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Everything posted by Darkowl

  1. Sounds crazy, right? But it seems like this book has exploded in value in recent times, and It seems like Disney is to blame? Are we now seeing a bubble for what used to be "secure" books/buys?
  2. Take X-Men 266, NM87, and Astonishing X-Men 1 per PM.
  3. I'm actually not sure how true that is. My local comic shops would be out of business if they didn't carry modern books. I think there's another side to this coin. Also, people seem love modern variants.
  4. Nothing is a guarantee, and Disney could totally butcher the X-Men, though the more likely scenario is that Disney will make the X-Men even more popular and mainstream than what they currently are. Hard to imagine, but that's exactly what Disney does best. Look at what they did for GOTG. No one even cared about Rocket, Groot, Starlord, etc. Now everyone knows who they are. But again, Wolverine doesn't need the movies to maintain his iconic status. The movies are more of a bonus than anything. I will add this though, I'm smart enough to know that I don't know as much as I think I do, and life has a funny way of flipping things upside down as soon as you think you've figured it out. In other words, I could be totally wrong about the future value of Hulk 181. PS. I'm actually more concerned about the value of GSX1. The value on that book was pretty stagnant, until there was word of Disney buying X-Men.
  5. Generally speaking, I can't notice a difference between a 9.8 and a 9.9. Then again, this is just with the naked eye. I also have owned 9.8's that should have been 9.6's. Regardless, the grading system has never been and will never be perfect, hence the classic phrase, "Buy the book, not the grade.". That's sound advice, unless you plan on flipping the book for a profit. In regards to Hulk 181, I remember several years back when people were complaining about how expensive/overpriced it was, and that the bubble would burst, and blah, blah, blah. I'm so glad I didn't listen to those people, because I've made thousands off of H181 (i just stayed away from this book in the 9.8 grade). So, if the bubble bursts, it's several years away from happening, and it's not going to be a burst, but rather a slow leak that leads to its value deppreciation. I don't even see this happening though. The very fact that Disney is going to be making X-Men movies for the next 10 years is all the reason one needs to hop on the Hulk 181 investment train. Putting that aside, Wolverine isn't a character that was made popular through movies. He's one of the most iconic superheros in comic book history, and that alone will prevent a Hulk 181 bubble from ever forming.
  6. Any more of these left? If so, I'll take a pack of 50.
  7. He should be wearing a face mask too. Wouldn't want pieces of his pubic hair mustache to fall and land in my book.
  8. Totally. This is what makes the CGC Signature Series so valuable in the first place. Lose that one aspect of it, and it's worthless in my eyes.
  9. True story: I used to work at a hospital where a doctor was told by Security that they have a master key that will open any lock. Well, the doctor locked his keys in his car, and remembering what the security staff had told him, he seriously asked if they could unlock his car. That's what I call a key issue.
  10. Maher originally targeted Stan's legacy, then he saw all of the backlash from the disgusting remark he made, and in an attempt to cover his butt , he tried shifting the focus on just the fans: “I’m not glad Stan Lee is dead, I’m sad you’re alive". This is so much more than just a differing opinion. This is big time bully mentality.
  11. So glad this isn't happening. I love Gambit, but there are MUCH better actors for the role. Sorry Tatum, but you were going to turn this into a damn rom com. Disney is going to re-launch X-Men, and will do Gambit (and Rogue for that matter) justice. I promise you that.
  12. Hulk 181 has officially been sold!
  13. Let's spice things up a bit! The first person to claim the Hulk 181 in the thread will receive this little bad boy...
  14. Price drop! Let's get this thing sold!
  15. Still an affordable key though! It's the books like BA12 that make no sense to me.
  16. Why is Avengers 1 on the cheap? I'm still scratching my head about that one. It seemed like it was on par with X-Men 1, but now X-Men keys are really hot thanks to the Disney/Fox deal.