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Entries in this journal

Tales from the Comic Box: Rookie Adventures in Buying/Selling & Setting Up at Shows

Adventures and musings about Buying, Selling and setting up at Conventions and Shows I participated in my first ever show last October. You can read about it here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8903742#Post8903742 I was pleased with my sales, it was an excellent learning experience and most importantly, I had a great time. I must have did "ok" as I was invited back by the show organizers. In my town, there use to be a larger two day



Weaving the Web: Building a Complete AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Run

A noble quest to build an Amazing Spider-Man collection Hello! As my board name suggests, I am a Spider-Man fan. I have been since I was a youngster. I started actually collecting at around age 14. Pushing 40 now - Where does the time go? I basically took 7-8 years off from the hobby though, from right after high school all the way through university and didn't start really again until about 2004/05. Once I got back into the hobby, I checked out a bit of everything but I also decided to



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