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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. OMG I never realized that, nice call! So funny!
  2. They lost credibility when they mentioned captain boomerang, most forgettable character since private Ryan in saving private ryan +1 I agree something under the Suicide Squad moniker makes sense for brand purposes, and I think a Deadshot/Harley tag-team adventure would be great. You can have it be a Squad assignment from Waller who is in the movie as "handler" but keep it on just those two and have a nice tight movie, not the sprawl...
  3. Agreed. a 7.5 of the book sold for what $2600? So a 6.5 would probably be a $1800+ book, so it basically went for ($3800) a little more than twice GPA... remember when that Boy comic went for 6x? Seems like cheaper books go for a higher multiplier (so basicly there's a "floor" for camp Okajimas) I pad about 4x GPA for my Master Comics, but higher price books seem to only get a 2x multipler or so... (based on very very sparse data)
  4. Nice Book Robotman, the books from '43 are super interesting in their markings... Startling Comics #24 "Okajima" (no code) Captain Marvel Adventures #28 "Okajima" Captain Midnight #13 "Okajmia" (no code) Captain Marvel #31 ("1-26-43") "1H", "Okajima" Catman #21 "Okajima" Catman #22 "Okajima 1D" Human Torch #14 (1-1-?) "1F" or "1J" or "1Y" (most likely) I've only found 7 books from '43 (compared to 47 from '44), and the Red Dragon #7 makes the eighth book...
  5. I've never once hesitated to buy in a thread that stated they reserved the right to not deal with anyone... Of course I'm also not a jerk.
  6. It's not a heart. It's the letter M in the 2M code. Here you can see the M for the 3M coded book
  7. Octber: "Your eloquence has convinced me to bid aggressively."
  8. Ah I see what's happened... he change the name of his sales thread... The thread was originally titled and matched the set I showed (Engine of Destruction), which is why I couldnt make sense of his claim. but I get what you're saying, in a generic sense if you add up all of his various sets maybe he did have "the top registry set from 2010 on"... it just (from HIS quote) makes it sound like he's talking about one set (which he was at the start). I wouldnt fault him hyperbolizing that he has "one of the best Hulk sets ever assembled on the registry" or "one of the longest running, top tier Hulk sets on CGC"... it just sounded like his claim was that this was a #1 set being sold, and from the books listed, it's not... just my little pet peeve for accuracy in the marketplace forum...
  9. One Okajima went relatively cheap (1-2 year ago when I had no job and zero funds) but that was because CLINK didnt say a single word about the pedigree (outside of the one line mention in the book description). They did devote a huge paragraph with lots of caps to JAMIE GRAHAM CRACKERS AWESOME COLLECTION WOO-HOO!!! (can you hear my sarcasm?) The post-camp books still can be had for a fair price (market or 1.5x). The early ones are a whole 'nother matter. problem is nobody is selling so there are far more buyers out there than sellers so up go the prices...
  10. but his registry set says otherwise... what's the point in lying? What does the red "-23,400" in the far right column signify? Perhaps at one point it was no. #1 and then he started selling it off, your collection has to remain current and untouched to retain the spot, yes? I thought the same thing at first ("oh he just lost #1 because he started selling), but then I just looked at the awards (first column) . Based on the ribbons, he only had the top Hulk registry for 2011 and 2013. Kenny has had it since 2014 (and I don't know who had it in 2012, since they've disappeared from the registry totally)
  11. WHy bother lying? but his registry set says otherwise... what's the point in lying?
  12. That's why I waited until it was past my budget... I hope it goes to a boardie obviously! Remember when that Boy Comics 16 Okajima went for 6x market ? This is a BARGAIN! (yet still to expensive for me
  13. 12m is a nice weekend! $3300/theater, outdistancing BvS both in per theater ($2600/theater) and week 4 total (BvS did $9m) Dont know if it will beat BvS out for totals or worldwide, but it's showing it is falling slower than BvS so it might have better legs depending on competition over the next month... The fact that after a month it's only what about $30m behind overall (domestic) than BvS with nowhere near the name recognition is pretty impressive. Look at the next month... anyone see anything that is a direct type compeition for SSquad's PG-13 audience? Morgan looks good, love Kate Mara, but it's R Sully? Sure it's PG-13, but it's a Tom Hanks movie where he flys a plane... Blair Witch, probably the biggest pull, but it's R so that caps it a bit... Snowden? Again R, and it's Gordon-Levit, but it's about security leaks, not exactly teeny-fare. The Magnificent Seven? A good shot, but it is a western, but PG-13, Chris Pratt, and so on. Im not saying that SSquad out performs any of them, but I think the lack of direct competition until M7 comes out (and even then it's not exact) means that SSquad has a chance to retain well for the next month...
