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Balham's Finest

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Posts posted by Balham's Finest

  1. I have a hard time taking anything seriously that has, at best, 20% of the known copies as its sample for survey. I know you are extrapolating using that data, I just don't trust that extrapolation. Same as I don't trust anyone telling me that "America wants X because our poll of .001% of the population says so." I trust the 20% population data more, and I don't trust it at all.


    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why remediation is necessary in post-secondary institutions.




    slym, just admit that statistics isn't your thing and that you're trusting your gut on this one. That would be more honest than trying to takedown an entire field of study.


    You are being a bit of a knob about this. That's pretty much exactly what his post that you quoted says. What more do you want? Let him have his opinion and kick back feeling smug about how deep your understanding of stats is.


    Yes, I am being a knob about slym's willful dismissal of fairly sound statistical evidence re: the percentage of black labels vs. white labels. At least three people have pointed out that the methodology is appropriate and that the findings tend to contradict slym's anecdotal evidence.


    At this point, he has admitted he might be wrong about the white vs black label issue (which is not what prompted my snarky reply) but continues to assert that "I don't trust that extrapolation," meaning he doesn't trust what statistics is capable of doing in terms of making claims about a population based on a small sample (which was the cause of my snarky reply).


    My understanding of stats is above average but not stellar. The stats stuff people have been talking about on the board here can be found with a simple Google search. I'm not being smug; I'm asking that someone yield at least part of their opinion to the quantifiable evidence gathered by bffnut, and then, I'm scoffing when that someone still believes their gut instead, which in this matter (about prints runs) seems just silly.


    Let me try and explain my comment, as I don't think it was understood:


    Slym posted that he "didn't trust" the extrapolation, or any conclusion based on what he thought was a small sample size. You followed up with what I thought was a patronising comment telling him to admit he was going on a gut feeling, which is exactly what I thought he had already done (he wasn't saying that the stats were objectively wrong, just that he didn't trust them). That is why I said you were being a bit of a knob.


    Anyway, on reflection, it was a bit of an uncalled for comment from me - so I apologise.

  2. I have a hard time taking anything seriously that has, at best, 20% of the known copies as its sample for survey. I know you are extrapolating using that data, I just don't trust that extrapolation. Same as I don't trust anyone telling me that "America wants X because our poll of .001% of the population says so." I trust the 20% population data more, and I don't trust it at all.


    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why remediation is necessary in post-secondary institutions.




    slym, just admit that statistics isn't your thing and that you're trusting your gut on this one. That would be more honest than trying to takedown an entire field of study.


    You are being a bit of a knob about this. That's pretty much exactly what his post that you quoted says. What more do you want? Let him have his opinion and kick back feeling smug about how deep your understanding of stats is.

  3. Sorry to interrupt all the art chat, but did anyone notice that issue #115 was released yesterday?


    Thought it was a good read. Plenty of action and the promise of plenty more to come.


    "I hope you're wearing your ting pants" was a great line!


    One minor gripe:



    It seems crazy to me that Rick wouldn't have explained to his troops the part of the plan that involved him crashing through the gates. It obviously took even Michonne and Holly by surprise.


    Perhaps he thought they would try to stop him because they'd be worried he would kill himself and would want to keep him as a leader/figurehead - but surely it would be just as disruptive for them to be taken by surprise? Especially since he didn't leave any (public) clear instructions as to who would be in charge in his absence...


    Also, is Gregory dead or what? The height of the platform that Negan kicked him off seemed to change from very high up to not very high up between panels, so not clear if he would have been killed by his fall.



    Someone's actually bid $10k on this...


    Anyone else think that is idiotic?


    Yes. It doesn't even look like it is signed on the slab (which I think is :sick:) but on the sleeve/mylar. Double :sick: I'm guessing the bid is not real. 25% of the bidders total bids are with that seller.


