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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    Or Travelling to the Con
    I don't understand why I'm being asked if I'm nervous? Do my co-workers think my plane will go down? Do they wonder if I'll miss my crossover flight or do they know my trepidation about my Amazing Spider-Man #129. There is nothing forcing me to get it graded and Gerry Conway's appearance was the very reason I ever brought up the ECCC.
    There are others I would love to meet but not necessarily get books graded. After writing about the event a couple times Ronnylama contacted me saying he would love to meet. The con just became an excuse for something greater. At NYCC 2012 I started to meet others from the registry and more still who collected CGC comics without placing them in the registry.
    I have 5 invoices ready totaling just a wee fraction over seven hundred dollars. This doesn't include a single high grade Gerry Conway book I want to also have signed. Maybe issue 128, although 121 or 122 would have me salivate more.
    My largest invoice has six books, all of which are to be signed by Terry and Rachel Dodson, can you guess which books. This invoice more than any other is the one I might drop and I'll say it now, without pressing I think issues 1-3 will be graded a 9.4 and 4-6 a 9.6, I don't think any if them wii achieve a 9.8...except number six, but hesitant to say so.
    For anyone going, I hope to meet you, especially at Dinner Saturday night. For anyone that want to experience it as much as possible I will be tweeting out under @CGCLee with as many pictures as I can. I even have a battery backup for my phone. As for being nervous, not at all. I think I'll be more nervous coming back because I'll have to work that much more for when I want to go again next year.
    Thanks for Reading

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  2. Tnerb
    Or Thank You Bagofleas
    Bagofleas and I met because of New Mutants #47. I purchased the book through WorldWide Comics. He missed buying it by one day, if I'm not mistaken he said by twenty minutes. I admired his collection then, I admire his collection now. I'm not envious or jealous because that seems to have a negative tone to it, no I think proud is the word.
    I met a few people on here a little before him but he was the first person I mentioned as friend to my father. To have a copy if New Mutants #47 as a signature series is something I can't wait to tell my father about this Wednesday. And to think, my other friend RonnyLama helped make it happen.
    The icing on the cake is he also had another 19 (I might be mistaken) books transferred from a Universal Blue to a Signature Yellow. A very impressive feat. I added three today, books that came back from the NYCC. One was just an improvement on pages, the other two were universal. I too have the white page symposium for my New Mutants collection. In fact my number sixty two is the next I wish to change from off white to white 9.8 SS to one with white pages.
    What I am trying to do, other than get multiple signatures is to get various artists and contributors. My issue #77 came back a triple signature 9.6 with Louise Simonson, Bob McLeod, and Tom DeFalco scrawled on the cover. This book means a lot because I bought it off the shelf. It doesn't matter that it is only a 9.6, after all my issue 15 of the same series is only a 4.5.
    Bagofleas is gunning for me. He wants the coveted first place for our favorite set. And I can't say I blame him. I wish him luck. If it came down to money, I can't compete, if it comes down to creativity I have a hell io a shot, and if or when he reclaims first place I could not be more proud to call him my friend.
    I see your toast and I return it, however it is coffee in hand I must toast with. We shall meet one day my friend, we shall meet.
    Thanks for Reading

