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Mr Sneeze

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Everything posted by Mr Sneeze

  1. Can you elaborate a little about the things you specifically liked, and how it "played well". Many critics have stated that it actually starts ok, but falls off the tracks in the last 1/3 of the movie. Since you are the 1st person I've heard that likes it, I just wanted to hear a little bit more of your take on it. I have a thought that most people are going into it with such low expectations now that it is playing better than their low expectations. Difficult to say because I was aware of the bad press/reviews so I had this idea that it was going to start off well but go off the rails at some point. That being said the movie made it's own logical progression that made sense - to me at least. If Trank's vision was messed with then I am sure a darker scarier movie lies underneath because this movie plays as a horror story - in a way. My instinct tells me this had more of an arthouse direction and if that's the case it's too bad they didn't go with it (purely speculation on my part). I think this could have been really cool and I still think it's pretty cool. I would really like to see the film from a year ago! But! This is not the FF of the masses and I think that's where a lot of the negativity is coming from and fair enough. A few things I liked... I thought it was well acted throughout - not just at the beginning. Sue was a powerful member of the team - Byrne's greatest modification/change to the FF! I thought the Thing was really well done, I thought there was a pathos there, I felt like Reed felt truly horrible for doing that to him. I don't go to superhero movies with as critical an eye as I may view other films so I can be quite forgiving of the genre. Though it's plausible the low expectations played a part in my enjoyment I think I would of liked the film anyways and I certainly do not want to sound apologetic for liking it.
  2. I went out earlier this evening to see the film. While I am sure to be in a very very very very very very small minority - I actually thought it was pretty good. I thought it played well from beginning to end. To each his own I guess.
  3. This is a nightmare scenario in that this may just right off the franchise in the movies period. Hard to imagine Fox (or Marvel for that matter if they should regain rights) spending 100 mil+ on another experiment. Fox will be gun shy and Marvel - though I hate to say it - doesn't really need them. Sad because I feel there is so much potential.
  4. Such a great run and under appreciated in my opinion! I found it took me a long time to find nice copies of 181-183. Beautiful books! (thumbs u
  5. I just got this today so seeing as the new FF movie is a bust, I guess I will watch this instead on the weekend.
  6. Yes, that's what he does. He can do it without the tech, but he uses it to make the energy absorption more efficient. Why doesn't anyone hire John Byrne as a creative consultant for an FF movie? My goodness, it would only make PERFECT SENSE. Sheesh. I often wondered that myself. Seems a no brainer.
  7. No, that's not it. The first effort was low-budget and pre-CGI; you get what you pay. The second effort was lazy (rubber Thing suit; Galactus-as-a-cloud) and miscast (bubble-bleach-blond playing Sue Storm; hyper Reed Richards; metrosexual version of Victor Von Doom with trimmed eyebrows). This third effort, based on the 8 or so reviews that I have read on RT, point to two problems: a bland -script and a director who was in over his head. (Fox thought Trank was the next Steven Spielberg, gambled and lost.) If GOTG can be one of the greatest super-hero films ever made, FF -- done correctly -- can be an outstanding franchise. At this point there is no doubt Fox will pull the plug on any sequel plans involving the current iteration. The real question is whether Fox will throw in the towel and work out some deal with Marvel Studios. I sort of disagree. I think the FF have aged really poorly. In the 60s, they were groundbreaking. They were the glue that held the universe together. Into the Byrne era, that was still partly true. Since then, we've seen a book that has never maintained sales and their role in the universe has dwindled to the point that their own book was cancelled. The elements that made the FF so great in the 60s were applied to everything. Now they just aren't unique and storylines and characters in The Avengers can serve the main purpose. I honestly think the FF just don't reach the same level of interest and haven't in a long time. Personally, the thing to do in my mind is make them part of the larger universe. Use Reed as the scientist and expert going into the Infinity Gauntlet. Bring Skrulls and Galactus into the Avengers universe. I'd also play up Sue Storm. Marvel has been criticized for being sexist- Sue is the perfect catalyst to that idea. That is all dependent on Marvel getting the rights back or Fox making a Spidey like deal with Marvel. I can't disagree with you more. If way back, Marvel had sold the rights to Avengers instead of FF, Fox and Tim Story would have made horrible Avengers movies and Marvel would have made epic FF movies. Real Galactus, real Dr. Doom, Inhumans, and on and on. Trank would have cast teenagers in a reboot for the final Avengers bomb movie and your paragraph above would be saying the exact opposite. Well said!
