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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. I joke. WTTB!! Not my area of expertise (I don't have one) or I would give some input. nothing to welcome, he's been here forever... just under different names that have all gotten banned...
  2. Looking good everyone, make sure your nominations are Good Girl Art, which is subjective but try to be sure it feature a strong emphasis on attractive women no matter what the subject or situation... "emphasis on attractive woman/women" so many great ones so far!
  3. Some great work there people, keep them coming. Here's one of my personal favorites: Fight #44 GGA complete with bondage , another Joe Doolin great.
  4. correct, nominate all you want! More GGA isnt a bad thing now is it?!?!? (TGHs Heath thread had no nomination limitations, and that worked...)
  5. Ok, here we go. In the vein of other "Best of" threads. I'll run it similarly to how thirdgreenham ran the Russ Heath Survivor series, assuming we get enough nominations. The rules are simple: 1. Covers are whats being nominated (not interior art), Should be good girl art type. Good Girl Art is defined loosely as " art feature a strong emphasis on attractive women no matter what the subject or situation" 2. Comic should be published during or before 1955 (at which point we get to Silver Age, and thats a different sub-forum) 3. Needs to be a comic book. Not a magazine, not a pulp. 4. Should be drawn art, no photograph covers. 5. Nominations should include an image of the comic, the title, issue # and the cover artists (if known). I'll set the nomination window at 2 weeks, but if it starts to slow down sooner I'll close nominations with a 24 hour notice. If you posted something in another thread, please add it here! And remember, you dont have to OWN the book to LOVE the book and NOMINATE the book!
  6. guilty ... so here's the discussion question. Why do people outright lie about "what they have in a book" when there's a full record of most sales (depending on where it was bought), and books are identifiable by their unique serial number?
  7. ok seriously... the "I have another guy offering ____" will never work on me. I wanted a book pretty bad. I made an offer, his counter was that he had another guy offering more than me but (supposedly) less than the seller wanted to sell for so if I could come up over the other offer we could do the deal. Sounded like if I didnt beat the other offer it would be sold and gone, but.. I smell lie, I walk away. strangely the book never sells in the thread and just now a few weeks later the seller (when talking about another book) mentions that he still has the first book and am I interested. maybe this move works with some people but there are enough of us here who can smell an angle and see it coming... plus the guy pulled the "I have more in it than that" when I know he did not, cause his purchase of it is in GPA (and he posted about buying it right after it sold, so it didnt go through multiple hands and increase in price along the way). (and my offer was over his purchase price for the record) Just say you want more, dont BS me with a lie that it cost more than it really did. At least I'll respect the honesty. *sigh* moving on...
  8. Wonder if all the facilitators could be "encouraged" to use an online escrow site to hold funds rather than have it all in the hands of the facilitators. Seems like people are willing to send hundreds of bucks to someone who promises a sketch by an artist they are dying for... and they let their desires get in the way of their sense.
  9. Well, here are a few issues that have risen out of the 'regular rules apply' posts: 1) Who gets the book in this case? PM unconditional or in the thread unconditional ? I understand time stamp should take priority but some people believe that in the thread takes precedence over in a PM (although I never understood that logic). 2) How about this? pending scan but then someone else takes it unconditionally? I'm sure there are more but you get the idea. This is a great idea. (thumbs u This would appease people that are lazy and don't want to write out their own rules while also allowing those that wish to write out their own rules do so. I really like this. Have a set of "regular rules" drafted and added to the selling forum rules officially by the moderators. If the seller posts in his sales thread that 'regular rules apply but doesn't stipulate those rules, then boardies are free to copy those rules into the sales thread, point to the selling thread rules posted by Arch and ask to confirm that these are the rules they are referring to. If not, the seller is forced to make amendments to the rules on the spot so there is no confusion...but the posted rules are the automatic default until the seller states otherwise. Seems to be the most elegant and painless solution so far and would eliminate a zillion headaches. Yes there are lots of exceptions, but in terms of regular rules (common approaches) these seem to be common... 1. regular rules seem to be that PM take its are treated evenly with thread take its. 2. regular rules seem to be that conditional take its get usurped by unconditional ones (remember this is just to cover the sales thread where the seller posts "regular rules" and then posts a book with no scan, someone posts "take it pending scan" and second guy posts an unconditional take it. What seems to happen is the unconditional gets the book. 3. Oh and regular rule would be "No HOS/PL can buy"
  10. Sure, but then at least you know what the rules are! There's nothing wrong with not using the regular rules. It's just that 'regular rules' mean different things to different people, but if someone posts a list of the 'regular rules' from the Rules thread then they are forced to either accept those rules or change them. Either case is fine but in both cases at least there is no ambiguity. It's the ambiguity that causes so many fights in selling threads. agreed, thats the point of this exercise.
