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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. Reading Terminal Market and eat your way through it. I miss living in Philly. sorta.
  2. agreed, why couldnt they have switched Sue and Victor? Sue goes, Victor gets some residual blow back from the return explosion and gets some powers too along with some disfiguring injuries.... I know that ruins one of their plot lines of Doom being left behind and assumed dead, but that wasnt much of a lynchpin was it?
  3. Suckerpunch might have looked ok but it was a HORRIBLE -script, and wasnt well directed either. The visuals were interesting, but nothing else about that movie would make me want to hand Snyder a property to go write a -script and create a world. He's better off letting someone else do that part (a'la watchmen)
  4. they seemed to put the emphasis on the fact that they found a PLANET, so I could see some Exec sending a note saying "why is this planet called the negative zone? Call it planet something"
  5. .. back to the drawing board. When I watched the movie last week I had a little moment of hope that they might tease Galactus's presence in the Negative Zone (I will never call it Planet Zero or whatever they said). I cant imagine the shortsighted-ness in negotiating F4 rights without trying to get Namor in the mix. Or they can do something like Anhilus coming out of the Negative Zone. And his presence, in conjunction with the energy of the Negative Zone gate & all that other stuff, it alerts Galactus (somewhere on the far side of the galaxy or something) to Earth's advancements & "ripening" on a technological level. Or was that the plot of FF2? I don't remember. I remember that it was a halfway decent plot idea that was horribly executed. But I don't remember what it was. yeah I dont remember FF2, might need to rewatch it just to remember the plot points. The problem is if they do anything "cosmic" then it gets compared to Guardians of the Galaxy, which will surely outshine it. Marvel doing Guardians was a great clockblock to DC trying to do anything cosmic. I remember back when GotG was being rumored and everyone thought it was s silly idea with no fan base, but in terms of positioning it was brilliant
  6. .. back to the drawing board. When I watched the movie last week I had a little moment of hope that they might tease Galactus's presence in the Negative Zone (I will never call it Planet Zero or whatever they said). I cant imagine the shortsighted-ness in negotiating F4 rights without trying to get Namor in the mix.
  7. I say get a different writer, forget about Doom, do the whole Atlantis/Namor thing in the next movie, which also lets them delve into the Reed/Sue relationship which was just hinted at in the 1st movie. That's your external conflict. Have Reed dealing with his guilt over Ben's transformation as the internal conflict. Have Reed continue to fiddle with the negative zone in an attempt to fix ben and by the end of the second movie he tries to harness the negative zone to change Ben back but fails. Little does he know that his latest experiement has left the door open to the negative zone and a being that existed in that dimension who now will follow the breadcrumbs back from the negative zone to Earth to be the big conflict in the sequel. the being? Galactus. I know that doesnt jive with the Comic book origins of Galactus, but it ties every thing together nicely. 3rd movie is F4 vs Galactus, for big external conflict. And No swirling cloud. Big giant Kirby-esque Galactus destroying things. Reed opens the movie noticing the power siphoning of earth into the negative zone, figures out how to disrupt it in the first act, which only leads to Galactus coming thru the portal to do it in person. Reed can try to recruit Doom to help him defeat Galactus and have that ego battle as the internal conflict, because in the end Reed has to ask for Sue's help to win over Doom to get his help in defeating Galactus. You could even take a dig at DC comics by slotting your F4 movie with Namor to come out the same time as DC's Aquaman movie (2018) three years should be enough time for people to forgive the current movies woes, and let Miles Teller look more like Reed Richard the man than Reed Richard, angsty teen. and seriously who ever writes the next movie have them tone down the whole "we're killing the earth" rhetoric. We know whats going on, we go to movies to escape reality, not to remember it. If we want to watch more about climate change and the earth we'll rewatch An Inconvenient Truth.
