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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. That again is a matter of opinion., I think this thead is very important in terms of the future of our comic book world, myself I have been involved over 55 years..you call yourself an "old guy" so I assume you been around for a while also. Let remind you about Robert Bell and a number of big fish of years past never had 11-12 million comic books, of course they have been 30 years of new comics being made. At almost 400,000 ebay listings, that is a stagering number. Those who look far ahead ...are way ahead of the curve....looking down the road is not fun...its a reality check.
  2. Dont apologize to Mitch, he doesn't deserve it. He's all you say and more, he's one of the biggest *spoons* on this board. Thanks for the clarification on chicken little.. Oh Brother, That is your opinion..which I believe is wrong, this is a real issue, heck it just does not apply to Chuck, you have other major dealers who can make a dent, just not on Mile Highs magnitude to over flood E-Bay ( they currently have 391,000 listings) andy hit his web traffic at the SAME time based upon his ability to reprice his entire website which was done last week in one keystroke. That is mighty impressive immediate inventory control to say the least.
  3. The dumping could occur in the following ways : , 1- Chuck himself feels he can drive the competition out of business by flooding 5 million or 6 million comics super cheap. say 25 or 50 cent a piece knocking out a number of ebay and small time dealers .and wait it out with another 6 million in reserve and slowly raise prices. 2- Chuck decides to give it up and sell everything and according his video drinks Mint Tulips....wholesaling the 12 million books. 3- Chuck has nothing to do with it, either it is auctioned off or dumped by his survivors ..who care less about comic books and the comic book market.. it is Chuck who has the power, not me not you we don't the ability to burn 5 millions at 10 cents a piece and still have 7 million left over. He does not have a plan to dump high grade SA or SA..he takes the bottom out the market and top comes down. BINGO....who knows..but NOBODY buys 400,000 in a month when he owns almost 11 million without a plan.......and an endgame. i guess those 11MM copies were carefully accumulated over a long period of time, sowing the seeds for his Machiavellian scheme of comic book domination. in reality, the guy has been on an drunken buying binge of garbage for 25 years. he's been on the verge of economic ruin the entire time, now is no different. endgame- insurance fire. WOW...#4 I guess...
  4. The sky is not falling" and I am not chicken little. But, this guy is bragging about knocking out dealers and saying they cannot compete with his business model..he looks like he enjoys getting more control..I don't see this as hoarding, I see it as something else......I see a plan....I see a reason for this plan...just don't know the details but my alarm bells are going off when dealers sell 100K -120K comic books lots for 1500..and he complains that it cost more to drive them home......then show off his 5 million dollar pottery collection which he has not bothered to unbox..tells the visitors he is a drag queen and shows them the pictures...folks I am not making this up...it on the video link on this thead its all there and real..but think I know..he aint nobody's fool, this guy is gonna have the last laugh.
  5. The dumping could occur in the following ways : , 1- Chuck himself feels he can drive the competition out of business by flooding 5 million or 6 million comics super cheap. say 25 or 50 cent a piece knocking out a number of ebay and small time dealers .and wait it out with another 6 million in reserve and slowly raise prices. 2- Chuck decides to give it up and sell everything and according his video drinks Mint Tulips....wholesaling the 12 million books. 3- Chuck has nothing to do with it, either it is auctioned off or dumped by his survivors ..who care less about comic books and the comic book market.. it is Chuck who has the power, not me not you we don't the ability to burn 5 millions at 10 cents a piece and still have 7 million left over. He does not have a plan to dump high grade SA or SA..he takes the bottom out the market and top comes down. BINGO....who knows..but NOBODY buys 400,000 in a month when he owns almost 11 million without a plan.......and an endgame.
