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Everything posted by Garf

  1. That they do... Have always loved the intensity of this one, it stands alone quite well even without much context given by the rest of the panels. Abraham was a badass... and let's face it you are not going to get many more pages with him in. It's still there. I reckon it will hold its own. Agree that they have been plucked clean. You can go for broke and buy up the next nice older page that comes in on Ebay / CAF at the current prices (circa $1200)... wait for the next few issues to come out and see if there is something you like (probably $350 - $600)... or look at something for around $200 or less on splash. There are a couple of nice Andrea / Rick pages, one nice piece with Carl in the last panel but they don't have any action. The only story pages left that stand out for me before #90 is Carl waking up from his coma, and part of the build up to and Abraham's fight with Carl. The hunters pages from #65 really had me glued when I read the comic but compared to the ones that have gone they don't convey the danger and tension on their own. It's funny I still check back on Mark's site now and again just to see if there is something I have missed but I know that list inside out now. Probably like a few others here.
  2. was I the only one thinking this?
  3. Over the last couple of months I have seen several nice pages come and go but a lot of them have been the market price or higher. e.g. #13 zombie pages, a couple of Governor pages (well one of them was cheap... around the $350 mark), splashes and full size art... but all gone now. There is enough interest out there now in the significant pages that they will just get scooped up at prices that I would not consider to be cheap Do I have the same ebay as you? Oh no wait... just different funds I'm sure the odd decent page or two will continue to trickle through into the market but I bet they are going to go to people on here or CAF. It will be interesting to see what will happen to zombie/action/plot reveal/Negan/full splash pages in #103, #104 and #105. I think the price increase at Splash will work well for these pages. I just wonder if it will have an adverse effect on the "average" page causing a slow down in the market or encourage a few more sales in the pages at the older prices (e.g. This versus this ) ? We certainly won't be able to tell for another couple of issues. Pretty much like has been said on here before the significant art is going to stay hot for a long while to come and the average page is staying holding for now. Can't see any zombie or significant page going for less than $350 from here on in which is a shame for me
  4. (kidding - I actually enjoyed your comment ofc) Can someone fast forward this a few months so I can read #103, #104 & #105 now?
  5. Aye. I only have one zombie page. It's not in the same league as a lot of others out there but it's mine and it will be going on the wall Unlike yourself (and Jim *looks at post above*) I can't get away with putting up art of people and monsters being mutilated (nor life size motion activated zombie girls... f**k that looks scary), due to having a 2yr and 5yr old in the house.
  6. nps... I thought it belonged to someone here ...and yes I do think that the page, even at that price is an investment. I know it's not money burnt but my budget for OA is modest. Really really nice full size splash. Good for you if you got it. See it has changed status. I guess you noticed he may have one of the herd scenes. Did you ask him if that had sold / is for sale?
  7. if only i had money to burn... http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=941585&GSub=77313
  8. The small cover thing is quite common in a lot of the WD # print runs.
  9. wouldn't have thought so... nice pages btw. are you getting them from private sellers? and in other news for boardies in the UK Charlie Adlard signing in London... (no sketches)
  10. The preview was a bit disturbing... doesn't look like it will pull any punches. Maybe it will fill the void that is going to be left by the absence of "The Boys" but in a much darker fashion. (Anti) villans killing villans instead of (Anti) superheroes killing superheroes? Seems like the hotness of the variants is going to be NYCC, 3rd eye followed by FP UK. FP UK are getting ALL variants pre-signed. There is only one code on the mail order system for a signed version and the London store has no unsigned copies coming. Which is a shame because I like the FP UK variant cover better than 3rd eye.
  11. Hijack: what constitutes a low feedback seller? I am just under 200 feedback 100% positive. Is that considered low / risky? Nice book btw.
  12. Was suprised to see Batman Legacy TPB reach this high: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150907288361?nma=true&si=G2cMhnlnIDvhsUFUSyAK5PeEi5I%3D&rt=nc&_trksid=p4340.l2557&orig_cvip=true ... keep checking back on my trades every now and again wondering if I should cash them in but I would hate to part with them
  13. Just completed S.T.A.L.K.E.R SoC for the 3rd time Nice page Jerry... love panel 2. Very intense.
  14. then... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140816724368?nma=true&si=G2cMhnlnIDvhsUFUSyAK5PeEi5I%3D&rt=nc&_trksid=p4340.l2557&orig_cvip=true now... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160889081998?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  15. I really liked the Ghost variant but now even for me it's starting to get old I'd much prefer the occasional variant and maybe a different twist on squeezing the fans with something more than another cover. Do an Annual, do an extra size issue like #100 every now and again and bump the price up, do an issue 105b that actually has different content with a guest writer / artist... This variant toally passed me by and I don't give a monkey's. Maybe there's more margin in just changing the cover but I'd be willing to pay a little more than that for content.
  16. And that the Nowell Brothers will have another CAF entry. That's the only two certains we know so far. Jim You, sir, called it. Death, taxes and the Nowell Brothers winning any auction for a WD cover...the three certainties in life. Jim Are they re-sellers or collectors? Quite the opposite. Their collection is, for lack of a better word, a black hole. None of it is for sale - I was told by one of the owners that selling a piece from their set would be like "selling a piece of their soul" and that they couldn't part with any of it. Maybe their opinion will change once they get more? I just want that SAWEET dbl page governor spread they have (one of their only non-cover pieces), but it looks like it, and the rest of their collection, is not going anywhere for a while, if ever. Well... looking at your #48 zombie spread makes me feel the same if it is any consolation. Great pages I have a three pages, none in that league though but I am still happy to have a small piece of TWD. Since buying a few pages of OA from comic books in general it's changed a lot about how I look at comic art.
  17. Going to look at CAF right now and see what else they got. Jim Well looking at the 2 sketches that popped up in their collection I wonder if those are from SDCC? i.e. spend $1K on pages from WD #100 and get a custom comission sketch. Would imagine they have a lot more pages than are on CAF.
  18. +1 I can wait another 2 issues for zombies Liked the setup this month. As the covers are now changing is that officially the end of the Something To Fear arc despite the open ended feel?