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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. So at this point the buyer has been refunded the price if the GFT 55 9.9, but the buyer still wants the book? Seems like its a simple case of Frank producing proof of the refund, which would close out the sub-issue, and return us to the main point of whether the buyer has sent payment for the books the seller delivered on.
  2. can someone post the signs for a stroke? I think I may have just had one.
  3. Least Efforted Sales Thread Ever for a 4 figure book. you can feel the passion for collecting and selling comics....
  4. Matt I'm totally on your side on this. You have waited far too long for your merchadise after paying Bob. He has failed to follow through and be a good seller in terms of communication and responsiveness. But his addition to the HOS and/or PL will only restrict his ability to do marketplace sales here on the boards. And I dont think Bob has had a sales thread in a loooooooooooooong time (if ever). People can still buy and sell from him directly, via ebay or any other way. The one good thing is that the HOS list does warn others should they check here before entering into a transaction with him elsewhere, but that requires them to check here (or have one of these threads/posts pop up via a Google search). Im on board for HOS/PL for Bob (as we go thru the process), but I didnt want you to think it was a magic bullet for all of Bob's business...
  5. So it was cracked and put back in the slab !!! What's the point? They still disclosed the restoration...
  6. Karl was a great buyer. He paid promptly, communicated well and his risotto is some of the best in the world. I tried to convince him to teach me his secret when I visited him, but he only laughed while patting a well worn cook book that looked like it had been handed down for generations. I was not proud of the fact that later that night I snuck back into his house via the garden transom and a series of connected rain pipes, but I had to know what made that meal so unforgettable. Making my way back to the kitchen (luckily Karl and his family are sound sleepers) I shuffled thru the stack of papers and found my target. The dusty (was that flour?) cover revealed a family crest and a small clasp which I pried open using one of the kitchen's butcher knives. Folks I dont know how to explain what I saw inside that book. While expecting to see simple hand written recipes, or betty crocker cutouts, I found myself staring into madness. Pages of charcoal smears showing anatomical notations on butchering methods (oh god please let these all be pictures of animals). There were 4 consecutive pages that were nothing but densely scrawled line after line of numbers in no seeming order. There were poleroids from decades past, but despite their age I recognized them to be from this neighborhood I had driven through on the way to Karl's house. Arrows and circles noting SOMETHING about the photos, who's intent I'd rather not know. There were recipes eventually but for things with names I'd never heard and ingredients that I'd never seen on a grocer's shelf. Trying to calm my racing pulse, I closed the book, re-latched the clasp and made my way back down the hallway, freezing as the floorboard creaked under my weight in one spot. Back out the side window, down the rain gutter and transom and once my feet touched the ground I broke into a full sprint to my car parked just down the street. Safe in the confines of my rental I fumbled the keys into the ignition and made my hasty get away into the night. I dont know what the intent was for that evil book, but I knew I'd NEVER be accepting an invitation to Karl's house for a meal out of fear of what I'd be eating, or that I'd be the one being eaten. But when it comes to comic books I have no reservations about selling him plenty of high dollar books any day of the week. Sell to him with confidence. (thumbs u
  7. Are the Atlas Sci-Fi books Speed Carter Spaceman rare, or just rarely slabbed?
  8. Vanilla Ice has still never rapped about Walking Dead. Until then there is no comparison...
  9. [quote=thehumantorch... Now Matthew is a member and a new agreement to ship the books within a month has been agreed on via Bob's spokesman Mitch. In 1 month, if the books haven't arrived, would this not qualify as a probation worthy transaction between board members? this is a spot on application of the rules and their intent. Know what I love? People talked through this topic here in the Probation discussion thread, took rational and well thought opposing sides and posited opinions all without calling names, creating memes and letting the talk degrade into uselessness. come on in everyone! Group hug!
  10. Where was this sale? Last Ebay sale was $1825.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-WALKING-DEAD-1-CGC-9-8-GRADED-IMAGE-COMIC-BOOK-WHITE-PAGES-1ST-PRINT-2003-/161151953561?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item258567aa99&nma=true&si=w6gxsxj8QTth0ZCLGp8oQvHCttg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 i'd ask George if i truly cared, could even be bad input. true, I think it's happened before... can you imagine the Walking Dead market crashing cause ebay's database has an error?
  11. must have been a non-ebay sale... GPA reports more than just ebay. Some dealer might have cut price to get some cash generated? Irony is a CGC 9.6 sold last night for just $20 LESS than the 9.8!!!!!!
