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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. You have no idea what you are missing.
  2. We interrupt this thread to bring you Buzzetta's thoughts and how to put an end to drama.... Press play as you read and thank me later. I think that a lot of this could easily be put to rest if there was a value cap placed on things. You could pay whatever you wanted in order to ship your item but there should definitely be a range where everyone could participate and no one would feel hurt. I got no pony in this race kiddies. Perhaps like in the $25-35 range. Then things are of value, the thread runs its course and then there you go. Want to go $40 to $50... whatever... Just keep in mind that sometimes the natural tendency of these things is to feel compelled to one up the ante in order to show appreciation for what was claimed. Eventually it gets to the point that someone is not going to be able to reciprocate and others will have hurt feelings. However, as the Paul, John, Ringo and George said... (I'm tired of everyone putting Ringo last) "And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make."
  3. I am literally sitting here drinking a Sam Adams (Andrew no get to drink much beer no more) and have my feet up as I read through the forum...
  4. Ryan likes to be dramatic, it's part of his charm Turn the power off for 24 hours in Los Angeles got a better one, shut down the cgc servers for maintenance Or... put Jar Jar Binks in Episode VII. I picked up some power of the force toys today at an estate sale - they may or may not show up here soon Oh cool - I have a full set of the original Kenner figs anyway so NOT looking to buy. PM me though and share what you got. The last 17 had some pretty decent sculpts for their time.
  5. Ryan likes to be dramatic, it's part of his charm Turn the power off for 24 hours in Los Angeles got a better one, shut down the cgc servers for maintenance Or... put Jar Jar Binks in Episode VII.
  6. In the words of Henny Youngman "please take my wife" Just do what I do, sit in and
  7. They go all the way up to 202 as far as a straight run, I think. I'll go over them more after I sleep. Peace, Chip Nice pickup on the 6hr drive. Let me know in advance when you set up a sales thread please. Thnx
  8. Since we are basically celebrating Seinfeld here in NY this month...
  9. The $40 was a decent offer, again he should have pursued it through the ebay system in a timely manner. Asking for complete replacement at this time seems like a bit much. +1 Also, Jimmy, did you say that this person is also a boardie? Yes. It was an ebay purchase and he contacted me on the boards about it. I know of one other person approached by this person for the same thing. I forget where it was, but I noticed it when he brought it up in a thread in CG and you alluded to it with a thumbs up or something. Eight months later he says he never received his mail from you and someone else? Really? You did your part. I will tell you right now what my vote is should your name come up for the PL regarding an eight month old eBay buy. I vote 'no' you do not belong on the list.
  10. Does that mean it's his 3rd strike...or did they give him 3 strikes at once? If it's 3 at once, wouldn't that be his 4th for the year? I believe what happened was: He had received a Strike in December. He received another recently that should have been treated as a Second, but was only treated as a first. Additionally, he had threatened another Boardie recently that went unnoticed by the mods until Arch saw some discussing it in public. I'll let the couple of guys that were involved take the credit though! What was the context in which the threats were made? Link?
  11. This makes Shaq happy! Me? I simply approve.
  12. I walk away from the boards for an hour to see 166 news posts in a thread. That tells me one thing...
  13. And what you do not realize is that the reverse is also true. Not a single mod has given a damn when we call you to task or call you out on your errant behavior. I saw a few threads in the last few weeks were people called out accusations against another person's personal and business integrity where that thread was eventually locked down. You on the other hand seem to be a different case. When we tell you that you have crossed lines, the mods don't delete those posts. They let them remain. So this is a two way street. You continue to thumb your nose and act in the manner that you do, there will be others that call you out on that behavior.
  14. I understand and respect your opinion. Yes my daughter loves dressing up and going to all the shows. Shows? You know that really doesn't address anything I wrote.
