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Everything posted by comicsnyc22

  1. The Gov technically had a red room of pain. And now I've accidentally led on that I've read at least part of one of those awful books.
  2. Phillip, I would totally disagree with you, but I really want all of your Issue 48 OA and I need to stay on your good side.
  3. Wow even with that Hack writing the books seems to be going strong Post of the year? More in terms of HOW DO YOU HAVE ALL THAT 50 SHADES INFO READY THAT QUICKLY?
  4. It's a plot device, plain and simple. Girl in the fridge to the nth degree. It's as cheap of a ploy as the guy hiding in the shower with the knife. Lazy...
  5. http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Walking-Dead-Original-Art-Page-Issue-34-Page-7-Kirkman-Adlard1-/121206728104?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c387be5a8&nma=true&si=5MkGoFc5%252BKV8OFTLK2fXmdaQ4F8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 that one? nice pick up! There's the piece. Man!
  6. Thanks Bjorn. Did you bid? Or was it not your cup of tea? Haha-- I did bid, but decided to pass. I'm still upset about that page James got that Jerry just posted! Can't believe it i missed it. I didn't even bid because I thought it was going to be 900+. Awesome pick up for him. I'm still awaiting my grail in the mail. Can't wait to show you guys.
  7. I'd argue that you can absolutely see the difference between the seasons, just because there's been a different show lead each season. Nicotero has been fantastic thus far, and I think he and Gale Hurd have a great balance. You can also see Robert's influence much much more compared to last years' episodes.
  8. The TV Gov had more depth and character development than the one in the comic ever could have had. There was an awesome tension between you rooting for and against him that I just never felt in the comic. And he had his awful moments that made you hate him. Ge did not rape Michonne, and there were allusions to some crass things he did to Maggie, but he never went that far. To be honest, I'm glad they didn't because that ploy has been overused and hits a nerve with many-- (gross understatement).
  9. Joey is the best, and he's the only guy i'll use. Regulary makes my 9.4's into 9.8's, and is an incredibly fast and considerate guy.
  10. I've seen 9.9's that look like they'd barely be 9.8's. And I've seen 9.8's that are absolutely flawless.
  11. I've had a few copies of the book. With the black border and really terrible paper stock, it's not easy getting a 9.8. I was more than happy with a 9.6. Interesting to see a modern without a jillion 9.8's!
  12. It's Sonia for me. Totally took me by surprise. Every character on Y had depth, and I thought considering how short of a time we was involved, her character had it the most. She also was the beginning of the sad theme that follows Yorick throughout the book : anything he loves has a tendency to die.
  13. JB (prime): Serious question.... I know you are a huge fan of the series and I bought my #1 from you (thank you again). But my question is, what does the series mean to you? Just a fan of the story or does it make a connection to you in some way? I'm a fan too and I'll offer my answer as well That's quite the question. I don't know if I have a short answer, long answers don't help the post count. It is actually more than the story. Chew and Y allow me to fill the collecting bug in general. I have enjoyed my interactions with 6 of the creators so far. I have often commented that both series are or will be a complete story. Y was the 1st series I had a complete collection of despite decades of trying to own a complete Xmen run. When I 1st read Walking Dead it was 1-48. I thought it was a great story but reading issues after 48 took away something from the 1st 48 for me. This has never happened and hopefully will never happen with Y. Leave the story alone as it works great as it is. As for the story well, I will forget more an I will write. It is a great story on many different levels for me. I don't even know where to begin. I remember specifically when the book came out. I passed thinking it was some male fantasy. Never judge a book by its cover. The 355/Yorick dynamic is the opposite of the traditional roles. 355 being the protector while Yorick is the protected. This is interesting to me for a few reasons since traditionally it is written with the male protector, the story is written by a man and given the all-female world Yorick is a symbol of how many women feel in a male oriented society. Guess I didn't get to the story yet but more later. Sure, there's more to be said here. My short answer would be: (1) The all female, role-reversal society was sociologically interesting (2) The theme of searching for love is universally recognizable (3) The evils of politics show through regardless of who's in charge (4) The story shows that people can change (regardless of what you have heard) (5) Ultimately, it is Shakespearian in that (a) Yorick is a tragic hero, (b) love is lost and found in different places, and © life doesn't always work out as you would have it be. My short answer To both of you
  14. I'm not gonna lie, though the Gov would last another episode or two.
  15. I did not like this episode. Too many reasons to list. I put in spoilers cuz I see others have.....though I dont understand why, if you know the show comes on tonight then don't click on this thread! As long as you can overlook the glaring holes in logic and other issues in the spoiler tags above, it was okay. Still seemed too rushed. All season dragged along, then they jam pack everything into less than 40 minutes. Okay mid-season finale for a so far disappointing season. Broken record time from Bjorn (!): We're nitpicking at these details, but perfectly OK with suspending disbelief on the fact that DEAD HUMANS ARE COMING ALIVE AND KILLING PEOPLE?
  16. Congrats, dude. Welcome to the club. It's incredible, yeah? These are my two Y art items from my collection. Still trying to get a page from issue one, so if anyone knows of any that are out there...