  8. David had 250 copies made if I remember right. Though it's not like all 250 copies made it to the public, I remember him saying that he gave some copies out to the friends and family who helped and supported him along the way. It got stocked in the shop in Flint and a few other places and of course he took copies with him to the shows he did around the midwest.. But even the subsequent Archaia printing was only 8000 copies, so that's not a big print run either..... I remember the guys in the Flint shop saying his mom would come in and buy copies of the book as it came out and would lovingly complain if it wasnt stocked well enough! Whats the print run of this one? I just have the regular 1st print This book has such a tremendous potential
  9. gonna open the vault, thinking Sunday evening. GA Sci-Fi, Okajimas, and maybe an Aquaman 35 one of a kind...
  10. Im just hoping he doesnt have an inbox full of PMs offering $200-$300 after the fact with tips to just say "it already sold via PM"... not that anyone on the boards here would pull that shady move...
  11. it's funny how times change. Now publishers with restart a title at the drop of a hat because they know #1 issues have the best pre-order numbers, back in the golden age buyers (according to stories I've heard) trusted books with later numbers because it meant they would not be disappearing from the news stand after just a few issues...Publishers also knew that keeping a title and just changing the contents would likely keep up orders at the same rate, where as restarting a title would give the orderers a moment to rethink their buy of that issue....
  12. 1. Book didn't sell to anyone else. Seller pulled book because he underpriced it and got a ton of PMs saying such. assumed the worst, I was wrong. Sorry SPECTRE_nWo
  13. 1. Book didn't sell to anyone else. Seller pulled book because he underpriced it and got a ton of PMs saying such. 2. Why make an offere? No one wants to spend more money than they have to. Everyone tries to make a deal. The Seller's actions make me think even if a "I'll take it" was posted in the thread at the original asking price, there would have been a mysterious secret buyer who "just bought it via PM before you"... I've had two purchases here on the boards over the years that the seller didn't know what they had, underpriced a book and I bought it. Both times the seller mentioned "guess I should have asked for more" or "I had no idea that this book was rare" or something to that effect, both times the seller completed the transaction no problem. I've also sold a few books (modern, not my area of attention) that I had no idea were hot and could have gotten 4-5x my asking price. Thats on me for not doing better research. This forum cant FORCE a seller to sell a book that they attempted to sell and then got cold feet about their price. But if a seller wants to use this forum for selling books, then they should honor their listed (or PM offered) prices, if not they should go on the probation list.
  14. I dont think click-baiting is the end of the world, now if the deception continues in the actual sales thread that's another matter. Like say selling a pence copy of a book, without mentioning its a pence copy and only using a fuzzy picture where you cant read any of the label info except for the grade... not that anyone's doing that...
  15. I've flipped two books here on the boards. Held each for at least a year first... That TOS57 has sold only twice in the last two years for his asking price (or more). It's sold for less the other eleven times. $600 was a fair price for a quick sale (and it worked) $750 is a fair price for a sale if he's willing to wait... It looked like a straight up sale, no "oh I'd love to have this for my collection" type stuff, no trying to whittle down a price...
  16. That'd be great! It is not on ANY lists currently (it wasnt part of Barr's purchase, nor is it on the pedigree list) Lousy scan, but it should do the trick. If you can't read it it says 1-25-44, 2B this is awesome for many reasons 1. It's the earliest 2 code (predating the Sensation #28 "2-19-44 Okajima 2I") 2. It's not one of Alan's (so it came from one of the other two buyers) 3. It's not on the current list Yay!
  17. excessively giddy about my first "best of" even if it's not a really competitive set... (though I know if a few people bothered to put some of their high grade SA1s in a registry I'd be looking up at #1 in no time) Now if only there were more high grade copies on the market!
  18. Anyone wanna hazzard a guess as to how much money changes hands via the marketplace threads each month? Im kinda curious... granted it'd take some time, digging, and tracking, but Im curious...
