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Everything posted by comicsnyc22

  1. I can count perfectly fine. Just as a newish reader, the cover/variant chasing was really confusing and off-putting. The night the Nowhere Men RRP's and CBLDF were made available was a total shti-show. Pass.
  2. I'm OK with one to kick start the excitement. I won't chase it, but it's an easy layup in terms of fan excitement. I just look at Bedlam and can't get past the 3265346 covers and just see a blur.
  3. Just two so far, Forbidden planet and RRP
  4. This book is so good. It's stupid good.
  5. You would have retired by now if you just kept your WD OA (Moore). That hurts.
  6. Love the slab opp, but why get the sketchbook without seeing the sketches inside?
  7. I think the TV governor is a great and realistic representation of how an actual psychopath would play out. He's a little too smooth talking Bill-Clinton-like for my liking, but that's his most deadly quality, too.
  8. C'mon guys-- we didn't really think that the major story arc of the book would be wrapped up in three episodes, did we? Tyrese hasn't even been developed yet. Lots of stuff to come, but it's just killing me we'll have to wait another year. I'm really interested to see where they go season 4.
  9. Yeah-- I think abou half way through I realized I went a little overboard. That said, lots of big-time Adlard pieces for sale!
  10. Speaking of OA, dude, there are some big time pages from Charlie's run on eBay that have popped up recently. Some of the prices i think are a bit much, but pages i really thought would never be for sale are popping up http://www.ebay.com/itm/Walking-Dead-55-pg5-zombie-Lori-eating-Rick-Charlie-Adlard-original-comic-art-/281079819636?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4171a9ad74&autorefresh=true http://www.ebay.com/itm/WALKING-DEAD-ISSUE-10-PAGE-10-ORIGINAL-ART-SIGNED-BY-KIRKMAN-AND-ADLARD-/300877403986?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item460db0d752 http://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-WALKING-DEAD-101-page-2-Original-Comic-Art-CHARLIE-ADLARD-Rick-Gets-Clocked-/230942922236?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35c54555fc http://www.ebay.com/itm/Charlie-Adlard-Walking-Dead-cover-original-art-/200900807122?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec69f09d2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Walking-Dead-Original-Art-Issue-58-Page-18-Kirkman-Charlie-Adlard-Zombie-Duane-/181084300465?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a297724b1 http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Walking-Dead-Original-Art-Issue-34-Pg-1-31-Pg17-Michonne-Charlie-Adlard-/170992293355?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27cfef55eb&nma=true&si=xK02G3IOLPosTpyltZXWDmeQ840%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 http://www.ebay.com/itm/ADLARD-WALKING-DEAD-ORIGINAL-ART-26-Page-16-Michonne-vs-a-Zombie-/190791239945?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c6c0b4909&nma=true&si=xK02G3IOLPosTpyltZXWDmeQ840%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/The-Walking-Dead-83-page-17-original-art-page-the-death-of-Douglas-/200879611677?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec55b9f1d&nma=true&si=xK02G3IOLPosTpyltZXWDmeQ840%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Walking-Dead-Original-Art-Issue-28-pgs-16-17-Splash-page-/281038329704?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416f309768&nma=true&si=xK02G3IOLPosTpyltZXWDmeQ840%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 http://www.ebay.com/itm/WALKING-DEAD-27-Page-19-1st-App-GOVERNOR-ORIGINAL-ART-PACKAGE-Comic-Autos-/370697123774?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item564f4537be http://www.ebay.com/itm/WALKING-DEAD-ORIGINAL-ART-ISSUE-98-PAGE-2-DEATH-OF-ABRAHAM-SPLASH-PAGE-/261123463036?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3ccc2bd77c http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Walking-Dead-29-page-16-Governor-and-Michonne-Original-Comic-Art-Rare-/160988707739?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item257bacbb9b http://www.ebay.com/itm/WALKING-DEAD-27-PAGE-18-1ST-APPEARANCE-OF-THE-GOVERNOR-ORIGINAL-SIGNED-ART-/300877334971?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item460dafc9bb
  11. After getting the commission, they're in absolutely no rush to sell any pages, and the prices are probably going to go up a bit. If you're not just a TWD fan, they've got some great Venom pages. I actually just picked up a few books from his time on the run. Any TM art is worth buying IMHO.