    Nah, it's signed on the slab. 25% isn't suspicious when we're talking 1 bid out of 4! Not saying it's not a shill, but that certainly doesn't prove it.

  5. The class of 2012 has more than a fair few on the PL - yes im in that class as well before some smartie points it out lol

    The thought of a minimum 500 post count or 1 year membership is becoming a real option afaiac


    The problem with the minimum number of posts idea is that it's so easy to circumvent in a single day if you put your mind to it. 1 year membership makes more sense, but seems a bit unfair to genuine sellers, who are likely to look elsewhere to sell their books rather than wait a year. Someone else mentioned recommendations from 3 existing members, but that raises a whole lot of other questions (e.g. do the people recommending have to have a minimum number of posts/time of service?).


    To a certain extent, the system is self-policing. Most people are in any case wary about buying books from new boardies, those with very few posts or people who haven't sold much in the past.


    The threat of the PL isn't going to deter a determined scammer, but it does generally seem keep those who plan to stay on the boards and buy and sell over the long term on the straight and narrow.


    We probably just need to accept that the site is never going to be scam-free (or flaky boardie free either). People need to know what warning signs to look for and act accordingly.


    I've said it before - the minimum post count is a deterrent - it will keep a lot of scammers at bay, and yes - even though they can get around it, I'd wager not many of them would even bother.


    Scammers gravitate towards the path of least resistance, just the same as burglars. A random guy isn't going to break into a house that has lights on, he'll go down the street to the house with no lights. It's not 100%, but it does weed out a lot of potential. If we create a barrier, it will take care of a lot - not all - of our recent problems.


    A minimum post count is easy to implement and enforce without having to do a lot of administrative work. I will always be for this, and I'd love to see a vote on it, as it seems to have some momentum right now.


    I'm not against a minimum post count, I just don't think it'll deter any scammers beyond the most blatant ones. People that are turning up with 1 post selling an AF15 at half GPA aren't getting any traction anyway.

  6. 2) Fatale - I disagree with whoever wrote above that you can just jump into it without worrying about continuity. I also found that when I was reading it monthly it was hard to get into. But in trade-sized bites this is a great, atmospheric series.


    To clarify, I meant you could *start* the series from the beginning without worrying about continuity (unlike, in my experience, SLEEPER). As it is, FATALE is a series of arcs as well as standalone issues. If you start in the middle of an arc, yes, it will be confusing. But otherwise, there are natural starting points along the way. The title character, Jo, is the common thread throughout...but so far she's more of a device than a character (all that matters is that she's a femme fatale). No prior knowledge is necessary to enjoy the series.


    Agreed (thumbs u

  7. The class of 2012 has more than a fair few on the PL - yes im in that class as well before some smartie points it out lol

    The thought of a minimum 500 post count or 1 year membership is becoming a real option afaiac


    The problem with the minimum number of posts idea is that it's so easy to circumvent in a single day if you put your mind to it. 1 year membership makes more sense, but seems a bit unfair to genuine sellers, who are likely to look elsewhere to sell their books rather than wait a year. Someone else mentioned recommendations from 3 existing members, but that raises a whole lot of other questions (e.g. do the people recommending have to have a minimum number of posts/time of service?).


    To a certain extent, the system is self-policing. Most people are in any case wary about buying books from new boardies, those with very few posts or people who haven't sold much in the past.


    The threat of the PL isn't going to deter a determined scammer, but it does generally seem keep those who plan to stay on the boards and buy and sell over the long term on the straight and narrow.


    We probably just need to accept that the site is never going to be scam-free (or flaky boardie free either). People need to know what warning signs to look for and act accordingly.

  8. I haven't read any of his superhero stuff, but of the noir:


    1) Criminal - read as an arc, appreciating the story over two generations of characters, this is the best standalone. The Lawless family is the most interesting I think (Tracy Lawless is the best character in the series IMHO).


    2) Fatale - I disagree with whoever wrote above that you can just jump into it without worrying about continuity. I also found that when I was reading it monthly it was hard to get into. But in trade-sized bites this is a great, atmospheric series.


