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About this journal

I have two creative projects I will be discussing in this journal.

The first is The Crimebusters, a new comic series I am writing and drawing. Picking up where Boy Comics left off, The Crimebusters #120 is set in the fall of 1956, with Chuck Chandler — aka Crimebuster — returning to Curtiss Tech for his junior year of college. As always, though, intrigue and mystery abound, as Chuck is reluctantly forced to team up with girl reporter Trixie Trouble to investigate the shocking death of a beloved professor. This is my first comic book, so it's a real learning process trying to make it; I will be detailing that process here. I hope to have the issue complete by the end of March, with the goal of heading to Kickstarter in April for a May publication date. We'll see how it goes though!

The second project I have is the Classic Comics Forum Podcast, where I discuss classic comic book runs. I'm aiming for an episode a month at this point, and will provide updates whenever new episodes become available. 

Thanks for reading!

Entries in this journal

Last call for love! 💗

Hey friends! I just wanted to drop a quick note that my new romance comic Geek Love #1 has just one day left on Kickstarter, so if you're a fan of romance comics, you'll want to get your copy before they're gone. 🙂 I've also done some variant covers homaging some of my favorite classic romance comics, so you can get those too!  


Crimebuster in Geek Love

I made a romance comic!

Well, I've gone and made another comic.  As some of you know from my posts around these parts, for quite a few years now, the focus of my collection has been romance comics. So I've been dying to do a romance comic myself. it's taken quite a while to get it all put together, but I finally have it done: Geek Love #1 is now out on Kickstarter. This is me basically doing a classic romance comic, but with a modern geeky twist, as the stories are about cosplayers, gamers, and wizards in lov

Just 8 hours left to get my new comic!

Hello, friends! Just a quick message - there are only 9 hours left to get my new comic Quest #3. The campaign ends at 11 pm ET tonight.  if you missed the first two issues, don't worry, there's a special discounted catch-up reward tier so you can get the whole series with one click of a button.  Thank you all for your support! I really appreciate it! Here's the link again: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thecrimebusters/quest-3?ref=d21edb


Crimebuster in Quest

Swords and Sorcery action in a Brutal Realm!

Hey everyone! My new comic Quest #3 is now live on Kickstarter. I just can't stop making comics! If you like bronze Age style swords and sorcery, that's exactly what I'm trying to do here. I'm really excited for this issue, as it's the story I've had in my head since I began working on Quest. I'm really stoked to be able to share it with everyone! Here's the link for the campaign -- if you missed the first two issues, don't worry, I've added a special discounted catch-up reward so you


Crimebuster in Quest

My new comic The Crimebusters #6 ends on Kickstarter tomorrow! Guest starring...

The Kickstarter for my new comic The Crimebusters #6 ends tomorrow, and I spent the week working on the back cover. This issue has a guest appearance by Joe and Frank Hardy. The Hardy Boys entered the public domain last year, though I haven't seen anyone else use them yet.  The name "The Hardy Boys" is still trademarked, so I can't use that on the cover. But I wanted to capture the feel, so I did an homage to the cover of their first book, which was drawn by Walter S. Rogers. That art

My new comic is here!

My new comic, The Crimebusters #6, is now live on Kickstarter! This one has been a lot of fun to work on. I love using public domain characters, so besides Crimebuster himself, this time around we've got Uncle Sam, Richard Upton Pickman from the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, and even The Hardy Boys, who slipped into the public domain last year a bit under the radar!  I've also got some really swell variant covers, including a cool 5th Anniversary Cover. Yes, it's been 5 years now since Th

The Crimebusters #6 is coming soon!

It's been a long time coming, but I'm excited to finally announce that The Crimebusters #6 is coming soon! I'm tentatively planning a January Kickstarter launch, assuming the art is finished on schedule. You can click here to check out the pre-launch page and hit the "Notify me on launch" button to make sure you don't miss it.  This issue leans more into the Lovecraft side of things, as Trixie and Chuck investigate some spooky unsolved murders involving haunted paintings.  This is


Crimebuster in The Crimebusters

Quest #2 is coming right down to the wire! 😬

We're inside the final 29 hours on the campaign for my new fantasy comic Quest #2, and it's coming right down to the wire. I thought we had funded a couple hours ago, but no sooner did we cross the goal than someone canceled a pledge and we dropped back below the line. That means at the moment we're still $15 short of being funded. There's still plenty of time -- but also plenty of time for more people to cancel, so who knows! If you love epic fantasy and classic swords & sorc


Crimebuster in Quest

Paladins vs. Zombies: fear the WALKING DEAD!

