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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. I am trying to complete my ASM run. I had wanted a nice ASM #3 for awhile...Originally, for most of my Ditko/Lee era books, I had wanted to be in the 6.0 range (except for when/if I get an AF #15 or ASM #1 as a 6.0 in those ranges likely out of reach for foreseeable future) but I pounced on this ASM #3 CGC 5.5 as I thought it looked way better than grade assigned. I don't have a scan of the back cover but the tiny stains on the back and tiny tears are barely noticeable in the slab.
  2. Not sure if this is allowed or not but this is what I have, or had. Currently on CLink auction. Both are Canadian Editions. The Adventure is one of two on census and the highest graded. The Junior Miss is one of two and tied for highest graded. I really love GA books but not something I am currently collecting.
  3. For you guys who do bigger shows like Calgary or Toronto, I can see how it would be tiring as I am operating in a pretty small pond and your crowds may dwarf mine...I just saw Dale Roberts set up at C2E2...Must have lots of eyes watching the product...I have fun when I do shows but still have to temper it with keeping a watchful eye...
  4. Very tough to read. My "anti theft protocols" are this: I always have books in front with me behind the table, typical "trade show" set up. There is no "walk in booth" set up but I have a quick way to egress from behind table if I need to. I'd like to experiment, but my comfort zone is not there yet. More valuable books are front and center in a specific box and bigger keys and CGC books are on a wall behind me. My cash box is tucked away behind the table and never visible to customers. All books are double taped with price stickers on the front. I always have at least one other helper. For larger shows (NGE, Graphic Con), I have had up to three other people. When setting up and taking down, nothing is ever left and I "circle the wagons"...Stuff is not strewn about. I have a very systematic way of setting up and taking down. Always at least one person to watch over stock while I am taking stuff to the show floor or back to the car. ...Even with three people, sometimes when the crowd is swarming and deals are going and I'm answering questions, I am CONSTANTLY scanning. Guys who come to the booth, leave the booth, walk the booth, look through some boxes, leave, come back (mix and repeat), I watch like a hawk. Now, I get some people are frugal with their spending and may just be looking for just the right item to plunk their hard earned cash on, but those are the customers that make me "nervous". So many things that you can't really appreciate until you are on "the other side of the table"...Short of setting up camera's, any other ideas? What do other sellers do to prevent theft?
  5. I just read @jaeldubyoo sad thread in Comics General about his losses as a rookie vendor. I know we have touched on it here but what are some vendors advice and tips for preventing theft? What do you guys do? Anyway, just seems like a timely topic with con season starting up for many...
  6. Were these and other books in long boxes as part of the run/along with "commons"? How did you have your booth set up? Do you have a pic of your booth set up? Might help people flag some things for you in the future. I know I received some good set up advice.
  7. Oh they are aware. I told them months ago. I think this may be NGE's permanent slot moving forward so hopefully the local show can arrange for a different time next year. ...But the local show also runs a Fall edition so if I only make the Fall one that works too...I still think the local show would do better if it were once a year...
  8. Always sad to hear when other parts of the country are not doing too well. Glad to hear that the other shows went well! I have heard very good things about Calgary Expo. My subbing to CGC has slowed down (not that it was ever that high to begin with) but I think I have had 10 in the last month. I usually try to get at least a batch of 6 potential worthwhile contenders or books that will make it worth it for me to send. I have the Northern Game Expo (NGE) in Sudbury coming up on April 27th. Unfortunately, it was a conflict with the local show that I do, the Great Northern Antiques to Oddities Show in North Bay...They are both the exact same weekend. While I always want to "support local", I chose to go to the NGE show in Sudbury (about hour and a half away) as it is a one day show and I have done very well every time I have gone there, whereas the last Oddities Show in September, while it was "ok", if I really think about it over a 2.5 day time frame, not so much. Also, NGE is a one day show. I can drive there in the morning, set up, work the show and come home and enjoy my Sunday. Basically the potential profit is better for less time. I still wish I could attend both, unfortunately, simply not possible this year.
  9. !!ONE MORE DAY LEFT!! I decided to let go of two rare Golden Age Canadian Editions to Comic Link. Here they are: Adventure Comics #126 CGC 7.5 - Highest graded on the census, 1 of only 2 copies on census. http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3DAdventure%2BComics%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1304493&id=1304493&itemType=0 Junior Miss #30 CGC 5.5 - Only two copies on the census, tied for highest graded. http://www.comiclink.com/Auctions/search.asp?FocusedOnly=1&where=auctions&title=junior+miss&GO=GO&ItemType=CB
  10. Here is my remaining Marvel Family...If it wasn't for that chip out of the right hand side...Love the date stamp. I held onto these books for a long time as I thought they were cool as heck, but I am really trying to save and make $$$ for my ASM collection. Sole copy on the census.
