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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. PS Brian, dont take my skepticism as an attack, I just enjoy the academic exercise of trying to figure out these little pedigree mysteries...
  2. ever thought of getting it slabbed? I'd be curious to see if CGC and their pedigree assessment (which isnt perfect, but who know's what's in their secret sauce) includes it in the pedigree. With none of the expected markers from any part of the pedigree Im just not sure. Dealers (often) arent great record keepers, Alan was a great exception to that. I dont know that buying two books from similar locations, around the same time makes it any more or less likely an Okajima. Maybe it got mis-labeled byt the dealer as the ped, and it was actually another book in their stock. Maybe the person who sold it to the dealer said it was a ped and they were wrong... Just the fact that with half of the pedigree indexed, and there being no Harvey books, and the book not matching the Okajima markings, and the book being a condition outlier makes me doubtful. But hey for $30 either way you have a nice book, and a Schoemburg cover to boot!
  3. Alan did not share me his list... I think his list will be included in the Pedigree Comics book when that comes out in...
  4. hmm lets see Fiction House (her favorite) On Sale Sept '46, which would put it in the "Distributor code on the front cover, an F or a T with a number, often found inside the letter of the title. The marking doesnt match (the "a" is one I havent seen before), but it's on the pedigree book master list. Wonder if it cam from Alan's list as one he had or found at some point. It's date of arrival is just outside of the "no distinguishing marks" era (May '45 to May '46), which would make more sense...
  5. my list (on page one) is just books from the camp era (known for their alphanumeric code and "okajima" -script writing on cover. Once we get into '45 (in February internment gets rescinded I think) the camps were closed down you should pass your books on to Pedigree book folks for inclusion in their list (of all of the books in the pedigree)
  6. great colors on that book! The distributor mark on the cover is very consistent with the other Okajimas from that era. (dont suppose you know if there's that date stamp on the back?) thanks for sharing it (twice even!)
  7. Rulah 22 would be great to see! My posted list is just the Camp books I've been able to document, I havent gotten into nailing down all the post camp books. Rulah 24 is on the mast list that Alan put together over the years (between the 1/3 he bought and the others he saw and/or tried to buy after the fact), so it doesnt surprise me that she had RUlah 22 as well! Also she did like her Fox books! Im going to guess.. Does your Rulah 22 have a date stamp on the back cover? near the top?
  8. who knows... because of how this collection came into the market (not as a whole, but divided three ways, with the other two buyers dispersing the books in less document-able fashion (ie. via flea markets and all over a region) we might never know all of the books. I dont think Alan ever mentioned any books that looked like they were second hand, or seemed out of place. For the changes in markings over the years of the pedigree it seems to be pretty consistent outside of the transition times...
  9. ok so aparently Family is a subset of Harvey?!?!? anywho... Ok, No Harvey comics in the known list of Okajima comics. Maybe they had different distribution vs the other publishers?
  10. just saw that it's actually published by "Family" not Harvey... Mike's Amazing had the publisher wrong... researching...
  11. All New Comics #11, newstand date of March 1945, publisher Harvey. Some thoughts: 1. This book isnt on the list of known Okajima books. Though that list only has about 50% of the pedigree recorded. 2. Im not aware of any Harvey comics in the pedigree, but Im still going through the list. It's not popping up on the "top publishers" chart (Fiction House (36%), Fawcett, DC, Fox, Nedor, Timely/Atlas(5%)... 3. Action/Adventure (and War) were certainly in her wheelhouse of subject mater interests for books. So that's right. (As opposed to say funny animal books) 3. Condition-wise this would be an outlier. There are a few VG graded books in the Pedigree from the early era but we're talking like 2-3 out of 50 graded books (so like 5% of the pedigree's census from this era, '43-45) 4. During this time (early '45) the books in the pedigree typically (I'd say exclusively but I havent seen all of the pedigree) were marked with a store stamp with a date on the front cover (this one would have something like "Mar 6 1945") I dont know for sure if it is or isnt, but the evidence doesnt support it. It doesnt exclude it either, but it doesnt line up with what I'd expect from an Okajima book of this timeframe. Any other markings on the book? Back cover?
  12. agreed. the fact that you cant search for pedigrees hurts the site and the sales. throw in the fact that the pedigree wasnt more than a passing mention versus the paragraph about Jamie and the fact that these books came from his collection (did anyone really care?)...
  13. Oh and I'll post my winner from last month... paid a premium for it, but I really like it. It's an early camp book (Feb '44), and a Captain Marvel Jr, who she seemed to really like (lots of his books in the collection) so it felt like a great one to have. I'd still like to add a "war" comic.