  11. Payment expected in XXX amount of time, books will be shipped out in XXX amount of time after receipt of payment #3 is nice but doesn't ring true for everyone. Howabout internationals? whats the return policy? Ok this is getting tedious howabout everyone just lay out their own freaking terms it ain't that hard? I agree nothing is going to ring true for everyone.. .just what the "regular" (or most common) rules are. Do most discount for check/mo? If no, just say Payment via paypal. Default rules rarely state payment due by date, and certainly there's no concensus. The default rule is that the transaction should be completed in 30 days thats invoice, payment, ship and reciept. What's typical for returns? All returns accepted with return shipping at the cost of the buyer? (I know some nice guys pay for both parts of shipping, but typically thats not the case)
  12. There's not much to nail down in terms of "regular rules" is there? Typical rules... 1. in thread or PM by time stamp wins. All other negotiations can be trumped by All conditional "take it"s can be trumped by unconditional 2. Buyer pays actual shipping costs. Slabs go boxed priority mail. Raws go in padded, reinforced envelopes. 3. Payment via Paypal, 3% discount for check/MO. beyond that... what's "typical"?
  13. PL means the party at fault can make amends HOS means the party at fault has spooned people over so much s/he cannot make amends.
  14. why wait for the Church copy to submit first?
  15. If I'm the buyer I want the item, and if I'm the seller I want the money. I don't want to be in this grey area where neither of those things are progressing towards fulfillment. The big rush? The "I'll get to it when I get to it" attitude doesn't mix well with business. Neither does rushing around. There was absolutely nothing wrong with shipping every weekend. There used to be deals on eBay but those are quickly disappearing. It's become nothing more than an online store trying to push every seller to be retailer. the irony being that all of those BIN and auction open = retail listings net them far less realized $$ than TRUE auctions, which always (usually) end in an ACTUAL sale.
  16. If I'm the buyer I want the item, and if I'm the seller I want the money. I don't want to be in this grey area where neither of those things are progressing towards fulfillment. The big rush? The "I'll get to it when I get to it" attitude doesn't mix well with business. but people apparently forget that with ebay (or here) it's very easy to pay (if you are at a computer) but shipping typically requires more work: Packing up order (or even going to buy more shipping supplies if you dont have enough) taking the order to the PO (if you dont do the online postage thing or dont do the pick up service).... that takes a little time, and again in many cases you are buying from a person not a business. People that have jobs, and families, and schedules.... So 3, 5, even 7 days to get something shipped when you are dealing with a person, isn't unreasonable. Would I like it sooner? Sure... but its a comic book, not medicine.
  17. the awesome seller and I have agreed on how we're handling all aspects of this topic. And I've learned my lesson, don't ask for peoples opinions about things here on the message board.... so moving on... wait, now what should we do?
  18. I would have worked it out with the seller and not advertised this here. this is the sales discussion thread, I was asking what the typical approach was and/or the community practice. Hard to ask that without bringing it up. And I said in the post (see my hilights) the boardie has been great and we have worked it out and I was just asking what is the typical protocol regarding the funds. Im not posting to get the seller in trouble. He's been awesome. I just havent been in the situation before and thought Id ask others what they do when this type of scenario arises. So I'm not sure what I "advertised", but thanks for the feedback from everyone! And yes I thought about just cracking it and enjoying it, but I like to keep my big dollar books as liquid as possible, and slabbed (high grader) books sell faster than raw books, if for nothing else just the restoration seal of approval.
  19. Glad someone will appreciate that Steranko. I met him at Dragon*con a few years ago and it was obvious he loved comics, his work and his craft.
  20. that's another good way to do it. Though I'd understand if he wanted to see the book in hand first (though I've sent pictures). The extra ship only adds a week to the timeline, which is not that much extra percentage wise considering CGC's current tak time.
  21. Question on protocol. Just bought a slabbed book, it arrived, with the case cracked. Package looked ok, but it must have gotten smushed cause the top corner was cracked, there was a big opening in the case on the side and the top left post was loose (and there's a small piece of the case inside. I have no complaints about the shipping. Bubble wrap and one of these type boxes was used (a new one, not a recycled amazon one, just that type of packaging): which are used frequently here on the site. The seller has been great and offered to get it reslabbed at no cost to me, and to get it done via him (so Im shipping the book back to him). He's a good boardie in fine standing, and has been a regular poster for a year... my question is, should I ask for my money back until the book comes back to me (when he recieves it and ships it to me I'd pay him)? I know I could just re-sub it myself, but the seller was in the UK (so I pay no duties/taxes for the book coming to me in Belgium), if it comes to me direct from the US, It'll likely get stuck in customs and theres a decent chance I get stuck paying the 33% tax on the book, which for this book means an extra $265! thus Im going to go thru the seller to get it done. So what is protocol?
  22. hey guys, Im happy to aquice if this does not abide. All offers are by me with my approval (so Im happy to take the strike if need be) just some will ship from the US via a friends generous offer (1Cool living up to his name) via arangements outside of The Giving Tree. Note offers are coming from different locations, so International boardies will have a chance at one! Offer #1: International offer (or US if you want to pay additional shipping above $15) This one will take some time to ship. Like 30 days. But Im good for it! Action #389. I love baseball, I love comics. I love this book, and any with Superman playing baseball. Plus a Mickey Mantle reference Offer #2 Domestic Offer (Or international if you want to pay additional shipping over $15). This one can shipping immediately-ish. Nick Fury #4 signed by the man Jim Steranko
  23. well thanks to Cools generous offer I'm going to excitedly take this awesome Colan page! my offer will be coming soon.