  8. No, that's not it. The first effort was low-budget and pre-CGI; you get what you pay. The second effort was lazy (rubber Thing suit; Galactus-as-a-cloud) and miscast (bubble-bleach-blond playing Sue Storm; hyper Reed Richards; metrosexual version of Victor Von Doom with trimmed eyebrows). This third effort, based on the 8 or so reviews that I have read on RT, point to two problems: a bland -script and a director who was in over his head. (Fox thought Trank was the next Steven Spielberg, gambled and lost.) If GOTG can be one of the greatest super-hero films ever made, FF -- done correctly -- can be an outstanding franchise. At this point there is no doubt Fox will pull the plug on any sequel plans involving the current iteration. The real question is whether Fox will throw in the towel and work out some deal with Marvel Studios. I sort of disagree. I think the FF have aged really poorly. In the 60s, they were groundbreaking. They were the glue that held the universe together. Into the Byrne era, that was still partly true. Since then, we've seen a book that has never maintained sales and their role in the universe has dwindled to the point that their own book was cancelled. The elements that made the FF so great in the 60s were applied to everything. Now they just aren't unique and storylines and characters in The Avengers can serve the main purpose. I honestly think the FF just don't reach the same level of interest and haven't in a long time. Personally, the thing to do in my mind is make them part of the larger universe. Use Reed as the scientist and expert going into the Infinity Gauntlet. Bring Skrulls and Galactus into the Avengers universe. I'd also play up Sue Storm. Marvel has been criticized for being sexist- Sue is the perfect catalyst to that idea. That is all dependent on Marvel getting the rights back or Fox making a Spidey like deal with Marvel. This is what I'm pushing for, too. Don't give them another solo movie, just do a good job of integrating the characters as supporting cast (ala Hulk) into the Marvel movies. While I wouldn't want to see yet another origin/reboot movie I wouldn't want to see the team split up. I don't blame the FF for a poor screenplay or bad writing but unfortunately they are often the victims of it.
  9. No, that's not it. The first effort was low-budget and pre-CGI; you get what you pay. The second effort was lazy (rubber Thing suit; Galactus-as-a-cloud) and miscast (bubble-bleach-blond playing Sue Storm; hyper Reed Richards; metrosexual version of Victor Von Doom with trimmed eyebrows). This third effort, based on the 8 or so reviews that I have read on RT, point to two problems: a bland -script and a director who was in over his head. (Fox thought Trank was the next Steven Spielberg, gambled and lost.) If GOTG can be one of the greatest super-hero films ever made, FF -- done correctly -- can be an outstanding franchise. At this point there is no doubt Fox will pull the plug on any sequel plans involving the current iteration. The real question is whether Fox will throw in the towel and work out some deal with Marvel Studios. (thumbs u
  10. Sounds like the only record set this week will be by Trank's bing dealer.
  11. I think the heat between Fox and Disney/Marvel is still there, and Fox will do all it can to trip up any Marvel rights hand-off. But I don't think this F4 ( ) movie will fail. I think even the review embargo is due to the hardcore fans taking such offense to the original story not being followed, there was a larger risk of reviews that would cloud the waters. This movie has potential to succeed. If only the comic market would give it a chance to demonstrate its content first before jumping to conclusions it is a total mess. I am happy to give it a chance! (thumbs u I liked the Ultimate FF title so I could see liking this film. Hopefully it will be alright - if not, no biggie. I see that many want the rights to revert to Marvel but since Perlmutter dropped the comic I could care less about them getting the rights back. They obviously don't care about the 17 or so remaining fans of the comic so why should I care about them.
  12. On the bright side, it only seems to affect the hot books leaving everything else for collectors
  13. Jon has been a pleasure to deal with. Great communication and quick payment. Cheers!
  14. So then you have read Ultimate Fantastic Four? The cast didn't have to read it, so neither should I. Ultimate FF is the source material... You can't say it's disrespectful of the source material if you haven't read it. The overall source, is of course, the original Fantastic Four. The Ultimate FF wouldn't exist without the Original. The Ultimate FF is based on the original FF. It is a perverted version of the FF. Trank made a perverted version of a perverted version. Which makes him a insufficiently_thoughtful_person. If somebody reads two chapters from some dingleberries interpretation of Lord of the Rings, and That's ALL, then decides to make a movie about it, tells the cast not to bother reading any of it, including the original source material, adds a bunch of characters not originally in it and the director's OWN interpretation of what little he had read - people would go ASB. The 'B' stands for Ballistic. There'd be a mutiny. Because literature is respected. Comics aren't. At least not by Trank. And you could argue 'but it wasn't from the SOURCE material', but the way I see it: If Bilbo Baggins is in a story, I know what it should be based upon. I feel the same way about Reed Richards. I get what your saying (and there is a part of me that completely agrees), I am just not that worked up about it - to me it's just a movie but I am going to have to question Peter Jackson's respect for source material...
  15. I just met Rob and what a nice boardie! Great communication and very fast payment. A pleasure doing business with! Thanks Rob
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  17. Who cares what Grant Morrison thinks. The guy is a hugely overrated hack. He's the reason I stopped reading Batman. Let's not forget this guy (I'm assuming he was serious) wants to give wonder woman a va**na shaped jet. Watch out for that premature ejection seat.
  18. I didn't think the trailer was too bad I guess I have to hand in my FF PJ's
  19. Seriously. Is something wrong with it, or are you just being a grade snob? not at all a grade snob in g.a., but i am trying to get my little ff 1-60 run as nice as I can. i'll stick with a couple mid-grade books in the 1 & 5 for budgetary reasons, but would like a higher-grade 4. That is such a beautiful FF 1
  20. I will second that. I loved reading this book in the Fireside trade from the 70's. That 4.5 is a very nice copy!
  21. Yeah, I'll second that. Marvel kicking the FF to the curb is a pretty big slap in the face.
  22. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. My second time around for this one as I read it about 15 years ago. Much nicer navigating the footnotes on an e-reader.