  14. beautiful win on that Timely Okajima ... only 5% of the pedigree (known) are Timelys so they are few and far between... I unfortunately woke up and got to my computer 1 minute too late to bid on the '44 Military Comics 34, which I'll post for posterity's sake in case the owner isnt a board member... It's an interesting late '44 book. No "Okajima"... no purchase date.... but it does have her code (of sorts) with a 4 xv (though the V kinda' looks more like a check mark so it might be 4X and a check mark). This comic was on the newstand September 6th of '44 (not sure how delayed the camps were in getting papers/comics) but other books from around the same time in the pedigree: Sensation Comics 35 (Aprox. On Sale Date: September 7, 1944) [4x note] So it would make sense if those two books had the same code, since she coded them by purchase group (it would seem) The odd thing is that beyond the code, the two books were marked differently. Senation getting an "Okajima" -script, which the Military Comic did not. Neither got a date noted. I was interested in this book because it marks (along with the Sensation) her transition to a very thin time in the pedigree. Late '44 to early 45. Some of the camps started closing and those in the camps were moved more often so her opportunity to buy (or maybe even to earn money) might have been tough here in the late part of 44 into '45. Remember just a month earlier she had noted on her copy of Mystery Comics 2 "Camp 3" maybe because she was changing camps. 4X is the latest camp code I've seen, and the next know books have a store date stamp on the front cover (and no -script, no code, no hand written dates). Once we get to August of '46 we will start to see the recognizable F or T distributor code on the covers (with a number, usually written in side one of the letters of the title of the book) So I'm a little bummed about missing the book, but maybe it'll show up at some point in the future.. or another book will reveal itself (a 4Y? 4Z?) Okajimas are still rare to market, so having two in this auction was a very nice surprise, and Straw selling his Police copy is super awesome (just wish I wasnt so poor!) here's the scan of Military Comics #34, which I also believe was not on Alan Barr's list (one of the three original purchases of the pedigree).
  15. I think down the road I might get a few really interesting ones, but they dont quite hit in my strike zone for what I love about the Sci-Fi books in the 50s. The "Funny Animal" ones are more fanciful and whimsical than the sci-fi writer/artists that Im loving who were trying to express some real thoughts about what space might be like, or trying to work through some of the real apprehension people were feeling about space travel and exploration during the 50s. There's one Life with Archie (that has Harpies on the cover) that will get into my collection at some point when/if a decent high grade one surfaces. Oh and I was an underbidder on this Jetta 5, which I've been hoping for a copy of for a few years (but alas another book in that Auction took all of my $$$) maybe another one will come up in a decade.
  16. So far my resolve to not buy EC Sci-Fi comics has held strong.. but Wally Wood, Frazetta and Jack Davis make it tough... I still can't believe you haven't been going after EC. I mean...I'm actually completely flabbergasted and bewildered. Honestly, buying the Space Adventure 25, really makes me want to get a nice copy of Weird Fantasy #17 just to have all of the "dinosaurs in space" covers. Hmm probably more out there... though Incredible Science Fiction #33 is my favorite cover of the EC line, and Wally Wood cant be beat.
  17. So far my resolve to not buy EC Sci-Fi comics has held strong.. but Wally Wood, Frazetta and Jack Davis make it tough...
  18. You know, the problem is there's usually not more than one or two books that come to auction each month that I'm interested in... so the buying slows down... Planets? Plenty of them out there (thanks to GAtor this month!) ECs? All over the place, but the "lesser" titles (which I find more fun to collect)... well they just dont come to auction/sale all that much, which means when they do there's a lot of competition. I've got a few more shots chambered, but I wont have the books in hand until my trip back to the states in December. more write ups in the coming weeks, I promise!
  19. Here's a quick one before my battery dies. I like the Space Adventures books, and this one is a stunner (and River City ped to boot)
  20. also keep in mind the buyers here who are buying are usually on the front end of buying trends. WD19 has been a popular book for a few years (since Michonne showed up on TV) so most already have their copy to hold. Also there's some 9.8 modern elitism (those who only think its worth buying a top grade modern book. Also members here have been around the block a few times. Best time to get a deal on Walking dead books is NOT when they are airing, though you have priced it appropriately (looks to be about 10-15% under current GPA averages) Also remember we just finished up con season, so many collectors are spent in terms of $$$. But I'll say this 1) good sales listing (you followed all the guidelines!) 2) good pictures and descriptions 3) welcome to the boards! Hang out, spend some time in Comics General, make some online friends! Oh and check the Want To Buy thread to see if anyone is looking for a WD19 Want to buy thread
  21. leave it to HusTruck to kick off the "I'm doing this wrong and could spoil it for everyone"
  22. seems like a lot of non G/S/B is showing up in that subforum... wonder when the mods will start moving things over to Mixed again...
  23. Unbelievable. -J. The white page designation is the incredible thing about this beautiful book.Kudos brother. agreed that the white pages is the but the cover image centering and cut is a close second! Look at it. It has all of Hal's foot, all of the missile wing, and all of the CCA and DC circle!
  24. it is interesting, I wonder why they switched their focus (from slabbed to raw)...