  12. I understand the concern that there would be no way for the offender to get removed if the nominator leaves.. but... I would think that in this scenario, that if a "Probie" showed effort and intent to resolve, but found the offendee non-responsive the board could vote him/her OFF the probation list if they showed they performed all due diligence to resolve the issue.
  13. Hey Matthew. I read through the entire "other thread" with Mitch calling Bob etc. It sucketh. The one problem is that all this took place while you were not a CGC Member. The PL/HOS rules state, amoung other things, d) A Transaction between board members is not confined to the CGC Message Boards. Any transaction between forum members, regardless of the venue, is eligible for inclusion in the PL. At the time of this transaction you were not a Board Member and you only joined here a few days ago to address this situation. However, it appears there are many examples on Deals Gone Bad from other boardies. Certainly enough to get a PL or HOS result. Any takers here? never thought about that fact. splitting hairs, it doesnt say that the they both had to be members at the time of the transaction... I think there have been past cases where someone showed up here because of a problematic offline transaction with a boardie and they got the person HOSed or PLed...
  14. If Bob ever came on here and started a sales thread, would you want ANYONE to buy from him? Even if he finally resolved this particular issue? There seems to be if not a pattern, at least a propensity for Bob to drop the ball on completing transactions that are not funneled through his ebay shop.
  15. yikes! Why Amazon payments? No percentage like paypal? Does it have protection so you were able to get your $$ back or no?
  16. I typically PM the seller and in polite a fashion as possible "Im sure you didnt mean to paint an incomplete picture with the GPA data, but its worth noting that non-sketched SS copies like the one you are selling seem to average $125" usually I get no reply, but then magically their listing changes....
  17. Im seriously intrigued by the social rules that might exist in this little community. Was the 15x price near fair market value or was it a gouging? How does the fact that you were the one that sold it to him affect what the price should be (really I want to know). Is the expectation here in this community that the original seller should get some sort of discount/best price vs what the new seller is asking (lets assume the seller is asking market).
  18. I'm not sure the term "original owner" means much at all anymore for any period of comics. Pretty certain most of the major pedigrees that have surfaced in the last few years all went through the press before they even saw the first auction (or at least the top few 100 books in each collection). The OO term is very over used in my opinion to entice people for the very reason that you describe, that the books may be prime for "improvement". And I think that's probably the case with all books- gold, silver, and especially bronze. Although I do like to dream that there are some books that will come to the market for collectors from collectors without all the garbage in between. I was most intrigued by the fact that he was using the OO status to ask over market for a pair of bronze age keys. If they were GA maybe I could see the alure, but Bronze? Lots of people kept their books from the 70s!
  19. So you'd buy it back from him at the $10k price if another buyer came along and hit the BIN on ebay? and I do sort of understand your frustration, but I seriously doubt he'll ever find someone to buy it from him at anything close to that price...
  20. Am I wrong or does "original owner" copy not mean much when it comes to Bronze Age and later books? I know there are a few "pedigree" collections that went int the Bronze age (and beyond) but is it really that special (OO copies) to add value over the market for a non-original owner copy? [especially when its already been noted that the book has been pressed, which is part of the OO appeal at times is that the book hasnt been thru multiple resuscitation?] oh and note this isnt the original owner selling the book, this is someone selling a book that he bought from the original owner (and then pressed and slabbed)
  21. Some folks are quite successful selling CGC graded books with no scans/pictures at all..... Just sayin' and when we're talking high grade books Im less concerned (the difference between one 9.4 and another is not that large as compared to how widely two 4.0s can look presentation-wise) but this was a VG book that had a picture cut off before the bottom of the book and I was leary to pull the trigger not knowing what laid beneath (distributor spray? water staining across the entire bottom edge? rat chew?) my point being if you are going to have a hard no-return policy, then post enough visual information for buyers to make a safe and informed decision. Especially when dealing with raw and/or lower grade books.
  22. currently annoyed at a lister who has a book I want listed at a fair price, but has only displayed a photo of the book that cuts off part of the book. I'd pull the trigger, but the OP has a "no returns on CGC books" policy listed in his rules. And Im not gonna pull the trigger on a book I cant at least see 100% of the cover. Weak. If you aren't gonna post decent scans/photos, that's cool but leave your rules loose enough to accommodate your own lack of effort.