  14. Well since it's flown past my wallet capacity, lets at least have a picture of the latest Okajima to hit the marketplace (seems like there's no more than 1-2 of them a year). front and the back With a couple days left it's up near $1300. This 6.5 copy is a bargain (of sorts) at the moment since a 7.5 sold for twice that ($2868) back in 2014. 10 on census. 5 higher in grade, and 3 in CGC 6.5. There are multiple things that make this book so interesting... 1. It's one of the few pre-camp books. I think I've documented no more than 3-4 books from 1943 (and nothing before that). I call it pre-camp, but I dont know for sure when the owner was initially interred. I just think of it as "pre-camp" because it is before '44 and doesn't include the typical 1944 era camp markings (handwritten date of purchase, "Okajima", and an alphanumeric code). 2. Beyond just being a pre-camp book, it has to be one of the oldest Okajimas, if not the oldest. I'll have to check my records at home tonight, but with a "news stand" date of March 30, 1943 (based on MAW), and a cover date of July 1943, I cant think of an older copy. As I said, I'll check my records tonight. 3. Subject matter. All Okajimas are interesting and historical, but to me the "war" comics are particularly interesting since the owner probably had a conflicted relationship to the war. By conflicted I merely mean being American and assumedly supporting America in the war effort, but simultaneously having to deal with what America was doing to her and her family through the relocation to an internment camp after the Pearl Harbor attack. Furthermore, this isn't just any war comic, it's a major anti-Japanese subject cover. So it's always interesting to think about this Japanese-American girl buying a book with such an anti-Japanese sentiment right on the cover. So much to love about this book for sure...
  15. [ Hulksdaddy, you've pointed out a contradiction for sure in what was said...I think though what is implied when some says "being black is integral" isn't about the color of their skin, but about the experience of being black in america.. but it becomes a shorthand of "being black" Luke Cage. Could be turned into a white character, but part of Luke Cage's character is his experience as a minority, in a poor neighborhood. You could probably transpose him to another minority that has a history of being considered "other" or "lesser" and it would still mostly work. It's not the color of his skin (surface attribute) but rather the impact of his ethnicity on the character that matters... I think that's what is meant when someone says "being black is integral" I asked myself the question you posed, what white characters must be white? Johnny Storm as an african american Michael B Jordan didnt loose any of his Torchy-ness. But a few characters would, or at least being cast as a minority/person of color would complicate the character... Captain America/Steve Rogers (WWII origin) By being tied to the 1940s, and his role as a WWII icon, making Steve Rogers a minority creates a ton of complexity that would have to either be ignored (dumb) or addressed (requiring a lot of huge leaps in logic to rationalize the acceptance of an American Icon being a second class citizen). An all modern Cap with a modern origin might work, maybe, but I think he would have to deal with the same issue my next person has to deal with. Superman. Similar to Steve Rogers the "American Icon" status is hard to map onto a person of color with the fact that there's still parts of the country (on which DC's America is based) that have trouble with the president being a person of color, so I have trouble imagining that they'd all get behind a Superman of color (we're talking about the fictional America here of DC Comics). more thought later, but wanted to get some stuff down on paper
  16. Was this alluding to something? was there drama that got scrubbed? batman sketches sales thread
  17. First I think your buy out price was very generous towards gabe, so expect lots of comic karma in the future! I think a lot of the worry was that the buyer was making decisions based on just gabe's advices, which could come back and bite him. You seem like you have a good read on the market activity (and a GPA subscription!) just remember you are basing your feel of the low end market which has been impacted by two outlier sales in the last year (a 1.5 selling for $2375, and a 2.0 selling for $2700). Considering most of the market is in HOLD mode with BB28 with 14 months of buildup towards next years movie, there arent many copies out there for sale at non-Whale prices (these are prices that are 2-3x the recent market, hoping for some non-comic collector to come along and buy it, like say a low level DC exec wanting one). The few books on the market will get snapped up and overly influence the market (less books on the market, more buyers). If you are buying it as an investment, next years Comicon will be the time to sell for sure... well said, and many in the market agree with you which is why you can see some 2.5s sell for more than 3.0s. Or a 3.0 sell for less than a 2.0 depending on WHAT the defects are that determine the grade.
  18. 9 weeks is a pretty sad #. Agreed, I wondered for a second if it had some deal with the theaters for # of screens for distribution and it was "moving out of the way" for something else big... The big hit was from week 4 to week 5 when it went from 1670+ theaters to 630, which was to make room for Foxes next big hit... Independance Day 2: Where is Will Smith? ouch. Outside of Deadpool it was a baaaaaaad year for Fox.
