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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. Kinda hard to argue with the box office numbers. 70% decline from last weekend to this weekend, with nothing in the theaters to challenge. The only thing keeping people away from BvS is BvS. It is STILL going to sell a whole lot of tickets. It might even make money, though most analysts say it will have to approach a billion dollar box office to do that. I think the big wigs at WB aren't happy campers. I can't speak from a marketing/profit standpoint. Personally, I feel that their decision to release a trailer that gave away far too much of the plot was a very poor decision. A lot of people that I spoke to said they wouldn't bother going to see the film in theaters because the trailer basically gave away the entire story. We knew going in that whatever conflict Batman and Superman had would eventually be shelved/resolved so that they could team up with Wonder Woman to face Doomsday. WB may have invested a lot into marketing the film, but their work ended up costing themselves ticket sales for reasons completely unrelated to the quality of the film itself. When it's all said and done, I suspect Dawn of Justice will bring in something close to the 773M that Guardians of the Galaxy (a critical success) did. -ComicBook.com's users rate the film very high. -Rotten Tomatoes audience rates the film 41% higher than the critics. And despite, what was IMO, a flawed marketing campaign, Dawn of Justice will finish with one of the highest box office totals in comic book film history. That's not to say the film won't finish below expectation, I'm just saying that it's box office performance and fan feedback looks better than what the critics, and many on the boards have had to say. just imagine a smoke-filled room meeting with warner/dc bigwigs a few months ago, where a seer told them their movie would just barely eke by the little deadpool movie in ww box office, and ONLY because china didn't let deadpool in. every jaw would've been on the floor. If the film finishes below 800M, or below 1B even, many will consider it a disappointment. Deadpool exceeded expectations, which is a story in and of itself. My argument here isn't that BvS will be exceeding expectations and it's not that the film was flawless -- just that it's box office sales are still high, and that overall, fans seem to have enjoyed it more than the critics. You must factor in cost of production at 250 mill cost of marketing 150 mil minus the actual returns and this movie at 800mil is a loser.., the last bond needed 1 bil to break even .. Gross does not mean profit ... Gross in this instance is what this movie is. My final prediction total is 840 mil.., if lucky.. The fell short about 800 million .. The profit it should of made .
  2. I thought his redemption was when he raised his hands to the sky as a free man. Kind of like a God set him free kind of moment. He was sent to his own personal hell and triumphed over it and the architects of his torture were brought down in the process. Yes...exactly. Redemption by definition can be just that. Regaining something that had been stripped from him. His freedom. Redemption from Shawshank.The argument that there isn't "redemption" in this film is just plain silly. Back to BvS. I haven't seen the film but many here stated it was entertaining for the most part. That's all I'm looking for. I would like to know for everyone that said it is horrid are we judging it as a prequel type deal or as a standalone movie? I didn't read too much of the thread I could smell the negativity in the air and I want to go in with as open a mind as possible. the Mrs. said she heard it was bad though which kind of stinks because she is usually pretty psyched to see these hero movies with me. Oh well, it can't be That bad. One thing I do wish is that they would stop already with all of the different trailers for these films. I know they have to build it up but whatever happened to just one trailer. That's it. If you want to know what happens go see the film. I feel like I already have the entire plot before I even get there. That to me even if the flick is indeed horrendous from a plot standpoint but entertaining will be my biggest beef. Cut it out Hollywood with all your darn trailers. Leave a little to the imagination before I buy my ticket. Disappointing is understatement , marvel introduced the characters in their own movies first .. Then pop the avengers which I liked one better than 2. This movie for 250. Million dollars is a garbage can... This cannot wear the underpants of deadpool which cost 40 mil and is currently ahead in terms of box office... That is 6 times more.. Well for what a kiddie turnstile dumbed down pg 250. Million comic book waste. Let's look at a movie that's costs less than 50% captain America 2 for instance... Good movie good -script and a bunch of superheroes .. It can be done right and not make it look like a 1/2 hour video game. Disappointed as to what it could have been and the damage it is gonna create it should have grossed over a billion dollars by now and done about 1.5 by the time the run was over if done right... This is gonna crawl to 800. Mil. By the end of the run.
  3. Bad news: this dog of movie has knocked films off WB slate. According to the Hollywood reporter.com The B v S stall has caused a rethinking of adding a new producter for JSA and reduced the number of DC related films..interesting article...other studios say WB blew it...it was a home run that turned into a base hit.....WB should pull the movie asap and release the extra 30 min and the R rated original version in my opinion.
  4. Great post...I don't know if you have seen watchmen's directors cut but it is clearly better....but go in with low expectations and don't be surprised if you come out with even a lower opinion ....