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  3. Tnerb
    or the Banes and Pitfalls of Pressing
    I have looked into pressing for the past year and have gotten many viewpoints. I poked and prided asking fans, dealers, and those that do it themselves both as amateurs and professionals. My favorite collection is the New Mutants. I looked, seeked, and hunted for the best issues. A majority of my Universal 9.8's were through WorldWide Comics while the majority of my signatures were through Rich Henn. To both I'm thankful for.
    Matt Nelson was partnered with the former so who's to say that all the books WorldWide sold weren't pressed. When I talked to Matt I asked him about it, although I was more interested in pressing I wanted to know if my books were pressed. He told me that the majority of the Golden State collection was so nice they didn't need pressing. He continued on by telling me it wasn't even cost effective to try to press a 9.6 to a 9.8 because it wasn't always possible. Of course he didn't say that he didn't press any into a 9.8. So if I found out without a doubt my New Mutants were pressed 9.8's would I love them any less?
    I decided to learn more. I used one of my pride and joys. I used my ASM #129, along with my DD #158 and 168. To start off these books were purchased as back issues around 1987, maybe 88. The ASM #129 was purchased through cash and traded. I think it is safe to say that this book was not previously pressed. I read it and put it back in Mylar. Eventually CGC arrived and I cursed them. How dare you lock away something that should be read? Eventually, as a novelty I purchased my first two CGC graded comic books. This was in 2007. By the time 2008 rolled around I decided to turn over my own comic books for grading. I chose three.
    In one day I got them back, my ASM #129 was graded a 9.2 with white pages. I thought it would be a 9.4, I never thought of grading the pages. Eventually I accepted the grade. It wasn't until a year later when I purchased my New Mutants #1 in a 9.8 white pages that I decided I wanted to be part of this community I previously despised. I finally joined the registry on July 24th 2008. This was right after I had my first onsite invoice completed. I felt like I needed to share my books, but it wasn't until over a year later I wrote My First Journal on November 16th 2009.
    Eventually CGC had a signature Series Signing that I couldn't pass up. I never thought I would eventually grace the man's presence so I opted for the next best thing and sent out four books, one being my ASM #129. After I saw the return grade I was in shock, amazed, and even confused, finally my book was the grade I thought it was. Did CGC mess up the first time, did they decided that the book was a prime specimen for a 9.4 with only the three spine creases to note. I don't know but I was curious so I asked around about how that could have been done and one person came up with a most interesting aspect, that when the book is slapped they get pressed.
    How could that be? But have you ever open a slab? Inside the well is another plastic that is sealed shut. How was it sealed shut without pressure and heat. IS every single slab we purchase being pressed during the encapsulation process? If books can withstand being between newspapers in a barn and becoming a pedigree couldn't every book be pressed as it is being encapsulated? I asked others about this and some disagreed right away, saying no way? Other disagreed but paused, and some said, maybe?
    But the journey of my ASM #129 went on. John Romita had a signing and I wanted is signature too. My book retained a 9.8. What did this mean? Did CGC get it right, did the same three graders look at it? Did they just look at what I had on the old label and to save time just gave it the same grade? But I wanted more for this book. I wanted to know what else pressing could do. I sent this with 16 others for Matt Nelson to look at while in Baltimore. He pointed out to me what could be pressed and what couldn't as well as what shouldn't. I chose eight. My ASM #128 came back a 9.6, while the others are still at CGC. I was happy, this book that went through so many journeys with me added another chapter. But, I wanted to add one more, I wanted a third signature and one of the best chapters occurred.
    During this Chapter I met RonnyLama, Lee k. ShivaBali, Designer Toast, Liaton-9000 (stupid cheerio joke) and I apologize to anyone I missed. The book being signed by Gerry Conway added to that mix. Once again the book retained its grade as a 9.6. Did the press from a 9.4 to a 9.6 retain, or did CGC just take the easy way out and give it the same grade. And does it bother me that the book was pressed.
    My New Mutants, my original ones I know have not been pressed with the exception of my Annual #4. My issue #15 is great at a low 4.5, but my New Mutants #99 made the 9.8 grade, even my triple signature 9.6 copy of issue #77 is cherished. Then there are the two books I bough JUST to get pressed. I bought both issue #109's of Incredible Hulk and X-men. I decided to get them signed first. Were they pressed before I got them, I don't know. Did they get high grades, yes they did. Consecutively they received a 9.4 and a 9.8. I'm overjoyed that they weren't pressed, but once again to my knowledge.
    So let's get down to it. My 9.6 ASM #129 if it had a notation saying it was pressed it wouldn't bother me. It's still mine, it still has a history and if I were ever to sell a book that was pressed (and to my knowledge) yes I would give full disclosure, hell if I knew I read it on the toilette, I would let you know that too. But, if my New Mutants #99 was notated as being pressed I would fight that because that was mine since day one and although bagged in Mylar and boarded in a nice cold box, it was never intentionally pressed other than being tightly packed in to get the most out of my storage space.
    Should CGC distribute a new label for books pressed by them? Should CGC ask if the books are pressed on all invoices turned in? Should the GPA keep notations of these records? Could a third party pressing records company come to fruition in this day and age, ten years after the ball already was placed into play?
    And then how do I feel about pressing? After a full year later of asking questions, investigating, talking, and even learning a small amount of the procedure myself, I still don't know, and honestly I don't care. I have a few purple labels and I still like them in my collection, I have green labels which I adore, the blue labels and the yellow labels don't matter to me anywhere except on the "points" scale of the registry. How many of you turned in the best book you could possibly have with any free coupons you received. How many are looking for your book to be returned a 9.8 but disappointed it got a 9.6. I know I have on books I paid for, so I decided to send in the books I cherished as a kid. I decided to choose the books than meant something. Because whether the book is restored, or damaged, or rusty, or pressed, they are still mine.
    And a special Note to ScreenWriter3d, I love the tenacity you show, but they are just books. Maybe I have lost so much in my life time that if I lose my books it would just be another story to tell. I like that our back writing journals, and I hope you continue to do so, but I also hope you are writing what you desire on the side, that we have not had the pleasure to see. A

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  4. Tnerb
    Or Why is it so Difficult to get a Package from Point A to Point B?
    I am really tired of the USPS. I tend to watch very closely when my package is going to arrive. Today I get an e-mail that the item is available for pickup. Why would I get such an item? I wanted it delivered. I decided to call the post office and find out.
    At first the agent was confused but then realized that it was because the item came in after the mail carrier already left. That to me is a stupid answer, the mail always comes in so its common sense that the carrier would leave before items came in. I had many packages arrive in my home city before at around the sane time and arrival at unit would be displayed, which it does for the third one down. So does that mean the USPS for those rounds had his route already to go and out the door at six twenty six am. I doubt it.
    Then later that evening I have the tracking say a notice was left. If the postal employee left before the package came in, how would he know that the package arrived to leave the notice. They do realize that package is insured fir three thousand dollars. You would think that they would want to get rid of it as soon as possible. I have work today and I know at least that this package should make it to my fathers today, but honestly with the thievery running rampant and no one being held accountable in the USPS my greatest fear was never the book dropping a grade it was the book never making its way back to me.
    And in a side note, another package is making it back to me and I can't fathom why when I checked USPS for a mailing option, it is coming to me through UPS. I think I might look into getting a Fed-Ex account, because so far they have been the only one reliable. Does anyone else have a problem like this? Could someone out there ease my mind?
    Thanks for Reading

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  5. Tnerb
    Or you would think I would leave well enough alone...
    The air shimmered with electricity, my hand wavered, paused; then continued on. The blade slid through the plastic as I wondered if I did the right thing. My X-Men 141and 142 were bagged and boarded next to Lee K's X-Men issue 140. I was finishing the preparations for a Masters signing courtesy of NYComics.
    My last and final submission was one if my favorite comic books to have ever read: New Mutants Special Edition #1. I never cracked a slab on a double sized book and the extra flaps holding the book fast gave me extra pause. I was nervous, just as nervous as when I cracked my issue 54 for a double signature since there were no back up copies to be had.
    My breath echoed in my ears, or was that the pounding of my heart forcing the blood into my cranial cavity. I pondered at the wisdom of cracking a slab that if denied a 9.8 I would have to search again. I had this issue before with my X-Men/Alpha Flight #2. It came back a 9.4. I have since has it pressed and it is coming back a 9.8.
    After peeling the hard exterior plastic like a peel of a Banana I was left with the fruits of my labor...a 9.6? Should I have left well enough alone? CGC does make mistakes and this Golden State Copy might have been better off encapsulated and never touched, but if I can chance a 9.6 copy of ASM #129 why can't I roll the dice again?
    On another note, my ASM #129 should be in my hands this week, or at the very least at my parents place. I have another invoice that had has three books I cracked, all coming back in a 9.8 SS, the other two are an 8.0 and a 9.6. Then there was my experiment with Matt Nelson, a journal for another time.
    Thanks for Reading

