain?
    I remember in the beginning of the year I needed to improve my overall rank, now I am sitting at 430 which is not only acceptable, it's pleasing. The books I have coming back for me won't catapult me into the three hundred range, that won't happen until next year when I start buying graded books again, and the books I plan in getting are structured a bit more than the underrated New Mutants I love. I plan on setting a guideline, a list if you will much like Oliver Queen and cross them off as I attain them.
    I tried a CGC hiatus before and always had a reason to buy another, mostly because I had a good week. After reading the Professors lengthy and touching journal I had to think have I ever went over the brink? Fortunately I can say no. My bills always came first but as I am waiting for my books to slowly make their way back, I realized I was $&@?# close.
    Thanks for reading
    Ps. May I recommend the following novel pictured below for some enjoyable light reading.

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  4. Tnerb
    Or Time to Clean
    I have two days off a week, they just don't coincide. One is Tuesday and the other is Thursday. Of course when everyone is happy it's Friday I'm thinking, Monday already? Today is my cleaning day, the day my chores must get done, especially putting my comic books away.
    I decided to move some things around, furniture mostly, and doing this myself is not as easy as it once was. I used to pride myself on the amount of long boxes I owned, but about seven years ago with my purge, I switched to the half boxes they are in now, after all paper gets heavy.
    Some of these comic books have been with me a long time, some not so much. I purchased shelving to accommodate the change and have enjoyed the appearance it has bestowed against my place, but I am now past the threshold. The place is becoming something I don't want it to be, an eyesore. So now my decision has to be either purge again or move. And what's it going to look like when my invoices change from Grading/Quality Control to Shipped?
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  5. Tnerb
    Or It is a Longshot
    When I first started collecting comic books, I stayed away from wall books and back issues. The fourteen issues I needed for The New Mutants was the only exception. I didn't have anybody tell me the bins were where the history was, where the money was, and that it is totally worth the extra money. My mindset was stuck at $3.00 could either get me four new issues or one back issue. At the time I was a quantity over quality type of guy, after all I loved reading these things.
    Over the years my mindset has changed. I attribute this to a few different factors. One was Dane, ( http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/JournalDetail.aspx?JournalEntryID=7866 ) a man who I truly wish I knew better in my youth, but nonetheless a man who introduced me to the Mecca and diversity of the Back Issue Bin. I began with Daredevil #171, a three dollar, in your face, slam down, Daredevil versus Kingpin, beautiful, back issue. I tried to acquire all the Frank Miller issues between and including 158 through 191.
    Throughout this original 34 issue immersion into the more expensive world of collecting comic books, the two issues, which I only knew as the more expensive issues were #158 and #168, which I learned later in life were considered "keys". They didn't sit in a card board box, no these iconic issues sat protected in a Mylar sleeve tacked to the wall. They also hefted a heavy price I wasn't akin to spending.
    Even though each visit to the comic shop had me search through The Uncanny X-Men, Daredevil, and The Amazing Spider-Man, the twenty dollar (issue 158) and thirty five dollar book (issue 168) seemed a bit expensive, but the completist in me wouldn't allow me to have the other 32 issues without them.
    As I would look around the store with glazed eyes at these wall books, my attention wandered to others that were hanging precariously by a single thumb tack, TMNT #1, X-Men #137, and the early issues of SandMan #1-#8 by DC. It was where I found Longshot, in all it's glory hung in numerical limited series order on the back wall. I promised myself I would soon buy each issue chronologically.
    The amazing artistic talent is what helped pave the way to the affection I have for my New Mutants Special Edition. I was introduced to the luckiest X-Men alive (other than Wolverine) and the Sadistic machinations of Mojo which made Arcade look like a seller of Disney movies instead of a paid for hire assassin. The first and last issue bookend the cheaper issues in between, but I still paid $15 and $12 consecutively, or the amount it would have been to get 36 new comic books at the seventy-five cent cover price.
    I couldn't decide what had me turn page after page. Was it panel after panel of the best artist I have ever seen? Was it the story written by a scribe who could give legendary writer Chris Claremont a run for his money, or was it something more like magic. The chemistry between Art Adams and Ann Nocenti electrified each page from cover to cover.