  5. The studio gets in america a sliding scale of ticket sales, generally 80-90% week one, and its way downhill from there, if production cost is 250 mil and promo 150 mil along with prints etc say 400 the general rule is 50% of box office goes to the studio, china is a flat 25% minus commie bribes so worldwide probably about 33% minus currency conversions. The movie is still in a LOSS and is gonna remain a loss for WB..they blew it...toned it down to point it was a mess, cut time off to make for a extra showing in a day...and trashed the DC universe...not bad for a 250 million dollar investment waste of time by Zach the Hack.
  6. I believe if we board members were given 250 million we could come up with a much better movie.. as a rookie director...the review should be the worst "250 million dollar" movie of the year...now its better than an home 50K film..but WB got burned big time...."ZACK IS A HACK" on this version...but again he probably did not get final cut. so whatever executive made the final cut is responsible....hence I will await judgement till the "real uncensored version " is released on blu-ray Do you really think, Mitch, that this so-called 'uncensored version' can turn a toad into a prince? In reality no...better yes...R rated/ 20% more movie...it cannot be any worse..If you look at watchmen..the directors cut I would say 50% better and makes more sense. and I read the comic and the original version was a bit confused..now this is a toad or load of crapp...yea..we must remember superman is superman..not a god but somebody with a leg up...this garbage pile and by the way, I think henry gives it his all,not he cannot wear the underpants of Chris Reeve..again go back to superman 1 a forty year old film thereabouts....but he is again limited with this -script if you call it that and the video CGI game never ending garbage battle..which is trash upon trash..heck I might as well just plan a video game..it would be better for the 250 Million bucks. it appears.somebody when to desert island with about 200 million.... Folks, even if you can see it for free...wait....and lets hope it gets better..for now..ZACH IS A HACK.
  7. I believe if we board members were given 250 million we could come up with a much better movie.. as a rookie director...the review should be the worst "250 million dollar" movie of the year...now its better than an home 50K film..but WB got burned big time...."ZACK IS A HACK" on this version...but again he probably did not get final cut. so whatever executive made the final cut is responsible....hence I will await judgement till the "real uncensored version " is released on blu-ray
  8. There is no correlation between size of budget and quality of movie, either in superhero movies or other movies. There are plenty of movies with massive budgets that stink, including big budget sequels that were made because the original movies did fantastically at the box office (Iron Man 2 and 3, anyone?), and plenty of movies with small budgets that are great. I agree but even the avengers was say 170 mil or even 200...but at 250 million plus for B v S you can do just about what you want to....the major budget does give you an advantage over the smaller budget...but look at this waste here...and it is a waste...for the price...it has to be a factor...now I am gonna give it a chance with a R rating and at least 20% more footage...and I am gonna hope it is gonna get a lot better..but anything is better than this mess as it stands now...you have seen it tank week 2..week 3 is not gonna be any prettier and I did like, not love iron man 3 much better than 2....and did not feel that I made a mistake paying for a ticket on 3..this Dog...it cost me absolutely nothing but wasted my time and crapped on the dc universe...
  9. Just finished rewatching superman 1978..the first 40 mins of that movie can go toe to toe with ANY superhero movie today.....and that was almost 40 years ago....Chris reeve was the man, check out not only the first scene but when he was in lois's apartment and almost told her he was superman...NOW THAT is acting. We forget what is great when we are flooded with DC wanna be marvel movies.
  10. I have no problem with everyone having their own opinion of the movie. If people were just discussing the movie on its own merits, that'd be cool. I simply don't understand those people who are focused only on the financial aspect of the movie and more bizarrely seem to be taking some kind of delight in the movie doing badly at the box office (particularly when it's not, actually). The money matters from the perspective that if you want better movies to be made there has to be some benchmark for success or failure. When bad movies make good BO returns it only encourages more of the same. Here's one of the best reviews I've read of Zack Snyder's debacle from a prominent critic (major kudos to Ken Levine)... http://kenlevine.blogspot.com/2016/04/the-worst-movie-of-year-batman-v.html It's obvious to me that this guy is passionate about the original comics. He also nailed the differences between Marvel Studio productions and DC productions. My THIS REVIEWER NAILED IT,,,,,250 MILLION BUCKS FOR WHAT.....
  11. The first time I saw it for free...I was still pissed...if you think I am gonna spend $$$ for this version it is not gonna happen...I will BUY the R rated blu-ray and suggest you do the same.
