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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. get how BB85 (first Adam's Green Arrow, but really its the introduction of the "modern" Green Arrow) could be a pseudo-key. What's the significance of BB 85?
  2. new finds, need more information, and/or scans 7 more Okajima '44s, and two early '45s (trying to see when coding ended) from GPA Okajima '44 sales in GPA that were not shown elsewhere. I've noted the book, its grade, and the recorded sales date Captain Marvel Adventures (1941-1953) No. 36(CGC 6.0, Sept '02) Fight Comics (1940-1954) No. 33 CGC 8.0 March '10) Mystery Comics (1944) No. 1 (CGC 9.0) Mar '03) Shadow Comics (1940-1949) No. 1 (Vol 4) CGC 7.0 Sept '04 Shadow Comics (1940-1949) No. 9 (Vol 4) CGC 8.0 Oct '10 Star Spangled Comics (1941-1952) No. 33 CGC 7.0 May '03 Wow Comics #29 (vol 1) CGC 6.0 Jun '03 Wow Comics #33 (vol 1) CGC 8.0 Feb'03 (early '45?) Wow Comics #34 (vol 1) CGC 7.5 Feb '04 (early '45?)
  3. born and raised in florida in the early 80s... loved baseball but there was no "hometown team" soooo two local kids were making good with the mets (Dwight Gooden & Darryl Strawberry) so I started following the Mets. When the mets got baaaaaaad in the 90s I turned my attention to the 60s Mets, including the Miracle Mets of 1969. I spent years reading about those worst to first teams and around that same time (the 90s) the internet was growning, and I started using miraclemet for my IDs... and I still do. Never lived in NY. Wasnt alive for the Miracle of '69, but that my name. and the icon? it was Mr Met for a while, and I have a Mr Met Green Lantern somewhere, but Italian Dr Doom? Winner!
  4. Awesomeness! Ever thought of going after the Zip Comics 46 (3/18/44) "2R" Then you'd have her full order from that day (as far as we know)...
  5. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Fantasy-/231022672466 enjoy
  6. Where is ths in the auction, I can't find it,,,? CTRL+F "reprint" [enter] Yatzee! reported
  7. Anyone else have a '44 book that isnt on the list? I've been thru the pedigree site, been thru these forums (went waaaaaaay back and found 1-2 more that werent listed elsewhere) , been thru the census, been thru google image search... just working my way thru the corners of the internet trying to find more samples. The only hiccup in her coding appears to be: Startling Comics #28 (5/23/44) "3R" Marvel Mystery Comics 57 (5/24/44) "3R" Captain Midnight #21(5/24/44) "3R" Where she used two dates (5/23 and 24) but gave them all the same "3R" code. Otherwise it was always new date/new code or same date/same code. I'd love to fill in all the blank spots from A-Z in the list... I'd also love to figure out what changed between August and October to change the books notations (no "Okajima" no code, just -script date written) and when why it went back to the -script & code with the Sensation 35. There is just ONE book so far, the Mystery Comics 2, that I've found with the unique "Camp 3" info added. All of the writing looks to be in the same hand between the date, the code and the "Okajima" Also considering the internment order came back in 1942 I wonder if there are any other Okajima books pre-1944. The Startling 24 has a cover date around Oct/Nov of 1943, and has the Okajima notation, but the collector hadn't started using her code yet, nor noting the date. Just so interesting. The fact that this collection was broken into thirds when it was discovered/sold makes me wonder if there's a stash out there somewhere of one of the thirds.
  8. thanks for the direction, I went back and updated the list based on books in the thread and the other sites... the coding is interesting... definitely corresponds to the calendar date (books with same written date have same code) Reading thru that thread it looks like the full story is unknown (who did the markings and such). To me I think one reason the markings arent from the Px manager is cause you can see there are dates very close together sometimes, and I wouldnt think they'd be getting comic/magazine deliveries more than once a week, so that makes me think the dates are more likely related to when the girl BOUGHT the books and took them home, since sometimes she might buy books on consecutive days, and other times there'd be a longer gap between purchases... Considering the 3 way distribution this ped experienced when they were sold at that estate sale, its interesting to see where the gaps are in the code (i.e. when it goes from 3c to 3f, you have to assume there's probably a 3d and a 3e out there (or maybe more than one)). All fun hunting....
  9. Strawman it looks like you also have (or had) the only February Okajima... wonder if there are any others out there...
  10. ok and Im only pointing this out cause it might be unclear... Is your issue that he needs the 1 and a 1/2 weeks to pay, or is it that he took 3 days to message you? cause your thread rules dont say 48 hrs to pay, its says "7. Please contact me within 48 hours to arrange payments" Which sounds like, payment can take any amount of time (lets assume it conforms to board standards of a max of 30 days for transaction), but the key element to you is that buyers need to contact you within 48 hrs to make payment arrangement. And is that 48 hours after the sales thread closes, or 48 hrs after they make the first thread purchase? Im just saying if your intent is to get payment in 48 hrs, thats not what your rule states [and IM SOOOOO no ragging on you, just pointing out what might be confusing]
  11. I like that one OP is noting that "the book was pressed before it was graded" cause trying to press it after grading/slabbing just makes a mess!
  12. 1. 1st try to hold him to the rule of your thread. Maybe hes "asking" for the time, but doesnt need it? Be polite (as I know you are!) and just tell him theres a reason you have the 48 hr payment rule. The problem here is if he goes on the PL, how does he make it right? He pays you (right?) which is all you are trying to get anyway. So he intends to pay, and its within the window of the default marketplace timeline (30 days to complete a transaction that's agreed to) there's not much gained by the PL. (its a definite shortfall of the PL in terms of holding people to quick pay conditions) Your biggest move here is that since he's already violated the conditions of the sale you can nullify his "I'll take it" and relist the book if you want. He cant argue that you didn't fulfill the sale, because he didnt meet his end of the agreement.