My new comic Quest #2 is currently live on Kickstarter, and since this issue features my main character Vhess the paladin battling the undead, it only made sense to me to do a Walking Dead homage cover. You know how much I love my homage covers! This is an homage to Tony Moore's cover for The Walking Dead #19, the first appearance of Michonne. I'm only printing 30 copies, and it's only available as an add-on, so if you dig it get it before it's gone!


Crimebuster in Quest

Quest #2 is now live on Kickstarter!

Hello, friends! I'm excited to announce that my new epic fantasy comic Quest #1-2 is now live on Kickstarter! This is my ode to Bronze Age style swords and sorcery, and comics like Warlord and Conan, so if you like that sort of thing I think you'll like Quest! You can check it out here. I've also finished the other variant covers, and wanted specifically to mention the Tabletop RPG Edition. The cover is an homage to the classic D&D module "Keep on the Borderlands" by Jim Rosl


Crimebuster in Quest

My new comic Quest #2 is coming in two weeks!

Well, the year is coming to a close, but I'm going to squeeze in one more Kickstarter campaign before 2023 ends.  This is for Quest #2! Quest is my new ongoing epic fantasy comic featuring a ragtag group of adventurers who are thrown together by fate and charged with an impossible quest with the fate of their world at stake. You know... the good stuff! The Kickstarter launches on October 23. I'm still working on the final cover, but here's a look at some of the covers you'll be ab


Crimebuster in Quest

Going, going... gone! 👻

There are just 28 hours left in the campaign for the first trade collection of my comic The Crimebusters, and we're still $286 short of our funding goal. So if you're a fan of supernatural mystery adventure in the classic Scooby-Doo style, this may be the last chance to get The Crimebusters Volume 1! Your pledge could be the one that gets us over the line! Here's the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thecrimebusters/crimebusters-vol-1 Thank you all for your support over t


Crimebuster in comic books

The Crimebusters vol. 1 TPB is now live on Kickstarter!

It's here! Almost 5 years after I started working on the first issue of my first comic, The Crimebusters #1, I'm super excited to announce that the first trade collection, collecting The Crimebusters issues #1-5, is now live on Kickstarter! Besides having over 175 pages of action, I've also has the first three issues -- which were originally in black and white -- colored for the first time.  Thank you all for your support throughout this adventure! I really appreciate it very much!


Crimebuster in comic books

The Crimebusters volume 1 is coming on September 13! It's all led to this!

It's been nearly five years now since I began working on my first comic, The Crimebusters #1, and 4 1/2 years since it came out on Kickstarter. So it's not overstating it when I say it's all led up to this: The Crimebusters volume 1, which collects The Crimebusters #1-5 in one volume for the first time, is coming to Kickstarter on September 13! Additionally, I am currently in the process of having both issues #2 and #3 colored, meaning that the trade will present all five issues in col


Crimebuster in comic books

The Kickstarter for my new epic fantasy comic Quest #1 is almost over, and we need a little help getting over the line!

Hey everyone! We're less than 36 hours away from the end of the Kickstarter for my newest comic, the epic fantasy Quest #1, and we're thiiiiis close to funding. But we still need a little help getting over the line! Right now we're at 90% funded, with only $276 left to go to hit our funding goal.  So if you think you might like some indie fantasy comic action, you can check it out here! Thank you for all the support! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thecrimebusters/quest-epic-


Crimebuster in Quest

My new comic is now LIVE on Kickstarter! 😮

Hello, comic book friends! I'm so excited today to announce that my new comic book Quest #1 is now LIVE on Kickstarter!   I've been a huge fantasy fan for my whole life. Playing Dungeons & Dragons and reading their Endless Quest series of books as a child opened my imagination to new worlds of wonder. I would sit on the floor with my modules and play out whole campaigns by myself, creating stories of heroes and monsters, triumph and tragedy, before rolling the dice an