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  6. Tnerb
    Or How Did I Get Ahead if Lee K?
    After reading "Graded and Waiting" by mre1129 I figured I would check out my status. I already know my ASM #129 has been graded and is stuck somewhere in USPS limbo. This bothers me more than the wait that CGC has imposed on us. It left Sarasota, Fl on the ninth and had not yet landed anywhere? This was graded using the express service.
    The other book I was looking for is my ASM #128. I bought a very nice copy for only $20 from Comics to Astonish and decided to roll with it. I decided to create a mini set for me, currently I want to try to get the books from 119-129 all in a 9.6 SS (or greater). I have 127 and 129, now I'm hoping the 128 will make it. Although I think it will hit a 9.4. I used the next service down, which is 15 business days. After five days, it's still in verified.
    So what surprised me was my last books from the NYCC have just been marked shipped/safe. This was a five book invoice, all with signatures. Two are books from my own personal collection. My 77, is a triple signature 9.6 and my 21 is a double signature 8.0. The other three (9,19,& 22) all retained there9.8 status and after only (approximately) 98 days they are in the way back to me. The thing is I always expected Lee K's books to make it back to him first. Now I just have to check on the two invoices I had originally go through Matt Nelson and hope they are on their way back to me too.
    Thanks for reading

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  7. Tnerb
    Or I Love the Express Lane
    It was Friday that I was getting my signature from Gerry Conway. My nerves weren't shot so much as excited that here I was at the Emerald City Comic Con rather than back at work. My ASM #129 was cracked by a CGC employee and both RonnyLama and I walked over with a witness and another participant that just became indoctrinated to the addiction of the CGC signature series. I had my ASM #129, and he had his Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man #1, I am guessing between a six or seven for his book. I like that this was the book he had as a kid.
    My ASM #129 was in someone else's hands before it was purchased by me. I remember it being on the wall next to a Daredevil #1 behind the owner of my (then) LCS and inquiring about it. I wanted the Daredevil #1 but could only afford the ASM #129. This was also one of the first books I ever got graded, and I think this better be the last time I get this book graded. I am not a gambling man, but on this I decided to throw the dice. How awesome would it be if it stayed a 9.6? How much would it feel like defeat if it dropped back to a 9.4.?
    Of course with the new format CGC has, I don't yet have the graded. It just says graded. One other invoice, from the NYCC sits at Graded/Quality Control and has been sitting like that for some time. I like it much better when it showed the grades after it was graded. It was like going to the bank as a kid and getting a lollipop, I knew I couldn't eat it right away, but I was happy to have it. I understand CGC might have some rules and regulations and maybe, just maybe there were people that complained that their grades on their books aren't the grades posted. Of course the fine print stated that grades are not solidified until shipped. I hope by Monday I will have the grades, and by Wednesday I will have the book in hand, of course it might be Wednesday I have the grades and then Friday the book will be safely at my Father's.
    Once again, keep your fingers crossed.
    Thanks for Reading

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  8. Tnerb
    or why couldn't they always be this quick
    It was a long night at work, so long in fact I fell asleep on the way to seeing my father, soundly enough that someone had to wake me up at the end of the line. I continued on my journey trying to rest my eyes knowing the second lag of my journey had a much further away ending. I was looking forward to going to the Comic Book shop, after all "Age of Ultron" was released.
    On my return trip I was only able to read one comic book, a back issue entitles Saga, after meeting Fiona Staples, getting a signature from her I thought it might be prudent to read her book. I was too tired to read anymore, once home I checked my invoice status and my first invoice from ECCC has been received. My ASM is already in the works. I'm going to go to sleep now and will check again when I wake up. I fear the few items I planned to do today wont get done till later or tomorrow.
    Four hours later and I'm up, three hours after that my dinner is finished and all six invoices are able to be checked on. One is already scheduled for grading. This of course is my ASM #129 (this is where you start to pray for me it stays a 9.6). My second invoice happens to be for my coupon submission. This I will talk at length because I am questioning CGC's quality control check points. This invoice is verified. The other four are marked received.
    Two invoices are shipped/safe and have been do for some time, the last one that I am waiting for has (just like Lee K's invoice) been changed to grading/quality control. I'll be keeping up with all of them but at least by Friday of next week I'll know about my ASM #129.
    Thanks for reading
    And I forgot to add this yesterday
    and a picture of Chris Claremont

