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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. I think there are two main approaches Lie in the weeds... put in a tracking bid and then wait for the last few minutes of the auction to put a "full value"bid. Big Dog/Over the Top... put in a full value bid and hope to scare off the tracking bidders who just see that they cant get to be high bidder. I always worry about the state of the CLINK servers, and network connections and dont want to leave a bid to the last second.... I would say avoid last second sniping, but there are definitely a rush of bids on popular books in the last 5 minutes....
  2. Speculating on a related title or a crossover issue is a good idea if the shop knows what you're into; it's easier to drop an extra in your bin, than having to reorder later if the book sells out. There should be no obligation to buy what you didn't ask for, though. I am not "speculating" on anything, and NO it is NOT a good idea. It is ludicrous. When I give my list in writing and some person decides they know better than me, that is NOT a service. It is a hard sell tactic that cost them a return customer. If there's no obligation for you to buy, how hard of a sell is it? If my pull list has multiple Matt Fraction books in it, and they toss a copy of a new Matt Fraction book in my pickup stack with a "did you see this one?"note, isn't that customer service? It's no different than a suggestion at the register. Or "hey we saw you getting all the Civil War titles and crossovers, did you notice that She Hulk had a one issue tie in?" We want comic shop owners/retailers to be good business people, but then crucify them for making an effort? Now if they slip extra books in and try to make you think you ordered them, then yep thats horrible and I'd walk out. Now I'd imaging that if you ask the retailer to put a note in your pull list file that says "no suggestions" they'd stop saving you suggested books.
  3. what ever floats your boat man. no judgement. (just make sure you have a safe word ok?)
  4. Im assuming there's nothing to compare this against with another title? Some single owner holding the majority of a pedigree of a title and then selling them at once (or at least them coming to market in a relatively small window of a few months of auctions). I'd love to see the HA/CLINK fight for that auction right! Most interesting to me would be the copies where there is not a ton of scarcity, but the pedigree copy would give collectors a big standout vs other (non-pedigree) high grade copies.
  5. Ok lets make this a three-fer! Another raw purchase. Another book I remember trying to win from time to time as far back as when I started collecting GA Sci-Fi. As always I'm drawn to the black of space type covers (but alas they show damage so easily!) This one, Speed Carter Spaceman #1 is a nice VG copy with not to much stress damage. Most of its around the spine and some color rub off at the top edge. But the main image is nice and clear and undisturbed. The composition of the shot between the moon/planet rise over the horizon line, and the diagonal of the rocket ship just make for a nice balanced image by Bil Everett. Lots of Maneely art inside as well as a Romita drawn story. I got a Spaceman #6 years ago (it's been in my sig line ever since), and Spaceman #1 was the only other issue of the title that I knew I just HAD to have.
  6. Another Sci-Fi classic that's been on my list forever is the Brick Bradford #6. The giant robot. The yellow background giving the image a lot of "pop." The reds. There's so much right with this cover. Feels very Flash Gordon-y. Not sure if it's definitive, but it seems like an Alex Schomburg cover. Would love to see this done in the painted/airbrush style of his other famous covers from the era. Another raw I was able to get here on the boards, and again nice condition with few striking defects beyond some crinkling and creasing. Most of which might benefit from a pressing (outside of that lower right side color breaking crease). . Again, just a well designed cover with nice colors.
  7. It's been 10 months since I've updated this! Yikes. Well the last year has allowed me to do some buying, but it seems the market, and other collectors are also going after many of the same books as I am, leading to me getting out bid on some books, and watching prices skyrocket for other books that I sold off for 1/2 the price just a year ago... oh well! on with the show. Space Adventures 12 is a great book for many reasons, and it seems like I've just missed out on the few that were offered on the boards over the years, but this year I was able to snag one during an infamous charity/support thread. Regardless, it's a great book. Some classic Ditko GGA, and most of the condition issues are relegated to the corners and the spine leaving a nice clean center image of our damsel in distress (even if she doesn't know it yet). Probably the key book in the Space Adventures run, I'll probably send this in for grading once I get some time to enjoy it in hand.
  8. I would hazard a guess that he is still at his parents place as he has been busy posting about the "end of the world" and sharing other not so nice things on his Facebook Page. About 8 posts in the last 24 hours. ...I think Gabe is starting to go "down the rabbit hole" on top of his "other issues". Yes I'm still at my parents and the "not so nice things" are the truth of what's going to happen whether you believe it or not. .. would you mind posting a link to your Facebook Page? Holy , found it...
  9. I'm still here but like I said they changed their minds when they needed money and I said that I'm firm with my beliefs and either you agree or kick me out. I've never even considered that I had to share a belief system with my Landlord....
  10. Gabe are you still at your parents house or did you move out? I thought you had an end of month timeline. .
  11. Voted. Having bought in Chip's donation/support thread the fact that he misrepresented a)his needs and b)how he intended to use the donated funds factored most heavily in my HOS voting. Not delivering on a sales thread is PL worthy for sure, but the intent to decieve in his donation thread (until a series og PMs came to light)seems to be most egregious
  12. Hmm wonder if the GA books will still get the pedigree tag...
  13. Agreed, and I guess Im just saying this is my initial reaction to the tip of the PR iceburg. I was working from the assumption that they'd lead with the most tantilizing part of the pedigree and what they've shown off to me doesnt blow my hair back (disclaimer, I dont have enough hair to get blown back anyway) but yeah, Im curious to see the rest of the Pedigree too, this is just my initial reaction.
  14. Im far more interested in what sort of shape his GA comics are, if they were in this collection at all. I know it says he had been collecting since the '40s, but wonder if the pedigreed collection included those books or not...
