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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. Well after breaking the seal with the Space Adventures #25 I decided to go for the gusto and try and put together a top Space Adventures set. The books come to market so infrequently (in high grade) that I figured my lack of funds would match nicely with lack of purchasing opportunities! So over last year I grabbed a few other books that happened to pop on eBay, and had them waiting for me when I returned to the US over Christmas...
  2. nothing special but did grab a few JuniorPress issues on our trip to Rotterdam this weekend.
  3. How much do you discount a book in value/price with the addition of tape on the spine (not to repair a split, just the old "they did it 'cause they thought it would reinforce the book and make it last longer)? Only the slightest of discoloration at this point from the tape, but I know it's all down hill from here in terms of the tape degrading and yellowing. So how much do you decrease the value of the book vs a book of the same quality with no tape on the spine? (oh and it's not a huge dollar book, just a few hundred if there wasn't tape, but all the same, and it is somewhat hard to find)
  4. Smart pick-up! I assume you got that from Jamie Graham? He had it at WonderCon and I thought about it. I actually have a slightly better copy but wanted it for the pedigree. Couldn't justify it at the time but kind of wished I got it. Glad to found a new home with a boardie! Its still with Jamie as far as I know, it was on his site so I pulled a scan, but thanks to Straw for posting his better and bigger one! I dont think this book is on the master list in the Pedigree book, but I'll have to double check.
  5. ok and for posterity since the book has never been on any other lists, and this might be the only scan around of it. (I've cropped out the case/label because it's not CGC)
  6. I know it's back in the thread somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. What is considered the end of the camp period? Had she been released before the end of 1944? based on Mikes Amazing website Shadow 4/7 was on the stands August '44 so yes it would fall in the camp list. Also looking at the book it has the purchase date noted and the comic code she used, No "Okajima" -script, but she had started not using that consistently by August/September
  7. I saw those FF209s and thought it was funny that two would be listed at the same time in auction considering how infrequently they come up for auction. Im always hunting for a FF213, and the 209 was tempting! Glad you got a reasonable seller who was willing to work with you to get you out of a sticky situation.
  8. super awesome, thanks for posting the pictures. Its great seeing the markings. I had two of these on my master list (which includes Ritter's list), but the Prize one was a new one! I think the only earlier Okajima I've ever seen is the Startling Comics #24. It also has the "Okajima" -script (no other markings on the cover). It's listed as hitting the street a few days before The Cap Marvel Adventures #28 (8/27 vs 9/1) but that's just splitting hairs. The CMA #31 is funny because it's noted date "1-26-43" would be 12 months before the book actually came out (12/1/43) I assume that she actually picked it up 1-26-44, and she made the same mistake some of us make, listing the previous year on her date. This would also jive with the inventory code "1H" which would be the second oldest code, just after the Cat-Man #22 with its "1D" note. It makes for only the third "1" series book I've seen or inventoried. Again, super awesome sharing these, each and every one is a gem!
  9. it falls under threadkrapping technically... if I see some GPA misquotes I just PM the seller...
  10. He's on the Probation List right now. You can't go on the HOS for the same thing you went on the PL for. why not?
  11. I feel like because there are some horendous HOSers on the list that this set the bar so high it'd be virtually impossible for someone to get HOSed for anything less than outright theft. Hustruck perpetrated a fraud. Not to get money, but to get out of a deal. If he had just reneged on the deal he'd be facing the PL and have to come to terms with some way to compensate the buyer for ending the deal without reason, and that'd be fine. But he went further, using stolen images (from here on the board) to create lies that would give him an out. This fraudulent act was intentional, and he had plenty of time to rethink his act. But he decided the best act was to create this false story to get out of a deal he couldn't consummate any way. So if the first act would have been probation worthy, doesn't intentionally lying, deceiving a fellow boardie all in an effort to get out of a marketplace purchase seem HOS eligible? Anyone so quickly willing to lie, falsify, and decieve should have no place in the marketplace. (I dont think any of his other acts are HOS material, just annoying, but if annoying was grounds to get HOSed, about 1/3 of us would get on the list at some point)
  12. Spb I agree the shilling and low balling and lack of scoial graces arent HOS worthy. Intentional deception and misrepresentation during a transaction, and then holding the line with some "I said I could cancel the transaction for any reason" rationale (which was also not true) are all business practices that should keep Hustruck out of the marketplace
  13. With his many shady tactics I can't for the life of me not see him anywhere else but the HoS. +1 I think of the PL as a tool to help encourage parties to complete transactions and resolve problems. HOS is to protect the community against those who lack the business ethics to behave above board. I would consider Hustrucks actions (in terms of the deception regarding the cracked slab in an effort to get out of a deal he could no longer complete) to fall into the second category. His instinct/choice was to deceive rather than fess up and try to make amends. Someone willing to take that path should not be conducting any sort of business on the boards. maybe he'll come on here, throw himself on the mercy of the boards, say he didnt know what else to do blah blah blah.... but it comes down to when faced with a choice of lying or being honest... he chose lies.
  14. technically its "POTENTIAL" 9.8 I mean if he got all the graders drunk first, hid everyones glasses yeah it still wouldnt get a 9.8
  15. Da truth. I think I remember that Gabriel Hardman did the Storyboards for Superman Returns and in an interview he said that that sequence basically was shot for shot in line with his storyboards. and you can tell. it's pure comic-bookery... (my word copywrite 2015) and its awesome.
  16. I liked MOS better than Superman Return as a whole, but I dont remember a sequence from MOS I liked as much as I liked the Airplane/Shuttle rescue in Superman Returns.
  17. I just returned from the states for the first time all year so I was able to pick up some stuff waiting for me... see the back My newest Camp Okajima. She had a thing for Captain Marvel Jr, so Im thrilled to have it, also its an early camp book (from Feb). And my batch of Space Adventures, The 25 is White Mtn, and the 27 is a Bethleham
  18. Much thanks to Rich Henn on a two year adventure for this book... and the back Next adds will be Neal, Grell, Perez and Pollard... (my goal is for all living GL Vol 2 artists) anyone else (V3 and beyond) is a bonus, like EVS or such...
  19. Hey, maybe he's the guy to finally finish the pedigree book! the okajima chaper is all done... Then publish it! Please ... not mine to publish... and IM assuming other chapters arent as done as the Okajima one was.
  20. cant decide if you're being serious or cheeky... either way... I wouldnt consider the All New and the Western Romance to be the "same GA time period" as far as this pedigree is concerned. '45 was a transition year (from camp to moving around) there's a case to be made for inconsistancy in marking. But by 49 she was well into her established pedigree markings of front cover distributor marks (F or T typically with a number, all often found in pencil in the uppper left area of the book, typically inside the title letters), and by 49 she was using her own date stamp on the back of the books.
  21. Hey, maybe he's the guy to finally finish the pedigree book! the okajima chaper is all done...