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Everything posted by Garf

  1. Which is high... but still a shade under the sales of Adventure Time.
  2. Lovely stuff <3 The 180 is great! Even better as a pair. Feels less like a comission piece and more like something that slots right in with the published art... reminds me of that also being done where Moore's #13 cover is reversed in the Adlard panels.
  3. mess why do I feel like I am turning into your underpaid concierge? ... I'm gonna have to get one too, been thinking about it for a few days now. As far as the licensed merch / t-shirts go they are nice but I usually steer clear from anything overly branded in general (notable exceptions Bats T-shirts with logos [without lettering] are fine, retro gaming related stuff and the odd band shirt). Picky picky picky. Each to their own.
  4. I can see the 1:50 listed online in some places and not others. Hard to say.
  5. Errr confused. I have seen a couple of sites tout this as a mini. I take it is ongoing? Edit: arc format?
  6. Totally not worth it. T-shirts come and go... there are plenty you can pre-order in Previews or elsewhere online if you want comic related ones. There's an awesome Sandman one in November I seem to remember. If I had to spend 60 bucks on a t-shirt and magazines then I would go here for the t-shirts http://www.threadless.com/ and forgoe the toilet fodder Just saying. .... it ain't that far off topic http://www.threadless.com/product/2786/Zombies/tab,guys/style,shirt
  7. Which is one of the reasons $500 or so is a fair number for it. I've had splashes in this size that I have sold for triple and quadruple what this sold for, it's hard to imagine a splash with a main character going for much less. What do you have that could go for triple and quadruple? Lori and Judith getting killed is one that leaps to mind. I bought that for 600 dollars about 3 years ago. You're going to tell me that the guy that sold it to me lost half or a third of his money? One of the saddest and most stomach churning parts of the entire comicbook for me. Iconic but I would not be able to put it on a wall.
  8. Jeez... I should be in bed but I have been too busy today. looks like people won't be satisfied unless they have the last word you have all gotten your points/opinions across by now, which you are all entitled to. definitely more of the getting along great less of the rest should be in order. If this was about pretty much anything else it would be full of because it might not touch on subjects people are likely to take personally, especially with a few poorly chosen words in the mix. Showing off your body doesn't make you a tramp *sigh*... but does it belong on ebay, probably not in this case seeing as regardless of TWD being for mature readers kids will be wanting to buy it (and yes ofc as stated earlier it couldn't be removed once the bids went in). Maybe irresponsible would have been a better word but I doubt there was any actual harm intended. At least it probably made a lot of people smile / laugh... and the human body is not a thing to be ashamed of. TLDR: I agree with some of the things you all said (especially the "whatever" bit)... just not everything. edit: now on with the TWD thread ... or can I hijack this and change it to MLP??
  9. yup... I got sucked in to the OA because I missed the #1 / #2 boat before it sailed and it seemed so much more attractive. some of it is still easily affordable, but it depends what you want out of a page.
  10. BOOM indeed Magoo... BOOM indeed. I'm sure someone will be very happy with that.
  11. You made BleedingCool twice today http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/10/22/speculator-corner-bedlam-1/ now just wait a minute there doc... "... I understand that Larry’s Comics is arranging a “revenge” variant cover for Bedlam #1, as well as My Little Pony #1, along the lines of the Ghost Variant comic which he was not invited to participate in, this time choosing his own friends and retailers to receive copies." - Bleeding Cool To me that reads like Larry is the mysterious 19th Variant man Edit: Only because his current variant is not along the lines of the Ghost variant. It's well known...
  12. If that does happen then we all saw what went on before the print run could more accurately be guessed at.
  13. EEEEEEeeeee Niiiightmare MoooOOOn... well it's close enough post Halloween for it to be a possibility, that could work well. Fair enough, as far as this heating up on Ebay thread goes it looks like Larry / Jetpack / Double Midnight should be a good bet and to watch out for the last minute Variant #19 depending on the characters.
  14. Well I am finally going to roll the dice having done forum and reddit research... with the Double Midnight MLP variant. http://www.dmcomics.com/ . I think this one will be hot to trot. The Midtown variant, although still looking popular, smacks too much of self promotion in my humble opinion. Nothing too crazy but I am usually happy to speculate on something I think will net me double or better.
  15. That's a lovely group shot. Much better than the one I got
  16. I think a lot of us realise it. Especially the ones with kids. I'd probably be on board with the MLP comic for more than a reading copy for the girls if it was done by Lauren Faust. That lady is amazing at what she does. The people who couldn't care less about MLP should check out the shorts she did for Warner, they are very similar to MLP but feature Wonder Girl, Supergirl and Batgirl. Way off topic here in an ebay thread
  17. MLP Season 3 is due very soon which has / will take most of the limelight right now. The comic is going to be big but seeing as MLP fans are generally comic fans (fan art/fan comics are evident), convention goers and quite vocal online... well I kinda expected more of a buzz. There isn't much about the comic in general on the Brony forums at a glance. Can't see a thread on the comic looking 4-5 pages deep in the first few forums that hit in google. Will be interested to see what happens with the variants based on the strong undercurrents.
  18. 1st lot landed... will have to see how it goes then. Imagine that prices will vary during today as other people get theirs in.
  19. Part of me does too... but then there are lot's of ways this could play out with Negan still alive but out of the picture. I'd love to see . Think it might happen.
  20. Wow... if I call a store for something I play by their rules or don't bother calling. You will have to start selling it under the counter but only if you check all around you first for onlookers and give them a shifty wink as you do it
  21. Well I don't mind at all the limit to 1 per in general. It's fair enough Catwoman 13 is pretty much a sell out over the pond. There are one or two local copies but nothing anywhere that will mail out; unless they got an early reorder in and that usually should have come in today already.
  22. Forbidden planet UK are limiting Catwoman to 1 per. Any open orders will be cancelled / amended.
  23. Seriously ... it baffles the f**k out of me. So much so it bothers me. The Batgirl and Catwoman I can understand. *sigh* but I can't argue numbers in the short term. I swear these comic book prices are trolling me... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Batgirl-13-Death-of-a-Family-Joker-Die-Cut-Cover-1st-Print-Sold-Out-New-52-/130784687778?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item1e735ff6a2&nma=true&si=sq9o2CpNX%2FklDf2d5%2B9wlw4fNvE%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Well there is mark up on them now but people in the UK can knock themselves out here http://amazing-fantasy-comics.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=0&products_id=56320