    The problem with Longshot was being a limited series, the team of Rita and Longshot ended, and so did Art and Ann. I got my Art Adams fix through the Special Edition and X-Men Annual nine, and was happy enough that Ann Nocenti was editing my favorite title.
    Decades later I still have my original six in the same Mylar Bags I purchased them in. I found and bought all six issues graded by CGC in a 9.8, even going further to purchase Bagofleas lone copy signed by Whilce Portacio of issue six. Ann was originally going to be at a show but cancelled, and now I'm glad she did. I've already started calculating on what I'm bringing to ECCC and am waiting patiently until after Thanksgiving to purchase airfare. And mind you as much as I am looking forward to traveling across the country to meet these creators, I'm looking forward to seeing RonnlyLama, Lee K, and Shivabali a lot more.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. The wall books I started to buy were my babies, the Mylar sleeves they were in is what they stayed in, after reading them of course. I soon picked up those Sandman issues and took notice of two new wall books directly behind the register, copies of a Daredevil #1 and Amazing Spider-Man #129. Now, what was I going to do about those?

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  6. Tnerb
    Or half Way Home
    I'm excited. My 9.8 copy of the New Mutants Annual #1 is no longer at CCS. CGC has just marked that it was received. Although I say my 9.8 copy, it is no longer a 9.8 copy. Once a slab is cracked, a book is no longer certified as that grade. This was the one book I never cracked because I was afraid that it would not retain the coveted grade that we strive for. I talked my self out of it when I had the chance to have Chris Claremont sign it. I did the same thing when I could have had Bob McLeod add his scrawl. A third chance ended when Bill Sienkiewicz also appeared. I couldn't even get over the fear to crack it out when two of them were together, but what about three?
    Bagofleas and I discussed the first annual of the original X-Babies and what to do with it if all three creators would be at the same location to sign the book. His book was also questionable. How could we not open them up to have them triple signed? His book made the trip from Florida to Baltimore where he handed the book over to me and I brought it to New York. I had both our previous 9.8 copies along with my 9.4 signed at the NYCC. Now I'm shaking with excitement as this book is now at CGC and I am looking forward to the next few weeks to watch the changes.
    I realized I have almost sixty books out there. Fifty of them are under my own membership number; another ten through Comics to Astonish who helped me garnish some signatures at Wizard World Chicago. I am afraid of any and all of these broken slabs not retaining the grade they once were. I tried an experiment, sending some to CCS while others went straight to CGC. Only a little more time and I'll find out what stayed a 9.8, then again in that same amount of time I'll also find out if any of them dropped.
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  7. Tnerb
    Or What happens when you don't Budget?
    I can't remember the last CGC comic I purchased. I knew with both the Baltimore Comic Con and the NYCC there had to be a compromise on what I could and couldn't do. I chose to get books graded. The Baltimore convention was for me, with only a few to sell while the NYCC was to sell with a few for me.
    I have been watching my invoices carefully. I have six at CGC with another two at CCS. That's eight invoices and right around fifty books with approximately another ten through a third party, after all I couldn't make it to Chicago. That's sixty books I hope makes it back to me before the New Year. Once this year is over I can submit it into the record books and begin planning for next year.
    I might take a hiatus though. Sell what I can and then maybe fire sale the rest. I am fortunate where I don't have to sell these books but I want too. I won't get myself in a financial bind like I did before at the turn of the millennia with Star Wars toys. I am already set to go to two cons next year. I am not sure about Wizard World in Philadelphia but I would like to do Baltimore and the NYCC. And even though I accomplished the four major conventions this year, I wonder if I can do five next year. I probably can, but only if I budget.
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  8. Tnerb
    Or Can I make it Two?
    I have been giving clues to what my next set is going to be. I have decided to go after it, but I also decided to ask for another set. I need to collect what I like, what I'm passionate about, and everything else be damned. I tried collecting Ka-Zar. I tried to start collecting The Thing and Locke & Key. I even attempted the copper age first appearances. The latter being one I will attempt again, but for the time being I just compiled a list of books, 45 to be exact. Twenty are from Marvel and 25 are from DC. Yes Lee K. You read that correctly, and Tarzan might be my first one.