    3) Incognito - much more superhero-y, although still quite dark. I like the dialogue more than the plot in this series.


    4) Scene of the Crime - just bought the HC and looking forward to reading it.


    5) Sleeper - omnibus has been sitting on my shelf for a little while - looking forward to reading this too!

  9. Definitely read his FF run. One of the best modern day super-hero runs


    I second this. I'm not a big Fantastic Four guy, but his run was awesome.


    I third it. Recently bought the volume 1 of the omnibus and it looks great. Contains Fantastic Four, FF and Dark Reign. Volume 2 will complete his run, not sure when it's out though.


    Fantastic Four 605.1 was one of the best single issues I read last year.

  10. What channel


    Sundance channel. It's all in French with subtitles, but it's the same concept as Revival. I think this is the one that caused the controversy a few months back?


    It's good. Very creepy. Been and gone in the UK now.

  11. So disappointed to say this but I have not read this series I guess I will be looking to start a new collection.


    (thumbs u


    Get the first trade. It's a cheap way to check out the series. By the end of it, you'll either be on board or you won't. That's how I got into the series. For me, the best on the stands right now.




    Just grabbed 1-15 will be starting to read them today thanks.


    Quite an investment if it turns out you don't like it! I'm sure you will though.

  12. The really impressive thing (to me, anyway) is how different each of those books are.


    Hickman's a natural born storyteller. But one of his real talents is shaping each book to his collaborator's strengths. That's why his books are so different from each other. That's why MP doesn't read the same as EoW. The most "pure" Hickman works are his solo Image books like THE NIGHTLY NEWS, PAX ROMANA, TRANSHUMAN, et al. Now those DO read similarly, because he is the lone voice. There's none of the comedy of MP, for example, and that's because of Pitarra.


    Hickman has talked about trusting his collaborators. His simple instruction for Nick Dragotta on issue #4 of EoW was to draw a battle scene. You can see what Nick D. did with that. The highlight of the series so far. That's how the trust is built.


    Transhuman wasn't a solo book - J M Ringuet was the artist. Incidentally, that's my least favourite Hickman book. A rare dud.


    You're right about Pax Romana and the Nightly News though. Both of those are excellent and do have a very similar feel. Pax Romana was the first of his books that I read. I came across it completely by accident thanks to a book called Roma Eterna by Robert Silverberg which had me digging around for more alt-fiction relating to the Roman Empire.

  13. Yo!!


    Manhattan Projects #15 was the bomb! I love the infinite/finite Oppenheimer story lines (inside his mind). I could read an entire series of just the back and forth between Oppenheimer's personalities.


    I know MP has it's fan base, but this series is highly under-rated (although I can see why this isn't everyone's cup of tea).


    Underrated? Great reviews for nearly every issue. Do you mean you are surprised it doesn't sell more? That I would definitely agree with.

  14. Yo!!


    Manhattan Projects #15 was the bomb! I love the infinite/finite Oppenheimer story lines (inside his mind). I could read an entire series of just the back and forth between Oppenheimer's personalities.


    I know MP has it's fan base, but this series is highly under-rated (although I can see why this isn't everyone's cup of tea).




    I am definitely on the Hickman train.


    Manhattan Projects, East of West, God is Dead, Secret, Avengers, New Avengers, Infinity.


    How many hits can one man write? Nearly on schedule with all except Secret? Genius in action. I know Hickman's flow charts are not everyone's cup of tea but ehh can't win them all.


    The really impressive thing (to me, anyway) is how different each of those books are. He's not just churning out one trope over and over. I'm reading all of these apart from God is Dead and would rank them as follows in terms of how much I enjoy them:


    1) Manhattan Projects

    2) Secret

    3) New Avengers

    4) Infinity

    5) Avengers

    6) East of West (I know people are all over this, but I'm just not that keen)