  12. Don't tip people off! I've been saying the same thing for about a year now.
  13. Seeing some of these pages w/ robert's sig on it. That man has got to get a little bit better with it. It's awful.
  14. I like Negan as a character more than the Gov as well. I just don't "hate" him like hated the Gov. I think Negan and Lucille will play a different role in Rick's world. Who knows though. I'm along for the ride regardless. I also prefer Negan - it's like someone wrote above: besides killing Glenn, he hasn't actually done anything all that terrible. I can believe that he thinks that the odd bit of ultra-violence is necessary to keep people in line. Contrast with the governor, who liked to make out with zombie children, chop people's heads off and keep them in fish tanks and all the other horrible stuff. There's a difference between being evil and cheerfully unhinged. here we go: Racist PUTS HOT IRONS ON PEOPLE'S FACES Sleeps with other peoples' wives daily Killed Glen with a baseball bat psychologically mind effed Carl in 106 Raider potty mouth Yeah. He's a good guy? Except of course that I didn't say he was a good guy. Anyway: Racist - evidence for this? PUTS HOT IRONS ON PEOPLE'S FACES - in theory at least, he does this to keep people in line and make sure they follow his rules. Rick wanted to hang the murderer guy in the prison, and he shot the doctor in Alexandria. Sleeps with other peoples' wives daily - they can choose whether or not to be his "wife", according to both him and Dwight. Killed Glen with a baseball bat - I said apart from that psychologically mind effed Carl in 106 - did he? Carl seems fine. Most people would have expected him to hurt or kill him. Raider - so is everybody potty mouth - um, so? Doesn't make him a bad guy Racist - evidence for this? Go back and read the exchanges between Rick and Negan on Glenn. Duh. PUTS HOT IRONS ON PEOPLE'S FACES - in theory at least, he does this to keep people in line and make sure they follow his rules. Rick wanted to hang the murderer guy in the prison, and he shot the doctor in Alexandria. Dude, you're justifying a guy ironing someone's face? Read what you just typed. Sleeps with other peoples' wives daily - they can choose whether or not to be his "wife", according to both him and Dwight. And why was this an "option" in the first place? Do wives just all of the sudden say "hey hun, i'm gonna start having sex with this psycho" for no reason? They did it because he's an AWFUL HUMAN BEING. You know you're dealing with a terrible person when the only option to living a decent life is by putting a fissure in your relationship by sleeping with a psycho. Next. Killed Glen with a baseball bat - I said apart from that Ha! psychologically mind effed Carl in 106 - did he? Carl seems fine. Most people would have expected him to hurt or kill him. What a nice guy! Raider - so is everybody This is your only point i can sort of agree with potty mouth - um, so? Doesn't make him a bad guy This was a throw away. More just kidding than anything. Just realized i became "that guy" on the boards. Don't want to be "that guy." Five years ago me would kick current me's for arguing about a comic. On the internet. On a message board. IRON MY FACE, PLEASE.
