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Everything posted by Bronty

  1. Oh spare me. ‘Let’s have a witch introduce the stories’ is a good element but not exactly Shakespeare.
  2. Sure. But that’s not exactly a huge creative leap. At least IMO. And more to the point any inspiration from the character I’d argue goes back many many years
  3. The point I was making (that there is nothing new about an old witch style character) is not the point Carman chose to debate (would copyright be enforceable). As for arguing over nonsense, you may be right, but hey none of us is curing cancer when we post here .
  4. Of the studio artists, Kaluta was initially the least appealing to me, and today, he might be my favourite. I love artists who manage to not only stave off decline but actually iMprove after many years in the business; it’s a feat so few manage to pull off. Early Wrightson is my favourite “Studio” work but 15 years later his work was already in steep decline IMO (Batman: cult, the weird, etc. Still decent and in some spots still very good but a shadow of 1972 era work).
  5. We must have a copyright lawyer or two on the boards. What about the character exactly does one copyright? Except arguably for the name, what on earth is proprietary about an old female witch? What is proprietary about a cauldron or about using a character as a narrative device? Perhaps the exact combination of those things in the manner they were used. None of the single elements of the character were anything that wasn’t done hundreds of years before but please, continue to enlighten us :P
  6. I mean, its an old witch stirring a cauldron. Its a stock character going back to Macbeth and probably hundreds of years before that. None of these interpretations are anything particularly new nor were they in all likelihood even intended to be.
  7. A price ceiling issue in other words. Another example is cerebus. Seems like they are all 1k++ pages now unless they have no cerebus on them. There's always one for sale, etc. But how many of the covers would do 50k+? Only the earliest ones IMO
  8. If I had to guess I'd say the single biggest reason is the property being away from marvel for the last 15 years. Maybe the trend will slowly reverse itself if Conan stays at Marvel and Marvel, you know, continues to publish comics.
  9. People need to come up with MTG money somehow! It does seem like a little shine has come off the apple. I'm not quite sure why that is. The artist hasn't done anything in comics in a long time, but really, which artist working in the early 70s has? The character feels irrelevant, but then again, its apparently been pretty well continuously in print at dark horse and now back at marvel, and had a movie recently, so that's more relevant than most. Without peeing in your cornflakes its nice progressive material for the early 70s dateline but also marred by some awkward work here and there before the artist reached his stride. So, why a loss of shine? Its hard to pin down, but I'd say its some combination of BWS's fan base aging out a bit, the character being away from marvel the last 15 years, and the character not being a superhero and not easily fitting into the rest of the MCU. Comics have basically been a 'superhero' hobby for a long time now. Those types of factors can power a hulk 180 last page result, and they can also take wind out of the sails of something like conan.
  10. I don't blame you. Its nothing that special. I like the eyes and the gaze, but it doesn't quite do the job. Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, when it comes to painted pieces in particular, many pieces by big name artists kinda suck, and many no name artists have a good day and make a great piece here and there.
  11. Very nice stuff, but “Spud?” Did DD hit him with a potato?
  12. Painting rather than a page, but vintage and turtles v shredder
  13. I wouldn’t recommend having anyone repaint. Just send to a paper conservator that can stabilize the mold. What they might recommend is peeling the top layer of art board off and applying it to a new board. I’ve seen that done on paintings on artboard that were really siginificantly water damaged and it worked like a charm
  14. anyone have a link to the turtlemania auctions? I'll have to check them out due to sheer morbid curiousity
  15. WTF. That's azzinine. I mean... I love the turtles as much as the next guy but those just aren't very good books content wise.
  16. Oh he did this for payment?? WTF it suddenly got way less cool.
  17. Tbh I don’t think any of them are great from an oa POV, that I can think of . The answer would probably relate to whatever desirable full illustration was copied into a comic ad (say Star Wars or whatever).
  18. Those are classic. In terms of suggestiveness it’s hard to beat (hrm) the sega ads from UK comic Viz: http://www.5th-dimension.info/forum/viewtopic.php?p=50121&sid=10c45423f366127fbaa2a592ee83cd63#50121