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  9. Tnerb
    Or Between a Rock and a Hard place
    I once talked to Matt Nelson at length about Comic books and although we discussed pressing I didn't realize what it truly was. Hot press, cold press, temperature settings, and timing were things I was totally unaware of. At the end of my conversation with Matt I might not have understood the process but I knew I trusted Matt enough now, not only to use his service but recommend him to others.
    Pressing comic books can add up, both in dollars and extreme joy that an 8.0 comic book is now a 9.4. I brought along a few comic books and asked Lee K., Ronnylama, and Shivabali if they would join me. They all agreed, which is fortunate since I didn't rent a car on this trip. Once there I experienced how to press first hand.
    I have sent books into CGC numerous times, they were never pressed until I used Matt Nelson with my Daredevil #3 . Yes, the results were impressive, so impressive I decided to use him again. I am still waiting on the return grades. However, I wanted to experience it first hand. I won't speak for the others as I continue on, I'll let them comment as they may.
    One of the books I used was a mangled copy of Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64. This first appearance copy of Cloak and Dagger averages about $206 in a 9.8. The grade this particular raw book was i estimated to be no greater than a 7.0. I looked at the equipment and was told that if the heat is too high the book could get ruined. the pressure also had to be right, in other words a silver age book would need a certain amount of pressure that wouldn't match with a modern double size.
    At the end I realized it was more of an art or scientific equation rather than placing it between the Encyclopedia Britannica (that has been known to work too). Although I do believe a book can achieve a 9.8 status without pressing, I've had a few get graded that illustrious grade without a press, but it seems a press will greatly increase your chances.
    So here I am given the opportunity to press a book myself and I was ready. I followed his instructions as my friends watched, set the timer, make sure not to get burned (there is a warning label of the surface being hot, I guess I'm used to carrying hot plates), and set about lowering the press. I expected mechanical noises much like the sealing of an X-wing canopy as the rebels take off for the battle of Endor. There was no noise like that but there were oohs and ah's as I lifted the press removed the paper surrounding the comic book and immediately followed the procedure closing the lid again.
    Another two minutes passed, I removed the book to administer a cold press. This is just as simple as a "hot" press. And by the time it was done the book looked spectacular, no pun intended. But, I still never got to answer how I feel about pressing. I know I would like to know if a book has been pressed, much like I would want to know if a book has been restored. Greg Reece has divulged this information on his website, I don't know of anyone else who is as up front about pressing, certainly not the many people on eBay, not to mention, they might not even know.
    After the night was over and our lesson was done we chatted and the final result is we were amazed at what can be done. My mysterious contact asked to be anonymous and although he doesn't sell books, he is proud of the collection he acquired, some of them being pressed while other were that good looking ti didn't need it.
    I'm still left with the question why isn't pressing a restorative technique if the whole point of pressing a book is to improve the condition as if it were just purchased off the shelf. I would love to hear others who have an opinion on this. As much as I really enjoyed the books I got pressed, of which I will sell on eBay, I will be letting people know that a book I pressed has been pressed.
    Thanks for Reading
    The picture below is before it was pressed, could someone let me know how to add a picture in the "discuss on the chat boards" section, so I can add that picture too, thank you

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  10. Tnerb
    Or Now to add it up
    Pool and Comic books but mostly Comic books. Thursday night I got to play pool with RonnyLama. At first a couple practice games and then I got to watch his team play. After league I played a few games. Two of those games were against an opposing team member and against the RonnyLama himself. I won against the opposing member but lost against Ro... never mind who wants to hear about pool anyway.
    Lets talk about what some of you may be asking, was I crazy enough to crack my 9.6 Amazing Spider-Man for a third signature from the writer Gerry Conway. Of course I wasn't, I had CGC do it. As I am watching them crack it I learned another trick which I put in practice, it works.
    This was the first book on my list and I wanted it done tight away, the line was do long I counted to one before I was at the front of the line, yup I was first. As the rest of the ECCC was going on around us I forgot anyone else was there as I informed the illustrious writer he was the main impetus for bringing me to Seattle. I watched as well as my witness and Ron watched my book have a third signature added. Then he was up, I wiped my mouth for fear the drool would begin. I continued to look at the scrawled signature while Ron got his few books signed and then it was back to CGC's booth.
    So will I get the book back quicker than I have my other three invoices from New York, I better. I entered it through as quick as I could without using the walk thru service, and yes I was thinking about it. If this drops, it drops, this book has such a history that I just added to it, and wait until you find about the atrociously decrepit books I turned over for my free coupon, I'm seriously waiting for a phone call and them asking me if I really wanted to use the free coupon on books that would be better used to wrap fish in.
    At the end of the day though, The Emerald City Comic Con was a great convention. I am seriously thinking of trying to go again next year. I'll be writing about the ECCC for quite awhile.
    Thanks for Reading
    And the picture below is just me waiting... Kind of like CGC

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  11. Tnerb
    Or I Don't Want to Go
    I'm sitting in a dark room looking back on the past two days. I feel calm, relaxed, and maybe even sad. Vacations are exactly that, vacations; a time away from your everyday. And I have so much to write about and not just what happened at the Emerald City Comic Con but around it. I could write about the coworker who piped in as I mentioned to another coworker I was going to Emerald City. The comment if "oh, are you going to see Dorothy?" Was unwanted and unwarranted, it took a few years but I finally figured out the word for the remarks she jabs at everyone, snide.
    I could write about the plane ride over and after being told by the airline numerous times that "yes it is ok to bring a pool stick on the airline" TSA says no. I could tell you not only did I finally decide whether or not I was going to crack the slab for a third signature or not on my ASM #129. And if course I could tell you about the amazing time I had at the dinner opened to all board members.
    The thing is as I'm sitting in this dark room knowing that twenty four hours from now I'll be flying away from Seattle back home to Philadelphia, I still have one more day to spend at this Comic Con that became so much more about Comic books and I hope any one reading this wondering if they should have done to ECCC 2013, the answer is yes, so make plans now to go to ECCC 2014.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. A special thank you to RonnyLama, for if it were not for him I never would have made it here.

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  12. Tnerb
    Or trying to post this as I'm falling asleep.
    I'm laying here under a strange sky. After a day of travel, and hardly any sleep, I am closing in on being up for twenty four hours. I hear the rain drop and am comforted by the fact that in the morning I will be searching for that diamond in the rough.
    So what is the highlight the day before the vaunted ECCC? It was playing pool against RonnyLama. I have written about my pool exploits and in the beginning I wasn't very good, in fact there were times I thought I was dreadful. So here I am being introduced to Redneck Barbie (her words not mine) watching Ronnylama and his team win over and over. Once their league was done I was up. Would I be good enough? Could I beat the king if Karma, and if I did would karma come back on me?
    We played and I think I did well. The thing is as I am writing this there is no other place I would have wanted to be? It was a nice change from Philly, and although I love my city, it has somewhat of a reputation. Between playing Pool Thursday night, the con beginning on Friday, the registry dinner on Saturday, and who knows what on Sunday, I am stoked.
    Under this strange sky, in this strange room, in this strange bed I feel comfortably at home.
    Hope to see you at the con, and check out Brad Guigar from Evil Inc.
    Thanks for Reading

