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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. Makes me glad I bought that 3.5 undercopy off you when I did!
  2. Thought the Torchy 4 (4.0) for $450 wasnt a totally crazy price..
  3. Wow, My junk's never gotten mail... Closest was an appointment reminder from my Urologist...
  4. Great example! Anyone looking to get a Lee auto without the hassle (and in the only downside , without the momentary interaction) can have their diligence rewarded (or if you are less picky about what is sig ed) Still thrilled with my Clink auction win from years ago of a Pre-hero Kirby Cover SS Lee slab for less than $150. nice grab buzz
  5. With all of the package stealing going on out there, it is probably a good idea to give your secret Santa target a heads up on package delivery, and share tracking numbers (if there are any) So they know when things are arriving. Ive had packages showing up very late at night and if I wasn't a night owl they be sitting out overnight....
  6. Anyone know how many "From the collection of Carl Barks" books are out there?
  7. Considering the last conserved sale went for about 40% of the universal value this was a good buy (not that I have 500k to throw around). A universal 8.0 has to be 1.5m book, so the winner got it for a third of the price.
  8. You had to do this just before the comicconnect auctions started closing?!?! Is this some sort of fiendish strategy? My resolve will not break! (man that Cole cover is pretty and just in time for winter.... Hmmm)
  9. i scored a custom bound collection of Remenders Uncanny XForce for $75 (lone bidder) The actual omnibus is OOP and going for over $200, and if I did my own custom bind it would cost $100 easy, and thats if I lucked into dollar bin copies of the run...
  10. Mailman delivered the last two pieces of my secret Santa present plan this afternoon, now to get wrapping!
  11. What's it worth? Hmm that depends.... The cheapest way you get a Cgc SS Stan signature is to wait for one to come up in auction (eBay, comiclink, etc), cause you can often get it for less than the cost of creating it (cost of book+cost of sight+cost of CGC SS submission). Most of the ones listed with BIN prices or are on dealer websites are listed for the price of creating the SS book. So looking at recent auction sales on eBay for similar books... Asm 37 in 5.0 sold for $220 Asm 42 in 5.0 sold for $250 Asm22 in 6.0 sold for $250 Asm46 in 7.0 sold for $301 So their ask isn't as far off as I thought. If you were to buy a raw copy for around $150, then get it signed yourself ($200 All in costs),you be outbound $350, maybe a little less (best case $300). So I'd say make an offer of 300 to see if there's any negotiating, but don't feel bad paying full price, especially since you get exactly what you want, immediately (as opposed to waiting 4+ months for creating and submitting your own. Or if you are a "must get a deal" kind a guy (as some of us Are) just keep watching eBay in hopes one gets listed in an auction cause it will probably for for less in an auction....probably.
  12. Wow that doesn't even look close to legit...
  13. When it comes to Disney and duck books, the Europe and Asia markets can greatly increase the final realized price on your book. Being the oldest house of the main comic auctions, I would expect Heritage to have the best reach into these collector circles. So while they may ask for the biggest cut of a sale, they may also have the best visibility to maximize your final price. IE. Heritage may want 15%, while Clink only wants 10, but HAs reach would generate a higher final price, so you come out ahead. If you talk to the houses I would specifically ask about international buyer numbers (percentage of sales to Europe, to Asia...) and have that factor in.
  14. 1. You can't ask buyer to use personal PayPal. Even if you gild it in "pretty pleases". You want to ask for money orders, fine, state it upfront in your thread, don't bring it up at the time of payment. 2. If you look at other sales, those who want to adhere to the rules of the forum and PayPal have a price set that covers any fees, and then the seller offers a 3% discount for those wanting to pay by MO. That's the acceptable approach based on what I've seen. Terms and conditions up front.
  15. Guessing one of those crime comics.... Hmmm
  16. Never seen headlights with a "best by" date...
  17. i tried stalking my target but his board footprint is limited to grading contests and xmas exchanges! he doesnt even have a cgc registry, so it was a little tough to be sire i didnt duplicate something.... but the shopping was fun!
  18. There are 47 SS copies of this book (vs 800+ universal). So probably not many come up for sale. But you are in luck! There's a Cgc 6.0 for sale on mycomicshop.com https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?ItemID=45292962 Their asking price is a little steep, but you could contact them to see fit the seller will negotiate (it's a consignment). A 7.0 SS signed by Stan sold for $300 recently, and a 0.5 sold back in July... Those are the only two sales in the last 12 months on GPA so there aren't a ton of opportunities to get this specific book, but I'd set up an alert on eBay in case someone lists one.... That's the most likely place you will find one for sale. Good luck!
  19. well the seller disappeaded after the buyer asked him to send another photo with an identifier and the OP tried fo pass off some Photoshop job with the same original picture (obviously swiped from somewhere). im gusssing the seller at some point was gonna try to sway the buyer to some unprotected payment method... remember, if its too good to be true, its probably not true...