    Without telling you my primary set, my secondary will be books from my birth month. Bagofleas also helped me decide on this. We chatted about his birth month, and me, mine. I got excited. I looked at some of these books and my excitement grew. There will be some difficulty gaining these, but I am seriously looking forward to getting these books. Some I might have to find and send them in myself, something I am trying to do with the last two New Mutants I need.
    My first collectible CGC book was $45. I vowed never to spend more than that. That is no longer the case. I have spent more, much more, and being forty one years old, these books, this new set I'll begin collecting in the new year won't be cheap. But could I truly be able to collect two make believe sets? Can I collect almost 100 books from scratch much like the New Mutants set? And does the clue below help you guess my next set?
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  9. Tnerb
    Or a point to make?
    My over all ranking is a bit over the four hundred mark. The majority of those points stem from two different sources. One being the single copy within my Amazing Spider-Man set and the other is my full 9.8 set of The New Mutants. These are my largest point values, but one of my favorites, probably my absolute favorite is my New Mutants that just made its way home. Of course even after they fixed the mistake, it still has to be corrected.
    I first had this signed by Chris Claremont at my first Baltimore Comic Con. Then I threw caution to the wind and after talking to Bagofleas about adding Stan Lee to the equation, I also had him personalize it too. The book made it back to me in time to have Louise Simonson, Bob McLeod, and of course Sal Buscema. I unfortunately missed Tom Mandrake at the NYCC since I already turned the book back over to CGC for the corrections.
    This book I decided to get signed by anyone who had anything to do with the issue., even if it is only the presenter, hence why Stan Lee. My 9.8 copy is still waiting to be graded, but this 4.5 copy which is only worth one point is worth so much more. I have had many people look over my 9.8 copies, but not many look at my pride and joys. It's this book though, this wonderful book that started it all.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. The next clue was going to be pictured below, but since my favorite book made its way home, well here it is...

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  10. Tnerb
    Or Aren't Fast Tracks Supposed to be Fast Tracked?
    My first two invoices from the NYCC were accepted one day after the other. The first one was Forever Evil #1 3D variant. This was accepted on the 17th of October. The second was my own personal copy of The New Mutants annual, the first annual I ever purchased. I only had this cracked from its slab so I could size up the bags for my 9.8 copy. Both annuals were signed by all three creators. The 9.8 went through CCS, my 9.4 went straight to CGC. It was accepted on the 18th.
    I like to check on my invoices. Currently I have six at CGC. The first one that changed was from Baltimore. The second was from the NYCC, but not the one that was fast tracked. Did CGC make a mistake? Did somehow they flip by accident? Yesterday my Annual was changed from graded to grading/quality control. Two terminologies that should be switched around.
    I'm happy that the six invoices are moving along at a nice pace, but I'm curious on why a modern age invoice would skip over a modern age fast tracked invoice. I'll call on Friday to find out how this happened, or maybe, just maybe when I check my invoices it won't really matter.
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  11. Tnerb
    "I become Father?"
    I was collecting comic books. The only difference was I stepped into the speculative world hoping that some of these comic books would some how finance my new born son's future. This didn't necessarily mean by actual financial means, but maybe, just maybe, his imagination.
    As a young boy, he opted for coins, pennies to be exact. We found most of these in flea markets. He was happy with his purchases and being that his mom and I were not an item I never brought up the comic books I left behind. A short box filled with the newest and hottest comic books of late 91, but mostly early 92. I distinctively remember a Spawn #9 and #10, Gaiman and Sim respectively.
    Years ago I made a horrendous mistake in my life during a depressive time. This mistake has cost me so much and at times I am still paying. I owned up to it, I paid for it, but the biggest regret is the current situation I am in now. Even though my son is turning 21 and I am so very proud of him, we haven't talked in almost four years. I hope one day that length of time will end.
    But until then, I do hope that he reads those comic books and... One day might forgive me of my sins. I love him. I will always love him and I will always be proud of him.
    Thanks for reading
    Ps. Happy Birthday Kid.
  12. Tnerb
    Or What if the Insides were different?
    More times than not I am happy with the normal cover a comic book comes out with. At times I might buy a variant if it's the same price. A little before the NYCC I purchased a few variants at a heftier price hoping for 9.8's. One could only be a 9.6 and I never should have tried, but with a double signature, it might make a collector happy.
