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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. The Beatles, Beastie Boys, Run-DMC, Stones...they're laughin' atcha!! You saying they didn't play their own instruments and sing their own tunes? I'm talking about someone who doesn't ink his own pencils. Um George Martin had quite a bit to do with how the Beatles finished product sounded... Just saying. Did he play their instruments for them? What about when they went on tour? Marvel editors have quite a bit of influence on a finished comic too, but unless they physically dipped a pen in ink and applied it to the bristol I'm not actually counting it. I really do not know what to tell you if you honestly are unfamiliar with Martin's contributions towards the Beatles' overall sound. If you are not then there is no way to really explain it to you in a post. If you are and are simply ignoring it in an effort to support your own argument, then again, there is nothing I can do for you. As far as a tour goes, that argument goes out the window since each performance is essentially a new composition. (I have gone to a few Phish shows - the 2013-07-10 Harry Hood was far better than the 2013-12-30 version) On the record though where you have certain albums which are meant to be heard in a certain order and in a certain way, he is clearly responsible.
  2. The Beatles, Beastie Boys, Run-DMC, Stones...they're laughin' atcha!! You saying they didn't play their own instruments and sing their own tunes? I'm talking about someone who doesn't ink his own pencils. Um George Martin had quite a bit to do with how the Beatles finished product sounded... Just saying.
  3. Waaaaaaaay too many Andrew's on this board. By Andrew I will clarify to the n00bz that we are not referencing Thirdgreenham, Beige nor myself.
  4. Someone FINALLY put together a instrumental version of Mos Def's "Twilite Speedball" You may all know it as the music used in that commercial for the Cosmopolitan in Vegas.
  5. Kirby... not the be all end all in the slightest... Just never thought of Kirby as the "best" or even near the top. With the exception of the Fantastic Four covers, I mostly look at Kirby's other work with appreciation but not greatness. They are good to me but they do not mesmerize. I can look at a Schomburg or especially a Feldstein cover and be captivated, looking at every nook and cranny of the cover in an effort to see what detail I missed the first time around and what else I can find. Kirby is good, but not as good as a few others. As I write this I can think of several artists like Fred Ray and Jack Burnley who composed some excellent artwork, both of which grab me in a way that Kirby's work does not. Now... I can appreciate that Jack knew how to lay down a comic book and was probably one of the most prolific and talented artists of his generation. I can also appreciate that Miley Cyrus has incredible vocal range and a natural voice. However, I do not own anything by Miley Cyrus as most of the music she produces does not interest me. (However she is working with the Flaming Lips so that may change.) Either way while I can appreciate that Miley has incredible talent and I cannot take that away from her, I can also say that I do not think she is the 'best'. I believe the same with Kirby.
  6. I am a big fan of Marcos Martin's work. I would love to own a Spider-man page but from what I understand he does not sell his art. I have seen some of the Breach and Batgirl pages made available but nothing from Doctor Strange or Spider-man.
  7. I agree with the previous comment regarding the various incarnations of the first movie. If there is a sequel made, which version of the movie is it a sequel to? We are not talking about a insignificant change like Greedo shooting first in Star Wars or awkwardly blinking Ewoks. That is not really a significant change to the whole movie. However, there have been enough cuts of Blade Runner where one version may be significantly different from the other.
  8. I have a package to send you. I will be including some music and other things to get you to change your mind.
  9. What do I have to do to get you to rename this thread, "The Helping Friendly Book"?
  10. This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title....oh Sublime! (Yes...I know they covered it...I was a child of the 90s...) Now I see it. I was trying to figure it out... I smoked 3 joints is the song I believe.
  11. I want to laugh this off but in reality I just checked to make sure the door was double locked.
  12. ..... a weed must be removed by the root GOD BLESS.... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u That's like... deep man... real deep.
  13. I give Liefeld a LOT of credit for the way he interacts with fans while he is fully aware of the abuse that he takes from them behind his back. Yes, some of the critique is warranted (the Cap image comes to mind) but the guy has become a comic book punching bag meme. It's like the fashionable thing to do for some to beat up on the guy. Meanwhile, he seems to thoroughly enjoy interacting with fans whereas some other creators view it as a chore or just part of the job.
  14. I still say that George Perez is a fan of the fans. I have never seen anyone top his energy, personality nor his work ethic at shows.
  15. I met John Romita Sr as a kid and he was nothing but kind and generous with his time as I remember him.
  16. The very first BWS art I was exposed to was when he was drawing for Valiant. Considering what everyone else was doing in the early 90's I immediately recognized how different this "new" guy was and that his stuff was really cool in its own way.
  17. This.... this was created by someone yesterday and made the internet just a little bit better...
  18. No he was challenged Sharon/skypinkblu and I spoke to his mummy. At what point does the 454 page thread become worthwhile to read? I want to cut to the chase. Or... is it really a slow build that is worth it? Nothing about that is worth spending any time. I don't know what the PC term is, but I am pretty sure that Justin was special. I blame the Boards less than I do his mom or whoever takes care of him. It was just an awful train wreck where a special kid wore out his welcome because he had no filter and no one was watching what he was doing. I have no interest in that then. It is one thing to take enjoyment over the foolish train wrecks that a few create for themselves. I personally do not want anything to do with what you are describing then.
  19. No he was challenged Sharon/skypinkblu and I spoke to his mummy. At what point does the 454 page thread become worthwhile to read? I want to cut to the chase. Or... is it really a slow build that is worth it?
  20. That was a fun thread. That thread was one of the first threads I remember when I joined. If I remember right, Justin was talking about how he spent all his money on his girlfriend and didn't have money left for Captain America comics, etc. Oak was really calm, cool and collected - then SNAP - he finally had enough and gave him both barrels. I think that lashing was the end of Justin. He just left after that, never to return. Link please
  21. Scroll up http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=4&Number=7941189&Searchpage=1&Main=350781&Words=&topic=0&Search=true#Post7941189
  22. You fell into a vat of ooze that augmented your typing skills while at the same time robbing you of a mental filter?
  23. Blame GAtor. I bought an Amazing Fantasy 15 from him in 2010 and he recommended these boards as a wealth of resources and to be better involved in the Collecting Community. I wound up lurking for quite some time then decided to open my mouth and there went the neighborhood.