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Posts posted by Katchoo

  1. lol i'm so glad so many US boardies are buying them up cos the FP variants tend to not go for as much in the UK since there are more of them in a relatively small country and were easier to get in the first place. looks like you guys halved the number of copies available here :applause:


    both the regular and FP are sold out now on the FP website. regulars still plentiful on ebay uk at double cover.

  2. that's like saying my comic shop has X number of New Comic, no one is buying it at my store, so the Comic is doomed.


    No, it's like saying comics used to sell millions of copies and now the top selling comic only sells 100k and therefore, according to maths, the readership of comics has decreased; and then predicting this will continue.

  3. Just think of what these modern comics are going to be worth is 15 years. Before the mid 2000's comics had print runs of 150,000 and plenty more. Most of your late silver and bronze key issues had print runs much higher than most of the books these days.


    The vast majority will be worth sweet FA. People weren't buying 50 copies of 1 comic back then and keeping them mint with bags & boards or getting them CGCd. They were buying 1 copy, actually READING it (shocking, I know) and then probably chucking it out.

  4. Don't take this the wrong way but why did you buy something that was 4x cover if you had no clue what it was and/or why didn't you ask the person you bought it from what the deal with it was?


    I could only buy two of the regular cover and the Ghost Variant was available - I picked out a 9.8 cantidate and paid for it. I knew of the series due to all the talk about it here and decided if I was going to "invest" in a comic, this would be the one.So, I did have "a clue" as to what EoW was, just not the Ghost Variant - hence me asking about JUST the Ghost Variant. I have been in this hobby for almost 30 years and know these variants have potential for value increase over a regular printing, so that is why Ipicked one up. Yes, these are to be flipped later, I am normally not in this hobby for flipping, but again, this comic seems to be a good cantidate.


    I didn't mean you didn't know what EoW was, I meant you didn't know what the Ghost variant was so A. why did you buy it at 4x cover and B. why didn't you say "hey LCS guy, what's the deal with these ghost variants?". All I'm saying is I find it a bit weird to buy something and then go and find out about what you just bought cos the norm would be to do the reverse. Anyway, doesn't matter. Just wanted to clarify what I was asking in the first place.



  5. Don't take this the wrong way (and it is possible to, I am not in a great mood [not your fault] and I have been off my game today) - I know what a Ghost Variant looks like, I picked one up from a comic shop on Wednesday. I am wondering what it is, why the "Ghost" designation, why the price hike, what is the ratio of this cover to regular covers.


    In other words, what makes it different besides the cover art, and why did I pay 4x what a regular print costs?








    Don't take this the wrong way but why did you buy something that was 4x cover if you had no clue what it was and/or why didn't you ask the person you bought it from what the deal with it was?


    As far as I'm aware no one knows what the print run of Ghosts are.





  6. So let me get this straight...

    Tommy Voltage comes onto a message board and tells whoever reads it that this particular shop is awful in essence.

    Larry, who is a retailer and I would think defends other retailers as he should basically calls out this poster and says he will share those statements with that LCS, who this just in runs a business with employees and people that count on employment, but Tommy did nothing wrong?


    To think anyone would agree with Tommy Voltage's statement and not think there would be repercussions is laughable.


    He offered his opinion on a LCS. Big deal?


    It's not what you say, it's how you say it.


    That wasn't the argument. The beef was apparently that someone said a shop was "awful". Who cares?


    There's this carpet shop in the UK called Carpet Right. AWFUL. I got my living room carpet from them and I reckon a monkey could have fitted it better. Loads of wrinkles up by the bay window. Is everyone offended yet? Google for their details so you can let them know what I think of their shop because they'll really care. And posting your opinion of a shop is slander*.


    *Obviously it isn't and not just cos slander involves the spoken word, not written. :facepalm:




    But this isn't a carpet forum. This is a comic book forum where professional comic book dealers are sometimes bad mouthed by other posters. Sometimes the criticism is fair and well argued, often it is ignorant, unfounded and malicious, and therefore unfairly damaging to someone's professional reputation. If you don't see the distinction then maybe you Are just another noob.


    lol what do you mean this isn't a carpet forum??


    Are you suggesting that if I said the above in a carpet forum (they must exist, it's the internet) then it'd be normal for someone to post that they were gonna grass me up to Carpet Right for being a dissatisified customer? lol


    Man, this forum.

  7. So let me get this straight...

    Tommy Voltage comes onto a message board and tells whoever reads it that this particular shop is awful in essence.

    Larry, who is a retailer and I would think defends other retailers as he should basically calls out this poster and says he will share those statements with that LCS, who this just in runs a business with employees and people that count on employment, but Tommy did nothing wrong?


    To think anyone would agree with Tommy Voltage's statement and not think there would be repercussions is laughable.


    He offered his opinion on a LCS. Big deal?


    It's not what you say, it's how you say it.


    That wasn't the argument. The beef was apparently that someone said a shop was "awful". Who cares?


    There's this carpet shop in the UK called Carpet Right. AWFUL. I got my living room carpet from them and I reckon a monkey could have fitted it better. Loads of wrinkles up by the bay window. Is everyone offended yet? Google for their details so you can let them know what I think of their shop because they'll really care. And posting your opinion of a shop is slander*.


    *Obviously it isn't and not just cos slander involves the spoken word, not written. :facepalm:

  8. So let me get this straight...

    Tommy Voltage comes onto a message board and tells whoever reads it that this particular shop is awful in essence.

