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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Want something positive? If I could get my hands on one cover it would not be anything vintage. I am a big fan of Marcos Martin Amazing Spider-man art. This is one of the few modern ASM's that I felt were must haves in 9.8. They are in my 'permanent' Spider-man collection and going nowhere. The 692's were from a great deal with fellow boardie Beachbum. I am not going to dig out the slabs but I will just post the images. Marcos Martin is simply a fantastic cover artist.
  2. I just looked at this picture again and remembered what a previous poster said. Well to that I ask all of you... Who looks healthier? Ian McKellen or Keith Richards. (Anyone who doesn't know who Keith (The living embodiment of the Rock and Roll mythos and lifestyle) Richards is you should be ashamed of yourself.)
  3. Okay Magneto by and large has always been in peak physical shape with being in his 50's look. Ian has never looked the part. He looks old and weak. That's because even by 1989 it was reasonable to say that Magneto was 55. It fit with the WWII origin and would have made him a 10 year old boy in 1944 while the Germans were still operating the concentration camps. Eventually I expect a ret con of sorts in that Magneto slowed his aging by controlling the ions or something in his cells. Eventually I expect Frank Castle to have served in Iraq and not Vietnam Remember, originally Ben Grimm served in WWII, that has been washed away. Tony Stark found himself in Vietnam during some of the earlier Iron Man's and the Cold War was very prevalent during some of the earlier Marvel issues and no longer referenced. Hulk?
  4. All of you... stop the griping. Stewart, McKellen, Fassbender, McAvoy, Jackman, Dinklage. Jackman has made an excellent Wolverine. The height thing has never bothered me. If anything if not for Jackman's acting ability, the X-Men film series may never have lasted this long. Even his cameo in First Class was an exceptional easter egg surprise in the film. Hopefully they are able to throw the ball to him a couple of more times before he hangs up the claws for good.
  5. Like I said I want no part of this. I am no advocate for anyone providing free dental services courtesy of their fist at a con. However, I am surprised that there are no accounts so far of loud confrontations at cons or any knocking his stuff off a table or anything. There seems to be quite a few people that he owes money to and usually that is never a good thing for anyone in that situation.
  6. I think you could be right. Plenty available at MCS if anyone wants to dabble: www.mycomicshop.com/search?q=x-factor+6&AffID=798679P01 I just paid $118 http://www.ebay.com/itm/111117397104?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 I think there is another 9.6 at slightly more than that but less than the $160 that MCS was asking.
  7. Funny you mention that... right before you posted it - I just bought a 9.6 White copy on the bay.
  8. We have a thread for you: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6866854 Nah... In reality, this is a thread I want no part of.
  9. First Bishop pic looks great! Agreed... NOw watch the prices jump for X-Men 281, 282 and 283.
  10. Not a comic book purchase per se... but part of the genre and a boardie was the one who helped me acquire him. NOW my vintage collection is complete.
  11. WOW - I have never been to one but I know that more people over the years have become upset with Kramer's past in relation and his ties to the event. With one of the major issues regarding his financial ties to the event it was supposedly hard to oust him. I would love to know what the financial terms of the deal was. BTW - Simpsons Tapped Out - the length of time to build this boardwalk is ridiculous.
  12. Buzzetta


    I like how old threads are periodically resurrected... I think I may have a go at it...
  13. When the Xbox One comes out, an internet connection will be required to remove the DRM and "Online Only" restrictions built into the software. So just a word of warning that Microsoft may find a way down the road to justify turning these features back on, and it's just a matter of including a patch with a game. It's something to consider. I'm taking a "wait and see" position with this console. And considering how neither console is backwards compatible, brand loyalty is silly. I already considered that as they have already done that with some games now. I believe that homefront was the first where you were not allowed to go past Level 5 in online mode unless you had an individual code. Brand loyalty is not essential to me, but I enjoy playing with my cousins and a couple of friends that own the system. So much of this relies on what we all decide to do as a group. Either way, I will only pick up one of the two and go from there. On top of that I usually wait a few months to see what is going on before I make a decision. There is of course the idea that I may not get anything. I have had the same X-Box 360 console since 2005. The 4gb machine is starting fall behind in the race but it gets the job done...
  14. I've been wondering since that was scrapped what might have been with regards to downloadable games on the Xbox One. I can imagine that's what MS was hoping to ultimately transition to. Steam always has great sales. I'm hoping Sony and Microsoft follow suit. Good thing they did. I was leaning towards the PS4
  15. I am now back at leaning towards the X-Box One... Now that the DRM issue has been scrapped... I buy mostly used games.
  16. I had the original... Unfortunately the plastic used on 80's GI Joe was VERY brittle and such as life I sold the remains for parts about ten years ago. I thought about buying another original on eBay but then remembered that it would be a waste as it would not last long... Lo and behold' they announced at Toy Fair that they made a new one... not one based off the old mold but one based off a new mold... I wrote about it back in February that I needed one and just this past weekend I found one by pure dumb luck. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6384583&fpart=2
  17. Ummm... spent the majority of the day studying and doing some paperwork... I know - exciting birthday... In between.... I got bored studying... Hence... the Birthday haul... I should have these within a week or two.
  18. Agreed.... as I was going to eventually seek Mr Castrillo out for a commission... After this thread I have second thoughts.
  19. So a major section of this was just poofed.... I simply will rewrite what I wrote... I have not been around much in the last week and a half. However, the Comic Gods shine upon me to deliver this thread for my reading amusement.
  20. No offense, but I've never really understood this mentality. 10-20 hours of extremely high quality entertainment isn't worth $60 to you? This applies to me and my perspective only... Excellent question... the answer to me is "no." I have no problem spending what it takes to get a seat I am comfortable with in paying to get myself to the game or the show. For example, my friends and I decided we really wanted to be at Yankee Opening Day in 2009 for the first official MLB game in the new stadium. We paid $350 a seat. To me, that was worth it because that was an experience for an event that would not wait for me nor will it come again. A video game? If I wait two months from the release date I can get that same game used for 2/3 to 3/4 of the price. That game is waiting for me.
  21. I should have let you know sooner. I picked it up yesterday and was showing it off to a friend. I definitely want to see Romita sign that for the CGC notation alone.