  11. Ahh, nice!!! Shoot, too bad I didn't know beforehand...Or did you mention it to me before???
  12. Awhile back, I had a walk in at a show. I ended purchasing several comics from him, including some Golden Age Canadian Editions. I decided to send two of the Golden Age Canadian Editions (Adventure Comics and Junior Miss) to Comic Link for their March Auction - Goes "live" today. Note: I sold the Superman Canadian Edition at a show and I still have the Marvel Family Canadian Edition. I decided on Comic Link as I have had good success them before, its easy and well, I thought these might do better there than eBay as I really was not sure how to price them so I figured, what will be will be. These are the books. The Adventure Comics is the highest graded copy on the census and the Junior Miss is 1 of only 2 copies, both tied for highest graded.
  13. On another note, applications are due for Sudbury Graphic-Con, the largest con I do. There was some concern that the show may not happen this year due to some realignment. The show began as a small event put together by the local library but to allow the event to continue to grow, the library is stepping back as the facilitator and a new, not-for-profit organization made up of previous staff and contributors will now oversee the event. Laying the foundation for this transition took some time, so news and applications were a little late to come out, but it is happening. New website: https://graphiccon.ca/ I subbed my application last week and again, hoping for a "premium booth" which is basically two 8 foot tables, so 16 x 10. They are limited, so
  14. If anyone is interested, I have a Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel themed eBay mini auction up right now. Most of the books are from Ms. Marvel (1st Series) with a few others, such as Avenging Spider-Man #9 CGC 9.4 starting below GPA. https://www.ebay.com/sch/more_fun_comics/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=&rt=nc&LH_Auction=1
  15. Thread title says it all! I have a Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel themed eBay mini auction up right now! Most of the books are from Ms. Marvel (1st Series) with a few others, such as Avenging Spider-Man #9 CGC 9.4 starting below GPA. Please have a look and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! https://www.ebay.com/sch/more_fun_comics/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=&rt=nc&LH_Auction=1
  16. https://www.ebay.com/str/morefuncomicsemporium I have sold more items this week , so only 80 there now...I am definitely going to keep adding items. Ideally, I think I would like to have 150 items up at all times but minimally 100 books and items. Recent sales: Zenescope exclusive variant 20 book set, complete set of Nova #1 - #25 and just sold a Ms. Marvel #16 and #17 set. I have some books from CGC due back on Thursday, hope to have most of those up on Monday.
  17. Not quite sure I follow this... Maybe I didn't explain it well enough...The owner has two 5" tables available for rent. One spot was offered to me, the other to a former employee who has a long standing relationship with the owner (far longer than me). As stated above, yes. He will have a table set up. As for why the other guy gets the call when collections come in, he has known the owner longer, basically, closer relationship. I'm not annoyed with that (at least not anymore ), just if I am now paying for a table and allowed to do deals there as part of it, kind of muddies things? Regardless, I stopped really caring long ago being passed over with walk ins. The owner doesn't buy collections and owner/other clerks are well within his rights to send leads to whomever they want. I'll just keep working my contacts, setting up at local shows, etc. and hope better things come my way this year but even still, I have still have stuff to sell, not like I have zero inventory On a selling note, I have bumped up my eBay store (up to 70+ items so far) and seeing good results already. My last Zenescope themed auction did great and I have already sold one slab, offers on a few others and a set or two, sold a few variants, so I may just work more on building my eBay store. Even if I only add a few books here and there, gets them out there so to speak.
  18. I am still on the fence about doing it. I do know though, if I do put anything there, I would not put high value books out there. A mix of cheapies and a few nice books but that is it. Reasons for being on the fence: A) Time. I have been so busy with work and other things, I have not yet had the time to put any boxes together and what little time I do have, I have been working on adding more books to my eBay store and running some auctions. I also have two shows coming up in late April and early June. B) Space. The store is open at its new location, while a definite improvement, my area would be all the way at the back of the store, at the end where there is virtually no incentive to go all the way back. It is a simple 5" table. I figure I could get about 6 long boxes on there. I'm not keen on putting boxes underneath on the floor even though I would be allowed. C) Stock location. 98% of my stock, I keep offsite from my home, about 35 minutes away. Depending on how sales go, it would be difficult to ensure new product is always there and priced. My time considerations are also a factor in this. D) Another employee of the store will be setting up a small table there as well. Little concerned that our tables might "cannibalize" each other should I set up too. The one other thing is that they say for my "rent" I can also use a back room to help facilitate deals with people who want to sell a collection, etc. The other minor quibble is, they know I buy and sell but whenever there is a walk in they have only ever call the other/former employee, never me. Which is fine, but do I ask, if I am paying xx in rent, should I also not at least get a "fair shake" at walk ins? Because really, the ability to use a back room for deals doesn't really help me as I have never had a problem (except for crazy army guy from awhile ago). Anyway, I am not rushing into it, when and if I have time, I might try it for a 3 month trial to see how it goes and if I do, I will likely just set up cheap bins, like$1, $2 for $5 or something along those lines, nothing super "valuable" as other suggested but a few neat books though, etc.