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  13. Tnerb
    or ECCC or Bust, please don't let it be bust
    I can't sleep. It's not even the morning of the day before the convention, my flight is still a distance of time away. I read my books for the week, of which i picked up four. I'm writing my Roundabout Review and hope to have it posted during my layover. I have my phone and back up charger. I have my Comic books, clothes, and pool stick close to the door and I can't help but wonder what am I forgetting. Most likely I will remember when I am going through TSA and they treat my pool stick as a weapon.
    I even laid out all my clothes the night before, well at least only hours ago. I will try to add my normal journal on Friday along with my blog, but let's face it, I'll be hanging with friends, surrounded by comic books, and eating well, please forgive me if I forget. I just hope that three memory cards will be enough, and it's not like I can't buy more. Now that i think about it, I might want to call the bank and let them know I'm travelling.
    My Phone is loaded with music, as is my iPod Mini...wish it was an iPad mini, but I'd rather spend my money on comic books. To anyone that is going have a great time, I hope to meet you. To anyone not going I think when I write about this again next week that I will recommend that you go. Time to quadruple check everything and then...FOOD.
    Thanks for Reading.
    and for my reading material on the plane...

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  14. Tnerb
    The 9.8 craving
    As a collector I have always strived for the best possible (for the money), case in point, my Daredevil #1. At a 3.5, it was the best I could afford, but it's the 9.8 fallacy I strive for. 9.9 keys are financially stretching and Gem 10's are either non-existent or astronomically priced (recent modern books withstanding*). My whole collection of New Mutants are graded a 9.8 with white pages barring a few exceptions.
    My #1is a 9.9 and for any new registry members, to show you what a great community this place is, it was thanks to fellow registry member Bagofleas who told me about the auction that I acquired the book. Of course it's still one tenth away from his Gem Mint copy. I have two 9.8's, issue #17 & #62, both with signatures , but they also have White to Off-White pages. The color stigma seems dentrimenal to the whole 9.8 acclaim. It's like the time my father told me I can get a pet, I was thinking dog, he was thinking goldfish.
    I do my best to stay away from any 9.8 with anything less than white pages and although I do have some in my collection they were all(**) acquired through over zealous desires to own a 9.8 and not reading the full description. This is how I purchased my X-Men #201 sans the signatures. Of course page description is a preference much like newsstand vs. direct market editions, but pages are part if the comic and anything less than perfect white pages should hurt a books final numerical grade. If a modern age book had a page taped together in an otherwise perfect comic, wouldn't a dreaded purple label then be adorning a questionable 9.8 status.
    The pages themselves must mean something since they are graded all the way down to brittle. The market dictates the prices of the books. GPAnalysis is a good source to find out the ballpark area of what a book is worth from a .5 to a 10, but they don't offer page distinction in their notes. I'm not going to change the way GPA marks their information or be able to talk CGC in never grading another 9.8 with anything other than white pages. I'll just stay stay away from those with Off-White to White pages. Of course if I become over anxious I just might find myself wining another one or I might have sent one in myself, but should 9.8's be labeled anything else other than "white pages"?
    Thanks for Reading
    *<-- Walking Dead #1 withstanding from withstanding comment
    **<--not including both The New Mutants signature series

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  15. Tnerb
    Or Am I Really Counting the Days?
    I verified my flight making sure everything is up to snuff. I double checked how much money I have, and well, it's not enough. I wrote up an invoice for my ASM #129 using the quickest service possible. I cracked the slabs I needed to, and I verified that my books are still in the graded status. Although I did check two other invoices, one is also in the grading room while another is in the encapsulation process. That's right only four more months to go, OK I jest. I'm actually afraid that when I'm away at the con is when they will be delivered.
    I also made a goal for myself this year, in fact I made it just now as I am writing this and although I thought about this before, it was always on the back burner smoldering, much like my parents cooking. As I read that last sentence I realize my brain is friend because I don't know if I am saying they were cooking on the back burner or they are cooking. It reminds me of the sentence structure between "They fed their dog bones, or they fed their dog, Bones. Anyway, I digress and I refuse to give myself a grammar lesson at 4:36 in the morning, especially when I am craving waffles.
    I have two high grade Amazing Spider-Man's in a 9.6. I have decided to get a few more. As Much as I love Daredevil and wish I had issues #158 and #168 in a 9.8 I have decided to first get the other issues of Amazing Spider-Man from #119 to #129. Fortunately I already have two of these in a 9.6, issues #127 and #129. Oh, did I mention I want them all signed. Yes there is the chance that after I get Gerry Conway's signature on t that it could drop, but I am OK with that. It's not a book I ever plan on selling. This book and I have a history and I like that history, and as a friend would say "Karma". I just hope I have good karma.
    I have been checking out some 9.6's on eBay, two of them I would pick up right away if it wasn't for the fact I am leaving for ECCC soon. Maybe I'll just find one there. Either way...
    Thanks for Reading