  6. That market is limited by the number of big fish, you make good points and it can be a contributing factor to a decline in overall GA values. If what you say occurs COMBINED with Chuck dumping 11 million books on the market..well
  7. Pretty sure they did when you first arrived, saying restored books were toilet paper. I bet I could find more examples too... Says the man who writes like an spastic 3rd grader. Get over yourself, you don't know mess. The truth hurts, and I understand why you are attacking me. I did not advise you to pay 10X guide for a no difference 9.8 vs 9.6 copy of 80's 90's etc comic book... I type fast..so be it with the errors..However I am not the enemy...I am not buying 400,000 comic books in a single month, this is a thread about mile high prices and his buying and selling comic books in an unique method. It effects upon the over back issue comic book market and his power in that market..stick to the discussion at hand.
  8. just as an aside-- if the entire Mile High inventory was destroyed, does anyone think it make any difference to the collecting community? As far as this idea of dumping the books on the market being a big problem-- my understanding is ALL of them are already for sale. So is Mmedy trying to tell us he is going to sell all these books for next to nothing? GO for it-=- all that will happen is people will get some decent deals on the books they want and the rest of them will remain in the warehouse collecting dust. None of this argument makes any sense in terms of this being some huge problem we need to worry about. The vast majority of comics produced over the years are still found in peoples collections. They have changed hands over the years and some have been lost to attrition (fire, flood, recycled, moms, etc) -- collectors die all the time after all. Granted they may not have millions of books but any collectible has a finite amount of supply. To assume that Chuck somehow has all these 9.6 copies he is holding off from selling on his website and store is as insane as most of his prices. So even in the event of Chuck's demise-- there will be some sort of change of hands-- perhaps by another company/individual willing to buy out his stock. To believe that this is some SUDDEN change of supply in high grade books takes the belief that he is NOT trying to sell or making those books available already. That is where your argument makes the least amount of sense to me. I understand it could go either way, but who has the $$$$ to buy a where house which he owns and 12 million comic books?? I think it gong to be at least piecemeal but its possible a liquidation company can do it and dump it on the open market..the reality is chuck is getting BIGGER buy the day...I think he could probably put another 5 million in that building easy..
  9. I enjoy a good self-defeating argument, especially when the debater hasn't even bothered to define what market he's referring to. If everything shuts down as you say then the market will be microscopic, with Mr. Rozanski sitting atop the biggest pile of comics in the world...with no-one to sell them to. Which means that the consequence of dumping millions of books will be non-existent, just as the original purchase of said books is. In other words there is no market for Chuck's vast tranche of books. At the end of the day just because you've got a commodity it doesn't mean that you can control the price of it if people still have the option to walk away. Nor can you create a market without the assent of collectors. I hope that he continues with his quest, of course. Good point....but you misunderstand I am not saying the back issue comic book market will collapse totally ...the VALUES WILL DECLINE radically A number of board members and the general public have paid vast premiums for 1970'80's,90's books..CGC graded, multiple of guides for top conditions, for example somebody paid like 600 bucks for a Sgt FGury # 16 in 9.6 in a recent HA auction ..THOSE VALUES ARE GONNA CRASH. The comic book market number of collectors will decline AFTER THE CRASH. Cause and effect, this will have a very negative effect on the overall comic book world. Especially when Hollywood burns out the super hero movie and we have to wait another 10 or 20 years to get back to the hollywood recycle. So, Chuck has the power, like it or not..the more material he acquires, especially at his traditional giveaway purchases that he does, the bigger the splash....