  12. WB weekend BO estimate was high, or course, down 69.1% to 51.3 Mil is the actual number not 68%.
  13. More story, more everything...would be better..naked WW would "make my day"
  14. . 1- the godless Chinese ... Are you referring to chairman Mao times.. News bulletin :: chairman Mao is dead... China is capitalist with a handout to the commies.. But they do have the largest amount of movie screens or about to do they do factor in even though studios only net about 25% of box office revenues ( see above " hand out to commies") 2-if this movie is the best of American mythology - you had better see the following films - dark night, orig superman, watchmen directors cut... This movie cannot wear the underwear of those to name a few 3- " my snobbish review" you had better include the hollywoodreporter, ny times and every major media company,s review. Sir, I am Not, nor have I ever been a snob.., I call it the way is and just so happens every critic agreeds or 99%... The film Is an incomplete mess ... Now given more screen time, less censorship I hope it can better and that is not very hard to do. I went in with high expectations hoping the trailers were wrong, when the batman footage was previewed my hopes were even higher...I saw the movie for free and was still pissed off... The same old same old... Where something along the lines of V for Vendetta took my breath away... Now that movie is a 5 out of 5...that is what I am talking about.. Instead 250 million bucks for what... Not what I saw in the screen.. V cost 1/5 of that movie if not even less. I support zack but his version has not been released yet and that is 20% more film... I will be interested to see your response with the r rated version is released....
  15. . You must of watched this turd too.. I see the analogy .
  16. Record pluges for superman vs batman 2d weekend... 87% in China , 77% in UK and a dismal 68.5% in the US according to today's hollywoodreporter.com. The reason for the drop was dismal reviews and word of mouth and a disappointing cinema score.. We're the major factors according to the article ... In reality the dumped down get more admissions pg version of the film was a combination of trying to copy the marvel way of making pg 13 movies with a R rated -script... In other words a disaster.. This film could of been great but it tried to do too many things and please everybody.. And of course sell the most tickets... A real Lost opportunity too make a kick film... And those you you who laughed when I said it is never gonna hit a billion dollars... Well it's over and by the way 68.5 is the High studios estimate ... Come Monday it is gonna be 70%
  17. . I think people are going to be forgetting this movie ... Let's hope zack can pull off a watchmen directors cut miracle out the hat on this turkey...
  18. Batman v superman crashes on second Friday down 81% according to box officemojo. Com... In China it hits the wall 2mil Friday gross according to article in variety.
  19. Aintitcool.com reports that Hans Zimmer has quit Superhero scores after Batman v Superman...the rats are leaving the sinking ship.....
  20. I saw the deleted scene and my first reaction is "big whoop". Lex Luthor is somehow involved in yet another Superman storyline, how unoriginal. No wonder fans have him on ignore. . It is very unusual to have a showbiz trade paper do a article on a deleted scene ...the dc is over 30 mins longer and let's hope it better.. I can't believe it could be any worse. The move by WB was quite unusual with DS generally released near the end of the run off the film.. They even know it downhill big time from here. I at no time said this was the greatest deleted scene of all times... Your reaction silver silver is the same as mine was to the movie.... However I hope they can learn from the mistakes here. Don't blame me if you think the scene was a dog... I just said the whole movie in this edition is.
  21. lets face it....I hope..the confusion ends with the Directors Cut..the hollywoood reporter has a article on the newly released deleted scene....
  22. It crashed in china day 4 only 4.58 mil...record drop..check out Variety web page article B v S box office fall short in china...and based on the fact that march is not month in the history of the box-office in which blockbusters are dumped, thats right dumped..they chicken-out when going toe to toe with Cap civil war and put in march to save face..after Deadpool hit the jackpot they should have changed the release date OR and this is a better idea put the R rated version in IMAX for the fans and PG dumbed down version for the kids in the regular theaters...now which version would you have paid to see?..I know what 99% of real fans would see Mitch why don't you just enjoy the movie instead trying to make predictions on the box office numbers? Your always latch on to the views, prices, numbers, etc like it actually matters to the "fans" as you call them. Oh and for the record Superman blows and DC sucks. If there was a movie to enjoy...I would be focusing on that...they did the thing backwards....marvel did the solo movies first, introduced the characters and backstory and THEN DID AVENGERS.. DC tried to do too much...they should of first have have the batman, WW. Flash SOLO movies..then JLA
  23. It crashed in china day 4 only 4.58 mil...record drop..check out Variety web page article B v S box office fall short in china...and based on the fact that march is not month in the history of the box-office in which blockbusters are dumped, thats right dumped..they chicken-out when going toe to toe with Cap civil war and put in march to save face..after Deadpool hit the jackpot they should have changed the release date OR and this is a better idea put the R rated version in IMAX for the fans and PG dumbed down version for the kids in the regular theaters...now which version would you have paid to see?..I know what 99% of real fans would see
  24. At least we agree that the pg13 kidde short version is a dog..it is trying to wag TOO MANY TALES AT THE SAME TIME. . You can't blame the director on that one....Watchmen went from being a good movie to a near great one with the directors cut. and I have never met a person who preferred the original cut..this guy need more time to tell some many stories and blame the -script..it was probably a 3 1/2 hour movie to begin with...if you go on aintitcool.com you will see the release of the FIRST DELETED SCENE...NOW THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT...they actually released it at a very early time...in fact that could be record...somebody at WB is saying we made a big mistake...check it out...they are 20 more to come...I am blind buying the R rated Blu-ray.
  25. you can forget getting to a billion dollars on this turkey.