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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. According to Variety, Cap beat super dog in china after only 3 days...97 Mil for 3days, entire run of super dog 95 mil....no contest
  2. 181 MIl Plus BUT WW TOTAL 678 MILLION...this movie is gonna have legs...I guranteee it will out gross super dog by 100 MILLION when all is said and done...gonna see it today...supergdog 9th at 1 mil at 865,450.000
  3. Cap will beat super dog I guarantee it
  4. Super dog v batman had record declines this will not be as bad min 900 max 1-1
  5. Cap friday 75.25 Million..WW total so far 366M...prediction 900 Million
  6. Cap hits 25 mil on Thursday night previews.. Gonna hit close to 200 for weekend...great start, overseas at 291 Mil
  7. I missed that part. Maybe it will be in the director's cut. R rated version. This is what Mitch has been waiting for. I am going in with an open mind...I remember watchmen in the theater...which I rated a 5 and loved the directors cut which was a 8 in my opinion...so I cant wait..... to remove the DOG from the SUPER...I am hoping it goes from a 2 to a at least a 6
  8. I missed that part. Maybe it will be in the director's cut. to bad you did not miss the whole thing....
  9. Cap Boxoffice is at 261.6! And opens in China and US Friday ... It gonna blow super dog v bat out of the water
  10. Great review of cap civil war on aintitcool.com., Which is a great website, by Harry
  11. I dont think this is going to hit 890...boxoffice down 76% to 266K, total now is 863,158....Cap is gonna blow that away...
  12. Very interesting article in holloywoodreporter today... B vs S the verdict....it's a bit against my overall thought on the movie and the gross success ... It did state thatdeadpool would of outgrossed it if had been released in China ... If you clink in the link below the article to "comments" section there is a very funny comment involving Howard the Duck and bat v super
  13. B v S weekend estimate 3,8 mil at approx 863 worldwide box office...down only 30% according Boxfficemjo..big news cap civil war 200.2 million dollar opening week overseas 63% of the overseas market....94% approval rating rotten tomatos
  14. . Collateral damage has just began, if cap civil wAr is a hit... Lookout... I think dc is gonna try to hire some marvel guys away and reboot
  15. Bat v super drooped to 9th place on sat estimate...DOGGONE it
  16. I remember this movie waterworld...it had to make a ton of money to break even...it was a stinker according to the critics...it was not as bad as people said, it grossed a bunch of money and it still cost the studio...100 mi loss...every board member should read the above Forbes essay..
  17. 27% for 4/5 of a real movie not that bad. Check out today's holloywoodreporter and variety... Cap first day of release a big hit overseas as its being released early there...,looking for 200 mil weekend on 63% of overseas market.., buy GA cap 1 now if you are in fence...
  18. WW gross 854,495,000 thru Tuesday: prediction Cap will beat that in 30 days
  19. 5,502.00 which is about 20 lpw....I mean 500 mill low...
  20. no, gold is king,, but lets hope for a R rated theatrical
  21. Sup V Bat down from 4th place to 6th..studio high estimate is 5,520,000 mine about 5.2. Worldwide total is 851,601,000 which means it cracks the 850 Mark...I don't see it cracking the 875..more in the range of 860-5 with 31 days in release. Yahoo news have a super article about Bat v super was it a hit..breaks down a lot of things..one factor I did not consider is toys...278 million on that win...winner it did say the break even point of box office gross was 800 Mill SO we are looking over 300 mil profit..it does go on say that it was not avengers money...it made money..but still a disappointment...
  22. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice held well in weekend five, despite losing 439 theaters. The Warner Bros./Time Warner Inc. would-be blockbuster earned $1.48 million (-39%) in 3,066 theaters to bring its cume to $315..46m. Expect a $5.4m (-40%) weekend. That’ll bring its cume up to $319m in its first month, meaning that it has outgrossed Iron Man 2 ($312m) and Iron Man ($318m) not accounting for inflation/3D/etc. . You would need to account for the boxoffice inflation when comparing the movies and an excellent one is on Boxofficemjoj which has an adjusted for inflation figure ... So both the marvel movies in terms of admissions beat bat b super
  23. To date the movie has grossed $835,081,603..my 850 projection is gonna me more like 840-845...they probably gross say 1/3 when everything is said and done (china 20%) which means they break even paying out some back end payments to talent. Now where they can make a profit is in the pay-per view, Blu-ray, and cable and tv rights...still it is amazing this Dog got anywhere near this...so much for taste. I really hope the R rated version is given a chance at theaters..history shows it gonna be better..well it really has to be. I find after a directors cut is released , I never go beck to the smaller version of the firm and that is the positive thing here...we never have to go back....so they will down the line, make money...not as much as they had hoped and not so little as to her rid of sack the hack, I mean sack...which mean 2, not one JLA movies with this director..dont get me wrong, again I love 300 its a masterpiece, and watchmen directors cuts also is super. Sucker punch, I liked, but admired a gutsy vision, but not as much as the above two by a mile...The jury out, maybe they will give him more leeway this time..who knows how many executives put there hands into the pot...just see the Film about the making of Tim Burtons superman-my highest recommendation....an amazing look at a movie project that FAILED with Nick Cage as superman..some really great ideas and jaw dropping production art..and then this Jackasss Jon Peters...the typical hollywood producer has his SAY IN THE MOVIE...folks it is amazing anything gets done in hollywood, let alone produce a great film.,,So maybe some blame to warners and the producers although one was Zacks wife. The Tim Burton nightmare of the Superman is classic hitting the wall when you come in great, new, exciting ideas...and in movie lingo " it would have been a contender" for a unique and classic superman film, now that is what I am talking about.
  24. I revised to 850 as public grosses became available but people were calling me crazy for saying under a billion.. I think this when is all said and done will break even with WB after back end payments are made to the director and stars. Now I predict cap civil war will be the highest grossing cap movie and beat bat v super by at least 50mil.