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Everything posted by Garf

  1. They are up now... 20 is still available. Looks like Mark was just still working on it. edit: wow just scrolled up... looks like a large land grab with the items on hold.
  2. Quite liking Page 21 this month. Love the small panel character line up.
  3. Charlie does live in the UK so getting older pages signed would be a problem. Getting them signed is a "nice to have" feature but I don't think it's absolutely necessary. A lot of the older pages are not signed and posting them all to the UK then back to the US would cost a spoonload to insure and you risk having to pay customs for import and handling both ways as it would travel outside of the US and EU respectively. The UK is a person_without_enough_empathy when it comes to this. They even include the postage costs if it is expressed in the sum total VAT calculation. Yes you can gift / label / sample stuff but you can still be technically shafted (posted here about this because it is happening to me right now... the tax man has his rubber glove on and is ready to pull my wallet out by any means necessary this thread p.s. gee thanks Pirate ). Fortunately the expected charges won't be as much as I initially thought. Can't say much yet though about it or if I will bother to claim back based on description. Your best and worst chance would have been SDCC as Splash had a stand there and Charlie was also attending and handing over pages from #100 / #101. Taking the older pages from would have been a minor hassle but the other problem you face is that during Cons (especially major ones where there was the run up to #100) you are highly likely to get sidelined due to the workload everyone has before, during and after. I think it's fair to say that Mark is nice enough to deal with the requests he can accomodate as long as it doesn't impact on his books/finance or arrangement with artists. Even if he can't do something you get a response and explanation. edit2: didn't see Mark's response to this before I posted... fair enough.
  4. ...aaaand it's going up on splash <3 Bloody hell - that was quick! I wonder when Mark got these? He got them with 101 P15 upwards some time after SDCC. Edit: So a few days before you saw the 2nd lot of 101.
  5. Perhaps just that the large art is hitting its stride and making a gap between itself and the now regular size... in the last 6 months a lot has changed. No large art available from the well known/established dealers, most notably splash... but also the last the stuff flipped by other dealers that I saw went. Prices for new pages have gone up, and potentially will be dictated by Ebay anyway. This is likely to have an effect on people's expectations (both sellers and buyers). Pages available on splash has dipped below 200 last week and that number is going to keep falling. Not as much choice in general. Edit: like I said it will be interesting to see what happens when that falls below 100... maybe give it another 12 months. It's hard to guess the rate at which this will happen as I have only recently started to track it. Everything walking dead has gone batspoon crazy in the last 6 months. Maybe you are seeing panic buying of a few pages before people think they will become out of reach?
  6. It means what it means but I found it interesting because it's the first ebay direct sale.
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160879453967 CHARLIE ADLARD WALKING DEAD # 103 ORIGINAL COVER ART KIRKMAN AMC US $3,651.00 [ 17 bids ]
  8. Awesome pages!!! ... back to regretting that I had not considered the OA years ago
  9. Agree. I have to say I regret some of my comments elsewhere on the boards as they could have been better worded and I hope they were not insulting. Mentioning that the zombie art was not what it used to be in some cases reflects your above comment. I can't say I was at my best when I said it as I had gotten outbid on some early zombie art several days earlier (perhaps reflecting more of my mood more than I would have liked, but not in an offensive manner). .
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160879453967 not long to go... any last predictions/revisions?
  11. In the case of TWD most of the pages are not much larger than the printed book since (errr #36 can't remember which issue for sure now but it's somewhere earlier in this thread), but yes this is the original artwork hand drawn that ends up in the comic. How it works is you pay people lots and lots of money, in return they give you a piece of paper with ink on it. End result: you have no money Have a look at the two I linked in the post above. Those scans are 1:1 I think although your browser may resize them so click to enlarge or download.