  13. All of that to me sounds like he needs to go on the HOS. New name, old name, all of the above. Actions look shadier, and shadier...
  14. thats definitely a fake DiMaggio autographed ball
  15. Just closed the deal on my first pedigree. now to go sit by the mailbox to await its arrival.
  16. Here are the known Camp era books "Okajima" -script, no date, no code Starting Comics #24 (released around 10/43) No "Okajima" -script, hand written date and code Human Torch #14 1-1-44 "1y" (no -script) Original "Okajima" -script with date notation Air Fighters Comics V2 #7 (2/22/44) "2j" Black Terror #6 (3/11/44) "2q" Zip Comics 46 (3/18/44) "2R" Marvel Mystery Comics #55 (3/18/44) "2R" Super Magician v3#1 (3/29/44) "2T" Captain Aero Comics #15 (V3 #13) (3/29/44) "2T" Boy Comics #16 (4/1/44) "2u" Police Comics #31 (4/8/44) "2x" Fightin' Yank #8 (4/8/44) "2x" Flash Comics #54 (4/11/44) "2xz (you can see she used the code over, and then corrected it to "z" Captain Marvel Jr. 19 (4/15/44) "3A" Captain America Comics 39 (4/20/44) "3D" Master Comics 51 (4/25/44) "3H" Jungle Comics 54 (4/29/ 44) "3J" Superman #29 (5/4/44) code unknown Shadow Comics V4 #3 (5/6/44) "3m" Captain America Comics 40 (5/9/44) "3o" Captain Marvel Jr. 20 (5/16/44) "3q" Startling Comics #28 (5/23/44) "3R" Marvel Mystery Comics 57 (5/24/44) "3R" Captain Midnight #21(5/24/44) "3R" More Fun Comics 98 (5/29/44) "3T" Fight Comics #33 (5/29/44) "3T" Military Comics 31 (5/30/44) "3u" Rangers 13 (6/3/44) "3w" Captain America Comics #41 (6/23/44) "3z" Mystery Comics 2 (8/9/44) "4o" (also notes "Camp 3") -script Date w/code, No "Okajima" no date stamp Captain Marvel Jr #23 (8/26/44) coded 4u Whiz Comics #58 (4-22-44) coded 4T "Camp I" No date stamp, w/okajima -script, no date note Sensation Comics 35 (Aprox. On Sale Date: September 7, 1944) [4x note] Switches to datestamp Mystery Comics 4 (10/21/44) Shadow Comics v4n9 (11/11/44) So Is Sensation 35 the latest know camp era book? Are there any post '44 examples of the "Okajima" -script? (I know the ped goes beyond 44, but all the examples I've found so far have the "code" mark as opposed to the early -script notes. Are there more examples of the '44 "Date stamp" type beyond the Mystery Comics 4?
  17. Are "presells" sales A) Where someone is selling a book they've submitted to CGC for grading and cant fully guarentee the grade (i.e. you presell it at a 9.8 price, expecting it to come back at 9.8) or B) Someone knows they will get a copy of a book sells it before they are even able to buy it (i.e. Im going to ImageExpo, and I presell the Con-Exclusive of ASM#600 that I intend to buy while Im there)? Again I never deal in this scenario (either as the buyer or the seller) so Im not sure what falls under the catagory of "preselling" when its mentioned. If its the A scenario, I'd think the language is simple enough to specify that you can only sell book that you own (even if that means you bought it but it hasnt arrived/been fulfilled yet). If its B, then the language has to be that any pre-sale has to be explicit (that you dont have posession and this is a presale) and that violation of this rule makes you eligible for the HOS.
  18. I think the mere act of trying to sell that which you dont own would be something of a No-No here. Easy solution, put the guy on the HOS and maybe even amend the marketplace rules, but Im not sure how to word it so it doesn't ding the "pre-sellers" (ie con exclusives), but Im completely obvious to that part of the world, so someone more experienced than me would have to figure out where that line is. In fact Im not 100% sure they're pre-selling, just selling before the books they subbed are back from CGC (which means the line is "You can only sell books that you own or you have been consigned to sell")
  19. Difference being that if you are flipping a book you've purchased, but yet to receive from CLINK, ebay, or elsewhere... they are still your book to sell (and you should be transparent about delivery timing to potential sellers, and what I see on the boards, most are when in these cases). Since PL is meant to have a way to "make things right" and meant to resolve transactions that have hit a bump, I'd say this doesnt go on the PL (since its not a transaction) and passes go straight to HOS for shady selling practices that the marketplace as a whole would frown upon. (Nothing like making an example of someone)
  20. Good question. The rules do use the example of "selling a book/books and sending nothing of value in the package", which would seem in the end to be very close to the same thing-- taking money with the intent to ship nothing, or theft, to use a simpler term. I dont think the faux-seller's intent was to send nothing. I think the plan was A) hey I can get this ASM 1 for a nice price, but I dont have the $$ B) if I "pre-sell" it on CGC and get the funds I can acquire the book. C) then I ship it off to the final buyer and pocket the difference! (he could have also not needed the funds and just been looking to secure a flipee so that he knew he wouldnt be "stuck" holding the ASM1. I think it has some parallels to the "drop ship" fiasco with those 70s day glow posters, but in that case the "presell" was not happening on the boards, just the initial sale.
  21. Would selling a book you dont own fall under the catagory of "b) The Hall Of Shame is for serious transgressions." ?
  22. Something like: "Hey, GLWTS! And by the way, everyone - this person is on the HOS list!" -slym Was it the seller or the buyer who was on the HOS list?