    In the nineties the variant craze blossomed. Gold variants, gold covers, and early 3D covers piqued my interest. The best one was Harbinger Zero, the pink edition. Some of those books I still own and have thought about sending them to CGC for grading, but a variant I would truly love to see is when the inside and between the back and front cover would tell different stories.
    Could this be possible. Could an X-Men book with eight characters in issue one meet up in issue there after they were split into four hero groups in issue two. Seriously, how cool would that be to buy a book, brag about it, and then realize as you discuss it, there's another issue two. Then maybe in issue four they separate again and return in issue five and the whole time the cover stays the same but the artwork and story vary. I truly believe this could be done, don't you?
    What are your views on variants? Are you sick of them? Are they great? Or even overrated?
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  13. Tnerb
    Sibling Rivalry
    NGC has this great little addition to their portion of the site that seems to overlook us in all its glory. They have something that is known as a Collection Manager. This allows an NGC member to create their own set with the coins they already own. I love this idea. I wish they would bring it over to us so I can get rid of my one comic sets, not to mention we don't have to wait as long for a new set to be created. By the way that is not a slight against CGC, to my knowledge only one person creates the sets that we love and I'm thankful to that person. Hint hint, I need a new set.
    This is what NGC says...
    What are Custom Sets?
    Many collectors choose to assemble their own sets in unique ways, as personal expressions of what they find fascinating about collecting. Custom Sets are ideal for this kind of collector. You can create Custom Sets through the NGC Collection Manager, and either share them or keep them private. You define the set's theme and choose which coins are eligible.
    Doesn't that sound cool, but wouldn't it be even cooler with comic? When I first read about this happening I thought it would be only a matter of time before CGC could boast the same thing and now as time goes it seems like that thought didn't matter. I recently discussed PGX compared to CGC on Facebook and I explained to them the main reason I fell in love with CGC was because of the registry and the camaraderie of its members along with how cool it was to assemble these sets.
    How do you feel? If PGX developed with a more socially interactive site, would that have made the difference between choosing one or the other. Either way, at the moment my choice is CGC, at least until they hire me.
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  14. Tnerb
    Or one more for the Signature Series
    Bagofleas not only had his copy of the New Mutants signed by Bo Hampton, he also asked if I wanted my copy signed by the artist. I couldn't pass it up. I'm sure he will read this and correct me if I'm wrong, Bagofleas that is, not Bo Hampton, but my younger brother fast tracked his book not only through CGC but also through CCS.
    Both of us were worried about our 9.8 copies dropping during a signing. Although we both meticulously create the proper signing environment, we fear the What If?. My money grew tight and I opted just for the slow pace of a regular modern book submission. And I received it yesterday.
    I didn't expect the book for a while since I checked on CGC and they told me another week. Time went fast because the week never passed me by. A surprise knock on my door alerted me to the UPS driver. I thought it was the mistake I turned over to CGC, but it wasn't. Instead it's three extra points to try to get ahead of my brother's amazing collection.
    I am thankful to him for getting it done, and I am curious as to the outcome of the books we both entered at the Baltimore comic con. Between pressing and fast track and hoping we keep our grades we should both have everything back for me to kick his in 2014, that is unless a miracle happens.
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  15. Tnerb
    Or the Best artist I never collected.
    Today was a long day. The Eagles played, and won. Tables at work were sparse, so when I came home to rest a bit and unwind while jumping around the internet I found some devastating news on Facebook. From there I went to Google and read on Bleeding Cool, that the great Nick Cardy, became the late Nick Cardy. He passed away at the amazing age of 93, may we all be so lucky. You can read what some others have said here:
    and here:
    At a time when I wanted to collect silver age that wasn't Marvel, I marveled at his Aquaman covers. And yet I passed on getting them. I always thought I would get one and have him sign it as a memento to all the artists I have met throughout the years, but decided against it. Not just for his signature but for others too. Yes, I did like meeting a lot of the artists at the conventions I go to, but a lot of the greats don't hold a candle up to those I grew up with.
