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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. What page are the instructions on for this? Or mind sharing again via here or PM? Thanks! Awesome selection too btw! Nice!
  2. No idea but now states listing was ended by the seller as no longer available. Regardless, I didn't need the book so no great loss but I did pick up something else below GPA so it all worked out.
  3. I was interested in an ASM #300...Seller was a fair bit over GPA. I made an offer, he came down but he was still over GPA by a fair margin. I offered full on 90 Day GPA. He basically said I could come up more because of the coupon I declined and picked up a fun spec book for under GPA instead.
  4. I sent in quite a few and I too was disappointed with a lot of the grades, like books I thought were NM dropping to VF, but the "plus" side is that these were all "common" books that would have been a big PIA for me to unload myself that were part of a larger collection (which already generating profit), so while even though most of the books dropped from what I thought, I was still able to move a lot of common stuff that would have otherwise taken me forever to sell on my own. So, glass half full here.
  5. This is a "good" problem for MCU...They basically have almost all of their toys back...The challenge will be incorporating the FF and X-Men into the current Marvel cinematic universe. Marvel has gone to a lot of work to establish a continuity so I am sure they don't want to mess it all up now. Those previous films, I would think, will remain "their own thing" or "forgotten" and will be re-introduced as Marvel Cinematic Universe properties. I think the FF can be incorporated fairly easily with a slight tweaking. These are my (likely) terrible ideas... Reed Richards is the recipient of a September Foundation grant which Tony introduced in Avengers II: Age of Ultron. Using that grant, a young Reed Richards either builds a space ship or some sort of inter-dimensional travel device. Reed ends up taking Ben, Sue and Johnny along for the ride. Something goes sideways and boom, the FF are born. Victor Von Doom is around, perhaps a rival of Reeds but their first foe is not Doctor Doom. Doom needs time to recover and be re-introduced in grand fashion to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. ...I am even going to suggest that their first enemy could be Mole Man and his army of Monsters...Yes, I said it. Make it a big fun spectacle and I think you could have a very fun FF movie. OR You just have them show up out of nowhere in an end credit scene to another movie. They just disappeared a long time ago (maybe before Tony became Iron Man) and have been "lost in dimensional travel", trying to find their way back home. Anyway, they suddenly appear to warn us that "the Surfer (or Galactus) is coming"! That would create some buzz... Their first movie could then be an origin movie...Basically repeat what how they have incorporated Captain Marvel into the MCU before the final Infinity War. Incorporating the mutants into current continuity may be much more difficult considering that the word mutant has never been mentioned (I don't think) in the MCU. Maybe they could pull something and say that they have been around forever but Xavier used Cerebro to wipe out any record of them and have been existing in secret for decades and with all the that went down in Infinity War decide to make themselves known to the world again? Or maybe the government did know and they (along with SHIELD) kept it under wraps but they were still out having adventures and battles? Regardless, I think incorporating the X-Men seamlessly will be a bit more of a challenge. Anyway, it is fun to nerd out to think about how and what Feige and co. will do now that they have most of their properties back. I think getting these properties back will definitely help keep the MCU "fresh" for a long time to come. I just hope they make FF great again!
  6. I have said it a 1000+ times...Why they don't promote the actual comics and/or Find a Comic Shop or whatever before the actual movie as part of the commercials/trailers is beyond me...I mean you have a captive audience...Seems like obvious cross promotion opportunity to me that is being completely missed...
  7. Creator video from Cottage CountryCon (formerly Orillia Con)... Vendors had to supply their own chairs! Not in video but also was announced at 4PM the show was closing early, no warning....
  8. A vendor I know is supposed to be doing a video or lengthy FB post sometime today about it. I have no idea why they would schedule it same weekend as TCBS...I am not sure how that happened. As for closing early, reports are it was dead, dead, dead...
  9. It was previously known as Orillia Comic Con and was a one day show in late spring 2017. I think, because that show was a success they got greedy and bit off more than they could chew. They upped vendor prices and went from one day to two days and obviously moved from late spring to this past weekend...The last weekend before end of school...It was also the same weekend as the Toronto Comic Book Show (well, the Sunday anyway). Apparently they were "cool" with vendors to leave on Sunday to go to TCBS as if you don't set up one weekend at TCBS you can lose your spot for the year or something crazy like that. Also likely affected even being able to get some vendors due to the conflict (speculation on my part) but I suspect the moving to two days and being in cottage country with summer hotel prices also played a role along with table costs. I am hearing all sorts of reports of attendance being down (confirmed they shut down 2 hours early on Sunday) and that a lot of con goers were upset at the prices ($30 to get in)..Allegedly kids under 12 were supposed to get in free (advertised as such on Facebook) but then at the gate were told that if you had two (or three or whatever) kids under 12, the "discount" only applied to one kid or something stupid like that. I am hearing of artists and vendors getting screwed on their table and placement and low sales. I have even been told first hand that they even managed to anger O'Barr and Eastman. They are deleting comments/reviews on Facebook too, so full on damage control it seems. The people who run this are also doing a one day Muskoka Con in August and Claremont is the big guest. https://www.muskokacomiccon.com/MuskokaComicCon/Welcome.html I just can't see this show being a "success" either...You had my show (Sudbury Graphic Con) in early June, this Cottage Country Con in late June and now this one? Toronto Fan Ex is at the end of the month too! I can't see anyone south of Barrie even bothering to make the trip and I don't know if there is enough for a lot of people north of Muskoka to go either. Also, if it is a hot, nice day, who is going to want to leave the lake??? I also think they may have just "burned up" whatever good will capital from their first show they may have had so that is another strike against it. Either way; very, very glad I decided to "skip" on the Cottage Country Con. By all accounts that could have been a big loser for me.
