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Everything posted by accessndx

  1. CGC Universal Blue 6.0: Aug-27-2015 $8,365 Cert# 1291714002 CGC Universal Blue 5.5: May-28-2015 $5,975 Cert# 1291142001 CGC Universal Blue 4.5: Aug-13-2015 $5,495 Cert# 0767141001 CGC Universal Blue 4.0: Sep-03-2015 $4,500 Cert# 1131996001 CGC Universal Blue 3.0: Aug-02-2015 $2,851 Cert# 0260116003 CGC Universal Blue 1.5: Aug-05-2015 $1,595 Cert# 1260101001 CGC Universal Blue 1.0: Aug-05-2015 $1,350 Cert# 0802931003 CGC Universal Blue 0.5 INCOMPLETE: Oct-18-2015 $837 Cert# 0129058004
  2. It's apparent now that all the "family" drama is just a vehicle to introduce Wally West. Which I can tolerate for the sake of more speedsters
  3. And all it took was an animated tumbleweed gif to get things rolling!
  4. I feel a 5 ghosts boardie party coming on!!!!
  5. That's exceptionally sad news if true. There was immediate non-speculative interest way before any announcement of a show. It's not like the show had alot of hype either. There was one brief mention a year and change ago, then nothing....so nobody's hopes were dashed because it had been developed and then dropped like 6th gun. The MAIN reasons I became interested in 5 ghosts was: the novelty of subject along with a heaping of literary infusion on Frank's end....and then of course the incredible artwork that Chris produced. It sucks if that can't continue, but both those folks are highly talented and I can guarantee that we'll see more from both of them even if it's not within this world and mythology that I've come to appreciate. I still think that an animated Fabian would be killer and I'd love to see something develop along those lines. SyFy doesn't really tickle my fancy and I can't say I've ever seen some incredible movie that defies description produced by that camp. It sucks that alot of these image titles come out with both guns blazing and then fizzle out into obscurity.
  6. Iris....now her MOM? How many weaksauce characters are they going to pile on? Enough already.
  7. +1 Great observation. -J. I get the distinct impression there's someone out there twirling a villainous moustache saying "Rats...foiled again....I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"
  8. Uh yeah, no. While mycomicshop itself is a reputable company, shillers love using its ebay listings to artificially pump up prices of books all the time. All the time. -J. ...or maybe a book that doesn't have 400 CGC 9.8s that happens to be around 30 years old, is considered some of Frank Miller's best work, and is called the most important battle in comic's history by Comic Book Resources is finally being recognized for all of the things it is. I know its no ASM #678 (to you) but to some of us, it happens to be the book that settled years of arguments. Who would win ? Ask MCS if it sold. They are fellow bordies and I'm sure they'd share the info. Either way, its a book on the move. ...or it was just another shilled MCS "sale" via ebay. A problem acknowledged both by Conan (of MCS) and GPA on these boards. And here's your dead give away right here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Batman-The-Dark-Knight-4-DC-1988-GRADED-CGC-9-8-WHITE-/272003284940?hash=item3f54a8bfcc:g:L~sAAOSw42JWDWml And 340+ copies (and counting) of a book in a 9.8 is still a whole lot of 9.8's. -J. Funny. I have this on search and receive emails from ebay every day. That book has never popped up. My bet is it will sell now that you've pointed it out. Someone should thank you. As for the number of 9.8s, demand will decide if that is too many or few. That represents about one fifth of a book like Saga #1. With almost 1700 copies in 9.8, that book was selling for more than TDKR #4 as recently as last year. This may or may not be a $600 book. No one knows. What we do know is that it's on a steady climb and worth mentioning as a book that is heating up. The entire miniseries is undervalued imo. In this day and age, the 1st female Robin might be an overlooked book too. Take a good look at the label on the book in the link. It needs to be corrected, and probably scares away potential buyers. That's the special prestige JIHAD edition. It comes with a free BIN-LADEN action figure.
  9. It's pretty cool that the DC/WB camp keeps providing homages to famous comic covers for the fans. That B v S one from Dark Knight Returns is definitely awesome, but the Flash 123 is over the top! I don't think I've seen that in any Marvel movie so far, but it'd be cool to see there as well.
  10. With every additional post It's looking more like athletic support.
  11. The writers have done a good job creating trustworthiness issues in light of what Wells/Thawne did to the protagonists last year. As collectors/fans, we know Jay Garrick can be trusted, but it's reasonable for Barry et al. not to trust the GA Flash or anyone else, including Stein, for that matter. Heck, I don't trust Stein. Episode 2 was really solid, and I think this is the best comic book-based program on TV right now. Wells was a character manufactured for the show in spite of the fact that he was really Eobard Thawne. Stein on the other hand has a well established 33 year history in DC comics however. Is he going to do something shady in the show? I couldn't speculate on that, but I can say he's certainly not in any immediate danger of disappearing anytime soon.
  12. ...and I missed part because my husband was asking questions. , don't worry about Stein....I'd assume his position is going to be secure for awhile considering he's in the LOT show as well.
  13. no chance, if he ever appears it will be on Netflix with the other Dark, street level type stuff. No Cloak & Dagger love? Didn't they get the rights back to Ghost Rider? How about my old buddy The Man-Thing?
  14. Zoom....Earth 2...Jay Garrick and probably a revisit by Wells somehow. Betcha Zoom kills Barry's dad. BTW: If Eobard Thawne was erased from existence after Eddie offs himself at the end of last season....... How did he leave a "confession" about killing Barry's mom? How did Barry's mom get killed? Why was Barry's dad in jail at all? How did Star Labs get up and running? Why did ther reactor blow up hence giving Barry his powers? Why isn't Wells actually Wells? And for the love of all that's continuity and common sense: who is paying for all the expenses over at Star Labs? Who pays for the water, the electric....the monthly lease? What about that guy that Wells/Thawne stabbed in the abdomen early on in the series? Is he un-stabbed? How about that reporter that Reverse Flash tore a new ahole? Has he still got just one poop chute? Too many plot holes that require filling.
  15. You don't know that there's not some other agenda with Barry's dad leaving the city. He was in prison for years, under the potential influence or in fear of some bad guys. Iron Heights prison has got lots of nasty folk. Someone could have threatened him or told him to do so and so or his family will suffer. That or he could genuninely not want to hamper Barry's efforts in becoming the protector of the city. They should have dealt with the singularity straight away and not pulled the "few months later" stuff.....only to be discussed via flashbacks IMO.
  16. Wow. I take it you didn't like Avengers 2. I didn't DISLIKE it. Having said that, it wasn't better than the original and certainly wasn't as good as the hype preceding it. There were huge plot holes and very little character development. It seemed "phoned in" not "dialed in". Check out the honest trailer regarding Avengers 2...it pretty much sums up how I feel:
  17. Don't you remember the giant NBC billboard that showed Constantine getting raped and beaten by NBC executives? I think that was put up right around the mid-season finale.
  18. Oh yeah? I see your snore and raise you one sleeping on a desk:
  19. And look how that turned out for Joss Whedon's Avengers 2....he's a broken man and won't be back for other iterations of the Avengers. The quality of that movie was at best questionable in part due to the pacing of the production.