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Everything posted by bane

  1. Up to $172 (and still a day to go) for a Fine/Fine+. With these kinds of nutty prices, I'm tempted to list one of my own copies. I'd go for it! I'd like to reserve ** this space ** for some Adams books which are in the "works" The downside is I won't have them in hand for a couple of months
  2. Picked up a bunch of Batman pence copies in the 300s. And a few Whitman covers as well.
  3. Excellent books Michael, nice to see them posted
  4. The same LCS operated in Reading for nigh on 20 years, I ended up friends with him. Blackwells books tried to put him out of business and they ended up going out of business instead. Virgin Megastore tried the same, what happened there? Richard Branson, not an original idea in his head, just buy up an existing company and slap a Virgin sticker on with a boat load of marketing. I hate the guy. Anyways, they survived all of that just to be forced to move due to the building being shared with a government scheme to get people back into work, I use the word "people" loosely, the type that even Jeremy Kyle wouldn't interview. What a shame. I miss the LCS and unfortunately the internet has contributed to that, as good as the internet is for these boards we enjoy and the ability to sell our own comics. Still the boardie meetings make up for a little of that
  5. Its eBay.... if the people who bought my Fatale's last night for $24 had bothered to search 2 weeks ago when I listed them for $15 they would have got them cheaper. Its a strange thing, I've listed things that haven't sold in 3 months and then 3 buyers go at it and I get a nice price. If they had looked a few weeks earlier they would have been up against no one and got it for dirt cheap.
  6. I just sold my Fatale #1 for £16/$24 and Fatale #2 for £17/$26. I'm happy with that! Just used it to pay for other things
  7. Going back to this for a moment. I have sent one last email regarding this and then its done. I will send the Strange Adventures tomorrow with a printout of his Paypal receipt, if no payment is made after that then it goes through the resolution centre. I checked his feedback and he has bidded and paid for items which ended 2 days ago, so he must have seen my initial emails from Sunday evening & Wednesday. But still no response.
  8. I guess I overpriced Fatale #2. The #1 I quoted sold for £10/$15 which is about mid-price for all the ones I've been tracking. The $66 must have either been a blip or it was shilled. The issue with the UK is we have alot less people the the U.S. so may not always realise the same prices. Also with eBay you need to get a few people looking at your auction at the same time. Regarding Skullkickers, I picked that up as I wanted the Hulk #1 cover-swipe, the story though was absolute rubbish. I sold what I had for 99p each.
  9. Amen to that. I'm off to Barca tomorrow till Monday on a stag do, we all got tickets to see them play Bilbao and now they changed kick off to 10pm on Saturday, we will all be too drunk Might make it more interesting. Sometimes what the Spanish call "tiki-taka" is actually a yawn-a-thon. Give me end-to-end Prem league any day!
  10. Well in the U.K. I can tell you that Fatale is "cooling" on eBay. Only a week or so ago one seller sold 1st prints of #1 & #2 together for £43/$66. I listed mine for #1 £15/$23 and #2 for £9.99/$15 and nothing, not a sniff. There is a #1 ending in 1hr 30mins and its currently at £5. So will see where this is heading, should have probably put mine on last week
  11. The guys who bought 50 copies of Superman 75, saying they were going to put their kids through college when they sell them, look like the keepers of the flame at this point. I was thinking the same thing. I admit, I got out of WD too early by the looks of it when I thought I was probably getting out of it at its peak. If I still had the collection now then I would be quids in. You win some, you lose some.
  12. In 2 years on eBay i've always had non-payers but never someone who paid and then marked the other item as "paid" and then requested me to send this one and "the other I have ordered". Its either an error or he is trying to pull a fast one, either way I sense my 1st negative feedback is upon me!
  13. Well its now Wednesday morning and I have still not had any response to my emails to him. Each listing I put up as the same blurb at the bottom. i.e. "Please wait for an invoice on multiple purchases" and "you will receive a postage discount on multiple items". So what should I do... contact him again tomorrow morning? I need to send these books out Friday as I am not going near a post office next week, I'm off work and will be doing other things. I'm thinking I should just send the one he has paid for with a copy of his PayPal receipt and another note about what has happened. He has no phone number listed on paypal so other then the email I've already used I cannot contact the guy. So annoying.
  14. Check this out... I wonder how this ends up! So I sold a Strange Adventures comic for £3.99 and a Super-Team Family #1 for £6.99, instead of waiting for an invoice the guy pays for the Strange Adventures and marks the Super-Team Family #1 as "payment sent", then adds a note to in the payment saying "Please send this to my address of XXX along with the other comic I have paid for". Erm wait a minute, you haven't paid for it mate! So I send an invoice for the Super-Team Family #1, without postage cost adding a note "will combine with the other comic when you have made payment." I follow up with an email saying "you have not paid for the Super-Team Family #1, why did you mark it as payment sent? I have checked my paypal and the only payment received is for the Strange Adventures" in a nutshell, but with all the pleasantries. That was 2 days ago, and no payment nor communication. So I sent another friendly prompt asking the same thing, as I am off work next week I won't be posting anything and want to sew it all up before Friday. The buyer has over 400 feedback all 100% and everyone proclaims he is a quick payer. I have told him that failure to pay for the Super-Team #1 will result in me sending only the Strange Adventures, and I will send a note inside the package saying "if you pay for the Super-Team I will send it minus postage cost as good will". I just see this ending with him making a complaint and I get my first negative, but until Thursday I will reserve judgement that he will do the right thing. Place your bets now!
  15. Without sounding too brutal, they've had it on the cards for a long time now. Simply too expensive and with Amazon, Play and ShopTo doing zero day deliveries (And actually guaranteeing your pre-order rather than just adding your name to a first come, first served list) it's a no-brainer who I'd buy my games from. Any news on Gamestation as I think they were bought out by Game recently. Not yet, although Game look like they might be bought out by an RBS led consortium. I have read somewhere that Game points are still valid at Gamestation, so guess where I'm headed after work..;. if they're still open!
  16. Anyone see that Game has gone into administration. I've got about £40 of loyalty points to use and was going to use them towards getting a new PS3 as mine died 2 months ago! oh well!
  17. Yeah, I agree that it's wise to keep people from knowing that you have valuable items in your home. Where I live though, there is nearly always someone on the farm and we have shotguns. I know where I'm heading when a Zombie apocalypse breaks out! Our very own Hershel.
  18. Thats good stuff. I work in a company with only 12 others, none of whom have any comics. A friend of a friend found out I collected comics and wanted me to make an offer on a Jim Lee X-Men run and some 2000 A.D..... I declined.
  19. I'm still worried that they are going to ship back to the right place! Having to put "U.K." in the column where U.S. customers would put the state they live in still have me a little worried. I'm not a paid member so I can't check on my invoice number. Should I send them an email??