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Everything posted by Crimebuster

  1. I predict you're going to do okay with this, assuming the ToS 57 isn't ruined by water.
  2. No, I didn't say that. I'm aware there are also people who have an axe to grind with Snyder as well. I'm responding because in this thread, I see a lot of people citing positive reviews as some kind of evidence that the movie is great, while dismissing negative reviews out of hand as biased. But the bias can go in both directions. That's all.
  3. There are just as many positive reviews from people predisposed to liking it. That first batch of reactions where several people in a row were calling it a "masterpiece" with almost identical language was downright goofy with how coordinated it was. Hey, I hope it's good. But there are so many rabid fanboys personally invested in being proven right that I can't really believe any of this without seeing it for myself.
  4. More than that, unless I'm mistaken it's not a preview in the sense of showing the first few pages of issue 1 or something as an ad. It's a unique story that predates issue 1, and acts as a prequel. As such, it is the first appearance, no caveats.
  5. Hello, friends! So, I'm excited that the Kickstarter for the latest issue of my comics The Crimebusters successfully funded. I now have all the books in hand and have sent out all the rewards to my backers. I also know there were a lot of people who wanted to get it, but due to the circumstances of the past year, weren't in position to do so. So I'm trying something new this time, which is Indiegogo InDemand. Basically, it's an open-ended continuation of the Kickstarter campaign, allowing people to continue to back at their leisure rather than under the time constraints of a normal campaign. If you're interested in checking it out, The Crimebusters #1-3 can be found here on Indiegogo. Thanks for all the support! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-crimebusters-1-3/x/26218124#/
  6. Thanks for the information, it's really helpful - and interesting!
  7. Howdy! I'm wondering about Dungeons and Dragons in comics, and the game's influence on comics, so I'm trying to figure out what some of the earlier mentions or appearances of the game are. I've read the D&D wiki article about licensed comics. The first official D&D comics were one page ads on the back covers of some issues starting in 1981. There were different short stories in different versions of the ads, kind of like the Hostess ads. The first full length licensed comic was apparently in Spanish in 1985, and adaptation of the cartoon, and then in America DC got the license and starting putting out a number of licensed TSR comics around 87. But there are a couple other categories of D&D comics I'm interested in tracking down as well, which are a bit harder to get information on. First, there were a ton of comics that were directly inspired by D&D in the 80's, especially in the indie and self published arena. I've got a bunch of examples, like Dungeoneers and The Adventurers among others. But it's those "among others" I'm curious about. Anyone collect these, or have some kind of list? Others I have copies of are things like Empire Lanes, Dark Regions, and Tales of the Realm. The second category is comics that actually reference D&D or some non-trademark version of the game. The earliest of these I'm aware of is Warlord #35, which came out in 1980, and which so far is the earliest reference to D&D in comics I've found (though I suspect there must be earlier ones). I also have a vague memory of someone, maybe Doug Ramsey, playing D&D in an issue of New Mutants in the mid-80's. But there have to be more I don't know about. Finally, I think the earliest D&D comics probably all appeared in Dragon magazine in the 70's. I've read that some appeared even in the very early issues in the mid-late 70's, but those magazines are hard to come by so I don't have much firsthand knowledge of them. Anyone collect these and know anything about them? Thanks!
  8. I've noticed Captain America #168, the first Helmut Zemo, seems to be going up a little based on Falcon and Winter Soldier. One thing that's interesting is that a year after the issue came out, Marvel reprinted it as part of a line of kids' books with records. The last few sales of the record and book set are still dirt cheap, maybe because I haven't noticed any listings mention the Baron Zemo connection. Seems like an interesting curiosity to me.
  9. https://collider.com/wandavision-problems-cameos-teasers/ A little snarky, let's say, but not necessarily wrong.
  10. Renner is a train wreck. They should have done everyone a favor and killed Hawkeye instead of Widow in Endgame and we wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. Having said that, his attempt to start a music career is one of the funniest things of the last decade, possibly topped only by the story of the Jeremy Renner app fiasco.
  11. I'll give you a new spec book for free, just remember if you start hyping this up on ebay, I get a cut. There was an evil Vision from another part of the Multiverse who took the Vision's place for a while. He first appeared in Avengers #359. Here's a panel from his storyline You heard it here first: the big villain of Phase 5 is actually going to Proctor and the Gatherers!
  12. Thread is now closed! Anyone who hasn't paid yet, I will send out invoices tomorrow. Thanks everyone! And keep an eye out for part 2 over on the Gold/Silver/Bronze forum, coming in the next week or two!
  13. Someone earlier suggested white vision meant the return of Ultron. I don't think we'll see that, but just for the sake of argument... Lets say white vision gets destroyed. Some explosion or something. Then, post credits... a kid finds white vision's head in the rubble. Starts playing with it while a VO (the show narrator?) reads Shelley's Ozymandius. Fade to black...
  14. I think for some books there seems to be a high floor these days that's not proportional to the price of high grade books. Rather than being something like "it's $800 per point, so a 2.0 is $1600 and a 5.0 is $4000 and a 9.0 is $7200" it's more like "any copy in any condition is going to cost you at least $3000. And then, if it's above a 6, it's another $1500 per point on top of that." Just making up number here but I feel like I'm seeing that a lot more with keys recently across the board. Low grade books with prices that are much higher than you would expect given the cost of the same book in high grade. I think there are just a lot of people who want to own a copy in any grade and will buy the cheapest one they can get - so many of these people that there's a higher proportionate demand for low grade books.
  15. I'm going to leave this up until Monday, then all these deals will be gone, like tears in the rain.
  16. That's a crazy price. I bought my restored 8.5 for $2000 just a few months ago!
  17. Okay, I don't want to send this to ebay, so for a short time I'm going to make everything that hasn't sold yet 10% off. I'd lose that in ebay fees anyway, so here's one last try to pass those savings on to you, my favorite people in the whole world. Let's hug.