  10. Huge 120 book Zenescope auction...Commons, complete mini series and convention or Zenescope exclusives. Any questions, feel free to ask! https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sofindtype=0&_byseller=1&_nkw=&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&_udlo=&_udhi=&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_fss=1&_fsradio=%26LH_SpecificSeller%3D1&_saslop=1&_sasl=more_fun_comics&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=50&LH_Auction=1
  11. ...So, sounding like I may have dodged a bullet by not setting up at the 2 Day Cottage Country Con...At least from what I am reading on Facebook... I had a feeling this show moving to early summer and going from one day to two days may not have been that great of an idea (despite having some cool guests)...I heard the show shut down 2 hours early today...Still trying to dig on actual comic vendors but by the sounds of Facebook rumblings, several unhappy customers/con goers and definitely some of the artists from artists alley are not happy...So, is this a vocal minority or a larger issue? Regardless, glad I passed...I was worried I may have "missed" an opportunity.
  12. That WOULD be nice! I'm just kind of finding a book here and there that I *personally* like and don't mind holding onto, especially if just paid for by selling "common stuff".
  13. For sure they are awesome...The previous show I also did a large sale but as they take a %, I don't want to use it for like $5 books...
  14. One minor thing I forgot to mention, I picked up a Square for contactless and chip reader...Can do single "flash" transactions ups to $100 and still have the magstripe reader too. I don't advertise that I have it, just use it when asked if I take debit or credit. I used it for three transactions ($75, $85 and $55) and it worked great! Money was in the bank account by Monday. Wonder if I should "advertise" that I have it more, to let customers know I have different payment options up front. Regardless, it was super easy to use and set up, so I would recommend it.
  15. I tried this or some variation thereof with the customer who was being a total d-bag with me. At the end of the day, there are a lot of buyers and sellers, who really don't care...They want their "deals" and everything else be damned.
  16. I had a guy this past show who brought a decent selection of books (well, of the 10 only 4 were really worth anything) but wanted the moon, the sun and the International Space Station for them...He fished them to all 5 dealers. All 5 refused or they couldn't come to an agreement. He came back and even though he said I offered the most, asked if I would come up more. I said my last offer was my best. He left. The kicker...He said he picked them up at a garage sale the week before... With regards to high % buys, this is kind of how I feel too...As these keys are basically being paid for from other comic sales, I don't care if I pay a high % if it is something I actually like and don't care if I really end up selling it quickly or not but I am not going "all in" with this approach either.
  17. ...Now that my "con season" is basically "done" until the early fall...What to do now? Well, I know I have to and I have started to ramp up my eBay store and auctions. I have some outstanding customer orders/requests to get to as well. I have one customer who has been pretty persistent so I need to do that. One thing I don't think that people who don't do this who fully appreciate is the time involved...I have a 9 - 5, a wife and family, I do a few little conventions, I have a life outside of comics...I am always on time with my orders and actual dealings just sometimes getting to it is not always on their timetable In terms of other conventions as a guest, I *might* try to go to Fan Expo in Toronto as a guest but that is the last weekend of the summer and usually like to be on the water instead of a convention hall. I'd love to go to a Toronto Comic Book Show but they are always on a Sunday, so to go I would basically have to take a day off work, so...Not ideal. I am *really* hoping that I am able to find a decent collection or a few quality books somewhere over the remainder of the summer...This (so far) has been my SLOWEST year since I started doing this for finding anything new Given that finding any new collections has been difficult this year, one thing I am "dabbling" in a bit is using funds from sales (mostly from commons of my stock that has long since been paid off) to buy some keys to "hold onto for later". Given any keys I buy will be funded through mostly the sale of "common stock" that has long since been paid for, I am perfectly fine to "hold" for awhile if need be. I have purchased two keys this way (nothing "major") that I feel that I got a fair deal on with no immediate plans to resell. I might continue to pick a few here and there but not something I want to get too heavy into at this point. I have heard the discussions of margins a lot. As I am not putting myself in any kind of real loss situation, but for the bigger sellers out there, are there any "general rules" what are "decent" margins when buying a key to resell later? Keep in mind, I can "hold" for awhile if need be. I know it depends on the book, but just asking for advice and generalities should anyone feel like sharing.
  18. Suspicions confirmed. Attendance was down a fair bit from last year. I may not have touched on this but I did not feel as "swarmed" as last year but I thought that may have been attributable to having the larger booth so things didn't seem as "crammed" but attendance was for sure down. There were were a few factors why but a main one was also that there were two other events taking place downtown the same day. However, knowing that I still did as well as I did with a fair drop off in attendance, still makes me feel good about my end results and this show as a whole but definitely reinforces my desire to keep lobbying and applying for the larger booth space to be able to offer that all important variety.
  19. Couple of sketches I had commissioned for Sudbury Graphic Con (Northern Ontario), Canada. Zombie Spidey on a Walking Dead blank homage to Web of Spider-Man #32 by local zombie art master, Rob Saccheto http://zombieportraits.com/ Venom by Loc Nguyen (this was a "whopping" $45 CDN) https://madmonkeylove.artstation.com/