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  16. Tnerb
    Or How many times am I going to get the same book graded?
    As the Emerald City Comic Con is fast approaching I'm tediously crossing off what books to bring. I'm thinking I would like to buy a high grade Amazing Spider-Man 128 to be book marked by my 127 and 129. Yes, I am afraid of my ASM #129 falling back to a 9.4 but other than my New Mutants collection, which I have been purchasing doubles for signatures I realize my collection can't expand if I keep getting books graded and re-graded.
    My biggest example is the same ASM #129. I bought this originally as a teen. At the time, and for the longest time it was the most expensive comic book I ever bought. It was also one of three on my first invoice to CGC. Ah...the memories of getting it graded and back the same day. I regress.
    I got it back as a 9.2. Then CGC had a signing with Stan Lee, it then became one of four I sent away. After the second grading it was returned a 9.4. Although the pages changed I was ecstatic. Then another signing became available and I had John Romita add his scrawl across the cover. Once again after the third time I had it graded it was returned again a 9.4. You would think I would be happy with an ASM #129 worth $2500 (another just sold in eBay, same grade, same page color, and the same signatures) but I decided to get it graded again, this time after Matt Nelson worked his magic (this was before CGC purchased Classics Incorporated). After the fourth time graded, it's a 9.6.
    The point is if I do decide to have Gerry Conway sign at ECCC, it will be the fifth time I have it graded. That's money I could be spending elsewhere, or at the very least other books. For instance I was able to get a beautiful 9.8 copy of X-Men #109 before they became uncanny.
    And it doesn't stop there, I have five books I want to send in for another masters signing. Those books are all graded by CGC already. Three were from my own collection and the other two were purchased. This adds up and my CGC collection doesn't really grow. If I want to bring points into the equation, it's only an additional 10%.
    Now only if I could make a final decision about my ASM #129...and decisively stick with it.
    Thanks for Reading

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  17. Tnerb
    or 14 Days to ECCC
    I can't wait and yet I have too. I have been working extra hours not so much to spend at the show but to make up for what I am going to lose not working that weekend and more than any other convention I am looking forward to it. Next week I plan on having all my comic books ready to go. I am still debating on what to bring. Should I get all four issues of Marvels signed, will I let CGC crack my AM #129, How many issues of Sandman should I get signed? There is such a multitude of things I want to do.
    The organizers themselves garnished me with a press pass and I know there will be so many things to write about. The one thing I do fear is that this might be the best convention I ever go to and what if there is never a better one. ECCC has artists, writers, inkers, pencilers, and other creators abound. Of course CGC will be there. Want to expand my collection but it seems like I am just taking my 9.8's and adding signatures to them. Not a very profitable way of doing things but I don't plan on selling these books. If I do crack the ASM, it will be my fifth and final time I ever crack that slab.
    I have also been playing with the idea of bringing many books for signatures but not grading. I want to have fun and am wary I will spread myself to thin, but who am I kidding, if I am going to a comic book convention I am doing a lot with CGC. Even if I don't have books to get signed I will be standing in line with the likes of RonnyLama, Lee K. and I hope quite a few others.
    Have you been to an ECCC before? What do you do? Do you dress up? Do you look for bargains? Take pictures? Get signatures? Grade books? Please pass along any information to help out since each con is different, the only thing I know to do that should be done at every con is bring bottled water, good walking shoes, and lots of money.
    Thanks for Reading

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  18. Tnerb
    oh, and I'm a four.
    As with anyone reading this, I get excited when I see graded for my invoice. This is the first invoice that my books do not show the grades and will have to wait until they ship before I find out what they are. I really hope they ship before or after the ECCC, because my luck would be that they arrive when I am gone. I still clicked on the link to see what they did write, after all in case anyone hasn't noticed; I like to write about things.
    These five books were handed over at the NYCC for signatures. Three of the books were cracked copies of 9.8's; the other two are from my collection of New Mutants that I collected as a teen. I plan on having two complete sets of New Mutants, the best I can possibly get, and my own. Seriously who else would turn in a New Mutants 15 just to get a 4.5, then crack it open for a signature. More money spent. This time I decided to just go for the signatures for issue #77 and #21.
    Then the other three are also New Mutants. Issues #9, #19 (my copy had off-white to white pages and this copy was to rectify that) and 22. Each of the five comics has an area under Key Comments. #77 mentions an appearance by Marvel's Mystic Mage Dr. Strange and the Norse Deity of death herself, Hela. #22 boasts an appearance by Colossus and Nightcrawler. #21 mentions the origin of Warlock and #19 has the StarJammers.
    Do you know what is says about issue nine. Nothing, absolutely nothing! The first appearance of the woman that became the Black Queen and also the resurrection of CyLock, Doug Ramsey is not even worth a foot note. In fact she isn't even part of the registry set for first appearances in the Copper age, but they have issue ten, TEN? (First Magma, but yet Amara Aquilla was actually in issue 8) disguise as an Amazonian girl. Great cover.
    Once again, i can wait until I get the books back. I have been following Lee K's progress because after he gets his grades I know I'll have my books soon after. But C'mon CGC if theComicbookdb.com has the first appearance marked down, why can't you? Not to mention it is a first appearance.
    Thanks for Reading.
    OH, and as far as me being a four, since I also play pool I have been ranked a two and a three, I finally was raised to a four and on my first match as a four with frayed nerves and thoughts I would be knocked back down to a three, I prevailed. I won my first match and I am indeed a four.
    By the way my number is on the bottom