  15. I like Negan as a character more than the Gov as well. I just don't "hate" him like hated the Gov. I think Negan and Lucille will play a different role in Rick's world. Who knows though. I'm along for the ride regardless. I also prefer Negan - it's like someone wrote above: besides killing Glenn, he hasn't actually done anything all that terrible. I can believe that he thinks that the odd bit of ultra-violence is necessary to keep people in line. Contrast with the governor, who liked to make out with zombie children, chop people's heads off and keep them in fish tanks and all the other horrible stuff. There's a difference between being evil and cheerfully unhinged. here we go: Racist PUTS HOT IRONS ON PEOPLE'S FACES Sleeps with other peoples' wives daily Killed Glen with a baseball bat psychologically mind effed Carl in 106 Raider potty mouth Yeah. He's a good guy? Except of course that I didn't say he was a good guy. Anyway: Racist - evidence for this? PUTS HOT IRONS ON PEOPLE'S FACES - in theory at least, he does this to keep people in line and make sure they follow his rules. Rick wanted to hang the murderer guy in the prison, and he shot the doctor in Alexandria. Sleeps with other peoples' wives daily - they can choose whether or not to be his "wife", according to both him and Dwight. Killed Glen with a baseball bat - I said apart from that psychologically mind effed Carl in 106 - did he? Carl seems fine. Most people would have expected him to hurt or kill him. Raider - so is everybody potty mouth - um, so? Doesn't make him a bad guy Racist - evidence for this? Go back and read the exchanges between Rick and Negan on Glenn. Duh. PUTS HOT IRONS ON PEOPLE'S FACES - in theory at least, he does this to keep people in line and make sure they follow his rules. Rick wanted to hang the murderer guy in the prison, and he shot the doctor in Alexandria. Dude, you're justifying a guy ironing someone's face? Read what you just typed. Sleeps with other peoples' wives daily - they can choose whether or not to be his "wife", according to both him and Dwight. And why was this an "option" in the first place? Do wives just all of the sudden say "hey hun, i'm gonna start having sex with this psycho" for no reason? They did it because he's an AWFUL HUMAN BEING. You know you're dealing with a terrible person when the only option to living a decent life is by putting a fissure in your relationship by sleeping with a psycho. Next. Killed Glen with a baseball bat - I said apart from that Ha! psychologically mind effed Carl in 106 - did he? Carl seems fine. Most people would have expected him to hurt or kill him. What a nice guy! Raider - so is everybody This is your only point i can sort of agree with potty mouth - um, so? Doesn't make him a bad guy This was a throw away. More just kidding than anything.
  16. I like Negan as a character more than the Gov as well. I just don't "hate" him like hated the Gov. I think Negan and Lucille will play a different role in Rick's world. Who knows though. I'm along for the ride regardless. I also prefer Negan - it's like someone wrote above: besides killing Glenn, he hasn't actually done anything all that terrible. I can believe that he thinks that the odd bit of ultra-violence is necessary to keep people in line. Contrast with the governor, who liked to make out with zombie children, chop people's heads off and keep them in fish tanks and all the other horrible stuff. There's a difference between being evil and cheerfully unhinged. here we go: Racist PUTS HOT IRONS ON PEOPLE'S FACES Sleeps with other peoples' wives daily Killed Glen with a baseball bat psychologically mind effed Carl in 106 Raider potty mouth Yeah. He's a good guy?
  17. Yeah- I think i'm sucked up into enough that I just don't see the rediculousness. The language, the knights, the whole kingdom, saviors, ezekiel, blah blah blah. It was a little much. That said, I will still buy every issue.
  18. Yup! I can't wait to read this book. I remember reading the previews and thinking this had great potential.
  19. Just snagged the variant. Usually not a variant chaser, but after passing on the Saga RRP i'm not making that mistake again.
  20. You thinking of making an offer? I actually just bought a WD cover oh? go on NICE, which cover? I know I'm teasing, but I can't say yet. I'll upload onto my CAF once I get the OK.
  21. Should I have bought more from my LCS. I don't get it. If yes, please explain why? Make me believe that this issue is hot. Now that I know all the freakin pages are gone and Midtown is sold out. New character-- kind of bad . Duh. I preordered 20 copies just based on the fact that there was a new character being introduced, but figured most had done so. Get em while you can!
  22. No..... I don't believe that. I'd have to ask Mark. Already did, dude. It's not available. Gotta be the Nowell Brothers. It wasn't them (thumbs u DOUG! Did you?
  23. You thinking of making an offer? I actually just bought a WD cover, so i'm set. I actually think the inks look much better than what I figured it'd be based on the image