  19. I think as a stats person you just like to stratify the data as low as it will go. No harm there. Ok so I ran it, blah, not interesting... As far as weekend dropoff favoring holiday or summer releases over general period, maybe. But then also during holidays and time off there are many that won't even bother with a theater because they are traveling or visiting family. So going to the theater isn't high on the priority list when you want to see the sights or engage in family conversations. I wouldn't assume more time off means more time to see movies. See why not to overthink these things? OK so I ran a quick sample with two examples (I know not enough data, but it's a start to see if it's something. I used Jurassic World as my "Summer" movie (opened June 12), and I used Furious7 as my "School" movie (opened April 3). Both 2015 movies, so working in the same market system. I looked at the first 8 weeks and averaged the percentage of weekend revenue vs total week revenue. JWorld: 67.25% of its weekly revenue came from the weekend Furious7: 77% of its weekly revenue came from the weekend. 10% difference is not nothing! Going to run more examples, trying to limit it to 8 week periods that dont straddle the two times (Summer/School) but also dont hit christmas, and trying to avoid periods with 3 day weekends... since they skew results a bit. But averaging it over 8 weeks should mitigate it. Point being comparing a summer movie's weekend results vs a spring movies weekend results favors the summer movie since a lower % of its money spreads to the week days.
  20. And I really want to know if that $1950 was partially paid in comics (since uchiha said "$1950 in goods and services"), and whether those comics are REALLY worth what they are being valued at....
  21. when his friend decided to "buy out" uchiha's 42% stake in the book (based on the 500/700 purchase price split) for $1250 (paying uchiha's $500 stake, plus giving him an extra $750??!) his friend ended up investing $1950 to own a book worth $1900 (or so), but owned it outright, as opposed to investing just $700 to own 58% of a book immediately worth more than they bought it for. I need to find friends like that.
  22. Bosco, have you looked at weekend revenue % vs the sum of the weekend market? And doesn't the weekend comparisons favor "school time" releases vs holiday releases (since some of the audience can more easily spread to weekdays during the Summer/break times? these are the things I think about.... there's something wrong with me!
  23. So based on your future valuation of the book to be $3k in the future he paid for the book in full and paid you a $700 bonus ($1950 total), essentially paying full market value for the book. This would make sense, it's worth paying full price for a book if you think it's going up. And if he thinks there's future value in the book, he'd rather own it outright and have rights to 100% of the future profit based on market increase. So instead of paying $700 and having an immediate profit of $406 (58% of the immediate $700 profit) absed on the original agreement, he chose to: Spend $1900 and have an immediate profit of $0, but 100% of future profit. If the book became worth $3k then he would have profited $1044 (58% of the total profit of $1800 ($3000-$1200) Now if the book becomes worth $3k, he profits $1050 ($3000-1950), $6 whole dollars more than the old scenario. BUT THIS IS ALL BASED ON THE CERTAINTY THAT THE BOOK BECOMES WORTH $3000, which is not a certainty. IN this new scenario he holds 100% of the risk if the book doesnt hit the magical $3k value. Why would he take the additional risk, and thow all of his potential profits to you for a finders fee ($750) It doesn't make sense. Also a $750 finders fee is what 62% of the purchase price, or almost 40% of the market value? Does anyone pay that kind of finders fee? What happens when the book doesnt go up enough in value? This is the first time you've used the phrase "goods and services". Was this an all cash (via paypal) transaction? Or is he sending some "goods and services" as part of the $1950 value? And what are those "goods and services"??
  24. Have we actually seen Marvel Studios rush to the 'magic spells' path? Not until recently with the Scarlet Witch. And even then, her influence was limited. And one could suggest that the "magic spells" angle would have been further decreased if Marvel studios was able to reference mutants...
  25. Looking at the slate for this weekend let me be the first to congratulate Suicide Squad for being the #1 movie at the cinema for a 4th weekend in a row! I'm projecting SSquad at about $9.5m (55% drop) this weekend which should just squeak it ahead of Don't Breathe (projected at $9m) Though I have a feeling I will be upping my SSquad projection once theater counts come out. By weekend 4 BvS and GotG had each lost 17% of their theaters, and so far Squad has only lost 8%. I think with the weak competition, and weak new movies (Transporter 2, Hands of Stone and Dont Breathe), Squad should have a better theater hold than either BvS or GotG enjoyed in their 4th weekend. (And yes I'll check screening numbers too)