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  19. Tnerb
    Or Clean it up Buttetcup
    Supply and Demand, cost exceeding worth, or craving the necessary drug without reciprocal means, whatever you want to call it. This hobby that we are in can be as cheap as finding blow out boxes at conventions. Normally the contents of these boxes are a dollar a piece but if you pull enough from their confined space to take up with you a two for a dollar sale might magically appear. Older books, key issues, number ones pre-90 (of which I hate to admit) and graded comic books allow a substantial increase in allocated funds to our budgets.
    The cheapest graded comic book I have ever purchased was only just recently. It cost me $9.50 and my most expensive was a very limited signature series 9.8 edition that ran me $625? This only happened last year. I started vowing never to pay higher than forty five dollars a book. This limitation was squashed as books I wanted were rare or one of a kind in a 9.8 status. The Bronze Age books I want and the older Silver Age books increase the cost exponentially.
    I have not purchased a book for more than I was willing to pay. I have placed "why not?" bids not thinking I would win and won. And I even placed a bid on books I had no right bidding on, in other words starting a new set. BUT I never used money I needed for necessities.
    I struggle from time to time. I post all my purchases, bills, rent, and other amenities in a ledger. I've wanted to stop collecting a few times to only buying what appealed to me. This year I hope my struggles of the past have taught me a lesson. I wonder though will I spend less this year or more.
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  20. Tnerb
    Or a Comic Book, piece by piece
    I purchased a few New Mutants to get signatures for. I would hate to get one and the sole book comes back a 9.6 instead of a 9.8. I chanced this with my #54 but refuse to try with my #47. There is a "Masters" signing coming up that I hope to send my Special Edition to get Chris Claremont, Terry Austin, and Jim Shooter to sign it. I only wish Art Adams was also part of it. This means fewer books for ECCC, unless I get more shifts...or sell some more stuff on eBay.
    And although I wish to complete my New Mutants set this year I have another goal I would love to do, one a bit closer to the impossible. Currently I have four pages from New Mutants #15, the original pages. I missed out in the cover but have the first two pages as well as eight and fourteen, both of which are marked wrong. At first the pages are marked as they match in the book, but are either crossed out or just written over.
    The latest page I just found was page 15. This gives me five out of the 22 making up this comic book. My holy grail was once having issue 15 in a 9.8. Now I'm trying to get that same 9.8 signed by Sal Buscema but how cool would it be to have the entire issue in original artwork adorn my walls.
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  21. Tnerb
    Or That is a lot of Writing
    When I first started writing on the registry my first journal was aptly named. At 25, 50, 76, 100 and a few other milestones I marked them as such. And yes that is 76 not 75. Eventually I just lost track, I was aware of these entries that could be divisible by 25, but it was a few journals before or a few journals after that I realized it. During these milestone journals I would look back at what I wrote before and mention them hoping someone would read them. A few times I would add about other people's journals.
    I've always looked forward to the journals because I learned something or found something interesting. I also hoped to have shared something new. Some journals were rants while others I hoped to inform. With recent new registry members that have written numerous informative articles I look forward more to reading them when I started all that time ago.
    I hope to continue along the way I have by writing at least two journals a week. This also includes a link to other things I wrote. In essence it's the comic book world from my point of view. Over the next few weeks I hope to chat about ECCC and soon after Wizard World Philadelphia. And if I didn't just break my streak of not buying any CGC books (I bought three) I would have told you how much I have saved.
    All in all thank you for reading, without your emails and/or messages I never would have continued writing. I hope I have added to this hobby we love.
    And for a Roundabout Review...

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  22. Tnerb
    Or Day 79, Day 70, or Whatever
    I know there is still a long way to go but once I saw Lee K start talking about his books being graded I knew I was close. The books I am referencing are books I gave to CGC themselves for the signature series. I attained these signatures at the NYCC. Two of my invoices have already been returned. One of them I was so excited about I had to express the item and CGC was true to their timing schedule. I have been patient for these, I still am but it also gives me a final lap flag...or five. I also had books sent in through Matt Nelson and Desert Winds. I would have to figure that these might be on the same track.
    I was charged Oct 17th for the grading charges. Since then as of today it has been 79 business days. I am taking away nine of those for holidays and the two conventions (at least two) that have passed. Fortunately these are for my collection. I am not trying to make money off of these. I can only imagine what people are paying to rush these for customers and are they passing the cost on or are they swallowing it up as the cost of doing business. I was amazed at how quickly I saw some Amazing Spider Man #700 graded. Of course at the prices they were charging I understand why they would pay the extra fast track fee.
    Of course I will be turning over a few more at the ECCC. One of those I am very indecisive whether I should or not. Of course I am talking about my ASM #129. I will be bringing it with in case of last minute jitters. It would be better to have next to me then a country away. I have yet to buy a CGC graded comic book in hopes that I will have extra money and I might ask to pick up a couple extra shifts. Who would have thought I would be so addicted to these slaps of plastic.
    As well I will be doing something "geeky" I only dressed up once to a convention after years ago vowing I never would. I dressed up as the Doctor, the tenth Doctor. How could I go wrong, it was a suit, a trench, and high tops, seriously high tops...how could I go wrong? I plan on doing it again this time, but as the ninth Doctor. Most likely (as long as I don't out) this will make me easily recognizable. So as long as there aren't a bunch of people dressed the same way I should be easy to find...please say Hi.
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  23. Tnerb
    Or How to kill a Spider...
    Who was he, and was he the muse in why Peter Parker had to die? In 1987 when I was still a closet collector and Michelle owned my heart, some of my money had to go to her for gifts, dates, and Friday night roller skating. Spider-man would sometimes be skipped here and there. So here it is twenty-five years later and I have finally completed the six part story with Vermin, Spider-Man, and the original Superior Spider-Man: Sergei Kravinoff or other wise known has Kraven the Hunter.
    His first appearance way back in Amazing Spider-Man #15 had Kraven originally portrayed as a performer, but he was more about the thrill of the hunt. In this six issue story spanning three titles Kraven "killed" Spider-Man and took his place. I never was familiar with the silver age Kraven, sure I had a Marvel Tales copy of a story or two but it was the Copper Age Kraven I knew best.
    Kraven knew he was getting older, or maybe he was going insane like his mother had, but before the final curtain was to fall he had one thing to prove and that was his superiority over Spider-Man. He did this by defeating Spider-Man, burying him alive, and dressing up in Peter's black uniform to defeat a foe single handedly that Captain America originally assisted in.
    Kraven never made it to the sixth issue of the story arc. His body, bloody and lifeless ended by a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Peter took after Vermin and beat him, this time alone.
    The most touching scene took place off panel in the arms of Mary Jane and nothing makes you appreciate life as much as thinking about your own mortality than the act of creating it.
    So back in the eighties when a character was "killed" it was for good, well at the very least it wasn't sensationalized for a dollar and the character was dead for more than a couple months. This story line never portrayed or advertised itself as the "Death" of Spider-Man but it was the first time we saw a Superior Spider-Man.
    Thanks for Reading
    And for something work related...