    The thing is though a lot of the greats I grew up with wouldn't be great without Nick Cardy. When Jack Kirby passed away there was no feed about it that I could find. I just had to pick up the right magazine or listen to the right conversation at the right time. Today though I found out through the internet, much like many of you will find out through here. I don't have any of his books to read as tribute, but I will silently pray. We lost a giant this Sunday 3-Nov-13; a moment of silence would be nice.
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    I was going to show another clue, but the photo below is of the book I was going to purchase as my First Nick Cardy cover. And a side note, I probably first gazed at his work only because I thought his name was Nick Candy at first glance.

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  16. Tnerb
    or Trying to compete with space or the lack there of.
    Nothing makes me feel like I am accomplishing something as much as moving things around my place. It's small and what keeps me here is the very cheap rent. It's also mine, and as much as I hope to have a bigger place one day, I am happy with what I have, even when I am not. I know I am going to have to start getting rid of things to make this work around here. Of course I would like to get rid of the things I don't want or use, like about twenty X-Box games.
    My Star Wars action figures are safely ensconced in two closets covered by more shelves. Hardback Novels line the shelves. I have numerous shot glasses in the hall, the one area that I am having difficulty figuring out what else to use it for. This is my home, not my storage unit. This is the place I come to relax and looking at neatly stacked comics and statues are so much better than stacks of colored paper meant to be read. I don't have much time to do it (the moving, not the reading of comics) and when I do, my neighbors are asleep. I have ideas; I just need to implement them.
    Of course my brother is far away and he can't help. Both my best friends are sleeping and I am writing just to give me a breather. I could just give up, but that is unlike me. I'd rather fall from fatigue then just quit. Of course that doesn't count if I find a really cool comic book to read, like this Avengers #260...or maybe this Fantastic Four #279...and look at this a beautiful copy of New Mutants #60...OK, quitting time it is.
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  17. Tnerb
    or WHich one was Adopted
    Before I collected comic books I collected pennies. These copper coins were easily procured from my grandparents and parents, although my Pop-Pop gave me dollars. Once home they would make it inside a piggy bank and eventually taken to the bank for larger denominations to spend on candy.
    As I got older I still love a good wheat cent, but that's about it, unless it's silver. I don't collect coins anymore and the title of the journal isn't so much to gang up on NGC, but to take a look at how unfair we are being treated compared to a numismatist. Even their name is cool. A coin collector can go into any bar and a woman could ask them what are you into and when he answers I'm a numismatist, they are like oooh, with the possibility of not even knowing what a numismatist is. I go into a bar and they ask what I am into and I say comic books, they looked perplexed with...oh, and turn away, but I digress.
    CGC has one office in Sarasota Florida. NGC has at least three, one in Sarasota Florida, and another in Switzerland, and a third in German. For some reason I remember seeing a total of six NGC offices that can grade coins. If you click the following
    and scroll to the bottom you will see an area with 14 global sites, FOURTEEN. I bet they don't complain about turnaround times. It does make collecting comic books seem like a redheaded stepchild. I like collecting comic books and I would like to see CGC offer more. Shall we delve into what else CGC has to offer?
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  18. Tnerb
    Or, Has it been that long?
    The first time I initiated this challenge in 2010 I was still struggling with things to write about. I wanted to work for a website and needed to know if I could write with a deadline looming as much as I have been for fun. By the time I finished the challenge I was told that waking up wasn't the same without a journal entry from me. I was flattered, so I wrote another one.
    I repeated the task in 2011 and 2012. I started early this year and completed this task in October, but was that still a thirty in thirty? The journals have grown since I first began writing. In fact I started to write because of Bagofleas. In the beginning our journals offset each other. It reminds me how in the beginning three months I collected the New Mutants with issues 15,16, and 17, I thought every comic was like that. I was proven wrong with issue 18. After a few journals, Bagofleas entered the aether.
    I wrote about what I liked, what I collected, what I dreamed of owning. I met friends, not friends in passing but true friends. These are the people I am blessed with in my semi-daily life. 2014 is still two months away and the two cons coming up has me looking forward to being with my friends more than to be amongst the comics collected within the walls.
    To Ronnylama, I cannot wait to share a pool table with you and be blessed by the Karma you imbue. The day that we started to talk is a day I became a blessed man.
    To Lee K. A man who has an axe surely wants for nothing, but it is for you I have a gift. It was something I though I wanted, but I was mistaken, and you have given me something you don't even know, so when I see you at ECCC, it shall be yours.
