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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. If two hard consequences in a movie is too much for some, than two Jesus's are as well (which really, is always too much when heavy handed imo). That is my point though with menial tasks, they are extremely easy for him and something many might consider 'beneath him' but I prefer a Superman that has joy in doing the little things. A smile and friendly glow about him doing it, showing how him helping in anyway he can is what brings him contentment. This isn't a slight against prior version of Superman, but I think we need to return to this sort of representation (which would make the major consequences you speak of even more impactful!)
  2. Yes, but I don't think much of the time was spent on those or really highlighted his attitude towards it - the emphasis was more on portraying the 'Jesus' imagery rather than an overall happy Superman (most of those shots of him saving people he looked grumpy and almost bored to be doing it )
  3. The issue isn't that we don't want him to make difficult choices, it is rather that we haven't had a good deal of time being shown him making the easy ones. We need far more time spent with him easily solving issues without fighting and no violence, and being a positive beacon of hope to citizens around him. Going out of his way to stop damage to cities when fighting, save a cat from a tree, help an old woman cross the street, stop a robber by casually bending the gun of the criminal and casually carrying them to the police (with zero violence against them since he knows it isn't needed, or wanted, in this case). Basically show us how often he avoids the difficult choices because he can. Consequences are good when they are better contrasted against the character. By the time Man of Steel ended I didn't feel that the killing was at all out of place or really a big deal for that Superman.
  4. Very good casting so I'm excited; Corenswet been decent before (but still very much an 'unknown' so I'm sure that will help with building the character and separating him from Snyders) but besides that I think his body type is more in line with what I see superman as (including being taller than the previous Superman)
  5. If it was part of that pedigree collection it should get it. The cut off of 1985 makes no sense if the pedigree in question continues after that date and is well documented.
  6. Somebody should be monetizing this thread, as I've happily paid more for less-crazy wild rides at theme parks.
  7. I think that is the case, as it sounds like the immediate pressing jobs are keeping the lights on and between those he will try to find time for the restoration jobs (I've been told he will start back on my book in the fall after his surgery and more of the backlog has been addressed). Though I think mailing back books not yet complete will still happen alongside pressing (as it should ASAP), but when it comes to these potential returns it sounds like one issue is that those that already have work done on them are in disassembled states and can't just be put in a bag/board and mailed out securely (I assume each book will have to be discussed with clients on a case-by-case basis, especially if you have an incomplete job that was just leaf casted but not trimmed/folded/assembled as I know I would want my book shipped correctly and safe)
  8. Yeah I've found it to be totally useless. Since the offers are publicly visible, it feels the sellers have zero reason to sell and can just continue to build up 'real offers' that drive the price up and they can point to when selling the book later or listing a similar book elsewhere (the make-and-offer price remains after times when the market might be super high, as you cannot make an offer that is LESS than the previous. So if a book spikes one year, I make a crazy offer on it, but then it goes down we all are stuck having to compete against the high offer). I've also offered 2-3x on some books and still had them refused (I was going crazy on a pedigree I wanted...$500 book but I offered $1500).
  9. Ah, I've seen your books before along side mine - so the good news is they are being worked on!
  10. Also, I'm glad others have caught this cause I thought I was overthinking it and going crazy when things were not feeling very Kraven. Just seems they just copied Catman's story for the Kraven movie. Sony might have just made the most faithful DC movie by accident
  11. How about a prom hostage situation? They could have adapted this story, the greatest Kraven story ever, and it would have made BANK!
  12. That looked so cookie-cutter mid I'm honestly surprised. Maybe it would have been delightfully average if it was a streaming only release, but not as a theatrical one (The universe should have switched its place with Extraction 2, let that one be on the big screen). It's giving me 'will only be in his actual comic costume for a single brief moment at the end of the film to generate sequel hype' vibes
  13. I would hazard a guess that it is possible the stain is only really visible from the inside front cover (but under certain light might come through to the front, but otherwise isn't obvious due to the rich vibrant inks in the area)
  14. Would this movie be better experienced alongside a hot bag of popcorn or a freshly microwaved baby? I know which one the speed force prefers, but I'm still undecided
  15. Don't threaten me with a good time! Not a day goes by that I don't consider extending his legs more or doing something even more insane with the layout (but honestly until the registry updates the website to be actually mobile responsive and load its assets quicker anything more I do would just be cruel to visitors of the site)
  16. There is also one other issue which I believe has come up at least once that is impacting refunds/shipping back (though I'm unsure of their current status / resolution); clients who's book(s) have been started and a notable amount of time/work/materials have gone into the project already but the owners are demanding the comic(s) be mailed back with a FULL+ refund due to the delay - making it an issue of who-owes-who-what-amount-of-money, and requiring more and more emails/calls to argue/sort things out which further add stress and time away from actual work. Not a good situation for anyone.
  17. My ears stilts are burning! I think you @Yorick might all be referring to my custom Stiltman set One day I shall push it for nomination, but only when I have filled up the slots (as I have much more buying to do and am picky about the grades for this slot...though that has softened recently since my financial situation isn't what it used to be - now I'll accept 9.6 books instead of just 9.8s) https://comics.www.collectors-society.com/WCM/ComicCustomSetView.aspx?s=28969
  18. Yes, this is correct as well. There were several large restoration projects ahead of me still, and at that point Mike was the only person who could do the work in house for many of the steps required (some of these projects required leaf casting and CT on every single interior wrap. He did get more staff for key roles, but as I mentioned before some of these workers didn't pan out well and there was not time/resources to train new employees. My TOS39 above was basically a disintegrated 0.5 book that was fully split and needed a good deal of reconstruction). From what I managed to hear, it sounds like several of the projects that were taking time were very intensive and not limited to covers only (and depending on his equipment setup it might not even be possible to work on multiple books at the same time for things like leaf casting, hence this back up moving slowly and why he stopped taking on any new restoration jobs and is only focusing on pending projects) I dabble in restoration/conservation now as a side hobby (Partially thanks to Hero Restoration sharing some of his secrets to get me on the right path) and totally think that is where I'll stop with it - a hobby; MAYBE only offering to do the most very basic of work (tape removal, split seals, dry cleans) as a service in the far future (but after my last pro-bono job I did for a fellow board member here I'm feeling very disillusioned about any comic work since it basically went all wrong and I feel horrible about the outcome)
  19. I have never seen that video before...THAT IS MY TALES OF SUSPENSE #39 (though I know it did get colour touch done after this footage was filmed, as I got an update from him in March this year with the pictures of CT on it...unfortunately CT done by the employee who botched the job while taking way more time doing it, so he told me he wants to redo it so the quality is proper and matched perfectly)
  20. That entire scene, while I think it fits the campy Twisted Metal universe and I'm still interested in watching it, felt very over-written. Also found it jarring/pointless to have Will Arnett's voice come out of Samoa Joe's performance...it would have been perfectly serviceable to have Samoa deliver the lines and not be dubbed over just so they can get some more celebrity name recognition on the show; he is a charismatic speaker already and could have delivered a good performance.