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Everything posted by Darkowl

  1. This is kind of a random listing, but I think any Hulk or Joker/HQ fan might be interested, especially If you're a guitarist! These are made by Lovepedal, and the production run was very limited. The Hulk pedal can be pretty difficult to find. The HQ pedal is a boost, while the Hulk pedal is an overdrive (think Ibanez TS9 variant). Both are in mint condition, and come with their original boxes. The Hulk pedal usually sells for over $100 (if you can find it), and the HQ pedal sells for about $70 and up. I'm asking $175 shipped for both, or $110 shipped for the Hulk and $70 shipped for the HQ. Paypal works. US shipping only. Thanks for looking.
  2. It's things like this have bothered me about King's writing. I own several of his books, and It seems like there's always one part that Is awkward as hell.
  3. Saw it last night. Im a little torn. I enjoyed the humor, while I thought the action was a bit on the weak side, and there should have been more. The Washington Monument scene was the superhero equivalent of a fireman rescuing a cat out of a tree. It was cliche, and the final battle scene was pretty anti climatic. It could have been much better. The boat scene was great though! Michael Keaton was fantastic, but I felt like his screen time and character development got short changed. It was a bit of a missed opportunity. 7.5/10 for me.
  4. My wife and I saw it night. We were both very impressed.
  5. Crazy. A movie like this has never been done before. I wonder what they plan on doing after these films.
  6. They should have gone with a different ending.
  7. I'm really burned out with X-Men films. Quicksilver was the most refreshing thing about these last movies, and I'm not sure If they will bring him back. Logan was the obvious exception to the rule, and with Jackman gone, I'm not that hopeful. He was pretty much the foundation and anchor for the X-Men films. I just have zero interest at this point. I would love to see everything redone. New actors, new directors, new writers, etc. Good luck on replacing Jackman though.
  8. I saw it again last night. It was just as good the second time around. This is the only superhero movie I've seen where I really care about the characters without ever reading the comics.
  9. Saw it tonight. Loved it! I thought it was way funnier than the first. Drax and Rocket had me busting up throughout the whole movie.
  10. I'm a definitely a King fan. I read a heap of his books by the time I was 15. My mom hated that I read his stuff, but she was happy that I was at least reading. I think Pet Semetary was the only novel that King regrets writing.
  11. There are very few movies I hate in general. Even all the movies that are hated by the majority of people, I can still find some entertainment value in them. I think when people dislike a movie like Logan, they usually have a checklist of expectations, and are constantly looking for ways to improve it, instead of just enjoying the ride. It's like driving to a beach, and instead of enjoying the beach, you complain about the traffic on the way there. You get so focused on the small details and imperfections that you fail to enjoy the big picture. Logan isnt a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination, but it's still an incredible movie, and is much better than most of the comic book garbage that's been released. It obviously hit home for the majority of Wolverine fans, and deserves the credit and acknowledgment its received. The best thing Logan did (and Deadpool for that matter) was raise the bar for superhero movies to come. We're going to see a major change in how these movies are made from here on out.
  12. I saw it Friday night and LOVED it! I invited my brother who didnt even want to see it, but he ended up liking it just as much as I did. I recommend tossing out any expectations for good story and character development. John C Reiley's character was the only one I cared about. Overall, If you want to see a good monster movie with tons of action, then you will enjoy it! Btw, be sure to stick around for the credit scene!
  13. I disagree. Wolverine was old, exhausted, and mentally done with life. He had legitimate reasons for his attitude and complaining. It's very different from whining. Besides, after everything that he had been through, I wouldnt even blame him for whining If he did. He didn't run away all the time either. There were several times where he stood his ground and confronted the enemy. One could also argue that Logan seemed to be on the run, because he didnt want prof x to be caught up in the crossfire, so getting away from all the danger was the safest route possible.
  14. In that case, be sure to never read any books on music theory, because you'll probably end up hating your favorite bands.
  15. Logan is far from any trendy movies in Hollywood. It's not the "whining" that gives this film heart. The heart of the movie has already been discussed in this thread, but you're choosing to focus on only side of the coin. No matter though. To each their own. I am sorry that you didn't enjoy Logan as much as the general public did.
  16. I gotta ask, what's it like to be a Wolverine fan since the beginning, and what were your first impressions of him?
  17. Ha! No kidding! It's kinda funny, my brothers and I saw this movie with our spouses, and they didnt shed a tear, but we were a mess. I think the Wolvie fans take this film to a personal level, which is one reason why it's been so effective.
  18. I started getting teary eyed just reading that. Good grief. What has this movie done to me?
  19. I know what you mean. It's been on my mind ever since I saw it last Friday. I almost broke into tears again just thinking about one scene in particular. I don't cry at movies, and it's rare when a film sticks with me for this long. This film has permanently changed my perspective towards the X-Men.