  10. Personally you are 100% wrong In my over 4,300 posts nobody has ever accused me of being troll...Now not everybody agrees, likes, or whatever, but I am NOT a time wasting troll or fool. Let me expalin my point so even you can understand it... This is more of a "what is gonna happen down the road " type of of issue but at some point reality will dictate that EVERY COLLECTION is gonna be sold, dispersed in the future, yours, mine and everybody on this board. Unless you are George Lucas and have 4 billion dollars to build your own museum. There is gonna be an end game whether Chuck likes it or not....Whenever there are wives, kids nobody is gonna be on the same page..its BMW's, Houses, education for their kids...one thousand reasons that 11 or 12 million and growing are gonna hit the market..and believe me when dump...its gonna take multiple trucks full of material and it does have the possibly of bring down the entire comic book market given our fragile declining hobby. Look at the Frank Frazetta estate and fight there, Frank would turn over in his grave with the stuff has been sold on Ha etc. Folks, that is only a handful of paintings....which still could be hung on the wall. I got news for you Chuck or his kids are not gonna read 12 million comic books. Somebody on this thead made a very interesting point, that at height of the comic newsstand sales some 9,000.00 issues sold in single month. If that MARKET was a still available Chuck would be a blip on the radar...but the sad reality is that there are no more drug stores, no more supermarkets, no more every kids on the block buying comics for entertainment......most people have moved on, those who have not are getting electronic media such as the Kindle etc..book stores are closing more each year, comic books stores and supplies are closing or being bought out by the big guy chuck to corner the market which is left. We are gonna have to deal with Chuck, MCS, and every other retailer who at one point is going to make an exit..MY POINT HERE..is everyday chuck is going to make a bigger splash when happens with his non-stop purchases..400,000 comic books in about one month...10,000 SA comic books, and his video say now he is DEBT FREE..after the sale of the building..this guy could easily hit 20 Million comic books in the next 5 years. That is my point...reality is coming and unlike ComicConnect, Chuck has paid NOTHING FOR THOSE BOOKS and has NOTHING TO LOSE BY DUMPING THEM..whereas CC could of spent millions of dollars on their inventory..its apple/orange to compare.
  11. On the video he says his american Indian pottery collection is the best in the world ..5 million dollars worth....he says he does not want to make money but own more comics....meaning he wants more market share/ more control over prices..this is pretty plain here. There has to be an endgame plan.....what do you think it is?
  12. You been huffing spray paint again? It is sometimes hard to accept reality..Chuck's goal to change the comic book pricing was explained in the video with the comic book couple who traveled to his store...price it as high and you can still nobody buys it then come down....again it has nothing to do with overstreet or auctions or anything. He is not acting as fool which he has been made out here..this guy has plan and it right in front of your faces...eliminate competition, control supply, and then place ads saying the world's largest store... There is a lot on this board, but this is buying 100,000- 120,000 comic books for $1500 he must be doing something right
  13. you are delusional; he would giddily trade all 11MM issues of this dreck for the Church Action #1 he built this empire of rubbish upon. I have see the video evidence....he does not even know what he owns....this is not rubbish this is REALITY..12 million comic books give or take a couple of hundred thousand is part of a plan...chuck wants to reshape the pricing structure of comic books by controlling supply and having every comic book in every grade....why do think he wants that...its called control....
  14. In response, Chuck just bought a SA colleciton from Las Vegas he estimates at 10,000 issues..dumping that can impact any market, I disagree with the fact the he cannot seriously effect the market..he is trying to create himself the "market" and he is buying out competition...when he is taking dowm 120,000 comic book and 200,000 comic book competitors in the same week you had better get you head out of the sand. This is guy is coming on strong with his price structure of flea market, trade show, gallery three tier pricing...in other words he prices it to it stops selling like in the video of new mutants 98 at 2600 dollars, he had sold one for 2200....this what we to look forward to..
  15. That what he is admitting to, if listen carefully he has a "stash" of over 2 million comic books in Boulder, his estimate for his main store in other videos has been 10 million since he combined his two stores..he just bought 400,000 comics and paperbacks over 6 purchases last month alone...you do the math...I think minimum 12 mil maybe 12.4 mil...that is market controlling power..no matter what anybody else has..staggering what this guy can do to the comic book market...at a whim.
  16. MCS will never let this happen. If you had to guessamate how many books do think MCS has in stock??? 3 mil 5mil...how many or is Chuck up on the market by Double his nearest competitor ?