Crimebuster in Quest

Join the QUEST! 😃

Hey there, comic friends! I'm super excited to tell you that my new epic fantasy comic Quest is coming to Kickstarter next month, and the pre-launch page is currently live.      This is an ongoing series inspired by Dungeons & Dragons and by classic swords and sorcery comics like Savage Sword of Conan. I've always been a huge fantasy fan, and it was fantasy that really got me into comics -- before I bought my first comic book, I was reading comics in the back of Dra


Crimebuster in Quest

Another new Kickstarter from me. Whew!

Well, I sent The Crimebusters #5 to the printer on Monday, so I'm launching my next Kickstarter next Monday! I'm tired!!  This one is a little different form the others, though, so hopefully it won't be as much work. I'm just doing a short, simple Kickstarter to print a new blank variant edition of Cthulhu vs. Uncle Sam #1 so I can do sketch covers on it for fans of the series, or so they can draw their own covers, or commission someone else to do it.  Since the art is all done and


Crimebuster in comic books

One week left in the Kickstarter for my new comic - stretch goals being unlocked!

Man, doing these Kickstarters is such a massive amount of soul crushing work!  But, there's just one week left in the campaign for The Crimebusters #5, and making this comic a reality more than makes up for all the work! I'm really excited to say that we've hit our funding goal! And now we're close to unlocking the first stretch goal! My hope is that we can unlock a couple more after this as well, because I want to be able to give my backers as much stuff as possible to make it the


Crimebuster in comic books

My new comic is now LIVE on Kickstarter! The Crimebusters #5!

So weird, I know I absolutely posted this back on Monday, but there's no sign of it. Apparently the boards just ate it.  Anyway, I'm excited to let you all know that my newest comic The Crimebusters #5 is now live on Kickstarter! This is sort of the culmination of everything that's happened so fr, bringig together subplots and loose ends and tying up characters arcs while also setting the groundwork for the next batch of stories. Plus, it's the first issue that I haven't drawn myself,


Crimebuster in comic books

The Crimebusters #5 is coming on January 30! Nervous for this one...

I'm nervous and excited to announce that my new comic The Crimebusters #5 is coming to Kickstarter on January 30! Excited because this one is the culmination of all the subplots I've been dropping hints for through the first four issue. This is where the bigger, over-arching mystery starts coming together. Nervous because this is the first issue of The Crimebusters that I haven't drawn myself. New artist Mac Radwanski did the art, and I think he's a lot better than I am!  But that mean


Crimebuster in comic books

Last 6 hours of my Kickstarter campaign. Whew!!

We're down to the final 6 hours of the Kickstarter campaign for Cthulhu vs. Uncle Sam #2, and boy, has this been a roller coaster! Right now we're just $261 away from unlocking the final stretch goal for bonus rewards, so I'm hoping we can hit that. And then I can rest my weary head! Here's the link one final time. Thanks for the support everyone!


Crimebuster in comic books

Final week for my new comic on Kickstarter 😮

Well, there are just 6 days left in the Kickstarter campaign for my new comic Cthulhu vs. Uncle Sam #2. And man, it's been a roller coaster ride. Nothing has gone as expected, and it's been much more difficult than the first issue. Everything's topsy turvy! Having said that, we did hit the funding goal a couple days ago, so thank you all for your support! Now I'm hoping we can get to the stretch goals in the next few days so people can get bonus rewards, particularly the set of five new tra


Crimebuster in comic books

My first crossover!

I'm really excited to share that I'm doing my first crossover with another comic! The short versions is that I've had artist Ryan Mendoza do variant covers for both issues of my series Cthulhu vs. Uncle Sam, which is currently live on Kickstarter. Ryan is the regular artist on a series called Miskatonic High. For those who aren't familiar with Miskatonic High, it's one of the most successful series on Kickstarter. They actually have a pretty regular distribution schedule, not monthly,


Crimebuster in comic books

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