  12. One thing I have been watching is the gradual decrease in available art on Splash. There have been several recent "spike" decreases where multiple pages have gone (e.g. the last of the large art went, a lot of the Abraham pages went, the nicer #58 Rick/Abraham pages went) but other than that the available art is generally slowly diminishing. It's been hovering above the 205 page mark as items are bought and items are added but looking at the trend it's going to dip below 200 soon (not even counting current dead links) and continue going down. There are still some nice ones in there too that are there for the taking. I have to say I really like #78 p7 . It may not be the most memorable scene however Andrea art is solid and has her with the sniper rifle. If you like the character and don't want to break the bank then it's a nice one to have for that reason IMHO. Someone buy it so that I am not tempted I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't think the market in the future will continue to have near 15% of the total pages available at any given time like it does now. It's going to become more of a seller's market long term for simple pages, it's just going to take a while. Sure there are some pages you may not be able to give away ( #72 p7 ), but how long do you think it's going to be before we hit 150 available on splash and then 100 (more of them at the more recent higher prices)?
  13. I wondered why it took a little effort to get a copy of #2, figures. I have access to several still in the diamond shipping box for $2.85 CDN, (in addition to the three I own), PM if you feel like paying more and covering the shipping.... Aww ta <3 but sadly to the UK doesn't seem worth it. I have a couple which will do for now.
  14. I wondered why it took a little effort to get a copy of #2, figures.
  15. I think there are 2 factors, light exposure does cause fading, but different types of markers have different "speed of fadingness". Some will still fade without exposure to light. Malvin I would assume without light would have to do with the ink bleeding deeper into the page over time or perhaps due to exposure to a humid environment. It doesn't seem likely that many comic artists would use something dye based that would bleed or fade easily, but I can understand the general effect on desirability when it comes to this. Seeing as this is a TWD discussion I asked Mark Hay about the inks Charlie Adlard uses, and he kindly replied advising he uses India Ink on his pages. No marker. Was curious based on some of the comments on here as I have a few pages sat there that are shipping soon and never actually held one up close yet, so what would I know without asking (the postage would have killed me individually to the UK). Still completed a purchase before asking the question Can't wait to see them!!!
  16. Nice page ... almost got that one a while back really liked the last panel, never noticed the unpublished hand. Had I realised I may have gone there for the quirkiness of it too. Quite often the media at Splash lingers if you mess with the image URLs Have seen other established comic art sellers have been buying up from splash over the last couple of months, in some cases even the recent pages... they repop pretty quick though. Looks like people who have been around for a long time are saying short term at least most of these will increase. I think things would have gotten a lot pricier still were it not the case that fans just don't know the OA is out there. Most of the fans I have spoken to that read the comics/floppies or trades are blind to it.
  17. Ah... thought I misunderstood (ran low on brainpower in the early hours across the pond). There are very few books that stick in my head like TWD so long term it has staying power. At the moment it is out of reach of the majority of fans, if the audience grows and the book sells .... the people with the disposable cash to support a TWD collection that are added to the pile will be a small minority. It will keep it ticking a while longer though.
  18. When you say 95% of collectors will be left holding the bag are you thinking of people who have paid $100 - $200 for something from Splash or ebay purchases right now, or something else? Yes there are different leagues of pages but the same can be said for the buyers/collectors. Personally I hope that prices do take a dive in the future at some point because I would be more than happy to pick up a (lesser) page or two for $45 each I bought a couple of random Batman pages recently but am perfectly happy with them because of nostalgia about one of my favourite arcs ever... for $45, at least to me, it felt like they were being thrown away (these). I don't think they are anything to brag about but personally I won't ever regret the purchase. People may feel the same nostalgia about TWD in the years to come.
  19. that seems like a reasonable shout... but split that would be a bit more than $1750 each. i'd guess a few people with cash flow could live with that price as the unpulished cover is really nice. maybe there is someone out there with a little voice in their head telling them "you could buy them both, get the one you want and recoup some by reselling the other" (don't listen to the voice Jim) i'm going to go crazy and say... $3875.62 + postage
  20. now i have this stuck in my head sorry had to let it out ....
  21. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160879453967