  17. I second that, but what are chucks intentions when he is buying out comic book business after and bragging about the fact that the Las Vegas dealer tried to compete with him, but his business model costs put the other dealer out of business and he pays 1 1/2 cents per book. Just look at the video, at least 100,000 probably 120,000 comics for 1500 dollars...at 1 cent to 1 1/2 cents a book and he selling them at the bargain price of 75 cents to a one dollar a book, at almost 100 times profit per book. He has a plan...to corner the comic book market by sheer force...such that his selection will be the "only game in town" then with this power HE will set the prices you pay..not the market...he is going out and buying more as we speak and at 11.5 million comic books he is still going strong.
  18. Chuck, in his videos show packages of 10 SA marvels...I think he still has some for sure, at least according to the video, I think is a pallet of SA marvels...
  19. The number of copies will effect the overall collectable market, and he does have the power to break the comic books market by selling 1,000,000 issues at 10 cents a piece and then still having at least 10.4 million comic books left..do not under estimate chuck...11.4 million books is a remarkable achievement but that is power...plain and simple...he can control the market especially 1965 marvels and up as well any recent comic bookks...He is buying competitors out left and right, he is taking over the market share of available comic books for sale, he is coming on strong now...buying agressivly. I dont think chuck would do that BUT if the mile high collection was dumped on the market...there will be no market after the flood of comic books overwhelming the comic book market..buyer beware
  20. That's kinda my point. What's going to happen to all those overpriced and in many cases undesirable comics when Chuck is gone? . The back issue market will crash if his material will be dumped I would say post 80 for sure... I do not trust that his kids are gonna want to have 11 plus million books instead of a BMW... Let's say he has 5 million books nobody wants.. He still has 6. Million which will cram the marketplace. If you are spending any kind of money either investment or whatever stick to GA and then SA especially the late 50's stuff otherwise know this day is coming, buy reprints and you will not lose 90% of what you paid..and the interesting here is he has 11.4 million comics and he is going out and buying more... What is limit? And he has the power to destroy the comic book market at any time...
  21. 1. Didn't he already sell most of that off? 2. 100 books is going to damage the market? Maybe for short term, but it you think 100 books is a lot you don't understand how many books are actually printed. He has not...go to Youtube and check out the video's on one of them he talks about having packages of 65/66 marvels...a lot....I remember one thor issue he had 250 copies..only a few have hit the market..he is sitting on them like 11 million other comics...he never gives away his stuff..
  22. Market dumping of a large amount of books....so buyer beware if that happens, dont think its gonna effect the GA market, nor the keys of the SA market, he has too few of those to make an impact, however the MIle high 2 collection could seriously impact the 1965/66 marvels as he could have bundles of those issues, and if they dumped like truck it is not gonna look good for you 10X guide 9.8 price with 100 of them coming in...
  23. In Chucks latest newsletter he claims sales have "double" since his non-condeword reduced price has taken effect. He indicates the prices were lowered NOT based on value But on his supply of that issue or stock..interesting
  24. Any other clues on the 200,000 small press buy? who was it? in San Jose
  25. I find this interesting and I have to wonder if Chuck may be reading this thread. I decided to go back and check the prices on the books I originally looked at when I began this thread. They were as follows.... Action #244 in Fair for $123 (minus 60%) and the total cost is $49.20 Tonight that book is now listed at $30.00 Action #244 in Good for $245 (minus 60%) for $98.00 Now - $60 Action #246 in Fair for $123 (minus 60%) for $49.20 Now - $30 Action #246 in Good for $245 (minus 60%) for $98.00 Now - $60 Action #249 in VG for $441 (minus 60%) for $176.40 Now - $120 Action #250 in Good for $240 (minus 60%) for $96.00 Now - $60 I will say this is a step in the right direction. Just another 50% off and he'll be halfway there. Well at least he is getting a clue that too much of a good thing can turn out to be a disaster. Here we have chuck going around the county buying...I think 400,000 comic books in the last 30 days..and now he is saying we need to sell them.....he is probably now at 11 million, he was at at least 10 before the move but who is gonna buy 11 or 12 million comic books..in the future ?