  15. So the guy isn't scummy because he doesn't dink around with expensive books, only cheap ones? What if he was selling an Action #1 but used a reprint as a stock photo? And solarcadet1 definitely deserves his lumps. If only HOS members could get banned so he wouldn't have to quote me and talk at me every time I make a post he's interested in. +1 I do NOT understand why someone on the HOS is tolerated around here. When we as a community put someone in the HoS, it's like we kicked them off the island in Survivor. Yet the producers have decided to just let them hang around. It's odd. Solarcadet could just FIX THE PROBLEM, and get off the HOS. But he doesn't. He thumbs his nose at this entire community, and nothing happens. Meanwhile...well...best not go down that road. RMA, I tried and did apologize and made right with the seller. The mods own the island not the islanders... I truly do not believe that you fully understand why your actions regarding a few things were more offensive than a monetary issue. When people try to question your behavior you thumb your nose in a way that basically says "FU" to people and that despite that I know that you are dealing through PM with people making transactions with international books. So until that is ever rectified, there are some of us that will never want to deal with you, myself included. It's a forum not the dark side buzzetta... I'm not doing any harm and if I was the mods would intervene. I don't sell international books for profit, I hunt them for fun for whoever wants one. You told people your dad had cancer, only to admit you lied and then apologized and not long after started making fun of concentration camps. You're a tool with zero conscience. Do your home work first...I directly copied that quote from Chespirito.... Mods were not offended so who in the forum pays you to police me? No one Hump the button all you want. Now let's all hold a moment of silence for my dear old gramps I assume that little girl in your signature line is your daughter and if not she is somehow related to you in a way that you care for her. If you were to discover that at school she claimed that you were suffering from cancer or you had died to garner sympathy with other children or the school itself, you would find that behavior unacceptable. However while you can say that she is 'just a child' as a reasonable response, you are supposed to be an adult and you made those claims yet find nothing wrong with it. Personally, I find your actions more problematic than the monetary and trade issues that have been raised.
  16. So the guy isn't scummy because he doesn't dink around with expensive books, only cheap ones? What if he was selling an Action #1 but used a reprint as a stock photo? And solarcadet1 definitely deserves his lumps. If only HOS members could get banned so he wouldn't have to quote me and talk at me every time I make a post he's interested in. +1 I do NOT understand why someone on the HOS is tolerated around here. When we as a community put someone in the HoS, it's like we kicked them off the island in Survivor. Yet the producers have decided to just let them hang around. It's odd. Solarcadet could just FIX THE PROBLEM, and get off the HOS. But he doesn't. He thumbs his nose at this entire community, and nothing happens. Meanwhile...well...best not go down that road. RMA, I tried and did apologize and made right with the seller. The mods own the island not the islanders... I truly do not believe that you fully understand why your actions regarding a few things were more offensive than a monetary issue. When people try to question your behavior you thumb your nose in a way that basically says "FU" to people and that despite that I know that you are dealing through PM with people making transactions with international books. So until that is ever rectified, there are some of us that will never want to deal with you, myself included. It's a forum not the dark side buzzetta... I'm not doing any harm and if I was the mods would intervene. I don't sell international books for profit, I hunt them for fun for whoever wants one. You told people your dad had cancer, only to admit you lied and then apologized and not long after started making fun of concentration camps. You're a tool with zero conscience. +1
  17. I have to wait a whole week to see the results? Should have extended the poll a few more days to turn it into a SDCC kickoff.
  18. I am so awesome I can "go at it" with someone without actually making a post. I can't keep you guys straight. I swear, it's like watching wrestling around here. Some guy talks on the microphone, some guy runs in and smacks him with a chair. Some guy is off on the side screaming color commentary. I am actually proud of the internet for ripping JR's audio to the Hell in a Cell match and slapping it on everything from World Cup to Basketball.
  19. For serious. Symbiotic's repeat indiscretions have caused a tear in the board-universe. Is Larry really in here? Like the Water Cooler invasion of Comics General? They are just out of sorts because the mods took away all of their global warming threads.
  20. So the guy isn't scummy because he doesn't dink around with expensive books, only cheap ones? What if he was selling an Action #1 but used a reprint as a stock photo? And solarcadet1 definitely deserves his lumps. If only HOS members could get banned so he wouldn't have to quote me and talk at me every time I make a post he's interested in. +1 I do NOT understand why someone on the HOS is tolerated around here. When we as a community put someone in the HoS, it's like we kicked them off the island in Survivor. Yet the producers have decided to just let them hang around. It's odd. Solarcadet could just FIX THE PROBLEM, and get off the HOS. But he doesn't. He thumbs his nose at this entire community, and nothing happens. Meanwhile...well...best not go down that road. RMA, I tried and did apologize and made right with the seller. The mods own the island not the islanders... I truly do not believe that you fully understand why your actions regarding a few things were more offensive than a monetary issue. When people try to question your behavior you thumb your nose in a way that basically says "FU" to people and that despite that I know that you are dealing through PM with people making transactions with international books. So until that is ever rectified, there are some of us that will never want to deal with you, myself included.
  21. I need to send you a friend request on Facebook to see what you mean by there being more drama there than there is here. facebook losers I like the pic I saw of you with you and your grandma as your profile pic when you commented on a certain other company's page. I adore my grandma and is glad she is still with us. Just for fun though I have a pic of she and I making gang signs that we sent to the rest of the family.
  22. I need to send you a friend request on Facebook to see what you mean by there being more drama there than there is here.
  23. I laugh every time I see this... "...as God as my witness, he is broken in half..."