  19. The seller only (in the listing) was charging $6 shipping for priority. That tells me Envelope. Now he could have done a good job, but if I wanted a box, and bought in a $6 shipping thread, I would have asked for an upgrade to a box. Did you ask him for a box? (still he could have done a better job with his envelope shipping)
  20. I don't collect Archie so it would have just been me guessing the whole time. Archies are simple. If Better or Veronica look GGA-ish on the cover... buy it. this ^ even if you lose, you win.
  21. I don't collect Archie so it would have just been me guessing the whole time. Archies are simple. If Better or Veronica look GGA-ish on the cover... buy it.
  22. I've sent some lowish $ books in envelopes, and they get there fine (we're talking books that were like $20). The problem with that packing is he didnt use good thick cardboard (with alternating corrugation patterns so they all don't bend the same way) to sandwich the book safely.
  23. Updated list of Camp Era Books Startling Comics #24 "Okajima" (no code) Captain Marvel Adventures #28 "Okajima" Captain Midnight #13 "Okajmia" (no code) Captain Marvel #31 ("1-26-43") "1H", "Okajima" Catman #21 "Okajima" Catman #22 "Okajima 1D" Human Torch #14 (1-1-?) "1F" or "1J" or "1Y" (most likely) Sensation #28 "2-19-44 Okajima 2I" Catman #22 "2-22-44 Okajima 2j" Air Fighters Comics V2 #7 (2/22/44) "2j" Super Magician v2n12 (2-24-44) "2K" Crack Comics #33 (2/22/44) "2M" Black Terror #6 (3/11/44) "2q" Zip Comics 46 (3/18/44) "2R" Police Comics #30 (3/18/44) "2R" Marvel Mystery Comics #55 (3/18/44) "2R" Prize Comics "3-27-44" "Okajima" "2" Super Magician v3#1 (3/29/44) "2T" Captain Aero Comics #15 (V3 #13) (3/29/44) "2T" Boy Comics #16 (4/1/44) "2u" Police Comics #31 (4/8/44) "2x" Fightin' Yank #8 (4/8/44) "2x" Flash Comics #54 (4/11/44) "2xz (you can see she used the code over, and then corrected it to "z" Captain Marvel Jr. 19 (4/15/44) "3A" Thrilling Comics (4/15/44) "3A" Human Torch #15 (4/15/44) "3A" Captain America Comics 39 (4/20/44) "3D" Tip Top #96 (4/22/44) "3F" Target V5#3 (4/3/44) 3G Master Comics 51 (4/25/44) "3H" Super Magician v3n2 (4/27/44) "3?" Shadow Comics V4 #3 (5/6/44) "3m" Captain America Comics 40 (5/9/44) "3o" Captain Marvel Jr. 20 (5/16/44) "3q" Startling Comics #28 (5/23/44) "3R" Marvel Mystery Comics 57 (5/24/44) "3R" Captain Midnight #21(5/24/44) "3R" Action #74 (5/24/44) "3S" More Fun Comics 98 (5/29/44) "3T" Fight Comics #33 (5/29/44) "3T" Military Comics #31 (5/30/44) "3u" Ace #88 (5-30-44) "3u" Rangers Comics #18 (6/3/44) "3w" Sensation #32 (6-1?-44) "??" Wow #27 (6-15-44) "3x" Captain America Comics #41 (6/23/44) "3z" Target V5#4 (6/30/44) "4B" Jungle Comics 54 (4/29/ 44) "3J" Mystery Comics 2 (8/9/44) "4o" Captain Marvel Jr #23 (8-21-44) "4u" Military Comics #34 (no date) "4xv" no okjajima -script Shadow Comics v4#7 (9-??-44) "4√" faded okajima -script top left Sensation #35 "Okajima 4y" Captain Midnight #13 "Okajima" on cover only 54 in all.
  24. Anyone have pictures with the camp info? I see the record of it selling on Clink back in 2014. it's mine! Awesome! DC and Timely books are under-represented in the known Okajima census, you have a great book