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  24. Tnerb
    Or Saving for the ECCC
    For the longest time I have tried to keep my purchases to a minimum. Every month for the past year I bought at least one CGC graded comic book. I also had numerous books signed and graded. Three of my favorite acquisitions last year were Marvel Graphic Novel #4, 9.8 Signature Series by Chris Claremont, X-Men #109 9.8 Signature Series by Chris Claremont, and DareDevil #3 in a 9.0. All cherished parts of my collection.
    I purchased my first CGC book of 2012 on January 25th. I spent less that $160.14 for anything and everything comic related for the month. This figure dies not include tax. This year for the month of January I spent $95.97 and not one dollar went towards CGC. I just hope I can do the same in February.
    Although the ECCC home page went down due to hackers I'm left with remembering who is going to be there to sign books. (*ECCC has since rectified this) I hope to get more by Chris Claremont, a few by Kurt Busiek, one or two by Mike Dringenberg, and the coup de grace Gerry Conway. There are so many more including Richard and Wendi Pini, although those will not be graded. CGC is great with the signature series but the series wouldn't mean anything if not for the enjoyment these creators gave us.
    There is only one book I want but I don't think anyone else wants it so I can be patient. I have never spent less than a $1000 at a con and I don't expect to spend any less than that at ECCC. It will take all my will power not to purchase anything large this month but the payoff will be whatever I get in Seattle...including the coffee.
    Thanks for Reading
    And for a review in Marvel Now

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  25. Tnerb
    Or There's Nothing to "Fear"
    In 72', the Silver Age of comics or what it would one day eventually be known as had ended. The Bronze Age started two years prior and the old guard has joined with the new. The horror comics of the fifties and sixties have long since ended but the seventies brought about a conglomerate of stories, characters, and reprints.
    As time passes, memories fade and/or distort. As much emphasis I place on my New Mutants #15 as the beginning of my collection, it wasn't my first comic book, I attribute that honor to a oversized treasury edition of Star Wars, but there's a chance, however slim that my first introduction to comic books could have been a reprint compilation by Stan Lee, Larry Leiber, Don Heck, Steve Ditko, and Jack Kirby.
    Fear #8 had four vignettes from both Journey into Mystery #62 and Tales of Suspense #26, these were released in November of 60' and 61' respectively. I read, reread, hidden, lost, found, read again, twisted, torn, crumbled and eventually lost again. It was decades before I found another copy. The memories resurfaced as I perused a box of comics at the Philadelphia Comic-Con. The John Severin cover rekindled enough to realize it was worth the four dollars to read a book from my past.
    This was a true reader copy. The back of the board was marked (3.0), I would grade it a 4.5 and hope that one day I will be able to acquire a 9.8 copy as well as ungraded copies of the two comic books that spawned the issue. The four mini stories are "It Crawls by Night", also the book title, "Never Trust a Martian", "I Can't Escape the Creeping Things" and lastly "The Face". I still have yet to determine my favorite story.
    I looked through the whole book looking for credits. The first two didn't have any. I had to check out Comicbookdb.com to get an inkling of who was credited and some of the information provided had question marks next to their names.
    To begin "It Crawls by Night" was pencilled by Jack Kirby and inked by Richard Ayers. It was seven pages. The .20 cover price and June 1972 publication date are indicators I did not buy this off the rack when it was new. I'm going to pretend that years later when my Aunt noticed my Cousin's interest in girls increase while his desire for comic books waned must have been the chance to get rid of them. Instead of throwing them out, I became the receptacle for their destruction rather than the more traditional trash can.
    The questionable aspect is who in their right mind would give a reprint of horror stories dubbed Fear to a child. I would guess I was four or five when a stack of comic books were given to me and the issue was pressed in between issues of Crazy and Sub-Mariner.
    The second title "Never Trust a Martian" written by Larry Leiber, plotted by Stan Lee, and illustrated by Don Heck also had to be looked up on the Comicbookdb website. This was a story about communists wanting to take dominion over the Cold War with the United States. They hatched a plan to scare the American people by making them think that the Martians were attacking (something that was never done as well as H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds" radio drama). These same Russians were then kidnapped by actual Martians and taken away to Mars for fear that their invasion plans a 1000 years hence would be found out. It was six pages long.
    The first two vignettes were from Tales of Suspense #26. They both started with the proverbial splash page. I'm curious if things were so different a single year earlier when Journey into Mystery #62 had "I Can't Escape from the Creeping Things" as one of the stories. This story also was short, only six pages, but did not start off with a splash page. The three paneled page is the first of the three stories that has proof of an artist with the printed signature S. Ditko.
    This five page story has my favorite two panels from any comic I have owned before 1984 on page three and four. Each of those pages has a picture of a tree growing to such a massive size its limbs engulf a Victorian styled mansion. I remember thinking how much they looked like a maze and if I ever find my original copy I'm pretty sure there will be pen marks as I tried to find the non-existent finish line.
    The last story not only jumps back to Tales of Suspense but it also begins with a splash page. Were these oversized splash pages a way to entice new readers before scaring them? Did Dr. Wertham ever think these post "Seduction of the Innocent" published horror comic books would one day be reprinted in the seventies? Did Stan Lee and S. Ditko start signing their work preparing for their amazing creation?
    Stan Lee's cursive print and S. Ditko steady hand have their claim of creativity in the lower right hand corner. I wish all these stories had the full credits attributed to the creators. Did Stan Lee use "Fear" as a way to show off the work to new readers, was it a way for Marvel to hold onto the rights a little bit longer? Did reading this book over and over create a tolerance to all the horror movies I ever saw that never scared me? An American Werewolf in London withstanding.
    It's slightly ironic that one of my first comic book experiences were by three of the greats that would take me well into my twenties before I appreciated who they were. Eventually I will get Tales of Suspense #26 and Journey into Mystery #62 but until then I'm going to read Fear #8 again.
    Thank you Stan, Steve, And Jack.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. An honorable mention also goes to George Klein who also has an art credit on "It Crawls by Night".
    If anyone else knows anything, please add below
    And for something completely different...

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