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Everything posted by Ryan.

  1. Yeah, does anyone have that? How many of the issue 2 second prints were there?
  2. Highest and only on the census. Signed and sketched by Stan Sakai.
  3. Don Rosa was announced for the Boston con in April. Hopefully he'll have softened his stance on Signature Series by then.
  4. Miracleman and Swamp Thing signed by Totleben, Yeates, Veitch. Miracleman signed and sketched by Buckingham. http://www.ebay.com/sch/flatterbottom/m.html?item=140890825566&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  5. Okay, I'm changing my guess to $17,397.
  6. Does anyone have any feel on how tightly CGC generally grades TMNT 1s? I'm wondering if the cheaper stock allows for a little bit looser grading.
  7. Tied for highest on the census but there are plenty with multiple sigs.
  8. Okay, I'm changing my guess to $17,397.
  9. If it's at all relevant to this conversation, I bought a book from Brent through his website a couple weeks back and the transaction went smoothly, with no problems regarding communication or timely shipping. Given that was through his personal site and not the boards but I figured I'd toss that out there anyway.
  10. Does that mean you spent more than $12,679 for your 9.6?
  11. what are you predicting for the Heritage auction? congrats on the pickup... I'm predicting $12,679
  12. I just picked up the mid-grade copy that was posted in the sales forum. I figured I should strike before prices on first prints go even more bananas.
  13. Congrats on that final price (assuming you are happy with it). Seems strong to me.
  14. Miracleman 22 CGC 9.6 signed and sketched by Mark Buckingham: sale sale sale sale sale sale
  15. Is it graded? I have one on eBay ending tonite if you want to see where it falls. Your copy has some unique variables that may not reflect what a raw copy would sell for. You need to get the finger out of your and on the pulse of what the market is doing as a whole. long time no speak! are you safe and sound up north? I'll tell you what the market is doing: Outpricing me for 2nd prints. Prices on these have gone bananas. At this point I'd be happy scoring a nice 3rd print. We're good up here. The hurricane hit us but I think we were spared the worst of it. Everything is more or less back to normal now.
  16. Is it graded? I have one on eBay ending tonite if you want to see where it falls. Your copy has some unique variables that may not reflect what a raw copy would sell for.
  17. Who wants to see some annoyingly blurry scans? Well, you're in luck. Battlefield 4 signed by Sinnott. Only one on the census. CSS 19 signed by Feldstein. Highest on the census.
  18. I am taking October, November and December off of SS, with maybe a few small exceptions. That will allow me to organize, get my main collection up at MySlabbedComics.com, sell some stuff that I don't want any more, and get ready for another grueling con season in 2013. I'm taking the same break as well (or at least that's the intention) due to spending way too much money and having far too many plates spinning at once. Now seems like a good time to take a break. Of course, having a wedding coming up in about 6 weeks makes shifting priorities a bit of a necessity too.
  19. Has anyone yet started a FC 178 Club thread? I searched and couldn't find one but that doesn't mean there hasn't been one started.
  20. Hey Larry, I know you have done a number of in-store signings in the past. I assume you have ideas for future signings. When and if you do, have you considered bringing in a CGC facilitator for getting witnessed sigs and sketches? Particularly since it looks like there will be plenty of blank options available. This also could apply to the Woburn Warehouse shows.
  21. Step aside, gentlemen. Low grade but I. Am. In.
  22. My econ submissions from the Boston con in April are finally on their way back. Let's see, that's 6 months...carry the one...that adds up to 347,627 days!! Wait, that might be a little off but it certainly feels that long.
  23. I already opened a case with eBay so I reply to them that the case is open and I will get my fees back once eBay makes a ruling. Tonight I go and look at the items that daydreamer13 has up for sale and I see this Batman 4 CGC SS 9.6 variant that belongs to Sleeper13 as you can see here. So apparently he does not have the funds to pay for an auction that he won as of this morning even though he was selling Bedlam variants all weekend. Like I said, it really pissed me off when I found out my eBay deadbeat was a board member. Seems PL worthy to me. The "I bid but, oops, ain't got the money to pay you, oh well" backout really grinds my gears. It is not a seller's responsibility to tend to buyer's remorse. I've purchased many things when soon afterwards I realized it wasn't a wise purchase or I overextended myself or whatever but I never make that the seller's problem.