    Larry, who is a retailer and I would think defends other retailers as he should basically calls out this poster and says he will share those statements with that LCS, who this just in runs a business with employees and people that count on employment, but Tommy did nothing wrong?


    To think anyone would agree with Tommy Voltage's statement and not think there would be repercussions is laughable.


    He offered his opinion on a LCS. Big deal?


    My local newsagents sucks. Does anyone want their name, address, phone number so you can let them know my opinion?

  9. Larry might be the nicest guy on the planet but the phantom variants, from what I heard, were meant to be a way for people to get variants for cover price yet he sells them for $15. That's a blatant money grab. I don't have a problem with people making money but I'd have a problem if say, Apple said they created the ipad mini in order to create more jobs in china and do all them workers a favour.


    Also, he does himself no favours on this board and comes across really really unprofessional. If he owned my local comic shop I'd rather travel further to a different one.


    He also reminds me of...







  10. ^ Dude youre doing it wrong.

    If Andy70 didnt write his message in this format

    People like katchoo would not be able to comprehend


    Hi guys!


    I was going to comment, but just couldn't be bothered.

    He's been trolling since day 1.

    Besides to argue with the likes of this knobjockey means lowering my IQ to a level only obtainable via a lobotomy.



    Oh away and shout at e.s. about variants.

  11. Somehow we seem to have time-travelled back to the '90's.

    Every-one cancel their orders,I'll buy one and we can all post it to each other after reading.

    We will still all have read it before #2 comes out....

    150,000 - be lucky to shift 20,000.

    I just don't get the business plan for this at all.

    Image are going to get about 130,000 comics for firestarters.

    There are some outright bafflingly illogical events happening this month for sure. (shrug)


    Who taught you to take a new line for every sentence?

  12. Comics that shouldn't be heating up on Ebay:


    Spawn 9

    The Activity



    I have read some bad comics in my day but The Activity?! This book is awful and I cannot believe that it's selling for this much.


    I believe there is an Activity going on in the movies:



    I guess all it takes are some talks....


    I'm pretty sure they are both holding out for a tv show off the back of the Activity though it'll be a hard sell due to very low sales and well, cos the comic isn't any good. With sales the way they are I doubt Nathan and Mitch are making any money off it at all just now. Nathan has got his pals like writer Brad Thor to post on twitter about how awesome the Activity is but I think people can usually tell when another writer genuinely loves a book and posts about it and when they are just posting as a favour. Like when you take the hyped blurb on the front of a #1 comic with a rather large pinch of salt or possibly ignore it altogether. I think they've done just about everything they can to push it bar billboard and tv ads. I guess they have a lot of faith in those "talks". I'm just not sure why he's pushing this book so hard. WIJE? was his good book.

  13. I genuinely hope Hickman never reads this thread. Same goes for most other creators of moderns. I honestly can't imagine what they would think about 95%+ of posts being about how people can or can't make money off their books.


    Yeah. I tried making that point once when people were :banana: and :whee: right in front of a creator because the print run of their comic was tiny. My point wasn't received too well by the forum regulars, unfortunately, so prepare for the potential backlash.


    The point might be better made by someone who doesn't also advocate for pirated downloads in this same forum. doh!


    Just out of interest, do you ignore and/or ridicule and/or facepalm everything Neil Gaiman or Brandon Graham or Mark Waid or Paulo Coelho or any of the numerous others who have gone on the record to say piracy isn't "bad mm'kay" and can actually be really good for the aritists and increase sales, whenever they make a point about something else?


    Just out of curiosity, do Neil Gaiman, Brandon Graham, et al speak for everyone? Is theirs the final word? Why do you choose to ignore the majority of creators who don't like piracy? Oh right, they're just "company men". :eyeroll:


    Citation needed. Did you do a survey? hm

  14. I genuinely hope Hickman never reads this thread. Same goes for most other creators of moderns. I honestly can't imagine what they would think about 95%+ of posts being about how people can or can't make money off their books.


    Yeah. I tried making that point once when people were :banana: and :whee: right in front of a creator because the print run of their comic was tiny. My point wasn't received too well by the forum regulars, unfortunately, so prepare for the potential backlash.


    The point might be better made by someone who doesn't also advocate for pirated downloads in this same forum. doh!


    Just out of interest, do you ignore and/or ridicule and/or facepalm everything Neil Gaiman or Brandon Graham or Mark Waid or Paulo Coelho or any of the numerous others who have gone on the record to say piracy isn't "bad mm'kay" and can actually be really good for the aritists and increase sales, whenever they make a point about something else?

  15. I genuinely hope Hickman never reads this thread. Same goes for most other creators of moderns. I honestly can't imagine what they would think about 95%+ of posts being about how people can or can't make money off their books.


    Yeah. I tried making that point once when people were :banana: and :whee: right in front of a creator because the print run of their comic was tiny. My point wasn't received too well by the forum regulars, unfortunately, so prepare for the potential backlash.


    The point might be better made by someone who doesn't also advocate for pirated downloads in this same forum. doh!


    Because digital piracy funds terrorism. The company men in the entertainment industry say so. :ohnoez:


    But I'm glad it's not my point that people had a problem with. Good to know :)

  16. I genuinely hope Hickman never reads this thread. Same goes for most other creators of moderns. I honestly can't imagine what they would think about 95%+ of posts being about how people can or can't make money off their books.


    Yeah. I tried making that point once when people were :banana: and :whee: right in front of a creator because the print run of their comic was tiny. My point wasn't received too well by the forum regulars, unfortunately, so prepare for the potential backlash.