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Mr Sneeze

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Everything posted by Mr Sneeze

  1. Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick.
  2. I agree, it looks pretty cool. When I saw the trailer prior to Avengers AoU I got goosebumps - I am definitely intrigued and I think it could be really good. We have already seen Jack and Stan's movie, it's 102 issues long with six specials thrown in and it's BLOODY AWESOME. For me at least, I don't need anyone to put any of that on the big screen because there really is no need. It is all there in front of you - I really don't see how it can be improved upon. Seriously, I don't see how any of it can be improved upon. Given that, I am excited to see a fresh take on the FF and I don't see how that diminishes any earlier work.
  3. It doesn't and of course it doesn't matter how late the final highest bid comes in. As a proud sniper of 16+ years, I refuse to see anything ungentlemanly about it (sniping). Making a statement about increments perhaps put pressure on all subsequent bids to have a bit more than a $5 dollar increment.
  4. So now getting the highest bid in before an auction ends can be considered in poor taste? That totally makes sense. Sniping is all psychological The “sniper” lives in the mind of the tortured bidder. The tortured bidder had the earnest foresight to track the auction of their prized grail, to carefully plan the financing and nourish the thrill of anticipation, to believe that the world cannot be so unjust as to give it to someone unworthy. Someone who just happened to log on within minutes or even seconds of the end of the auction Someone who doesn’t even really care about that book Someone who may not even care about comics or money Someone who might like it only because those fat glossy cover colours match their décor And who finally plans on using it as a coaster for their sticky can of Coke... ...In that moment of supreme horror, the sniper is born. I think Buzzetta was speaking more to the bid increment than to the snipe. I took it as he didn't mind being sniped, just not by $5.
  5. Are you talking to me? I was simply agreeing that I think the FF are scientists/explorers first. If you look back at any of my posts in this thread, I thought I was being quietly optimistic I'm almost positively certain she was talking about Chip
  6. Are you talking to me? I was simply agreeing that I think the FF are scientists/explorers first. If you look back at any of my posts in this thread, I thought I was being quietly optimistic
  7. Seriously? For what? Dawson's Creek : The Space Program? I think everyone just needs to realize this is not Lees FF and its MIllars FF... Its almost identical to the Ultimate run which makes sense since Millar is Fox's Superhero guy.. If you dont like the Ultimate FF than you probably wont like this one... All of these actors have great pedigrees and are all very big up and comers in this industry if not already came. This is not your dads FF this is a FF for a younger generation.. I was skeptical as well at first but after these first initial trailers I think the movie looks like a lot of fun.. All the characters "feel" right to me. It could suck but I liked Ultimate FF and i think its so much fun seeing that interpenetration on screen. I liked the Ultimate FF run. I remember sitting down with all 60 issues and reading them over a couple of days. I thought the zombie Reed was awesome!
  8. Its not a prerequisite to telling a good story, but its a prerequisite to telling a good FF story. If you take the FF and change their ages, looks, powers, personalities, jobs, etc- its not the FF. It may end up being a good movie, but I was hoping for a good FF movie. Well said. My suspicion is this will be neither. Unfourtunately, I suspect you are probably right. But I hope for a good FF story all the same
  9. Its not a prerequisite to telling a good story, but its a prerequisite to telling a good FF story. If you take the FF and change their ages, looks, powers, personalities, jobs, etc- its not the FF. It may end up being a good movie, but I was hoping for a good FF movie. Maybe But when I think about what Reed brings to the FF it's his big brain and his leadership, not how far he stretches his arms. Hey, I'm a fan and Reed is my favorite FF character. I just think that maybe they are trying different way to visualize his stretching on a big screen. If so, I still think it possible to tell a good FF story.
  10. While I can certainly understand being upset with the idea of re visioning Reed's powers, I have always wondered how well his traditional stretching translates to the big screen. Happy to be proven wrong on this one day (if it ever happens) but the film makers may simply be taking Wolverine out of his Yellow jump suit. I don't think Reed stretching in the traditional manor is a prerequisite to telling a good FF story.
  11. Good post. I guess Fox has just turned me into a bitter pessimist based on their movie history. I think Fox has done fine with the X-men franchise, with the FF not so much. But there is always hope. One thing I am dreading is an origin movie again. Can't we just take it as read and get on with it? We've already seen it done badly and I fear to see it done badly again.
  12. I can't remember a time when I wasn't an FF fan. It was the first book I looked for on the news stand or variety store spinner and it's still the first book I check out in back issue bins. That being said, I try to not get worked up about the FF movies (or any superhero movies really) because that's all they are... movies. They don't rewrite any of the great stories or arcs that have come before and if it's a great movie, it won't make me toss their rich history aside. I don't really care about the details of Doctor Dooms costume or how the Thing looks or the colour of Johnny Storm's skin. What I hope for is a well told story. It's not complicated really, just tell a good story with good character development. Make me care about the characters and I won't care if the Thing is made out of Lego. I will give the movie a try and I will try to keep an open mind.
  13. Seriously? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8535611&gonew=1#UNREAD Sure, lets whine and moan in someone else's sales thread...
  14. That he knowingly asked and took Hector's money after possible resto had been brought to his attention puts me towards a HOS nomination. His actions since have only dug the hole deeper.
  15. He might be able to get you you money back if he wasn't buying books in other sales threads. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8521375#Post8521375 Hope you get made whole ASAP, Hector. Wow... just wow
  16. These are the key quotes from the second response. It doesn't seem unfair. Thanks for pulling those quotes out. Indeed it does sound fair.
  17. The book looks like it's suffering from amateur destruction not restoration. To bad as it was probably a decent mid grade book. Also, is the seller saying that because he was burned on this book that that makes it OK to burn the buyer?
  18. One of my favorite FF covers! Awesome colour strike.
  19. that looks a heck of a lot better than the stated grade. Indeed it does! Beautiful!
  20. Beautiful books! I am working on a run of these as well. Some of my favorite writing from Roy Thomas and art from John B. Nice to see someone collect more than keys.
  21. Loved the bricks growing up. For me there were no plans, just building from the imagination. We started getting Duplo for our daughter early on and quickly progressed to Lego. I am blown away by all the cool pieces. It's a blast playing with this stuff again. Our Daughter is six now so obviously most of the purchases have been for me or my wife. At six, she is getting to a good age to start piecing sets together by herself - I 'll sit with her and give her a hand if needed. I always try to have a small kit around for a rainy day. I'm hoping for the Millennium Falcon this year