    To Shivibali I look forward to seeing you again and hope your con experience is more than a one day event. And I wonder what you will grill up this time.
    To Surfer99, I look forward to the day I can meet you. You are the fourth in a cadre of people I so wanted to meet, or should I say the first four. There are others like ScreenWriter3D and Kaholo1256 that I have met or want to meet...and hope too. I am thinking of SuperCon.
    And to Bagofleas, no words can express the gratitude I feel for you.
    This early morning, or ending of All Hallows' Eve, I raise a toast (with freaking Iced Tea) to another year of collecting, to another year of Happy Hunting, to another year of griping over the length of time our books reside in Sarasota Florida, and to one more attempt at a thirty in thirty. I challenge anyone to join me on this journey.
    Thanks for Reading
    Trying to rearrange my place, but would my brother fly up here and help me....Noooo

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  19. Tnerb
    But most likely not for today.
    I picked up an extra day at work. I still haven't decided what to do with an extra day of funds, but I think it's safe to say I'll treat it like any other day. I originally planned to purchase one of the comic books I hope to get turned into a set. This thought changed at the prospect of paying back what I owe that much quicker.
    I enjoyed going to Hawaii this year and to go I had to borrow the money from my parents. I think they do this now so when I pay them back, they loan me more money for something else so this way they get the points and or the miles. I think I helped them get to Paris a full year earlier.
    I'm also hoping that when the books I got signed and graded at the NYCC start trickling in I'll be able to sell those and make enough to not only pay back my savings but to start this new collection that I have been giving clues for.
    As for the clues...
    #1. Company formerly known as Timely was indeed Marvel.
    #2 29... Is the atomic number of copper. I do like the copper age of comics
    #3. Not yet a set was rather obvious that it's not a set.
    And clue number four is pictured below as part of a cover.

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  20. Tnerb
    Or 1/526
    Who would have thought that a journal would no longer linger for days. The top spot racking up views for lack of anything new. Imagine if you would Wednesday after Wednesday, no new comic books making it to your LCS. Or if Marvel decimated DC, if Image was just that, or Disney replaced X-Men with F-Troop, what would you read then?
    When I first started writing on the journals there would be times a week would go by before another journal was placed on the registry. That is no longer the case. I know the chat boards are an interactive cesspool of information, entertainment, and grievances, but I like the solidarity of a single journal.
    It's been a almost a solid four years since
    And who knows where it will end? I chose to do a thirty in thirty a few Novembers ago. It was an experiment to see if I could. This year I chose October for my experiment, not do much for the extra day, but because November was difficult. Should I continue? Can I thrust myself into the void and create journals for the next 31 days concluding with a 60 in 60, or with another day left in October and 124 journals written this month, do I need too?
    Thanks for Writing
    Ps. And clue number three is, what I'm thinking of collecting is not yet a set. And the answer to clue 2 is...

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  21. Tnerb
    Or one step closer.
    Hurricane Sandy hit the eastern sea board. Philadelphia was suppose to be slammed, it wasn't. I went to work that day hoping I wouldn't spend money online searching for comic books. I was as wrong as forecasters telling my fellow Philadelphians we were going to get the brunt of the storm.
    Like today, I went in on my day off. So I'm wondering, am I going to make a purchase today or am I going to actually make some money on my day off. I need to get caught up. If I don't, all my plans for next year will be for nothing. I'm almost ready for both the Megacon and Eccc, and I'm thinking Supercon.
    These cons can't happen, then there is the possibility if no con at all in 2015. I am thinking Europe that year. So I have another invoice get received from CCS bringing my tally to 5. This was from Baltimore. Fast track is slower than promised, but it seems like CGC is acting like the little engine that could. They are still behind, but with so many of my invoices showing life I'm not that worried about it.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. The first clues answer is Marvel as guessed. No one got the second clue of "29". If no one gets it by tomorrow I will give the third clue and possibly answer the second.
    Pps. This is my first morning in a while and I'm rushing to post this. Please excuse my non edited form.