  15. . I think if they didnt have the "John Fantucchio was one of the most prominent artists during the early days of comic fandom. He created hundreds of covers and illustrations for fanzines such as... " angle (which helps in promotion) this woudn't be considered a pedigree. I'll be curious to see how grand this pedigree is, and whether it's just a promotional tool since it's been a while since CGC got to certify a new pedigree. Just look at the ASM2 (9.0) that's front and center in their promotion... that's 9.0 Lower grade than Twin Cities ped, lower than the Mass ped and lower than the Northland copy. At 9.0 the Fantu copy is one of 23 in grade with 26 copies in higher grade. it's great sure, but not "exceptional" neither in condition or rarity... I dont think these will go for any sort of premium except for the keys (maybe) or for copies where it happens to be the highest grade again. .
  16. this was the part you need to fix if you are actually wanting a job. Employers aren't responsible for getting you a job. You are responsible for getting you a job. So the onus (which mean the duty or action) is on you. Submit your application. A few days later follow up with a call, or drop by if you are in the neighborhood (especially for places where then hiring manager is not often available to take calls). "Hi My name is _____ and I dropped off an application for ______ last week. I just wanted to be sure that it got to you and check to see if you had any openings that you were currently hiring for." If S/He says some version of yes: Thats great, I really would like to work there (or some other positive/affirmitive statement showing desire and interest), if you have any questions about my application I can be reached at my contact info,thanks have a good day. [hang up] If S/He says some version of no: Thanks, good to know. Do you have any idea if you will be hiring in the near future (in case there is seasonal growth in staff)? If s/he say's yes to that then say something about ok I'll check back in with you when it gets closer. If s/he says no, say "Ok well if anything changes you have my application and my contact info, thanks." You could also ask him/her how long they hold applications (lots of min wage jobs have a standard time frame to keep them, and then they toss the ones older than X (say older than 3 months, 6 months who knows). All of this take 2 minutes on the phone or in person with the manager, and make the impression that... 1. you are actually interested in the job (which means you might actually have a positive attitude about working there) 2. you have the initiative to try and get the job (which means you might have initiative at work too) 3. You follow up/follow thru with things (again, you are demonstrating behaviors here that managers want to hire). Do you think a manager wants to hire someone who does the bare minimum, with no followup and no drive? Nope. Me either.
  17. Saw Gerrera is one of the main characters in the Clone Wars and Rebels cartoons, so no doubt his death meant a lot more to fans of those shows. I'm with you, though. As fan service, it was probably great. But as a character in this movie, he was a cipher. I think they had a bit of Marvel-itis going on, relying on the viewer's knowledge of the extended universe to paper over holes in their storytelling. There was a section of the movie that got cut. After he rescues her from the hatch, there was an act in the movie of Saw training Jin as a young girl and moving thru her growing up that better established him as a replacement father figure in some way, but keeping himself at a distance in other ways. I think early notes were that the first part of the movie dragged too much, and they needed to get to the Rebels sooner, so they cut the big establishment section of Saw.
  18. Lots of quotes and scenes in the trailers that were a noshow in the movie. not surprising considering Disney brought someone in to do reshoots and reedits after the trailers had come out...
  19. My ranking exactly. me too, though I waffle on 2 and 3, since ANH is a complete self contained story while simultaneously introducing all of the mythos (ok all of the mythos we want to believe in), and for that I bump it just above RO.... though I could disagree with myself at any moment since RO is far better cinematography
  20. Anyone else up for a Baze & Chirrut stand alone buddy movie? (Obviously it'd be a prequel) also
  21. If the seller prices books at their grade estimate and the seller always grades very very tightly well then you know you are always getting a "deal" where the book is worth more than what you're paying, or looking at it from the other side, you know you're getting a nicer book than similarly priced copies. If you've been looking for a VF/NM copy of GL/GA 76 and you're budget is $1200, and certain sellers are having their big/fast sales and they list a VF/NM copy for $1200, you know that you are more likely getting a NM- copy whereas there are other sellers who might list a VF copy of a book and list it at VF prices and you know you're getting a Fn+ copy at best... and thus the sharks dont circle...
  22. I love reading this board to remember trying to please everyone with entertainment is a fruitless endeavor. the same movie getting two contrarian positions " to slow in the beginning" vs "no development, goes right to the action" "too much fan service" vs "wish there was more reference to the original trilogy" And I think the "its the same thing over and over again" argument is crazy when lobbed at a franchise. Its a franchise. Its supposed to keep some cohesiveness. There are underlying themes and images and beats that recur. I didnt get a single "we've been here before" feeling during RO, unlike TFA (which was trying to restore a franchise that hadn't had a movie in almost 30 years and I think that was part of why JJ took the approach he did by repeating those original themes and beats)
  23. Yeah, who knew Prowse had that left in him. Different guy in the suit this time... Can't think of his name but he's actually taller than Prowse yet I thought he looked smaller on the screen
  24. what did you feel was "same old" about it? Seemed like the most original thing to be created in the Star Wars universe yet.
  25. the last couple weeks... Watched a few CGC sales in the last few weeks go for crazy money in 4.0-5.0 grade. As long as this one doesnt have any color touch I got a nice raw for 1/2 the price. Always loved this robot cover. Not my usual type of GA Sci-Fi book, but this was an itch I've been wanting to scratch for years. Not high grade, but I've been trying to add some more pedigree copies to my Space Adventures registriy. Starting to get into Golden Agen Romance/GGA, and the look on this girl was hard to say no to. Also Windy City pedigree