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Everything posted by newshane

  1. I guess my main complaint is the frequency of release. Our culture has absolutely been beaten over the head with Marvel superhero movies. They are losing their charm. I just can't get excited about them anymore. For the most part, I do enjoy them when I get around to watching. But I'm not waiting in line for the midnight matinee. I feel the same way now about Star Wars. I was SO excited for Episode 7 - The Force Awakens. The pending release of the next movie does not move my meter in the LEAST. For the record, I was one of the few who were able to enjoy The Last Jedi for what is was - a popcorn movie. After all, that's all Star Wars ever was - a series of popcorn movies. But I've been beaten to death with the same ole stories and characters. ENOUGH! I could go 10 years without seeing another comic movie, and I am a huge comic fan. Like anything, the same ole' same ole' every day takes away the value.
  2. He is correct. MCU movies aren't "cinema" as defined by college film professors or professional critics. They are popcorn movies. Nothing wrong with that. Wagyu ceases to be special if eaten every day. Sometimes McDonalds hits the spot. You can't read Cormac McCarty all the time. Sometimes a nice, formulaic sci-fi pulp will do. You can like Bach and Cannibal Corpse. I don't need, or want, to be intellectually stimulated every time I visit the theater. Sometimes, I like a ridiculously fantastical movie to take me away from the negativity in my life. MCU movies, in general, afford a nice, albeit temporary, distraction from the real world.
  3. The term "acid-free" is not used in relation to plastics. The terms "inert" and "stable" are used to describe plastics that can be safely used in preservation. Understanding plastics for preservation
  4. If anyone knows of a good company to have this done, feel free to reach out with a reference via PM. Thanks!
  5. I'm gonna have these bound in volumes for my reading pleasure. Thanks for the idea!
  6. Shock Suspensestories #1-18 Crime Suspenstories #1-27 complete Weird Fantasy #1-22 complete Weird Science #1-22 Weird Science Fantasy #1-7 / Incredible Science Fiction #8-11 Haunt of Fear #1-28 Vault of Horror #1-29 per PM.
  7. I'd say a press for "reasons of security" isn't a bad idea if you're desperate and copies aren't readily available.... but doing it strictly for the purpose of a 9.9 or a 10.0? May as well set your money on fire.
  8. The crazy thing about 10s is that you could literally stand next to the press and pull a thousand books directly from the rollers...and 999 of them would probably fail to meet the standard.
  9. It's not rocket science. 10 = perfect 9.9 = 1 tiny manufacturing defect allowed; no handling defects; otherwise perfect Just because you can't see a given flaw does not mean it's not there.
  10. Premium for newsstand? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Looks like the debt collector coming for me after I max out my credit cards buying comics.
  12. I think we are just seeing the beginning...the road that led to his snap. Obviously, there is a lot of room for him to develop into something more...self-assured.
  13. 1. If you are expecting another "comic" movie, you will be disappointed. The film is a study of insanity. You will definitely get crazy, but I'm not sure if you'll be pleased with his "purpose". 2. By far this is the best DC related film since the Dark Knight. The acting is spectacular.
  14. Let me add that it is wrong for a buyer to lie about his intentions in order to secure a better price, but I don't understand the mindset of sellers who ask about the buyer's intentions. Come up with one price for the book and be done with it. I don't expect a discount if the book ends up in my vault forever, but I certainly don't appreciate sellers who make implied demands in regards to what I do with the book once it is mine. If you feel burnt when you see a book relisted a few weeks later at a higher price, then maybe you should revisit your pricing scheme. I sold a book on the boards for $800 and the buyer flipped it three weeks later for a $400 profit. In all fairness, he asked me if I wanted to buy it back before he sold it.... no one's fault but my own. I should have been far more aggressive with my pricing. People whining about flips is annoying. It's part of the game. Price accordingly.