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  22. Tnerb
    Or Waiting for Change
    My last change for my invoices occurred Friday evening. I knew there would be NO change to any of them over the weekend, but I checked anyway. Not including any that are currently at CCS or other means, I have four invoices at CGC. Two are currently marked graded. This means they will both take the back stop and be marked "Grading/Quality Control" next in the line up. I think it might be time to update the protocols they use and maybe have it be completed as the following.
    Quality Control
    Cross Reference Check
    As far as safe is concerned I never consider a book safe until it is in my hands. The above is still the process they use, but worded differently not to mention shorter times in each category would make it seem like the process is quicker. Sure, it's only an illusion, but illusionists are cool.
    Out of the two invoices I have marked graded, one is an "economy tier" fast tracked (through CCS as well), and the other is a "modern tier" regular service. Both were dropped off at the Baltimore Comic Con. Apparently fast track is quicker, but is it a gimmick for more money. Could you imagine fast track services in other parts of your life, the movie theatre, a restaurant, or sporting event. I am patient and will occasionally use the fast track service again, but over all not as much. Of course I day that now.
    Thanks for Reading?
    Ps, as for clue number two, see below

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  23. Tnerb
    Or, the Final Stretch
    Could I do it? Could I possibly find the last two copies needed in the New Mutants set for both Bagifleas and myself. At the moment I don't have many signatures I want at the Megacon. This gives me a numerous amount of booths to wander through looking for the most pristine copy I can find.
    Issue 58 and annual four are not by any means popular issues to have graded. I was able to attain 9.6's on both of these. My issue fifty eight was signed, but couldn't get the 9.8 rating. Matt looked at it after the book was encapsulated and passed off as not being able to get the 9.8. My annual was pressed and signed at Wizard World Philadelphia this year. The grade jumped, but not enough.
    So my search continues. The last two books will have to be found in raw form. Do I dare try to get it signed first or would I be happy with a universal grade. Is it possible to find two copies for both my brother and me? I know I can pick 9.6's, but can I pick 9.8's?
    Thanks for Reading

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  24. Tnerb
    Or once done, your journey to the dark side will be complete.
    Should I be blunt or sly, so let's see how new are newbies are. The company of the new books I am thinking of collecting are from a company once called Timely.
    But enough about what might never be, I have my Amazing Spider Man #181 now marked as graded. This should take a backwards step into the grading/quality control category by late next week. My other invoice, with a good amount of my books signed by Sal Buscema have also made it into the graded stage. A few of these are also by David Finch, so I am still slowly going to complete the full New Mutants set. I think I'm just going to use my own books and hope for a 9.8, by the way I am thinking they will grade a 9.6.
    I am patiently waiting for the process to get finished and am sharing the day to day results with Bagofleas. But, let's be honest, it is more fun than watching water boil and just as long. They will get here before ... Oops, almost gave away another clue.
    Thanks for Reading

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  25. Tnerb
    Or, I stepped on a Smurf, now my shoe is Blue
    I have been toying with the idea of collecting something else. I tried with Locke & Key. I even thought the Thing would be good and snagged a good amount of Ka-Zar the Savage. I could spend hours staring at Bagofleas collection since he and I share some of the same loves (Rom, Alpha Flight, and Dazzler for example), although not as great the New Mutants, which is an underrated point value with 202 sets. I realized for me to have the desire to compete must also have a foundation in my childhood.
    I have wanted to get the X-Men from issues 160 (although I started at 180) until 231. I could collect Iron Man from 175 to 200, a great issue run. Then there is Elfquest or Groo. I completed my raw Daredevil run. Do I dare start getting those same books encapsulated regardless of grade? Or should I just concentrate on issues 158 through 191? And what about the Marko Djurdjevic cover set that appeared this year?
    I have had East of West, Ten Grand, and Lazarus signed at the NYCC. Could I change my mind and keep these when they return allowing me to start fresh? And then will I continue? I had the chance to get the New Mutants in a 9.8 as they came out, but passed on the opportunity. Why would I keep going with something that was not ingrained in my youth? I started to think, and I started to look calculating what I could possibly get (and spend). And then I thought, yea, that's it. I'll get something new.
    Thanks for reading
    PS. This does not cut into my desire to have the first ten issues of Daredevil signed by Stan Lee, nor does it negate the hope to acquire issues 119-129 of ASM in a 9.6 SS.

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